The Secret to Atheness by S.M.Gilson - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten


Prince Varek and Princess Simona ran as fast as they could from the sea. They then jumped into the sky with Chait holding on to Varek’s back. They first flew back to Amos so they could have the warriors prepare for war. They also asked them to send the best warriors to rally more troops in the area. Varek knew that not only the fairies but the centaurs, wood nymphs, and ogres were prepared to fight, as well. There were many more creatures and even rebel humans, hidden in the mountains ready for battle, and the butterfly fairies of Amos knew where to find them. Varek and Simona left Amos, with the hope and belief that the word would be spread for miles. War was here. Varek and Simona planned on meeting the new troops in a few days. They would meet in the dead valley, once they were back to their true form.

They knew Katie would still be in Derya for several more hours. So they decided to take the long way back to pick Katie up. They had hopes of finding more allies to help fight.

“I hope Katie is doing all right. You would never find me anywhere near the sea. I hate water!” Chait said, stretching, and then beginning to groom himself, still sitting on Varek’s back.

“I’m sure she will be fine. Chadwick is with her and she has progressed very well, in such a short time.” Varek said, looking back at Chait. Chait nodded in agreement and then continued licking himself.

They continued on in silence for a while, walking in a new, unfamiliar area. They slowed their pace so they could be cautious of where they were. Chait’s ears perked up as did Varek’s and Simona’s. “Do you hear that? I think I hear someone singing. It’s beautiful.” Varek said, now trotting faster. He stopped at the edge of a cliff and looked over to the sea. “I hear something, but I don’t hear any singing. It sounds more like someone being ordered around.” Simona said, joining her brother and Chait at the edge of the cliff. She gasped, when she looked in the direction her brother was looking.

A small island sat in the middle of the cove they stood over. On the cove were women singing a song in such perfect harmony. The song was so entrancing, that all who listened stood and stared. They acted as if they were stranded on the island. Simona looked over at Varek in fear. He had a dreamy look in his eyes and they began to cloud over. “Varek, no, look at me! Varek, look at me!” Simona said, starting to panic. She knew who they were; the Sirens.

The Sirens were creatures that preyed on only males. The song they sang was so entrancing, that any male (human or beast) hearing their sweet song, becomes hypnotized and falls under their spell. The sirens then would change into their true form, a half woman, half bird beast. They took their new prey and kept them as slaves forever. If they ever became bored with them, the prey would then become dinner to the bird beasts.

It was too late, Varek opened his wings and flew down to the island below, and all that was heard was the faint screaming of his sister above. The wistful sound of the ladies below, singing a sweet song was all that Varek and Chait could hear. The song entranced Varek so much that he had to be with these women. He had to hear their song for as long as he could possibly listen to them. The war and all his problems began to go away as he neared the beautiful women. As he landed on the island, he realized he wasn’t a Unicus anymore. He looked down at his hands. They were now his hands he once had, not hoofs. The women stopped singing and smiled at Varek, then looked down at Chait standing next to him.

“A cat? Well, I guess we can find some use for you.” The woman said as she spread out her arms as far as she could. Her arms began to grow very long and then turned into the wings of a monstrous bird. She then picked up Varek and Chait in her large talons and flew off into a nearby cave that was away from the island. Simona helplessly watched in horror.

“I must get back to Katie. I’m going to need her help.” Princess Simona said to herself, flying back to the sea to find Katie and Chadwick.

“I hope it’s not too late.” She said, flying furiously back to the cove.