The Secret Cave by Ruth Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Inside the machine once more, Shirley quickly set about working the controls. Jeffrey positioned himself in the seat and concentrated on fastening himself securely. The machine stopped humming. Back to normality Jeffrey thought to himself. Back to being good old reliable Jeffrey, a staunch member of society. He doubted if he could live up to this reputation in the future. Life he mused would never be the same again.  What is  more he knew what had happened could not be revealed to anyone. They would think he was cracking up or insane. He could hear them now, poor boy he has been under a lot of strain of late. His business isn't going well, his wife has left him. No he would have to keep this a secret. Shirley brought him back with a start. "Are you all right?" She asked. "I will not go all the way back to the house with you. It is too unbearable.  Here Jeffrey  is the wedding ring; I won't be allowed to keep it. I want you to have it, look at it sometimes and think of me." She added "It might help you if you think of me as having died, maybe then you can grieve and perhaps move on." "Don't worry I will treasure it always. How I will deal with it at this moment I honestly haven't any idea. I suppose I will survive Shirley. Don't forget I'm good old sensible Jeffrey." He said wryly. Shirley hugged Jeffrey tightly to her, tears spilling on to his jacket lapel. "Bye darling." She  wept. "Maybe if there is a heaven we will meet up again one day."

She opened the cave with one thrust pushed Jeffrey through, and then the door closed leaving only the rock surface. Jeffrey stood there, for how long he didn't know.  Suddenly, it began to rain quite heavily, followed by a loud crack of thunder. He found himself in the middle of a very bad storm. Well he thought at least that I could get out of tonight’s open-air celebration, if this continues. I'll cancel out anyway, I can say I suppose I'm ill. This would explain why I didn't surface yesterday. Such were Jeffrey's thoughts, as he hurried home.

Once home, he opted for a quick shower and a change into more casual clothes. He then decided he better phone around to make his excuses. He knew he could not face anyone at this early stage. Having come up with a plausible excuse, himself having summer flu and Shirley being called suddenly to her dying Mum's bedside, Jeffrey was left once again to his own thoughts. He went over and over in his mind, the events of the last couple of days. He knew he would have to come to terms with life without Shirley. He also realised that he would have to think of a plausible reason why she didn't come back home. People around him were all right, but some of them were very prone to gossiping. Now Jeffrey felt suddenly tired, he knew however, once in bed, he wouldn't be able to sleep. His thoughts would definitely keep him awake.

Tossing and turning most of the night Jeffrey was awakened from a deep sleep by the sound of the doorbell. He quickly looked at his bedside clock, it read 11.55 am. "Wow." He said to himself he had never, ever remembered sleeping in until this time before. Still he mused these were definitely unusual times. Tossing his dressing gown on, he placed his feet into his slippers and headed towards the front door. Standing at the door was Richard Parkinson, who went to Eton with Jeffrey. He is quite handsome in a rugged sort of way. Though, not tall in stature, he made up for it in charisma. Richard is Jeffrey's underling at the estate agency. "Jeffrey." He said, "I was worried about you. We all were." He added. "I tried to ring you several times yesterday, but I didn't get an answer." "I know, I'm sorry." Jeffrey replied. "I was ill, influenza I think, so I put the answering machine on. I meant to check my messages unfortunately, I have not felt up to it yet." "Sorry  did  I wake you? Where is Shirley? When  are  you coming back?" Richard bombarded Jeffrey with questions.

"Hang on Richard, you had better come in. Help yourself to a drink. I'll speak to you when I'm dressed." Chorused Jeffrey on his way up the stairs. Once in his bedroom, Jeffreys' mind began working overtime. What should he tell Richard? Richard was all right, but if you were to tell him a secret the whole village would hear of it by the morning. Jeffrey quickly dressed, then composing himself in the doorway.  "Ah  Richard." He said jovially. "I'm glad you've helped yourself to a drink. I am sorry you have had this journey for nothing. I meant to ring you this morning, but as you can see I was still asleep when you arrived. I was feeling rather ill last night". He added, "This must be why I slept late this morning. Shirley has unfortunately been called away. Her Mother is very ill, in fact the doctors don't expect her to survive for more than a day or two."

"Oh poor old you." Richard replied sympathetically. "You won't know when she's coming back then?" Without waiting for an answer Richard  continued.  "Don't hurry back to work old boy. I'll manage, I've sold three more properties yesterday". He said with a wide grin on his face. "You'll soon be retiring to the Bahamas, living it up".

"I wish." Said Jeffrey with a forced smile. "I can't really say when Shirley will be back, as soon as she can I expect. Still it's bad timing with me catching the flu. I should be  back at the office in a day or two. If you should need me, don't hesitate to ring me." "Right oh, I must go now I have a business to run". He said laughingly. "Seriously old boy if I can help in any way whilst Shirley's away, let me know. You must come over for dinner when you're feeling up to it. Now don't get up, I will let myself out." With that Richard took his leave.

Just as Jeffrey had thought, Richard had told everyone of his circumstances within the hour, the phone never stopped ringing. Friends and neighbours offered him support and dinner invites. Two of their closest neighbours, Ivy from next door and Elaine two doors further up appeared at his front door, both carrying baskets of food. "We thought," Said Ivy. "Seeing you are poorly and Shirley's away, that you'd be needing these." Thrusting two baskets at him. "Must be going." She muttered. "We're off to Mother's Union. Take care of yourself. I'll collect the baskets later." With a friendly wave, the two ladies walked off.

Though well meaning Jeffrey was worried by all this attention. He knew that eventually, Shirley’s disappearance would become obvious. How was he going to explain it away? He couldn't just say she wasn't coming back, without the how's, whys and wherefores.  He guessed it would be difficult. How right this would prove to be.

After a day or two Jeffrey got his life back into some kind of order. Whilst he was very lonely and missed Shirley like mad, on the surface everything was back to normality. Everyone kept on asking when Shirley was coming back. To which Jeffrey would answer, soon I hope. Jeffrey then noticed subtle changes in the people he knew. At first they would make excuses to hurry away, then he was sure some people were actually avoiding him. He heard whispers as he passed. It took just two weeks of this behaviour, when out of blue a couple of policemen arrived at Jeffrey's door. "Hello." Jeffrey said nervously. "Can I help you?"

"I hope so Sir." Was the reply. "Can we come in?"

"By all means, I hope there's nothing wrong, my wife is away at the moment." Jeffrey answered whilst opening the door further. "Do come in. Can I offer you any refreshments?"

"No sir, but if you don't mind answering a few questions. It has been brought to our attention; the fact of which you have already confirmed your wife is not with you. We also have reason to be suspicious." "Why is that?" Jeffrey asked with a sinking feeling at the pit of his stomach. "Well, I believe you know Mr. Johnson, the postman, he delivers your mail. He told us that you definitely have not received any mail, besides the odd bill or junk mail these last few weeks. We also took the liberty of checking your telephone calls over the last week or so and have come to the conclusion she has not contacted you or you her. Would you like to explain this to us?" Jeffrey stammered. "I could, but you wouldn't believe me I'm afraid."

"Do you mind if we look around Sir?"

"Of course not I've nothing to hide." Jeffrey said. The police searched the rooms systematically. "This ring Sir, can you identify it?" Said one of the officers. "Yes, of course I can. It's my wife's wedding ring." "I see Sir, why isn't she wearing it? Would  you like to explain what it is doing in your jacket pocket?" Jeffrey looked at the ring. He had forgotten all about it. He remembered now Shirley had given it back to him. He did not answer. "Then Mr. Jeffrey Benson, I have no alternative, but to place you under  arrest for the disappearance of your wife Mrs. Shirley Benson. You are not obliged to  say anything, but if you do it can be used in evidence against you. Do you understand?" Jeffrey nodded. "May I get my coat?"

"Yes Sir, you might also want to ring your solicitor, as you will be needing one." Came the reply.

Once in the police station, Jeffrey was met by his solicitor. "What's up Jeffrey? Clue me in."

"It seems,” Said Jeffrey "That I am being charged with the disappearance of my wife." "Oh dear me." Replied the solicitor. John Spencer is a tall thickset man,  despite his  bulky frame he is very agile and fit for his age. He will, he informed Jeffrey on many occasions, retire at fifty five years of age. This will be next year. John or Jack (as he  liked to be called). Has been Jeffreys solicitor for the past six years and he thought he knew him very well. Jack is easy going, but has a very shrewd keen mind and was not easily duped. "You'd better tell me all about it Jeffrey and I want the whole truth from you, not” he added "that I doubt your integrity." Jeffrey relayed all the events of the last year right up to his arrest. "Blow me, if this isn't the most incredible story I have ever heard, believe me Jeffrey, I heard some strange stories in my time".

"I know." Said Jeffrey dejectedly. "If you don't believe me, how do you expect me to repeat my story to the police. They'd put me in a mental institution for sure."

"I didn't say that I don't believe you, but I do advise you not to repeat it Jeffrey. You will have to stick to your original story, the one you told to your neighbours. Without a body we should get by.

"Come on. " Jack said. "Let's face the music." With this they walked into the interrogation room. The Police interrogation was very hard and frightening, the officer identified himself for the tape recording as DS Roland Barker and once the preliminaries were out of the way the fast firing questions began. “Mr Benson can you please tell us in your own words what has become of your wife Mrs Shirley Benson?’ Jeffrey stuck to his story about Shirley visiting her sick Mum. “ Where is Shirley’s mother currently residing?” Jeffrey looked dumbstruck how could he answer that question so he remained silent. Fortunately Jack intervened on Jeffrey’s behalf stating that his client was not going to answer any further questions and if they were going to charge, do it now. DS Barker replied “Ok Mr Benson I am arresting you for the disappearance of your wife Mrs Shirley Benson” Jeffrey was taken down to be processed, fingerprinted and photographed and left alone in a holding cell. Jeffrey, felt exhausted and full of despair this was a living nightmare, how would he ever cope? After a short time Jack appeared, Jeffrey looked up and said “ What happens now Jack?’

"You will have to stay here overnight and will be taken to the Magistrate court tomorrow at 9 am and I will be there and arrange bail for you. Keep your pecker up, it'll work out  in the end." With a wave, Jack breezed out. After a sleepless night spent in a cold cell Jeffrey met Jack at the Magistrates Court where Jack procured Jeffrey's release..After a brief hearing he was allowed home until the preliminary hearing at the crown court. “I will drop you off at your house. We will talk later, for now put your feet up and have a stiff drink."

"You're right Jack, as usual, I suppose it will all workout. I am very tense, thank you, I am tired of the whole affair and miss Shirley terribly. I can't seem to think straight any more. So I'll leave myself in your capable hands. Here we are home at last, thanks again for everything and see you tomorrow." With a wave of his hand Jeffrey walked off.  reply.

Over the next few days Jeffrey stayed isolated at home worrying how this was going to pan out. It was about a week later that Jeffrey opened the door to Jack. “ Hi Jeffrey how are you bearing up?”

“Rotten I don’t know how to get out of this ridiculous predicament .”

“Don’t worry I have come up with a solution. You will have to say your wife left you throwing the ring back after an argument and you felt too ashamed to admit it before and you hoped she would get back in touch, however she didn’t. We have a date for the preliminary hearing,which is next Tuesday.”

The week went by slowly and Jeffrey never left his home, during this time Jeffrey had a lot of time on his hands to reflect back about the good old days when he and Shirley first met. She had walked into his agency to see if she could rent an apartment. Jeffrey surveyed the beautiful girl before him, though small in stature she had the perfect figure, jet black hair cascading around her pale and delicate face. Her eyes were the deepest blue. Instantly Jeffrey thought to himself I am going to marry this girl. They had a quick whirlwind romance marrying three months later. In fact it was Shirley’s idea why wait? She had said.

Eventually the day arrived for the preliminary hearing, they entered the court, and once the short hearing was over Jeffrey left the court along with Jack. "Now that's out of the way and we have a date for the crown court." Jack said. "We can get cracking on  building a case. Let me see after the preliminary hearings, I think the trial will take place roughly in February. This should be enough time; we can go through it next week. In the meantime Jeffrey, go back to work, take your mind off it." Jeffrey watched Jack drive off towards his office. He supposed he would have to face people sometimes Richard looked up from the local morning paper in front of him. The headlines read as follows: MAN ARRESTED FOR DISAPPEARANCE OF WIFE. Yesterday Mr. Jeffrey Benson was arrested in regards to the disappearance of his wife Shirley. He was released on bail pending his forth-coming trial. "Jeffrey old boy, it's good to see you. Sorry old boy. Anything I can do, don't hesitate to ask. " Said Richard pointing to the paper. "You look lousy, not taking care of yourself. Sure signs you're missing the little woman. Oh sorry." He stammered. "That was tactless of me." Jeffrey gave a rueful smile. Since when, if ever, was Richard tactful, he thought? "It's all right Richard." He replied.  "How's everything going here?" "Quite well, in fact I've secured another sale just before you arrived." "Well done Richard I knew I could rely on you. At least this is one worry less."

"Oh rotten luck old boy, poor Shirley, at least they haven't found her dead. You hear all kinds of things, not that I listen to gossip". Richard remarked. Jeffrey looked across at Richard. If only, he thought, everyone knew that Richard loved gossip and mostly instigated it. Still Richard was basically a decent chap. Jeffrey knew he needed him,  more right now, what with the trial coming up. He sighed. "I'll make a coffee shall I?" They spent the rest of the day working hard. "It was an hectic day. I've never known one as busy". Richard said. Jeffrey knew that the news of his return to the office had already gotten around and curiosity more than a need to purchase a property had drawn the people in. Still this was normal in a close knit community such as theirs.

The days became all much the same to Jeffrey, he kept in touch by phone everyday with Jack and called into his office once a week. As Jack had told him, there was not a lot he could do. Only get character witnesses to prove he was a pillow of the community. How devoted he was to his wife and just to state how strange Shirley was acting before her departure. On the other hand Jack had stated what real evidence had they got to convict him. Still the fact that he might be convicted was always on Jeffrey's mind. Days grew into months and at last the trial date was upon them.