The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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The Wymsirians had put Kelly into a very deep sleep. ‘It would be best if you just went to sleep, whilst your energies rearranged themselves. That way we can keep an eye on you, and you won’t have to experience the short-term discomforts of change.’ Carissa had said.

Kelly had closed her eyes and begun to drift far away, that she separated from her body, and floated above it. ‘Go explore Kelly, come back when your body’s ready for you.’

Justine had communicated.

She had drifted off, first, to see her family and friends, who were at a memorial service for Mischia and her. The sight of them evoked strong emotions of love, and she stayed with them for the whole service.

‘I feel her mummy, she’s here,’ said Kelly’s five year old niece, Angela.

‘I know baby, I know,’ said Kelly’s older sister, Kyla, taking Angela’s hand.

After a while, Kelly left, and went back to the house in Barking that she used to live at with Mischia, it had been completely destroyed, there was nothing left but debris. However, the houses either side were untouched. Memories of her life with Mischia came back to her, and she wondered where her friend was, and what she was doing. Almost immediately, she was in a dark room with two men standing either side of a circle of candles, with Mischia, naked in the middle. A thick mist of swirling multi-coloured energy surrounded her, and she could feel her friend’s inability to control herself.

The energy was keeping her rooted.

What were they doing to her? She wondered. Kelly tried to go to Mischia, but even in spirit form the energy repelled her and threw her across the room.

She picked herself up, and went as close to Mischia as the energy would allow, and her friend’s emotions became apparent. She could sense that Mischia was scared and overwhelmed, and her mind was beginning to shut itself off from the reality of what was happening to her.

Kelly knew then that she had lost her best friend.