The Secret to Atheness by S.M.Gilson - HTML preview

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Chapter Sixteen


The women of the crew, along with Katie, Simona, and Chadwick, stood ready as the ship slowly sailed into the cove. They all stood silently with weapons in their hands, ready to shoot and fight if needed. Chadwick put a spell on himself that would make him immune to the Siren’s song. He could never master the spell that would make it work on humans. Of Course, he hadn’t been around enough humans where such a spell would be useful. Katie stood stone-faced, trying to hide the fear she felt inside. This was going to be her first battle that she had ever experienced.

A soft song was now growing over the sea. It sounded like a beautiful choir of women, singing in a cathedral. As they neared the small island in the cove, Katie could see the women who sang. They were indeed beautiful, with long flowing dresses that moved in the wind, along with their long blond hair. The women seemed to encourage the ship to come port on the island. The women of the ship knew better and were not as easily fooled as the men had been. The men heard the tune but not the words that the women heard. The woman heard: “Come to the island, you will be ours forever, come to the island and never leave again.” They stopped the ship where it was and weighed anchor. Simona spotted Varek on the Island; he carried some heavy bricks on his back and brought them into a nearby cave. Chait followed him with a single brick strapped to his back. There were many men on the island; men from the sea village, soldiers, and even some from the pirate ship.

The women on the island called for the ship to come closer. One of the women on the ship yelled out to one of the pirates that were heading to the cave with an armload of bricks. The women of the island heard the call, and turned and looked back at the ship. They stopped their song and stood up, one by one. The women stretched out their arms to reveal large golden wings. They opened their mouths and instead of a sweet song emulating from them, a loud screech came out, instead. The screech was so loud that the women covered their ears in misery.

The Sirens flew off the island in the direction that the ship was anchored. “So, the women have come to save their little men, have they? Turn back now, or you will be destroyed!” The first Siren said, as she hastened her speed in the sky, followed by the others. They flew toward the ship with great haste.

“Ready your weapons ladies!” Katie yelled, as she grabbed an arrow from across her back and readied her bow. The first Siren flew down and picked up an older woman that had her back turned as she tried to pick up her gun. Within seconds, she was dropped back on the main deck as the Siren was hit in her left wing by Katie’s arrow. She shrieked and flew back into the cave. The other seven Sirens came at full force toward the ship. James and the Captain fired the cannon and hit two of them, just as they were about to land on the ship, knocking them into the sea.

“All right, reload your weapons, it’s not over yet.” One of the women said, holding three fresh guns she got from James and the Captain.

The remaining five Sirens circled the ship, which had made them a harder target, as they swooped up and down trying to damage the sails of the ship. Three women lined up next to Katie and they all shot their arrows, hitting two more of the Sirens, one in the head killing her and the other, in the side, making her squeal with pain. She glared at Katie and flew back to the safety of the cave as one more followed her.

Katie put her bow down and took out her sword. She stood ready, as the last two Sirens flew down to attack Katie at the same time. One was shot down by the fresh guns that had been brought up. The last Siren looked back at her dead companion and angrily flew toward Katie.

“You will pay for killing my sister!” She shrieked. Katie swung her sword in one quick slash, cutting her head off. “No, YOU will!” Katie said, as she grabbed a cloth to clean her sword. “Now, let’s go get our boys back!” The women all cheered and brought back the anchor, so they could sail closer and anchor again as close to the island as possible. Most of the women got off to help the lost and now very confused men on the island, while the others stayed aboard and prepared to sail again, once everyone was aboard.

Katie and Simona walked cautiously into the cave, knowing there were still a few more Sirens in there ready to fight, even though they were injured. Chait ran passed them, using his sneakiness as a cat to escape the cave unnoticed. He smiled as he passed and ran across the beach and onto the safety of the boat. Smart cat, Katie thought to herself. They found Prince Varek unloading the last of his bricks off his back and walking to the mouth of the cave to retrieve some more. Katie adapted her eyes to the dark cave and saw that these men were building a palace for the Sirens, and were probably going to be their servants forever, as well. Simona motioned for them to leave and get to the ship as they heard the screams of the Sirens coming from the back of the cave.

Varek continued collecting bricks. It didn’t make much sense to Katie why he did this, because everyone else was free from the spell that was cast upon them.

“Varek, you can stop, they won’t hurt you anymore, and you’re free. Can’t you see we’re going to leave this place now?” Simona said, in the kindest way she could.

“Go without me. They need me to stay here and help them finish their home.” He said walking past them with his load of bricks. Katie looked out at the ship and saw they were loading the last few people.

“We need to go now, Varek. We need you more than they do. You are a Prince, not a servant or a slave. Come, we must leave now, the war is upon us.” Simona said, releasing the bricks from his back as they fell to the sandy floor with a loud thud.

“No, you mustn’t do this! They said they would turn me back into a Unicus if I didn’t listen. No one has needed me in a long time. Let me stay, I don’t want to be a horse again!” Varek said, struggling to get the bricks back onto his back. Simona and Katie were shocked.

“Varek, look in the pool of water next to you,” Simona said slowly. Varek sighed and looked down.

“See, you are still a Unicus; they lied to you. What you feel is only an illusion, it isn’t real. Katie and her husband found all the items we needed. We will be human again soon, and then we will lead our warriors to victory! Please get on the ship.” Simona said, as she turned to walk to the ship. Varek looked at his reflection in disbelief. Katie walked up to him and put both hands on his face and looked into his deep blue eyes.

“I need you, Varek, and so do your people. Don’t give up on us so easily. If not for us, do it for your parents.” Varek smiled and turned with Katie to the ship. “Wait. There is one thing we need to do before we leave. I don’t want the Sirens to rein terror on anyone else. This ends now.” Varek said, as he grabbed a long stick with his mouth. He found Chadwick and quietly asked him something that Katie couldn’t hear. Chadwick nodded and also picked up a stick. Chadwick then said a few words in the fairy language and the ends of the sticks lit on fire. They went to the mouth of the cave and after covering the entrance with sticks and dry leaves, they set it on fire. Katie watched in amazement as the cave entrance became a wall of flames. Screams from the Sirens could be heard from the inside. Varek nodded and walked back to the boat. Once Katie, Chadwick and Varek were safely on the ship, they brought up the anchor and put the sails up. The ship turned away from the island with twenty new members of the crew. Some old members and some new ones joined the crew for the first time. Others on the ship only stayed and helped until they found their way home again. Until that time, every member vowed to fight along the side of Princess Simona and Prince Varek’s warriors when the time came.

Soon, they were far enough into sea where the Sirens cove and island could no longer be seen, save for the thick smoke that billowed into the sky. When it was safe, the men came out of their cabins and were joined by James and the Captain. They all greeted the new members of the crew with great joy. Some men took out a few of their instruments and started playing a merry tune while others began to dance and drink some of the ale that was brought out. Katie gladly took a mug of water and drank with gusto. She was very proud of the leadership she took forth this day and James told her the same. James took her hand and they danced with a few others of the crew. She smiled at James and then looked over to see Chait dancing around with a scruffy looking cat that must have belonged to the crew. She laughed at the sight of them.

The next few days went by quickly. The crew went on as they normally did, with some extra help. Chait and the other cat spent most of the day on the quarterdeck. James got to know Chadwick very well, and wished he could know Simona and Varek, but wasn’t able to talk to them like Katie could. She told him all she knew about Simona and Varek and the adventure they shared and James told of his adventures, as well. Chadwick told them that once they got to the forest, the items they collected would activate with the Cane of Power and it would be ready to use on the Prince and Princess.

On the third day of sailing, the ship anchored back at the seaside village. Prince Varek, Princess Simona, Chadwick, Chait, Katie and now James, all got off and said their goodbyes to their new friends. Chadwick relayed a message from Prince Varek, that they would send word once they were needed for battle. The Captain bowed his thanks and waved goodbye. Some of the crew got off to see their families again and to get fresh supplies for the ship.

The nearest forest was a short distance from the village, so they all began to walk. Chait made himself comfortable in Katie’s arms as Katie and James talked, they both were a little skeptical that the Cane of Power was even going to work at all. They discussed things like; did they get the right items from the right places? What would they do once we have the items together? They all began walking in silence until the path they walked on was then surrounded by a forest.

“Okay, bring out all the items and place them on the ground,” Chadwick said to Katie and James. They took off their bags and took out the tubes they were given and James added the cane that the old elf had given him.

“Um, is something supposed to happen?” James asked Chadwick. Chadwick didn’t respond; he just raised his hand over the items and said a few words in a language they didn’t understand and suddenly the tubes opened and the contents started to swirl around each other in the air. The cane then rose in the air and the contents of the tubes swirled around it until they all collected inside the wooden sphere on top of the cane. The contents hardened into a glowing sphere of light. Chadwick was satisfied and handed the completed Cane of Power to Katie. She took it and looked up at Chadwick, puzzled.

“I don’t know what to do next. How do I make them human again? Do I just point it at them or do I have to say something?” Katie asked, almost embarrassed that she didn’t know.

Chadwick smiled at her. “You know what to do. Yes, you have to point it at them and say something from the heart, but only you can do it. Whatever you say, it has to be instructions for the Cane of Power.” Katie thought for a moment… instructions to undo the spell. She closed her eyes and pointed the cane at Simona and Varek.

“A spell was done that wasn’t norm, so turn them back to their true form.”

Katie then opened her eyes to see a light shine through the Cane of Power and made its way around Simona and Varek and consumed them. Katie and the others had to cover their eyes for fear they might be blinded. When the light had finally faded, a woman with long golden hair and a blue riding dress stood before them. Standing next to her was a very good looking man with the same golden hair that came down to his shoulders. He stood tall and proud and wore clothes fit for royalty with an emblem of the necklace that Katie wore, sewn into his shirt.

“We’re back!” Simona said, as she ran to Varek and threw her arms around him. He held her tight and spun his sister around. They looked over at Katie and bowed.

“You’ve done it Katie, now let’s go back to Amos and prepare our people for battle!”

“How long will that take from where we are? You can’t fly anymore.” Katie pointed out.

“Have you forgotten the magic of the forests in Atheness?” Simona said, as she whistled. Two wood nymphs appeared, leading five white Pegasus’. Simona and Varek laughed out loud.

“This will be a weird experience for us.” Simona said, as she took the Pegasus from the wood nymph that led it.

They all mounted their own Pegasus and Chait jumped up with Katie and settled in her lap. Prince Varek took the lead and they all flew into the sky in the direction of Amos to prepare for the upcoming battle.