The Road to Amber by Barbara Bretana - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

In the morning, I woke Roelle up. She’d fallen asleep on the couch curled in a ball under her heavy skirts and I watched her sleeping like a baby before I touched her shoulder and shook her. She slept hard, I was easier to wake than she was. Her eyes opened in confusion, inches away from my face. I looked at her cherry rose lips and softly kissed them, not sure if I was doing it right as it was my first official kiss. Her lips parted in surprise and she kissed me back with a lot more confidence than I’d started with. I didn’t care that she was older than me, I figured that was a plus anyway, she was sure to have more experience and could show me if I got it wrong. I didn’t know what to do with my hands so kept them on the couch arms to hold me up.

“You’re not taking liberties with a young, foolish maid, are you, my Prince?” she whispered against my cheek.

I pushed back, aghast at my daring and stuttered,” Of c-c-course not, my Lady. It was just...your lips were so soft and so first k-k-ki!”

I shut my mouth and she giggled, laughed and that caused me to bolt out of the room, running smack into Murphy and the guard and the valet Vialle had promised me. I slid around all of them and ran down the hallway aiming for the Grand Staircase which I took in a spectacular Parkour leap and across to the opposite side of the Minstrel’s Gallery and up towards the Castle’s roof. Voices hollered at me to stop but all I could see was the laughter she had mocked me with and I wanted to hide and wallow in my shame and trampled confidence.

I could just hear the rumors running through the whole castle, the town and even the Realm, the Son of the Great Merlin, King of the Courts of Chaos not only couldn’t kiss but was probably a certified virgin.

I mean, I wasn’t a total idiot, I knew how the thing worked, I’d lived on farms and been around nature, even seen the homeless do it, right out in full view. I’d watched from hidden perches how our neighbors had expressed love for their chosen partners be it male or female and in any combination. I’d also seen the darker side where what was often freely given just for the asking was taken violently and with hate. I reached the roof and raced along the crenelations, dancing recklessly across the narrow walkway just inside the wall where archers would stand to guard against invaders. If I leaned over the edge, I could just see the barrels where hot oil would be poured down on the poor souls dumb enough to get that close. From the scorch marks, it was obvious the pots had been used for that purpose and recently.

I headed for the fifth Tower, the point of the Castle that made it shaped like a crown. It overlooked the cliff of Kolvan and was a sheer drop of over 800 feet. I skidded to a stop on the very edge and teetered until I caught my balance. To the crowd running behind me, it looked as if I was either falling to my death or getting ready to jump.

Murphy’s scream was the loudest, plum full of horror and rage. He threatened to kill me and I laughed hysterically, astonished that he would think that a deterrent.

Roelle was the cause of a major disturbance in the crowd as she bullied her way through to the front, turned to face them and spoke in a low murmur that I couldn’t hear. I did hear Murph’s denial, Corwin’s rebuttal and King Random’s soothing tones ordering them all to obey him then, if not her. The crowd turned round and marched off. She stood there waiting and shouted, “I don’t hear the door slamming!”

There came the distinct solid boom as an irate foot kicked the heavy oaken guard door closed. Roelle spun and faced me, her expression rueful and embarrassed. “Raven, may I explain?”

“What’s to explain?” I returned stiffly, keeping my back to her.

She came closer. “It wasn’t what you thought, Raven.”

“What was it then? Did it tickle? Did I do it all wrong? Was it so obvious I’ve never done it before?” I snapped.

“How would I know?” she answered. “It was my first kiss, too.”

I turned to face her, my mouth hanging open. “But---you’re way older than me! And you’re beautiful! No one’s ever tried to kiss you before?”

“Oh, they’ve tried,” she snickered. “But, I grew up with seven older brothers and no one messes with me that get by them. So, nobody tries anymore. Besides, I’m not much older than you, anyway. I’m 17. Worse though, Raven, is that I’m not your social equal.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re the son of a King, Raven,” she said kindly. “I’m just the daughter of a minor Baron. I caught the eye of the King and he asked if I would mind helping out as a healer learning under Queen Vialle. I love working with her.”

“Why did you laugh, Roelle?” I asked timidly.

“All I could think of was what would my seven brothers do when they heard my first kiss was by the handsome young Prince of the Shadow Courts.” She giggled again. “They daren’t lay a hand on you. Besides, I wanted you to kiss me.” She came close, tilted her head and put her hand on the back of my neck pulling my lips down to hers. “Let’s practice, Raven,” she whispered and pressed her soft honeyed cupid’s bow into mine and all thought and intellect deserted me as I drowned in sweetness. Tingles of delight rippled through my abdomen and I felt lighter than air. Our noses lay next to the other, pressed tightly so that I couldn’t breathe through it nor my mouth. I grew dizzy and wasn’t sure if it was because I wasn’t breathing or that was the effect her kiss had on me.

She tasted of peaches and vanilla, her breath had a faint minty aftertaste. I wondered if she’d brushed them before searching me out. Pushed her away in dismay, wondering what my own morning breath must taste like.

“It’s fine, Raven. Your mouth tastes...good.”

I grimaced. “I usually wake up feeling like the entire 7th Cavalry has ridden through it. Murphy says I could choke a buzzard.”

“Murphy is a...morph, “ she laughed. “Your guardian. He’s supposed to teach you to be kind, honorable, brave and brush your teeth.” She looked. “You have all your teeth. Pearly white, too.”

“You called me handsome,” I said, finally as it sank into my head.

“Oh, duh,” she looked at me as if I were an idiot. “Haven’t you seen yourself in a mirror? You look like Prince Corwin and King Merlin, both absolutely gorgeous men.”

“Oh yeah? Who’s prettier? You or me?”

She hit me in the stomach and paled as I hunched over. “Oh my gods!” she cried out. “Oh, Raven! I’m so sorry! Did I hurt you?” Her hands tore at my jeans and opened them, her fingers delving under my briefs touching my bare skin. I felt my prick stir, standing at attention almost instantly, just inches from her grasp.

“Oh,” she said and smiled. “Your wound is healed. Almost gone.” Those fingers dropped lower and softly encircled me, gently squeezing as she felt the surge in the flesh. Pulling me closer to her by the tiniest tug, she used her other hand to capture mine, placing them on her breasts so that I felt the instant hardening of her nipples. I swallowed a huge lump in my throat.

“Now, kiss me, Raven,” she whispered and I did. She played as skillfully on my tongue as her fingers did below and when I thought I could take no more, she made a mewl with her mouth that made me explode, she followed and we held ourselves up together.

“Oh my god, oh my god, ohmigod,” I whimpered as she tucked me back in, pulled up my zipper and smoothed her bodice. I smelled myself on her hands.

“Where did you learn how to do that?” I gasped. She wiggled her eyebrows.

“I told you. Seven brothers. I watched them all. Learned a few things. Come on, you ready for some lessons?”

“More lessons?” I groaned, tired already.

“Not those kinds, Raven. Riding lessons. Fencing, how to get around the Castle. The Gardens. The best places to hide.”

“After breakfast,” I said firmly. “Besides, I have to change. I’m...messy. And you’re in the same clothes you slept in.”

“True. I’ll meet you in the Great Hall after breakfast. Wear riding pants and boots. Better yet, I’ll tell Liam and he’ll set out the right attire for the day’s activities. See you later.” She threw me a kiss and bounced off. I watched her plump rear end sashay the entire length of the roof before I took the short way back to Corwin’s bedroom.