The Perennial Migration by D. M. Kirtaime - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


Thorn returned to the location at which Jessica and True had been waiting for him. When he arrived they both looked up towards the middle of the dome, at the colossal hospital platform towering fifty metres in the air.

True asked “I wonder what happened to those patients on the platform?”

“I guess the quarantine must have broken, and as for the patients well we have seen how many had met a horrible end. Others escaped as I cut a doorway in the tunnel seal.” Thorn added.

Jessica still looked at the platform and pointing in the same direction said “Look! Part of the platform has turned grey and is, well, hollow – even transparent.”

True looked at Thorn and they both gave each other a knowing stare.

True explained “Jessica, you know that patients have been in quarantine?”

“Yes I'm aware of that.” she said.

“Well the virus, the fluid, is what caused the current destruction.” True continued.

Thorn nodded his head in agreement and added “One thing still puzzles me though, that these lizard people or whatever they are; are either immune to this virus or their arrival and departure from the dome was part of a timed plan. If the latter, it showed there was more behind these apocalyptic events; and the whole virus outbreak took place according to a secret agenda.”

True asked Thorn “Do you think that something this evil could be part of an agenda?”

“Well True, I gained information from the outside, from my old breed contact. You can acquaint yourself with him, um.... and the rest of the rescue team in a while. We can then update each other with what details we have and maybe fit the pieces of the puzzle together.” Thorn said.

Mid-sentence, Thorn remembered that Leo should be part of the rescue team and did not want to spoil the surprise for his sister. Jessica now prompted the other pair into action, which showed that they thought the reptilians had not left, or might still be returning. So Thorn led the group and increased the pace when he saw the large refuse disposal tube in the distance. As they came within twenty metres of the tube, Thorn disclosed to Jessica and True that exit from the hospital dome was to be through that tube.

When the refuse disposal tube was ten metres away Thorn said in a quiet tone “If you both wait, I'll go and check the refuse disposal zone. Under the circumstances though I reckon none of the guards or workers are there. I'll flash the torch twice when it's safe for you to follow me.”

Jessica and True again both waited for Thorn to return and collect them. Thorn left them and went to check the zone ahead. As he got closer the familiar smell of domestic refuse reached his nostrils. And although not that repulsive he looked forward to being back outside and breathing fresh air again. Approaching the refuse disposal tube loading machine, Thorn stopped to admire this huge and monstrous iron construction; which masked many conveyor belts and robotic arms of various sizes.

The wall of empty cocoons, towering above him rack upon rack, emphasised just how small humans on this planet are. The whole zone was desolate, which was to be expected after the reptilian attack. Thorn checked every corner and shadow, and upon the second round he was content it was safe; and switched the torch on and off twice to signal to Jessica and True. Upon seeing Thorn's signal they followed the route he had taken and headed towards the torch light. As Thorn came into view, he looked in their direction and waved for them to hurry. Once they neared the zone, True pointed at the black-haired man dressed in a black hooded cloak, who stood just behind Thorn.

She said to Jessica “Looks as though Thorn found someone.”

Upon arriving at the Thorn's location and assuming he knew that the person stood behind him; True looked at Thorn first, and next at the hooded man and said “Hello I'm Trudy and she is Jessica.”

As he was sure not one person or reptilian was within the refuse disposal tube zone, Thorn jumped in shock upon realising that True was talking to someone behind him. As he jumped, out of reflex he turned towards the hooded person. The hooded man's face looked different – it just was not natural. When Thorn viewed the face, it was as if through three-dimensional glasses. He tried to adjust the angle from which he observed the man's face, but the face remained in the strange form. It was at that moment that Thorn recalled that he had seen the same black cloak earlier.

At once Thorn held his weapon to the stranger's face and in a demanding tone asked “Who are you? That's not a human's face! What do you want?”

Although puzzled by Thorn's reaction, Jessica trusted his instinct and now pointed her weapon at the man too.

“Thorn? Jessica? Everything Okay?” True asked.

Thorn kept a close eye on the stranger and said “We'll know within the next few minutes I imagine.”

The man produced a green oval device from his cloak and pressed a black button on it. The three had now become witness to a technology unknown to them. At first the face distorted, next the body outline changed, the body itself grew in size and the head hair disappeared. Now the face vibrated, and the shape morphed back to the original form – speechless, they watched as the disguise disappeared. The stone-hard evil glare and slithery forked tongue moving as if uncontrolled, was both grotesque and repulsive to this small group of humans.

The reptilian, ignoring the potential threat of the weapons, said “Today you ssurvive – I congratulate you humanss. But... the human world will not ssurvive!” Pointing up towards the now deteriorating hospital platform, it continued “You ssee – the viruss iss sspreading. Ssoon, ssoon we will return. We will take back what iss ourss.”

Before either Jessica, Thorn or True could ask questions, the reptilian turned and walked into the darkness of the dome centre. Had Thorn have had any test tube grenades left he could have thrown one after the reptilian. Without discussing this occurrence, they ran over to the refuse disposal tube. Thorn moved the cocoon crane arm and held up the loading panel on the side of the first tube.

Thorn explained “Once you're in the tube, just keep going. Although the tubes are long, a rescue team waits for us at the other end.”

He remembered this unofficial dome exit route from when they traded goods outside with the old breed. They decided it be best for Jessica to enter the tube first, followed by True; with Thorn last to cover the tunnel to the rear in case of unwelcome followers. Once the three of them entered the tunnel, Thorn closed the loading panel. Jessica now wore the head band with torch as she led the group through the refuse disposal tube; and needed to light ahead of them. It felt as though the tube stretched for miles. And within a short time feet, joints and hand palms ached; which was a sign that the design of the human body did not accommodate moving around in such cramped conditions. As thousands of cocoons launched through the refuse disposal tubes over time, the inside surface of the tube was smooth.

Jessica, being at the front, was the first to sight the round steel door at the end of the tube. She pushed the door bit by bit outwards, unsure if a rescue team awaited them. Hanging from the tube, she first let go once she seen the ground was just one metre away. True and later Thorn followed her out of the tube. And as Thorn landed, the door above them closed. As they looked around, none of them saw any sign of the rescue team. Jessica and True looked at Thorn for an explanation.

A harsh whisper came from three metres to their side “Get that light off now! And get into cover!”

Thorn was glad to recognise Relt's voice even though Jessica and True felt put off by his rough command. The camouflage of the rescue team had impressed Thorn. The ten men just a few metres away could not be seen. Each rescue team member wore a suite which covered the whole body. The suits' main frame was hand-made from string net, with hundreds of small bits of different coloured rags attached to it; distorting the human-form silhouette and blending into the surroundings.

Relt said to Thorn “Who is the third person? We expected just the pair of you.”

“Sorry Relt, allow me to introduce Jessica, a colleague of True's, who fought by my side earlier.” said Thorn pointing to Jessica and to the dome.

Relt shook hands with Jessica and True and said “Okay let's get into that tent.”

As planned before with Leo and Thorn, the rescue team erected a tent. Once in the hand-sewn brown leather tent, Relt ensured that they proceeded as quick as possible with attending to the wrist chips. He made sure that Leo was one of the men on guard outside the tent– plenty of time was available for a family reunion later once up the ramp.

Relt explained to Jessica and True “Before we can move we need to deactivate and remove the implanted wrist chips. Otherwise they'll trigger an alarm as you move away from the dome network.”

Both Jessica and True understood. True volunteered to have her wrist chip removed first. Relt, with Thorn's help, uncovered the part of skin on True's wrist which needed to be scanned; and soaked it with anaesthetic fluid. Afterwards he did the same with Jessica's wrist. By the time Relt finished deactivating the chips, he began with removing True's chip and Jessica's afterwards as the pair's wrists were now numb. Thorn assisted with bandaging up the wrists.

“We'll move disguised as a hunting group returning to the ramp.” Said Relt.

Relt signalled to a member of the rescue team to hand the three a camouflage suit each. The hunters among the team always had spares with them and so supplied Jessica with a suit too.

Relt added “Once you've got suits on, we can make a move. I thought you'd be leaving the dome much earlier, so guessed that something must have gone wrong. You can tell us what happened once up the ramp.”

Now with Jessica, Thorn and True camouflaged, the whole thirteen- person group were ready to move. Once outside, they collapsed the tent and packed it away. Relt produced a bunch of rabbits, which he had collected that morning from his snares; and shared them among the whole team to make them look the part as members of the hunting team. Leo winked at Thorn to let him know that he was part of the team. The group moved out in a tight formation, across the wasteland as quiet as possible. The journey to the ramp went without incident.

When they arrived at the ramp, they remained crouched while Relt cupped his hands together so that his thumbs pressed against each other. With the thumb knuckles as a mouth-piece, he blew and controlled the owl call by moving his fingers; the signal to lower the steel ramp. Once inside the cargo container network, the ramp elevated again and the whole group led by Relt went through to the food canteen as a warm meal awaited them.

Without wanting to be seen as rude guests, Jessica, True and Thorn fought to resist tucking into the food and drink. A serving of cooked fresh potatoes, vegetables, chicken and gravy was a different food experience for them. Once they placed the full plates of food upon the large table, they went over to the cloak room. In that room they could climb out of the camouflage suits, clean themselves up and change into more comfortable clothing; which Relt had had supplied for the three guests. As they came back over to the table, one of the other members of the rescue team waited for them.

True did not recognise him at first until he turned to face her and said “Welcome to the old breed settlement sis'!”

She could not believe that standing before her now was her brother Leo. Although she had been thinking of him, he was the last person she expected to see today. As they both ran into each other's arms, Thorn came over to them and held them both in his arms. After the meal a debriefing on recent events took place. For this purpose Relt arranged for one of the container rooms to be used, and for refreshments to be available. For those not aware of Leo's, Relt's and Thorn's plan; Relt gave a quick summary. Afterwards each gave an update and discussed the next course of action.

“Not long after Leo joined our settlement, Thorn approached me and explained the problem of the wrist chip virus outbreak. And how the fluid erupted from the infected skin pores of the victims, and fed on any material matter apart from glass; rendering objects as empty shells. The newer breed with their wrist chips served as involuntary carriers. Thorn's part of the plan had been to liaise with his sister Trudy – may I call you 'True', Trudy?”

True said “Yes, please call me 'True'.”

Relt continued “And together both to exit the hospital dome through the refuse disposal tube. My part of the plan was to have Thorn's wrist chip analysed and to head the rescue team, with Leo on board; liaise with Thorn and True and bring them back to the ramp. True, maybe if you start with your update?”

The company at the table was informal enough for True to stay seated and give her update. But she did first take a sip from her cup of tea which she poured herself while Relt had spoken earlier.

True began with her update “To recap, I'd been on shift as a nurse as the first victims arrived at the hospital dome. The symptom being a skin rash which within a short time turned normal skin pores into mini craters. It was from these pores that the virus fluid came. I took a sample of this fluid home in a glass test tube for closer examination. During the same evening that Thorn visited, we made a plan of action together as we understood that a military control of the hospital was most likely. I was to go to hospital and note how they planned to handle the virus outbreak, and if they intended to inform the Administration Force. And send a message to our parents at the pension dome. So first I called the pension dome, but a staff member told me that our parents were off on a day trip. So I left a message for them. Next I took a capsule elevator from my apartment to the hospital dome. I didn't reach the hospital though. When the capsule stopped, on account of the time I'd been in the capsule; I estimated that I must be in the hospital dome but not yet at the platform. At first I thought the problem might be due to a power cut and hoped it may be back on soon. Later I was to become audio witness to a massacre. I could just listen to the metal being ripped open, people crying, running and screaming. I couldn't match any known animal to the hissing and roaring sounds. It was terrifying, in particular when the capsule next to mine got ripped apart and the passenger butchered alive. Jessica and Thorn arrived just in time!” and as she finished she blew a kiss to Jessica and Thorn.

Relt said “Thanks, True, for the update. Thorn, it's your turn to give an update now, Jessica can add any other information afterwards which she feels relates to this issue.”

Thorn obliged with his update too “The plan I arranged with True at her apartment that evening, was for me to first contact Relt; for help obtaining information on wrist chip production. And to find a method to remove our wrist chips, without triggering an alarm. After meeting with Leo and Relt and having my wrist chip removed, I went back to my apartment and waited for True to arrive. The plan was to escape via the hospital dome with her. Soon I guessed that something must have happened, as my sister was a punctual person and still hadn't arrived. I took an elevator capsule to look for True at her place of work. When my capsule got stuck, I cut my way out and freed Jessica from hers. We found that the tunnel to the hospital dome was closed, and now used as a store room. At the end of the tunnel we armed ourselves with pepper spray weapons. But we found that dome entrance blocked. We heard people on the other side so I cut a doorway out of the metal tunnel seal. People burst through the doorway – most had received injuries in the dome and many of them even had limbs missing. Jessica and I entered the dome once the people left and within a short time found ourselves confronted by what can be described as crocodiles standing upright. These creatures could speak our language. The pepper spray didn't work as on humans. In a store room we could exchange the pepper spray weapon content with a dome sealant mix, which we fired at their eyes and nostrils; the sealant hardened and saved our lives. These creatures are soldiers, who received orders from a more intelligent form of the species; to butcher those humans still in the hospital dome. On a stone vehicle they left the dome via underground tunnel, with sacks full of human body parts. The one overseeing the soldiers spoke to us. They believe that they're superior to humans and are taking back what is believed to be theirs! The attack was not a coincidence, it was part of an agenda. The one giving the orders wore a black cloak, but the soldiers only bits of rags or armour and rough wooden clubs as weapons.”

Relt said “Thanks Thorn, things will become more clearer I reckon when I give my update. But first though, Jessica please give us your update?”

“Well, apart from what Thorn explained; the only thing I can add is that I had just finished my shift as General Kern made his surprise visit to the hospital dome. I saw through the small glass ward door window, how the General used a finger of one of his soldiers to test what happened; when the virus fluid from a victim's pore came into contact with another person. From what I observed, the virus fluid didn't absorb into the soldier's skin. Instead it spread over the soldier's suit. The suit turned transparent as though the virus ate the material. This happened to the soldier's face mask too resulting in suffocation. The nurse on duty in the ward received an order by Kern to sedate the victim, and to remove the wrist chip. The General's officer placed the chip into a container and used a scanner to deactivate it – as Relt did with ours. Kern had the Hospital Director placed under arrest for interfering and handed him over to the hospital security. The General and his escort team made a quick departure.” Jessica explained.

Relt said “Thank you Jessica for the update, and now for mine.

Thorn, you recall back when we spoke in the vehicle? That I said there was more to be told when you asked me for information on the wrist chip vendor company?”

“Yes, I remember.” Thorn confirmed.

“Well what I intended to explain to you later is no longer necessary as I'm sure you have met one of the company owners; the black cloaked creature! The creatures are known as reptilians. They live deep below the Earth's surface and have been around since before mankind existed. Legend has it that one day they'll reclaim the Earth and rise again to the surface. I had Thorn's wrist chip dismantled and examined with a microscope. What we found out is that this chip, and we assume every other one produced too, had a built-in tube which contained an unknown fluid. Now we learned from Thorn that the virus fluid was purple. This stuff was blue and didn't react to our tests. I had the idea to mix it with a drop of my blood, and the result of the mixture was the purple virus! When it came into contact with any material it ate through it the same as you have explained. So the story of reptilians wanting to reclaim the Earth was no longer a legend – but reality.” Relt continued.

Relt suggested “Now we have given our updates, before we discuss what to do next; Thorn you can retire now for a short interval together with Leo and True. As I believe that you have something private to discuss.” and nodded his head at Thorn so he understood what Relt meant.

Thorn said “Yes, thanks Relt. Um, Leo, True, could you both come with me? I have something to tell you both.”

Leo and True looked puzzled at each other as they got up from the table and followed Thorn.

Once the others left the canteen, Relt asked Jessica “What of your parents? At which dome do they live?”

Jessica said “I had never known my parents – I was just a baby when the authorities took me. As a child I never left the education dome.”

Relt explained to her “The reason I asked, Jessica, is that I needed to find out if you had parents in the so-called pension dome. As you don't, and so won't be shocked on a personal level, I can tell you the truth behind the pension dome. And that is at sixty every newer breed member receives a birthday card, compliments of the World Administration. The card is soaked in a liquid that gives off a toxic fume disguised as a perfume fragrance. Those fumes kill when inhaled. Incoming calls to the pension dome are handled by World Administration staff, who use voice manipulation software with pre- recordings of the voices of the dome residents. So Thorn has to tell Leo and True how the lives of their parents; who they believed to be enjoying life in the pension dome, had been terminated.”

Jessica cried, but not for herself; instead more for Leo and True because of the personal pain both must now be experiencing. And even more for Thorn who, experiencing the same loss, was the bearer of this terrible news.

After wiping her tears away with her jacket sleeve she said “Relt after what I saw at hospital and having confronted a reptilian race I didn't know existed; I'd say other secrets exist, which they keep from us!”

By the time Jessica and Relt drank another cup of tea, Leo, True and Thorn returned to the canteen. Jessica stood up and held True in her arms, which prompted another burst of tears – but this time from both of them.

Relt now gave a summary “So we can be safe to say that the reptilians have an agenda, to gain control on the Earth's surface. The reptilian elite is to an extent collaborating with that of the World Administration, and it's obvious that the reptilians intend to gain even more. The virus outbreak has just begun and will spread throughout the dome network within a short time, and most likely not stop. The humans on whole planet will cease to exist as a civilisation. So We need to look at possible options we have available to us. Any ideas?”

True commented “Well I reckon we've decided that we want to survive, otherwise we'd not be together now.”

“If we can find a method of saving our people, do you think that we'd be able to take children from the education centre with us?” Jessica asked.

“Although for the majority of the dome dwellers, alias 'newer breed' as you call them; even if we wanted to warn them bets are that either the reptilian or the virus will be faster.” True added.

An agreement was reached. If they can give warning they should; but not if it meant obstructing own plans or putting themselves at risk of arrest.

Thorn said “Whatever we do, if we're successful, it's on a small scale considering it's a global problem. We'd need to get messages to other old breed communities around the world, for them to repeat what we did.”

“One question remains – what should we do?” Said Leo.

The discussion continued for another sixty minutes with no solution being found. It was understood though that everyone needed to be evacuated. As the virus might reach everywhere around the world, at which location could they seek refuge? Thorn shot up as if his chair was electrified. Startled by Thorn's sudden movement, everyone else in the room looked at him.

Thorn announced “The answer to our problem lies within the trees!” Relt said “Thorn, can you be more specific?”

Thorn continued “Yes because of the events surrounding the virus outbreak; I forgot to tell anyone of what I saw the other day as I ate my lunch. I was carrying out repair work on one of the defence domes. As I looked towards the forest I felt being under observation. I caught sight of the watcher, who was hidden between trees. The watcher did not appear human. It either wore a form of camouflage suit or the green face had leaves growing out of the part which humans have covered in hair. The peaceful aura this being had, overwhelmed me. The gaze from the watcher was so knowing and understanding, that now I reckon it knew of the upcoming virus outbreak. If we could meet with these forest folk, I'm sure that they can recommend what to do.”

“How could a civilisation living in a forest offer advice? But I'm open to any help we can get.” Said True.

As nothing else was possible until they had a proper evacuation plan, the group intended to ride out on horse-back the next day to the watcher's forest location. They understood that the chance of seeing the watcher, let alone meeting one of them was small. Early the next morning they needed to travel to the hunting group's outpost as it contained the horse stables there. At dawn the ramp descended, and the team of five started out on the journey to the hunting group's outpost on foot. Relt arranged with the quartermaster earlier via carrier pigeon for the group to be clothed with hunting outfits.

Armed with crossbows for defence, and protected from the morning frost by the layers of fur and cloth, they started on the journey to the outpost. Relt reckoned that with a good pace they might be at the outpost before nightfall. As Relt remembered the route so well he could walk it blind-folded, they arrived in time. Even though during the journey they heard wolves in the distance, the trek went without occurrence. At the outpost even with a small hunting group stationed; upon approach a sentry guard challenged their entry.

Camouflaged, the guard was not spotted. Just the voice asking for a password, a password which Relt confirmed to the invisible sentry. After the sentry stood up they followed him into the outpost. This outpost comprised from green industrial containers forming a 'U' shape, with the horse stables in the middle. They arrived after sunlight disappeared for the day, and just in time to join the hunting group for supper. Boiling rabbit stew and fresh bread, was in plenty.

Although with little room available, the hunters prepared sleeping arrangements for the five visitors. Horses for the five person team had saddles, rations, water and basic camping equipment fitted by members of the hunting group. Relt had not considered that out of the five of them, the others had no riding experience. So he chose the brown horses for the others. Although not used for hard labour, these horses, of a majestic stature, were tame through experience in transporting humans long distances. The main problem was as they tried to mount the horses, which towered over the riders-to-be. Relt called a few of the hunting team over to help the others mount the horses. Once mounted, the group started out on the journey to the forest, out past Defence Dome 102, in single file in the order Thorn, Jessica, Relt, True and Leo.