The Perennial Migration by D. M. Kirtaime - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


As arranged with his sister the evening before, Thorn carried on with his planned tasks. Once he was out in his O.D.S.V for his shift, although he normally started from the spot he left off from at the end of the last shift; this time he went to ground level. He worked along the base panels of the dome. For his lunch period he parked the vehicle near one of the old breed tents, which when out rummaging through the refuse disposal cocoons was used as a shelter. He had not started on his sandwiches before one of the old breed men walked passed and bid him a good day.

Thorn called out and asked “Hey, is Relt around today?”

The man said “Well I haven't seen him this morning yet, but sometimes he comes along to check ejected cocoons for any metals.”

“Okay, thanks. Good day.” Thorn concluded.

Thorn got stuck into his sandwiches with pauses for a drink to swill the munched food. Gazing across the open ground full of rummaged refuse, he saw the unmistakable outline of Relt the smith.

Thorn waved and called out “Relt, Relt!”

Relt looked over having heard his name being called and was sure that the person was one of the non-chevron trade workers. He decided to greet the man who apparently knew him.

Relt called back “Hi, who's that there then?”

As Relt came into view, Thorn said “It's me, Thorn, remember?”

Relt clambered over rubble and shoved large debris aside as he walked over to the worker. As he got to within a few metres he recognised Thorn, the day-dreaming dome repairer who always was good for a chat.

“Well hello Thorn, haven't seen you for a while here on our level – how are you?” Relt asked.

Thorn said “Fine thanks Relt. I'm so glad that our paths crossed today as I need your help and advice.”

Relt was a person people could approach for advice on nearly everything. So Relt was glad to be able to help this newer breed chap, and said “Hey Thorn, certainly! How can I help?”

“Well if you have a spare thirty minutes, hop on board my vehicle and I can explain.” Thorn said.

Relt complied and after wiping his hands along the sides of his trouser legs, stepped up into the O.D.S.V; which was in 'park hover' gear at fifty centimetres from the ground. Once both were on board, Thorn switched off the vehicle's radio and navigation console which served for tracking purposes too.

“So how can I help you my friend?” asked Relt, sitting on one of the orange passenger seats.

Thorn commenced “Well first let me tell you what has happened so far – then I'll explain how you can maybe help me.”

“Fine by me. Tell me. I do enjoy a story.” said Relt.

“Well, the other evening I called by my sister's place. My sister is a nurse at Hospital Dome Ninety Seven. And while at her place, she showed me a strange purple fluid she had sneaked out from work. Even more strange is that this stuff was a result of what started as a skin rash on victims' wrists above the chip implant. After the victims arrived at hospital, the rash turned into enlarged pores, craters from which this fluid oozed. This fluid is a living organism and grew as it nourished itself on any material other than glass. Another thing is that my sister said that the fluid didn't harm the victims' bodies. But she wasn't sure if the fluid was infectious.” Thorn explained.

Relt listened and his expression gave away that this news did not come as a complete surprise.

He asked “Thorn, tell me now how you think that I can be of help. Afterwards it could be that I have information for you.”

Thorn continued as asked “We decided that to tackle this problem by different approaches was best. My sister was to attend work and note which procedure they had adopted. If the staff informed the Administration Force, mine was to be followed. And she intended to try to get a message to our parents in the pension dome. My approach being to seek you out as you might help us get information relating to the wrist chips and their production. And second, as we don't know what the cause of the problem is, to search for a method of removing our chips without sounding an alarm.”

Relt commented “Okay Thorn. Please listen because what I tell you now isn't that glamorous I'm afraid... but it's the truth at least. I'll start with the wrist chips. Back during the dome network construction, and the Administration Centres were cleansing the old worldwide civilisation; the registration for newer breed citizenship began - no offence meant there mate. Those selected had to undergo a wrist chip implant procedure. So there was more pressure placed on the World Administration as they wanted to control the public by chip with no exceptions. But at the time they didn't have adequate resources for production as establishing the global dome network had the highest priority for their labour employees. A chip vendor company announced their product, available in adequate quantities ready for issue. I am sure you can imagine how this supply was the best choice for them. The product so convenient and low cost that the credibility of the vendor became irrelevant. The company even showed how discreet they were by ensuring that production and storage took place underground with tight security. In reality there was no test phase within the Administration Centres for the chip implants. As for the vending company personnel, there's more to tell you later.”

Thorn passed his water bottle over to Relt.

After drinking water, Relt proceeded “And now I want to tell you what I know of the pension dome. It hurts me to have to tell you it does not exist. I'm sorry Thorn, but did you ever ask yourself why you'd never seen a colleague after they retired; or sighted anyone sixty years or older anywhere within the World Administration network? On every newer breed's sixtieth birthday a card is sent from the World Administration and it's saturated with poison and perfume scented. The World Administration staff intercepted your messages sent to your parents. For the incoming calls they use voice synchronisation software, having recorded your parents voices upon arrival. Again mate, I'm so sorry.”

Thorn felt as though he had just received a punch to the stomach. His walls of reality just crumbled around him. Pictures of his mother and father ran through his mind in old film format. He prayed that their last moments were together, that death was quick, and that neither had to watch the other go. His thoughts focused on True, 'how should I tell her what happened to our parents?'.

Relt gave Thorn a reassuring light pat on the shoulder and asked “Are you fine for me to continue?”

Thorn wiped his tears away and after sniffing through his nostrils said “Ah, yeah Relt, I'm fine – please continue.”

“I have good news to do with the wrist chip though. For our trading relationships with your breed we had to find a solution for the couriers getting in and out of the refuse disposal tubes. Through our newer breed trade contacts we got a copy of the blueprint for the deactivation scanners and from that built one ourselves. If we were to deactivate too many wrist chips the wrong people may get suspicious, but a few is okay. As you can't stray that far away from the dome perimeter, if you wait I'll get our scanner. And once your chip is deactivated we can extract it for you. The same goes for your sister. Anyone else? Brother or sister?” Relt asked.

“Thanks Relt, I was sure I could count on you. Apart from my sister, I have an older brother Leopold or 'Leo' as I call him. But he was up in front of a military court not too long ago, charged for conspiring against the World Administration, and we haven't heard from him since then.” Thorn explained.

Relt stood up and walked over to the vehicle hatch. Upon leaving Thorn's vehicle he said “Don't you go anywhere now Thorn. I'll go and get the scanner and return in half an hour.”

Thorn gave Relt a wave of his hand and said “Thanks again Relt. In the meantime, I'll pretend that I'm busy on a task – I'm good at that!” with a smirk on his face.

Jumping in the driver's seat, Thorn started the vehicle and parked it again fifty metres further on around the dome; to give the vehicle's work protocol something to record. He left the vehicle and started with sealing a panel, which was not in need of repair.

The thirty minutes went by fast and to the minute Relt had kept his word. As he saw Relt returning, it alarmed Thorn to see a stranger with him. As the only defensive precaution available, Thorn disappeared in through his vehicle hatch and locked it. He then watched the approaching men through the safety of his wind screen. Thorn found it strange that that the other man looked somewhat familiar to him. As they came closer to the vehicle he laughed and cursed himself for being so stupid – how could he not recognise his own brother? Thorn opened the hatch and gave Leo a strong hug as he entered the vehicle. Relt came in behind Leo.

Although Leo did not need an introduction, Relt explained “Leo joined our settlement after being escorted out of the dome network. Oh, please excuse Leo's attire. Since joining us he has been part of our hunting group. I had sighted them returning from the hunt.”

Relieved knowing his brother was fine, Thorn said “Nothing better could have happened as him joining your settlement, Relt.”

Relt blushed and said “Okay Thorn, let's sort out your chip. Leo, you can help too. Can you first take hold of this bottle and scalpel?”

Leo took the small bottle of anaesthetic fluid and the still-sterile blue handled scalpel. He held the items ready for use and watched Relt.

Relt took Thorn's hand, pushing the shirt sleeve up to expose the skin covering the chip. He then scanned the skin and placed the machine back in his large jacket pocket once done. He called to Leo “Now give me the bottle please.”

Leo passed him the bottle. Relt took a clean cloth from his top left jacket pocket, opened the bottle and dipped in the cloth.

Once the cloth soaked up the liquid, he rubbed it over the skin on Thorn's wrist and said “Wait a few minutes and let me know once it's numb.”

After a few minutes had passed, Thorn looked at Relt and confirmed “Yep, numb and swollen now.” and tapped his opposite wrist with his left-hand forefinger.

To relax the somewhat tense atmosphere in the vehicle, Relt spoke to the others and said “So how did the hunt go today Leo?”

Leo explained “Well the traps we left out yesterday caught a few rabbits. But early this morning we spotted and gave chase to a wild pig – using the tactic of two groups; one went ahead, and the other continued chase until we had it surrounded.”

Relt reminded Leo “Remember necessity? Be grateful for what you catch and always remember that we kill game just for our basic needs.”

Leo had been listening even though he was out of place with regards the talking theme of hunting. Thorn felt a slight tug on his arm and as he looked seen that the surgical task had taken place. And that Relt had applied a bandage around his wrist. As the chip position was not deep under the skin, extraction was possible with hardly any bleeding.

“There you go mate – finished. I'll get this chip dismantled, if you don't mind Thorn, to look at what we can discover connected to the virus outbreak.” Relt said after rubbing the chip clean with a cloth to hold up for inspection by the trio.

Relieved, now to be wrist chip free, Thorn consented “Sure, take the horrible thing with you. I'll head back to the depot and liaise with True this evening. I think it best for True and myself to exit the accommodation dome through a refuse disposal tube. Relt, could you organise a rescue team to be outside waiting? True's chip needs to be deactivated before we travel any further outside though.”

Relt said “Sure thing. As you'll be escaping through the refuse disposal tube, the newer breed have no reason to suspect a group of old breed rummaging through the ejected cocoons. We'll rig up one of our tents, so we can remove your sister's chip as soon as possible. We'll do patrols, disguised as foragers, to find the tube from which you'll exit. I'll arrange for a change of clothing for you both. For the sake of your own safety you'd want to blend in as part of the old breed population.”

Looking at Leo, Relt grinned and continued “I suppose that I can count on you wanting to be part of the 'Rescue' team for your brother and sister?”

Leo was quick to reply with “You bet I do!”

“Great, that's settled. Leo, let's move out now so that Thorn can start out on his return journey.” Relt said as he stood up to leave the vehicle.

Leo stood up upon Relt's instruction, gave Thorn a brotherly hug and followed Relt out of the vehicle. Within minutes Thorn called them back.

As they arrived back at the vehicle Relt asked “Problem?”

Thorn explained “Damn, I'm afraid so – without the wrist chip I can't start this block of metal they call a vehicle!”

Leo smiled and as they both climbed back on board said “Relt, give me the chip for a moment.”

Relt handed Leo the chip he had extracted from Thorn's wrist earlier.

Leo continued to explain “One thing soldiers are shown in training is how to start a W.A.F vehicle in an emergency. And so I'm sure that the same trick will work for your vehicle Thorn.”

Leo passed Thorn the chip and said “Now hold the chip over the ignition censor.”

Thorn did as Leo asked and held the chip over the ignition censor on the central dashboard. The vehicle motor then gave off the expected sound of the metal turbine starting.

“Now switch on the auto-pilot please.” said Leo

As Thorn flicked the auto-pilot switch on the left-hand dashboard, Leo leaned over his shoulder and thumped the dashboard just below the auto-pilot switch with his fist. Both Relt and Thorn looked bewildered at Leo as if to say 'Well we could have done that too!'.

Leo saw they wanted an explanation, so he pointed at the dashboard and said “The auto-pilot memory card is behind the left dashboard, below the auto-pilot switch. When I hit the dashboard, the memory card should have carried out a check and made a running backup; which I hope contained the chip identification code and data. Thorn, you should now be able to use the auto-pilot switch for ignition – switch off the auto-pilot, stop the engine now and try it.”

Thorn then switched the auto-pilot off and hit the shut-off button.

The memory card needed a few minutes to run the program command, but followed it and started the vehicle motor.

Leo added “You now just need to let the auto-pilot drive – but I gather you'll not be using the vehicle that much longer!”

Once both Leo and Relt had left the vehicle again and had shut the hatch, Thorn entered the return route coordinates into the navigation console. He could return to the depot after his shift, park up and be home to tidy up before True arrived. As he arrived back at the depot, Thorn noticed that a group of two-chevron trade colleagues had gathered around the main office. Thorn thought that the occurrence was strange as most of them did not hang around at work for long once their shifts had finished. After parking his vehicle, he first went into the office to hand in his vehicle keys and clock out with his employee card.

When he came out the office he commented “Is it my birthday? I'll take the presents now thank you!”

Thorn's colleagues looked at him, but none had smiles on their faces. One colleague, who was leading the conversation among the men, stepped towards Thorn and said “Haven't you heard yet what happened at the hospital dome?”

Thinking of his sister True, Thorn said “Um no. Why, what's up with it?”

The man explained “Well, it's been the talk everywhere today. Every tunnel leading to Hospital Dome Ninety Seven is closed. Doesn't your sister work there?”

Thorn said “Strange, maybe it's due to construction work in the tunnels? Yep, my sister works there, but she'd have called me if something was up at work.”

Another voice from within the group spoke “But not if she couldn't leave! I reckon they may not evacuate everyone out of that dome in an emergency.”

Thorn reassured the group “Well, in an emergency who knows what can happen. But it sounds as though it's a routine maintenance measure. There might be gas pipes that need to be repaired, which made sense to close the tunnels to the public.”

He left the group to continue discussing their theories further. Thorn walked to an elevator capsule in a casual manner and upon opening it, walked in and closed the door. The navigation console received the instruction to take him home. He decided not to check his email and instead to place an order for a large dinner, intending for the food to be enough for both his sister and himself. He knew that ordering meals could raise suspicion if they were under observation. Using the same console in the capsule, he placed an order for beans, ham and mashed potato; baguette, salad and cake as dessert.

By quarter to six in the evening Thorn arrived back at home, carried out blitz cleaning of the apartment and took delivery of the evening meal. True was to arrive at seven on the dot and with the elevator network it was possible to instruct the navigation console for a destination time of arrival. He prepared the table for them both and unpacked the delivered meal. Thinking back at what the work group were talking over earlier, he hoped that True got out without being kept in quarantine or even worst, arrested. Thorn checked his watch every few minutes, now that True's scheduled arrival time had passed and there was no sign of his sister.

At first he thought that the delay may have been due to the dome closure, resulting in the traffic jams within the elevator network. But after one hour scrapped that theory. Thorn had not touched the food and lost his appetite. Now growing even more concerned by the minute, Thorn used the elevator to get as close as possible to the hospital dome to try to find his sister. Just in case, he left a message for her on the apartment door and sent an email to her explaining what he had done.