The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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They arrived on the yacht only seconds before it set off. The party was a dazzling affair of glitz and glamour, assets and money. Expensive perfume filled the air and wealth was on display. Champagne flowed, and the guests danced to the live band playing a collection of classical and jazz music.

Ywoth was in his element, having immensely enjoyed the shopping trip earlier, and the way the sales assistants had reacted when they saw the money, he made a mental note to go shopping more often, and attend similar affairs. Now, he understood why human beings loved money so much, and to think he’d only been using the cash for rituals.

‘How did we miss this?’ He whispered to Tgthiem before they split up. An hour later, after Esjekshb’s unsuccessful attempt at absorbing the energy of a waitress, Justine and the Balancers appeared on the yacht.

Keneisha was instructed to stay out of sight, but her blood thirst was killing her, an incredible ache within her Being, that was tearing her apart, and getting her down. She had never felt this way before, and didn’t even know what to do about it. None of the Wymasirians were ever around to talk to at the Mansion, they would appear and disappear at irregular intervals, and most of the time she was left to wallow in her own misery.

She also hadn’t been able to get any more blood because they all kept away from her, especially Kelly. She couldn’t get out of the Mansion, and God knew she’d tried, Keneisha felt like a dog watching meat at a window, unable to reach it. All those people walking around outside, but she could only watch them, and cry.

She was so absorbed in her blood thirst, it didn’t occur to her that what the Wymasirians did, like appear and disappear into thin air, was strange. Anything that existed outside of her self-absorption was of no interest to her.

For the first time in a while, she was in the presence of normal people and decided that her blood thirst would be satisfied with this opportunity, even if it were just a tiny drop, just the taste of it would help her.

She was holding out in the ladies toilets, and had decided to pounce on the first lady that came in alone. She didn’t have to wait long, because a delicate doll-like blonde walked in; she was beautiful, and had an attractive air of radiance about her. Keneisha watched her from inside the cubicle to make sure nobody else came in after her.

And pounced.

She ran out of the cubicle, and up behind the woman, waving a razor blade at her neck, but the woman had seen her in the mirror and was too fast for her. She turned around and grabbed Keneisha’s wrist, blocking it from slashing her, spun Keneisha around and pinned her to the wall, with her arm behind her.

‘Why did you do that?’ asked Esjekshb.

‘I wanted some blood!’ muffled Keneisha, trying to break away.

Esjekshb confiscated the razor and let her go, Keneisha slumped to the floor and began to cry.

‘What’s the matter with you?’ asked Esjekshb, unsympathetically.

Neither woman recognised the other from Soho.

‘I can’t take this anymore. I need it, I want it so much.’ Keneisha sobbed.

‘Want what?’

‘Blood! I want to drink your blood!’

Esjekshb paused ‘Are you a vampire...?’

Three women walked into the ladies toilets, then, while Keneisha was shaking her head. They looked at the dirty, drugged up girl sitting on the floor and tutted, wondering how she could have got on board, and why she hadn’t been reported to security yet. One didn’t know what that sort was capable of.

Two of the women went into the cubicles, whilst one stayed at the mirrors to touch up her make up. Keneisha stood up and grabbed the razor from Esjekshb, pushed her aside and slashed the woman’s neck, licking the instant trickle of blood that seeped out.

The woman screamed.