The Phoenix Conspiracy by Richard L. Sanders - HTML preview

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Chapter 33


Raidan sat at his desk, where he'd remained since Calvin had left.

It was peaceful and quiet, aside from the occasional clinking of bottle to glass. He drank another swallow of whiskey and let out a satisfied sigh, letting himself relax even more.

He had a lot to think about now that he'd finally met the young Intelligence captain who'd been pulled into something much larger and deeper than he could hope to realize. In a way it was kind of sad. Regrettable, at least, that one so young and talented would have to be ruined; he was now required to give up everything, despite his complete innocence. But it was for the greater good. There simply was no other way.

Calvin Cross, I do not envy you. You have the second worst position in the galaxy now.

In a way, Calvin reminded him of himself. When he used to be happy.

Hopefully you have more wisdom than I did, at your age, Calvin. Otherwise you won’t survive long enough to be useful. And far too much depends on you.

Raidan took another sip and thought about what was stored below and how, in a few more hours, the fate of an entire planet would be decided.

He shook his head and set the bottle and glass aside, then scribbled a note on his stationary for Tristan to pass along via kataspace.

It read: "We're coming, and the package is coming with us. Fifteen hours. A.R."