The Musketeers of Haven: a Science Fiction Story by M S Lawson - HTML preview

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Some writers acknowledge help in writing their books I can only point to self-imposed obstacles, notably the temptations of the computer games produced by the Swedish game developer Paradox. Hearts of Iron IV (World War II grand strategy) and its various mods, as well as Stellaris (space empires strategy) and Imperator: Rome (grand strategy in the Roman world), occupied time which I should have spent on this book. Curse you Paradox. The venerable Civilization IV (Firaxis Games) – never could get into Civs V or VI -  also chewed up a lot of time, as did They Are Billions by Polish developer  Numantian Games. A dishonourable mention must also go to Lion Shield’s Kingdoms and Castles. Curse you computer game developers; curse you all.