The Scout Brooks Story: The Freshman Invasion by Scott Donnelly - HTML preview

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The Name’s Brooks


What’s up, playas! The name’s, Brooks. Scout Brooks. Sorry if that came off a little too James Bond-ish, but in all seriousness, I’ve done some things that even James Bond would be jealous of; stuff he could only dream about.

 You see, I have a secret – one that only a few people know about. I don’t share my secret with many, not even my family, because, frankly, it’s in my best interest not to. There are certain ‘situations’ that could arise.

I use to be a normal kid – a geek if you will - just like a lot of other awkward kids in high school. I got acne just like anyone else. I found myself in dozens of awkward social situations. I got made fun of. I got a ticket my very first day driving alone. I killed my first alien my freshman year.

Yeah, that’s right. I said alien, bro! My official job title is an E.I.A. - Earth’s Intergalactic Ambassador. Technically, I’m the leader of an elite squad of pals known as The Fellas. It’s a position that very few people besides the President know of, and they like to keep it that way.

So, how does a socially awkward kid with weird friends become an Intergalactic Ambassador, where I get to drive a pretty sweet spaceship and save the Earth from aliens everyday? Well, like I said, I don’t share my secret with many, but since I don’t know you and you took the time to listen to my story, I guess I can let you in on this. It all started my freshman year…