The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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Carissa, she’s ready. A wave of blue energy from Warren’s throat shot out into space.

Kelly was about to ask what that was, but Warren closed his eyes, and the balls of colour along his spine closed up and became less vibrant. Then he opened his eyes and stood up.

Carissa appeared, right on queue ‘Warren said you’re ready?’

‘Gosh, do you guys speak in your minds or something?’ She joked.

They both nodded and Kelly’s jaw dropped.

‘I’m going now,’ said Warren. ‘Good luck.’

‘Thanks,’ she waved as he disappeared.

Carissa approached with a chair ‘Ok, Kelly...sit down with your back straight... relax yourself...and breathe deeply.’

Kelly did as she was told.

‘I’m going to scan your chakras for blocks.’

‘What’s that?’

‘Your energy centres.’

‘Um, ok...’ still unsure.

‘You have seven energy centres that run along your spine. There’s not the time to explain right now. But to create balance, your chakras have to have energy free flow. If they’re blocked, problems will occur because of the energy not getting through.’

‘Is that bad?’

‘It causes imbalance and hinders progress.’


Carissa moved to the side of Kelly’s chair and put her hands to the back and front of her, slowly moving them up and down her length. She began to see colours, which were dull, resembling a cheap painting pallet. What stood out to Carissa the most were Kelly’s heart and solar plexus chakras, which were completely blocked, with no signs of the colours they were supposed to be.

She frowned and sighed ‘Kelly, this is going to be a lot more work than I thought.’

‘What do you mean? Why?’

‘Because of the blocks, the energy is not moving through your body at all, it’s getting stuck...’

‘I need your help with Kelly. Could you come back please?’

A wave of blue shot out of her throat into space, a minute later, Colin appeared.

‘They’re coming. What’s wrong?’ He asked.

Carissa walked back to Kelly and began scanning her chakras again, almost immediately, the same mixed pallet of dull colours appeared.

Colin whistled, lifting his eyebrows ‘That’s going to need a lot of work...’

One by one, the Wymasirians returned, and Kelly was nervous, they had all taken one look at her blocked chakras and said variations of ‘That’s going to need work’.

She was also very embarrassed.

Seven chakra-coloured candles were placed in a circle around Kelly, while the Wymasirians formed a circle around the candles and her, and began to send energy.

Each Being projected energy from their chakras to Kelly’s; red from base, orange from sacral, yellow from solar plexus, green from heart, blue from throat, violet from brow, and indigo from crown, which were hungrily absorbing this energy, and slowly beginning to radiate their respective colours.

A shift was taking place in Kelly’s body, and she was feeling out of control.

A mass of powerful, multicoloured energy was flowing into her, moving in every direction: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, SWIRL, TWIST, SPIRAL, ZIGZAG...

She felt stuck in a current that was stronger than her, and it was taking her where it wanted her to go. Kelly’s first impulse was to fight, but she heard Justine’s mental communication.

‘Kelly, surrender to it. Don’t fight or try to control the energy, just let it be.’

She relented.

By the time they had finished, all the candles had burned out and Kelly was fast asleep.

Colin picked her up, and they all disappeared, appearing back at the penthouse, where he put Kelly to bed.

In the morning she woke up feeling rested, and very different; lighter, alert, full of energy and more in tune with her emotions.

The view was beautiful, as usual, the sun was shining and the sky was blue, it was the best she’d ever felt in the morning.

Getting out of bed, Kelly washed her face, brushed her teeth, and put on the robe. Running downstairs, she found the Wymasirians eating breakfast and beamed at each of them.

‘Morning,’ said Carissa.

‘Hi,’ Kelly giggled, she felt amazing, DNA Activation was definitely worth it.

‘It’s not over yet.’ said Warren, sensing her thoughts.

‘How do you feel?’ asked Justine.

‘Absolutely Brilliant!’

‘Good, that’s step one down.’ said Carissa ‘For step two, you’re going away for a while...’