The Secret Cave by Ruth Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

Kathy was awaiting the doctor; she hurried to meet him. "Come on doctor, we must hurry." She went to take the cage from him. "Is the baby in here?"

"Yes I will carry it, it is quite heavy. You lead the way." They stopped outside a large rock. "What are you stopping for?" Asked the doctor.

"This is the place." Kathy produced the key. To the doctor's amazement  the  rock opened, revealing the cave. "You must go now, but first secure the cage." Kathy said pointing to the strapping on the seat. Having done that, Kathy thanked the doctor and  told him it was time to leave. Kathy set the machine in motion and quickly adjusted the dial to read fifty years into the past. The machine stopped and Kathy then took the baby from the cage. She must remember to discard it later she thought. Closing the cave behind her Kathy now headed towards the home of Jeffrey. Shirley had written the directions very clearly. She had also told her the names of all his friends, telling her where they lived and which ones she was liable to meet. Has Shirley had said, she did  not want anything left to chance.

So far so good Kathy thought. Then around the corner, she spotted the postman.  Too  late to dodge him, thought Kathy, here goes. "Mr. Johnson." Kathy said. Fred Johnson stood with his mouth open. "Shirley, you're supposed to be dead." He replied.

"Oh lord!" Kathy thought Jeffrey must have said Shirley was dead. What now! The postman continued. "Didn't they put Jeffrey in prison for your murder? I never believed he had done it though. He said you ran away to a commune, I guess he was right then after all. " This is worse than I ever imagined Kathy thought, now she was lost for words. "What have you got there, Shirley, a baby? Is it yours? Is it Jeffrey's? Oh dear, this is a mess and no mistake. You'd better go down to the cop shop."

"I know, I must, I will go now. Thank you Mr. Johnson." She added "Fred."

"It's alright love." He couldn't wait to get away, he must tell Ivy Smith, and she was the next on his list.

Kathy walked quickly on. Thank goodness, she thought, the baby was still sleeping. She did not however, head towards the police station. Instead she headed for the estate  agent's office. She was hoping to talk to Jeffrey's friend Richard. She walked into the office. A young girl was sitting behind the desk. "Can I help you?" She asked.

"Could I speak to Mr. Richard Parkinson please. Tell him it's Shirley Benson." Kathy replied. The girl walked into a room and Richard quickly followed her out. He gazed at Kathy and his mouth opened. A strangled sound came from within. Richard cleared his throat and tried again, this time he succeeded. "Shirley! I can't believe it! It is you and a baby. Come into the office, we have a lot to discuss." Kathy did as he asked.  Once  inside Richard said. "I really don't know where to start. I will start however, by asking where you have been over this past year? Why didn't you come forward before? This is what I want to know. Why did you leave Jeffrey rotting in prison?"

Kathy stared across at Richard. "I can explain, I was locked away in a commune. They wouldn't let me go." She lied. "I managed only to escape yesterday. I have been on the run ever since. This is Jeffrey's child. I realised my mistake almost at once, but I didn't know of Jeffrey's plight. I only heard about it, a moment a go from the postman. Richard I'm exhausted, hungry and tired. We have no clothes, no money and nowhere to stay." "Oh Shirley, how inconsiderate of me. Let me drive you over to Jeffrey's or should I say your house. I have the key. Oh what did you do to your arm?" He said pointing to the  cast on her arm.

"Oh it's nothing for you to worry about." He shunted Kathy out of the office.

"Julia," he said to the young girl. "Hold the fort will you? If anyone wants me, get his or her phone number. Tell them I will be back as soon as possible. Anything else you can deal with. I will hopefully be back within the hour."

Once outside, Kathy said. "Tell me Richard, how is Jeffrey? Have you seen him?  How  is he bearing up?"

Richard replied. "I will tell you all when I get to your house, but first I will call Brenda and tell her to bring some of our baby things."

"Oh you are too kind Richard, I'm not sure I deserve it." Kathy looked across at him coyly. "Anyway Shirley, people do make mistakes, at least you are admitting to yours and I hope you are trying to rectify it."

"Oh yes Richard, I am. What do I have to do?"

"At the moment get yourself washed and changed. I will find something for you to eat. We will lay the baby on the sofa." Richard stopped the car in the driveway. Kathy  noticed several curtains along the row of houses parted. She'd guessed the postman  would gossip, but the speed at which it had surprised even her. Turning the key in the lock, Richard opened the door saying. "After you."

Kathy looked around the room. It was exactly how Shirley had described it, even to the old clock on the mantelpiece. Richard reached for the telephone, dialling his  number.  "Hi Brenda, it is Richard here listen don't talk please, just do as I ask. I have Shirley  here; she has a baby with her, a little boy, only a few months old. Can you bring  over any baby clothes, prams, cots, toys, anything you have stored away. I am asking you to be as quick as you can. I will shortly have to go back to work."

"Alright Richard, but I want an explanation."

"Yes darling, I know, you will get one. See you later." Turning to Shirley he said. "Go and get yourself sorted out. Do not be long." He gathered young William out of Kathy's tired arms and placed him gently on the sofa. Then he placed a chair up to it. He smiled  at Kathy and said. "Must not let the baby fall off."

"Thank you Richard, you are most kind. I will go and bathe." Kathy found suitable wear for the occasion. She noted, Shirley had some very nice clothes. She wasn't aware that you could get nice things like this in this era. Kathy walked down the stairs. Richard looked at her admiringly. She certainly was a stunner. "Ah that's better Shirley, come I have prepared you a light snack."

Kathy ate ravenously. Richard topped up her drink.  "Have you  had enough Shirley?"  He asked. "I am sorry, there wasn't any milk for your tea. Jeffrey has a cash card somewhere, I will find it then you can buy what you need."

Kathy looked at him. "Oh no don't bother, I don't want to use Jeffrey's card, under the circumstances."

"Yes I see, perfectly right. Look Shirley, I will lend you some money. You can pay me back later." Richard handed over a sum of money. "Forty pounds," he said. "This is all I have on me. I will get you some more later."

"Now," Kathy said. "Can you tell me about Jeffrey?" Just then the doorbell  rang.  Richard answered it and appeared moments later with Brenda. "Hello Shirley, I have brought over young Nicholas's things. He has well and truly, outgrown them. I am glad they will be put to good use." She peeped over the chair and looked down on the baby. "My, he certainly looks like Jeffrey, no mistaking his daddy. I nipped to the shop on the way over and got some formula and a bottle.” She said. "I know you and Jeffrey were very much in love, so I thought you must have a good reason for disappearing. I was certain Jeffrey could not have harmed you." Brenda looked inquisitively at Kathy, waiting for her answer. Kathy related her story to Brenda. When she had finished,  Brenda turned to Kathy. "Oh you poor thing," she said.  "It must have been awful for  you. Anyone could be taken in by that group, you don't have to blame yourself."

“ I was just curious about them and met them a few times thinking they were a lovely couple. When I met them on the beach that day they forced me to go with them and it was truly frightening. I just want to forget the whole episode Brenda if you don’t mind?  Kathy smiled. "It's nice to be back with friends again, but I will have to tell the police." "Leave it to me," said Richard who was walking through the lounge with a cot in tow. "I will call on Jack on my way to work. I will tell him the story. I am sure he will come around to see you, either you can go with him to the station or he will get them to call on you. Brenda, do you mind looking after her youngster?" He asked, not waiting for an answer, he departed.

Richard was as good as his word. Thirty minutes later, Jack was waiting on the doorstep. Once inside, Jack said. "I know the story Shirley. I represented Jeffrey at the trial. He revealed to me what really happened." He looked across at Brenda and asked. "Would you mind Brenda if I talked to Shirley in private?"

"Not at all, I will make a drink." Brenda walked out. Anyone could see by her body language she wasn't very pleased. "Oh dear, I have upset her, but I didn't think you wanted her to hear about your time travelling."

"Oh so you know." Kathy replied. "Who else knows?"

"No one, he told me, but I wasn't one hundred percent sure I believed him. You have just enforced it. It sounds so incredible though."

"I know, I will have to agree to the story Jeffrey told in court. I have told Richard and Brenda how the group had kept me captured and how I have only just managed to escape. Honestly though, I would have tried to get here sooner if I had known he was languishing in jail."

"You don't know the half of it Shirley. He is in fact, in the hospital. I will tell you more later. Now I will ring the police station and tell them we are on our way. You can expect them to fire a lot of questions at you. You must stick to your  story."  Brenda knocked and entered with the drinks. "Thank you Brenda, I hope you don't mind, but I had to talk to Shirley on her own. Not that we had anything to hide, only, because Jeffrey is my client and to be professional. I have to behave in this manner."

"No it's quite alright, I understand." Kathy let Brenda pour out the tea; she wanted to observe, which of them took sugar and milk and how much they took. She was supposed Shirley would know. She knew she would have to be very careful in how she behaved towards them. The baby began to whimper. "May I pick him up? I am dying to see him. He will probably be hungry and I have brought some formula with me. Here." Brenda said, handing over a packet. "There is a bottle and two teats in that bag." Kathy wasn't sure what Shirley had fed the baby on. It was not this formula, what if the baby wouldn't take to it? "I have started to wean him." She said.

"Oh I see, you give him rusks as well." Remarked Brenda. "Yes." Kathy was pleased Brenda answered for her.

"I'll tell you what Shirley, you hold the baby, I have an idea. I used to give Nicholas Wheat-a-bix, he loved them. I will make your baby some. By the way," Brenda asked. "What do you call him?"

"William. Thank you Brenda, I am still trying to learn about looking after him. You  know they wouldn't let me in the commune. That is another reason why I ran away. That and of course I realised how very much I still loved Jeffrey.  I am sorry."  Kathy added.  "I really messed things up." Kathy looked at the pair of them.  Then she began to cry.  She knew Shirley would do so. Kathy certainly knew how to act. Shirley had often told her that. She had got them both out of a lot of scrapes in the past with her play-acting. Not that Kathy did not in fact, feel sorry for poor Shirley and Jeffrey, for that matter. "There, there, don't worry so, everything will be alright, you'll see. Here hold little William, I know you must find it difficult with your arm in a cast. I will prepare his feed." Brenda walked out into the kitchen. Coming in with the baby's food she said. "Jack, will you  pass me over the bag?" Out of it she took a bib, placing it around little William's neck  and sitting him on her knee, she proceeded to feed him. He ate greedily, not stopping until he had finished all before him. "He was hungry, poor little mite.  Auntie Brenda  will look after you." She cooed. "I will change him. Pass me over that nappy Shirley please?" Kathy watched carefully. She would have to do that for him, so she might as well learn now. Jack interrupted her thoughts. "Shirley we will have to go now, the  police are expecting us." Turning to Brenda, Kathy asked.

"Will it be alright for you to stay with William, until I return?"

"I will wait for an hour, if you are not back by then, I will take young William back to my house. If we have gone when you arrive home, just give me a ring and Richard or myself will bring him back alright?"

"Yes I will see you later." Kathy kissed Little William, who rewarded her with a lovely smile. "Bye, bye darling." She said.

Jack drove the short distance to the police station. The journey was a silent one. Neither of them said anything, both lost in thought. On the steps of the police station Jack turned to Kathy and said. "Let me do the talking, follow my lead. I suggest you say as little as you can get away with." They walked into the station. constable Constable was behind the desk. "We were expecting you." He said. "I will take you to the chief. Follow me."  He led them both to an office at the rear of the building. He knocked on the door. "Come." Said the chief. Kathy and Jack entered the room. "Ah Mr. Spencer, Mrs.  Benson do come in, sit down." He beckoned towards the chair. "Good to see you Chief inspector." Said Jack. "Shirley has been held against her will, in the commune. She was taken against her will and once there was not allowed to leave. This resulted in her escaping at her earliest opportunity. She reassures me however; she knew nothing of Jeffrey's arrest. She is devastated at the news. She hopes now to instigate his early release."

"I see, I will fax my report to the home office. I see no reason why Jeffrey should not be released forthwith. You have of course proof of who you are?" The Chief inspector leaned forward taking the paper Kathy had proffered. "Ah your marriage certificate, I am sure this will do, seeing that Mr. Spencer can vouch for you." The inspector handed back the licence. "Do you need my client for anything else, because  she will be eager to go and see her husband?"

"No that will be all for the moment. We may need to see her again soon." Added the chief.

"That can be arranged, she will be at their home. You have the address, I believe." Replied Jack.

Once outside Kathy thanked Jack and added. "I very much appreciate you doing all the talking for me. I am so glad that is over. May we go and see Jeffrey now?"

"Yes of course, but I will go in first and speak to him. You must realise he has been very ill. I will have to prepare him for your return."

"Oh yes, I see." Replied Kathy.

Kathy and Jack travelled once more in silence arriving at the hospital. Jack turned to Kathy. "Shirley would you mind waiting in the canteen?  You can get refreshments  there. I may be quite a while. I must make sure he is up to it."

"Anything you say Jack." Kathy was feeling nervous. Jeffrey she guessed would know she was not in fact his Shirley. She would just have to play it by ear.  Jack dropped  Kathy off outside the canteen. Then he proceeded on up to the next floor. The first  person he saw was Jeffrey's nurse. "Hi Nurse Jackson how is Jeffrey today?” The nurse explained that Jeffrey was on the mend, she thought though he was in love with his prison guard Amanda and she was with him. She had heard talk of an engagement. “Oh dear Jack replied that really puts the cat amongst the pigeons. His wife has turned up, she is here and has a baby boy. He is Jeffrey’s child” He said.

“Wow!” Said the nurse “I guess he will have to know and Amanda too.” The nurse led Jack into the room and Amanda was sat by Jeffrey’s bedside. Amanda was very similar to Shirley in build, having a slim figure and dark hair. Small in height and a pale complexion, however, not as pretty. Her nose was quite prominent. Not at all what one expected a guard to be like, however, she had been supportive of Jeffrey in his plight and had believed him when he had told her of his innocence. They had become close so when he had been rushed to hospital, she had volunteered to be his guard to be close to him realising she was in love with him. He cared for her also. Jack called Amanda to one side asking for a word. After conversing with Jack Amanda braced herself and walked in the room. Smiling, she said. "Jeffrey I have some news for you. It will be good news for  you, as it will mean your freedom. As for us, well I am not sure we are still going to be  an item."

Jeffrey patted his bed. "I think you had better sit down and tell me what this is all about." Amanda repeated what Jack had told her.

"Jack is bringing her up now Jeffrey, I will go now and leave you to talk with them. When you have finished then we can talk." Amanda left Jeffrey now alone, his mind in turmoil. What on earth was he to do. Shirley and his baby. He had always longed for a child, a little boy. This he thought put an all new slant on his engagement to Amanda. It was bad enough, he reflected that he had persuaded Amanda to get engaged to him. Even though she knew it would be a long and secret one. Jeffrey was expecting to have to go back to prison for a long stretch. That is once he was fit enough. He wasn't certain, now what to do. This was a very difficult situation even if he felt one hundred percent fit. Now, well, I will just have to see how it goes. He heard the door go. Jack walked in.

"Where's Shirley." Said Jeffrey.

"I have just come to make sure that you wanted to see her first."

"Of course. I know it's a difficult situation, but it is not Shirley's fault. Has she brought my son with her?" He said jutting out his chest.

"No Brenda is looking after her baby William. You can see him later. One thing to the good Jeffrey, we will soon have you up and out of here. Back home to freedom." Jack grinned. "I am so happy, though you will have to sort your love life out."

"I know I will, now please bring Shirley in. What must she think of me keeping her waiting like this?"

"Right oh Jeffrey." Jack went out to beckon Kathy. Kathy took a deep breath. This is it she thought. I will ask to talk to him alone. Then I will tell him who I am. He probably will guess anyway. Hadn't he told Shirley that choose how many replica’s, he would pick her out. She walked in smiling. "Do you mind Jack if I talked to Jeffrey alone?"

"No, not at all. When you are ready, meet me in the canteen." Turning to Jeffrey he said. "I will come and see you tomorrow. We will have a lot to discuss. Goodbye for now." Jeffrey smiled and said. "Goodbye Jack."

Once alone Kathy turned to Jeffrey. "Look Jeffrey, I am not Shirley. I am Kathy. Just listen and I will explain." Kathy then related to Jeffrey, all the events of the past year since their separation. Having finished she turned to Jeffrey and said. "Shirley's idea was for me to bring your son William to you, So that he could have a normal upbringing. " Jeffrey studied over the situation, then he said. "Look Kathy, I had better call you Shirley hadn't I?" He did not wait for an answer, but just continued. "The way I see it is, once they release me from prison. You intend to go back don't you?"

"Well, it is more that I have to go back, not really that I want to." She replied.

"Look do you trust me Kathy? I have half an idea at the moment. It all depends on Amanda though."

"Who's Amanda?" Asked Kathy.

"Amanda is my new love. I'm sorry Kathy have I shocked you?"

"No you haven't, Shirley hoped you would get on with your life. She would be happy for you. How did you end up here though Jeffrey?"

"Look Kathy, it is a long story, I will start from the beginning if you don't mind?" "No, I am interested, do please carry on." She replied.

"After Shirley left I was devastated. I couldn’t get my head around it. The neighbours began asking questions I . just couldn't cope. I told them she was visiting her sick  mother, which was silly really seeing Shirley had told some of them, she was a foundling. You know how things are. It was the first thing that sprung to mind. If I was to tell them the truth, I knew people would think I was mad. I didn't bank however, on the gossiping, it was rife. A month or two went by. Eventually, the police came to the house with a search warrant."

"What is a search warrant?" Kathy asked.

"Simply a piece of paper giving them permission to search through the house." Jeffrey continued. "They noted that all Shirley's clothes were in her closet. All her makeup, hand bag, shoes were all there also. I had Shirley's wedding ring, she had insisted on giving me it back. They found this in the top pocket of my jacket. I cannot blame them Kathy. All the evidence led them to believe or suspect foul play.

"Foul play?"

"Sorry, to convince them I had murdered her." "Oh poor man, I see." Replied Kathy.

"Well next thing I knew, I was charged with her murder. Jack got me bail, which meant I could stay in my own home until the trial. Which was to take place in February.  The  trial lasted a week. Upon the last days of the trial, I realised I would have to think of a more plausible story than I had done so far. So I told them Shirley had run away to join a cult. I had tried to persuade her to stay. That I hoped she would come back soon. That is why I told the neighbours a different tale."

"Yes, the postman told me that. It was a good job." Kathy added. "Otherwise I might have said something suspect. I gathered I was supposed to have run away."

"Clever girl, where was I, oh yes. The trial as you know went against me. This is when my nightmare began. It was the 14th February."

"Sorry to keep interrupting you, but how strange. Little William was born on that day." "Oh yes,  it is very strange.”

Jeffrey replied. "I was put in a holding cell for about a couple of hours. Then I was shunted in a tiny box like contraption in a large metal van. I hardly had enough room to sit in it. I was scared; I have never experienced anything like it in my entire life." Kathy looked across at him, pityingly. Jeffrey continued. "I was driven about six miles to the prison. Once there, I was left inside this metal van for at least another hour. Eventually, two prison officers came for us.  It seemed there were  also two more prisoners besides me. I was made to strip down; they took all my personal belongings away from me. I was given some clothes to wear a sweatshirt and jeans. My own clothes were catalogued. This place was only to be a temporary place, until I was informed there was a vacancy for me. It sounds like a holiday camp doesn't it? Believe me though it was anything but. I was locked in a cell with another man. He wasn't too bad. We were only allowed out to work. We were expected to eat in our cells. The food was disgusting and barely adequate. The job, well it was making Christmas crackers.  You won't probably have seen any Kathy; they are papers parcelled up in a kind of bow. When two people held each end and pulled, they would go off with a bang, revealing a present, usually a cheap trinket inside."

"Oh, sounds kind of interesting. Is it just done at Christmas time?" Kathy asked.

"Yes, well I worked four days a week and at the end of the week, I would not have earned enough to purchase articles that were necessary to my everyday use. Anyway, I was only there until the end of the month. I had just completed my first week at work. Then I was once more transported by the van to my permanent prison. This however, was much worse. We were still two to a cell. Some of the inmates were  very tough characters.  They mostly were in for violent offences. Bearing in mind they considered me to be a murderer. The food however, was slightly better; I had to go through what was called an induction first. This lasted about a month, they kept asking me to admit to committing murder, only then if I did, could I become saved and get to be a privileged prisoner, who was said to have an easier time of it. Though the days were long and boring, I managed  as best I could. They gave me a job; it was making garments on a sewing machine. This was thought to be a privileged task. I hate to think about what the other jobs were like. It was the second week in April, when this happened. I was in the shower room.  Two  thugs walked in on me. One of them said he knew I had pots of money and that if I didn't get him some by the end of the week, I would be in trouble with a capital T. It scared me at the time, but I thought they wouldn’t do anything here. So I ignored their request. However, I did make sure that I went to the shower with someone else. I was not going  to take any chances. Saturday came. It was then it happened.  I went to the shower, so  did my cellmate, a nice enough chap I suppose, but a bit on the quiet side. He was side tracked and sent back to his cell. I was unaware and carried on. Once in the shower, the two thugs, asking once more for money broached me. I guess, to buy drugs. When I said no way, they started beating me. I guess they made a real mess of me. It seems I sustained a severe head injury, two broken ribs, and they broke my left leg, which as you can see is still in traction. My right arm has been pinned through. It has been a long haul for me to try to get back to fitness. I was unconscious for two weeks on a life support machine. They had to place a steel plate in my skull. When I did eventually recover consciousness, I could not remember anything. It was only with the help of my friends and of course Amanda, that I have gradually pieced my life back together. I should however, by the beginning of next month have this traction off and be ready for therapy.  I was not looking forward to it, because I thought I would be thrown back into prison. I wasn't sure I could survive. I didn't do a good job of it last time did I?"

"Oh Jeffrey, if we had only known. I don't know what to say." replied Kathy.

"Don't worry it wasn't yours or Shirley's fault. It was just circumstances. I don't blame anyone. I tell you what though Kathy, I really do love Amanda.  I guess a little part of  me will always think of Shirley and what we had together. I have done a lot of growing up since then. I have moved on. I expect Shirley has too."

"Yes Jeffrey, she has, like you she has had a lot to endure. I know though, if it were Shirley standing here, she would certainly give you her blessing. She will of course always love you, but would want you to be happy. She has repeatedly told me that her one concern now is your child. She wants you to bring him up. How can  I leave  him with you, when you are not fit enough yet? I can't go back and reassure Shirley, when I myself am not convinced."

"Kathy, if I said I could find a way for you to stay and look after young William, what would you say?" Jeffrey asked.

"I would jump at the chance, anything’s better than the life I lead." "Leave it with me, how long can you stay without them finding out?"

"This will stop them finding me, but I cannot wear this pot for much longer." Kathy pointed to the cast on her right arm.

"Oh I thought you had broken it. I was concerned about your arm. I had intended to mention it to you. I will think of another way to deactivate your tag.  Now I am very  tired Kathy, do you mind if we talk tomorrow? Another thing Kathy, can I tell Amanda the truth about you?"

"You know, if you can trust her or not, that Jeffrey is your decision. You have a lot depending on it." Kathy walked out of the room to go and find Jack. She was exhausted.

Once Kathy had left, Amanda returned to Jeffrey and he revealed all to Amanda.  He  then turned to her. "I need your help. I wish for everyone to think that Shirley has come back to me. That in fact, we are a loving couple. When I am recovered enough to leave this hospital, I want everyone to think that Shirley and I are going away to start anew. Can you still get that job in Lincolnshire?"

"You know I can, why?" Amanda asked.

"Well, Kathy and I can get a property near the prison. Only for outwards appearances. Amanda, I want to marry you. You know if you now say yes, I have a baby that will come along too. This is a package deal, Kathy, I intend her to act as a nanny, I owe her this much. However, Amanda, I was hoping to ask you, if you could get her help to remove the chip in her arm. This will enable her to stay."

"Oh I see, I could ask my cousin Derek, he is a plastic surgeon. Perhaps also he could alter her features a little too."

"What a brilliant idea Amanda." Jeffrey grabbed her and gave her a long kiss. "Jeffrey stop that." Amanda cried. "This is a hospital. I have an ulterior motive for wanting to  alter Kathy's appearance. I don't want you continually reminded of Shirley."

"Oh you silly goose, it's you I love, Shirley was light years ago." Amanda burst out laughing. "I see your sense of humour is sharp today. Look Jeffrey get some rest now, seriously, you look shattered. Now rest." She said sternly.

"Yes miss." Jeffrey blew her a kiss.

Kathy met Jack. "Do you want a drink?" He asked. "No thank you Jack, I'm tired, can we just go?"

"Yes of course." They walked to the car in silence.  Jack started up the engine.  "I will  tell you all about it when we get home Jack." Said Kathy.

"Don't worry it will keep." Jack drove off. The pair travelled once more in silence.

Arriving at the house. Jack poured himself a small brandy. "Will you join me?" He  asked.

"No thank you, but I am in need of a pain killer, my head is hurting."

"I will get you one. I know where they are kept. I have had a n