The Perennial Migration by D. M. Kirtaime - HTML preview

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Chapter 24


As the mother-ship rose, and the dome entered the vortex, the tiarian guards on board saw through the sealant dome wall the advancing reptilian army. The guards hoped that the vessel of perennials migrated as planned. And still did not believe that this mother-ship was in motion, being controlled by a crew of hundreds of tiarians; without even a cockpit.

They first watched the ground and later planet Earth disappearing in the distance. Once the mother-ship ascended into the vortex, the doorway closed behind them. In the vortex, the mother-ship moved in the tunnel direction. Now they had left planet Earth the law of gravity no longer applied. No sound came from outside in the vortex. The guards, still conscious, watched as the different colours of the vortex walls moved in different directions.

The mother-ship followed the vortex tunnel at an average speed which, without a deck with controls and dials, was difficult to measure. They assumed though that it should move much faster. Turbulence did not exist in the vortex and the mother-ship sailed along even though no wind power was available. After another sixty minutes, although not sure at first, the guards felt that the mother-ship had stopped mid-vortex.

The vortex wall colours stopped moving. The guards panicked and discussed what action to take. If they woke anyone and broke the connection network it might have fatal consequences for everyone on board. If they did nothing, everything depended on how long the others could stay concentrated on the connection and energy flow. A guard looking at the vortex tunnel wall, considered possible solutions, as did his colleagues. As he looked through the sealant dome, he saw a figure's reflection.

Shocked but curious, the man turned and found that he faced either a ghost or hologram. The masculine figure wore a silver hooded robe and hovered at twenty centimetres above the floor. He guessed that the figure, of an average-built man, looked the age of fifty years old. Before the guard could speak, a feminine figure appeared; again in a silver robe and the same age as the masculine figure. Soon those guards conscious circled the pair of figures. One guard asked the uninvited visitors on what business caused them to appear.

The masculine figure said “This ship is in breach of the Galactic Transportation law. We need to speak with the vessel's Captain!”

The leader of the guard team came forward and explained “We're survivors of the planet Earth. We left while under attack from a reptilian force. At present apart from our guard team, crew members or tiarians as we are now named; are connected on a higher level of consciousness and as one have full control of our mother-ship.”

The figures looked at each other and began with closed eyes to stand still for a few seconds.

With eyes now open again, the feminine figure looked at them and said “We have now suspended this ship. You can now wake the personnel without risk. We will return in one hour, by which time we hope you have briefed those of superior position; and representatives are ready to attend the galactic court - the future of the tiarians' journey depends on it!”

The guards first woke Mulrog and told him what happened. Mulrog then woke the elders, Jessica, Leo, Thorn and True. The guards continued to wake everyone else, so they could rest, eat and drink. Mulrog explained first to the elders what the guards had reported. An elder gave a nod of the head in acknowledgement and asked Mulrog to translate for the others.

After listening to what the elder said, Mulrog relayed the message to rest of the group “The elder explained they forgot one important thing which was the Galactic Board. With no direct contact, the elders still had heard of them. Inter-galactic vortex travel has to be registered and cleared by them. As planet Earth is not yet a member of the galactic network, due to the conscious ascension of the human race to the next dimension not being reached yet; there was no registration for this migration. As they control the status-quo within our galaxy, the Board has to listen to our case and decide if we be allowed to continue to Mars.”

Puzzled, Thorn asked “Galactic Board? Who are the other member planets? What other life forms are in existence? And what if we're not allowed to continue with the migration?”

Mulrog translated Thorn's reply for the elders, and translated the answer for him “As we have not qualified for membership, we do not have the answers you seek. It can be said that intelligent life forms exist on galaxy network member planets. If we may not pass, we will have to return to Earth.”

Thorn understood. They now made use of the remaining time to eat and drink. From being connected non-stop and having the higher- frequency energy flow through them, they suffered from fatigue. Just as quick as the first figures had appeared and disappeared, a group of ten others had now arrived.

A visitor asked “Who is the Commander of this ship?” and looked at the elders and asked the same question in forest folk language.

The elders received an instruction that five from the mother-ship shall be permitted to appear before the Board; to explain their defence case and plea for permission to continue to the intended destination. Mulrog translated that Jessica, Mulrog, Thorn and True had to go with an elder. Mulrog to go as translator, and the others as they saw the virus outbreak; decay of the World Administration dome network and coordinated reptilian attacks.

Each had a pair of visiting figures as escorts. The figures held onto the tiarians they were escorting, who faded until they matched the same faint material substance as the visitors. Once the five had gone through this change and was ready to leave, they disappeared together with the escorts.