The Perennial Migration by D. M. Kirtaime - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


With the noise of the O.D.S.V's electro-motor deceleration overwhelming the voice on the radio, Thorn pulled his vehicle onto one of the magnetic strips; which ran over the circumference of the dome and switched gears to 'Park'. Once the vehicle locked onto the strip, Thorn donned his brown fatigue jacket and strapped his tool work-pouch to his black utility belt. He pressed a small square button positioned on the back of his boot, which activated an embedded hover jet. The roof hatch door of the O.D.S.V opened by an hydraulic arm. Thorn appeared above the vehicle with a panel scanner in his hand, ready to begin inspection of each dome panel. As long as the vehicle was part of the magnetic strip network, it followed in the direction the driver went; which ensured that that person stayed within the ten metre outer-dome limit.

The outer-dome limit applied to the newer breed citizens. He found that to get the best reading on the scanner, it needed to be held fifteen centimetres away from the panel. This enabled the full one metre thick beige panel shell to be scanned for cracks. The seals surrounding the panels had to be measured for air-tightness, and if they discovered a leak filled it with a sealant compound using a custom designed gun. By midday Thorn inspected two layers of panels on one side of Defence Dome 102, which was due to those panels being low maintenance. Of these, ten seals and three panels with large cracks needed to be repaired. He decided it was time to stop for lunch and returned to the O.D.S.V.

On the side panel of the vehicle he opened a storage container and pulled the collapsible board up, which he used as a table. Another pull- out board served well as a place to sit. Because he always prepared his own packed lunch mornings before leaving for work, he had no surprise snacks! Plus it contained the usual share of cheese and tomato substitute sandwiches after which he drank coffee from a flask. As he ate his lunch he faced away from the dome to enjoy the view of the forest. Over time the edge of the forest had advanced over the boundary fence, and displayed strength by sprouting a network of thickened green forage, sending thin feelers out on reconnaissance.

As he bit into his sandwich he was sure he was under surveillance, but even with quick reflexes when he looked up he seen the same forest picture. Thorn finished his lunch and packed the things away. One perk he enjoyed was that he did not have to clock out and back in when he took lunch, out on inspection or repair jobs. Today, although sunny it still had the chill that winter had left. The aroma of fresh grass mixed with buttercup provided the perfect picnic scenario. While he pressed the button on his boot to switch the 'hover' jet back on, he knew again that something watched from a distance; but this time he carried on as though he did not notice. Being an open person, Thorn welcomed the possibility of contact with a non-human intelligent life form.

On the inner side of his boot was a series of buttons, marked 'Up' 'Land' 'Speed' 'Stop'. As one had to stay balanced with the one leg as the opposite boot activated any of the buttons, it made the use difficult. Thorn now tapped the 'Up' button and ascended to the third layer of panels to begin the inspection. While ascending the outer shell of the dome, Thorn twisted his body so he faced the forest. As he turned, his gaze went in the same direction. And he saw it! The watcher, positioned between trees but not in the open – instead used the trees as cover.

Although Thorn appreciated that he might not have long to inspect the watcher before it disappeared into the wilderness; he noted characteristics of the being during the few moments in which glares of both connected. Thorn had the eerie feeling that this being was not human. Although from the posture it could have passed as human if it had not been for the leaf features which broke the silhouette. Standing at an estimated height of one hundred and fifty centimetres, the watcher radiated an aura of peace, knowing and understanding. The skin a pea-green texture as was the colour of the watcher's thin lips. Green leaves grew out from the skin and covered the side of the head, where humans had ears, and top of the head. The watcher's clothing could not be fully seen through the trees. Thorn saw the material though, consisting of a moss substance. As soon as the visual scrutiny was over, he gave a friendly wink and nod of his head before turning and proceeding with his paid job.