The Perennial Migration by D. M. Kirtaime - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


As soon as the old breed advanced, Leo crouched, covered his head with his arms and closed his eyes. And waited for the first blows to pound against his body. He heard the dry dust on the ground spread under the weight of shuffling boots, and so was even more puzzled not to yet have pain inflicted. Leo opened his eyes as one of them shouted “Circle Defence!”

Within seconds the old breed in attendance had formed a circle, facing outwards from Leo's position. One of them, who gave the order earlier, entered the circle and approached him. The man was of sturdy build and on account of the brown leather oil-stained apron he wore, looked as though he was a metalsmith. Once he was next to Leo he said “Stand up and let me shake your hand.”

Relieved, Leo arose and without words gave the man his hand. After he shook Leo's hand, the white haired man said “Hi I'm Relt, the smith and nominated leader.”

“Why the defence position?” Leo asked

“Because daylight is coming to an end and we should be tucked away safe – night belongs to the wild.” Relt warned, looking up direct at the sky. And as he looked back at Leo added “We, the old breed don't judge others and peoples' backgrounds are of no concern to us. We welcome those who come in peace.”

Leo gave a short smile in acceptance and confirmed “Yes, I come in peace and consider it an honour if you'd allow me to join your settlement.”

“Okay, enough with talk for now. Drop the ramp and let's get inside – everyone!” Relt prompted.

Everyone of them reacted, tugging on ropes around pulleys to lower a steel ramp; which allowed entry to an elevated network of pre-world war industrial cargo containers. Once inside, the whole settlement population was safe from predators. After the last of the old breed entered, the ramp was elevated and secured. Leo followed most of them to the main meeting place, although some others went elsewhere. The meeting hall, as they called it, served as a food canteen and had a large kitchen and storage container connected. Leo received a tour of the accommodation containers and learned that he was to share one with other members of the old breed. But he did find impressive how much space such a container offered.

Relt appeared later at Leo's container and mentioned “Forgive me, I forgot to ask you for your name, outside earlier. So what's your name?”

“No, it's fine, I should have introduced myself. 'Leo', well 'Leopold' but 'Leo' to friends and family.” He confirmed.

“It shall be 'Leo'. Well it has been a long and hard day, so if you'd care to join me, we'll go and help prepare our evening meal with the rest.” Relt said.

As they arrived at the meeting hall, everyone had been busy attending to various tasks, from setting tables to preparing food in the kitchen. Relt took Leo with him into the kitchen, and they both helped to place the full and hot pots along the bar. They assisted with serving plates at the opposite side of the bar, to the others who arrived for meals. Once everyone had received a meal, those in the kitchen took a plate and served themselves from the vegetables, potatoes, meats and bread, and joined the others at the tables.

Over dinner, Leo asked “Relt, so how does everyone know what responsibilities they have within the settlement?” And pointing to the kitchen added “Who hunts or gets food?”

Relt swallowed a chewed mouthful of vegetables. He took a drink of water and explained “Well the most important rule is that anyone who has a skill, from which the settlement could profit; should show themselves as an expert. Those who don't have a particular skill or trade, can choose from a list of tasks and can specialise in one if they wish. In addition, everyone is expected to help with what we call core tasks. This included defence, operating the ramp, and any other group jobs that needed help. As for food, we have a team of hunters and a group of refuse combers, who search through the plastic cocoons which exit the dome refuse disposal tubes.”

Leo's chewing came to a sudden stop, at the thought of combing through refuse disposal cocoons. Relt, upon noticing Leo's face cringe, let out a loud laugh and added “Life outside the domes is different and hard, but we're free. No-one is forced to stay in the settlement though anyone can leave if they so wish.”

“So what do you think best suits me as a trade?” asked Leo. Pondering first for a few minutes on this question, Relt said “Um, well not knowing of your past, but looking at your strong physical build; I'd have tipped that you could be suited as a smith!”

“You said that peoples' backgrounds are not of concern. But to help me fit best into the settlement, I must tell you that my skill is soldiering.” Leo disclosed.

Relt gave a knowing nod of his head and said “You're being modest Leo. And you'd be surprised how well you could use your soldiering skills with many trades. You don't have to stick with the one trade, you can try any others whenever you want. So is there any skill or trade which takes your fancy now?”

Leo was glad for the opportunity to select. It had been a long time since others showed an interest in him. So without further hesitation he said “Well, if possible, I'd love to have a go at hunting. At least then I'd have a better feeling being able to contribute more to the settlement.”

Relt was quick to confirm “Fine. But it's important to remember that everyone in the settlement contributes as best they can, and in many ways. As part of the hunting team you'll be trained and will need to learn the discipline of just hunting for our basic needs – we respect every creature.”

“I understand and respect that.” said Leo.

Relt confirmed “So hunting it shall be then. I'll let the quartermaster and the hunting group know. Tomorrow I'll take you the quartermaster to collect your clothing and equipment and then take you out to the hunting group at the outpost.”