The Secret to Atheness by S.M.Gilson - HTML preview

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Chapter Five


Princess Simona ran as fast as she could, dodging branches and jumping over logs. Flying would have been faster, but she would have lost his scent, if she took that route. She stopped short when she saw a familiar creature starring gloomily into the water. She knew it was her brother, Prince Varek. Even though he was a Unicus, she would recognize him even if he were a toad.

“Here you are, Varek. I have been looking for you for a long time. Why didn’t you stay in Amos?” Simona said, now standing next to her brother.

“What’s the point of hiding with fairies? We need to form an army and claim the throne! We can’t just cower in the forest and let Queen Zendra win!” Varek said, stamping his hoof in the dirt.

“Didn’t you even listen to the Queen’s plan? She sent someone who is to help us. She can talk to us and she has Adrianna’s key.”

“She? Is she a Fairy, a Wood Nymph, an Ogre?”

“Well… she’s a human, from the realm of men.” Simona said, trying to sound positive.

“She’s from the realm of men? Does she know how to fight? Use a sword? Or even lead an army?”

“We can teach her. We have seven days, but she’ll have to learn in two. Adrianna knows what she is doing.” She looked up at Varek’s unsure face and smiled. “You’ll like her, I know you will. Follow me, so you can go meet her.”

Varek followed Simona along the river. He wasn’t happy about wasting two days, training a girl who didn’t know the first thing about fighting or even holding a sword. He was almost angry about the whole thing. He could use this time to gather an army. No one knew the people like he did. Not even Simona. While she busied herself with her Queen training, Varek spent time with the people of Atheness. He traveled all over the realm, learning new cultures and even languages. He discovered people hidden in the mountain that were born and bred to fight. They were called the warriors. They would be great allies for his army. If only he wasn’t a Unicus, then he could speak freely with the warriors. He would ask them to join in the upcoming battle and defeat Queen Zendra without this woman’s help.

Katie and Chait stood by the river, still puzzled about why Simona ran off so quickly.

“I knew we shouldn’t have trusted a strange, talking animal!” Chait yelled, now pacing back and forth.

“What do you think you are, Chait? A talking cat is more than a bit strange.” Katie said, laughing. “You know, I’m really glad you’re here. I don’t know if I could do this without you. Thank you.”

“The same goes for me, Katie. You didn’t have to let me follow you after I came alive, but you did. I know that the worst is yet to come and I will be by your side through it all.”

“Thanks Chait, that means a lot. I haven’t had a true friend in a long time; I’m glad I have one now. I just remembered the food that the Kaia gave us. Let’s sit down and eat.”

“Well, I can’t argue about that.” Chait said, poking his nose in her backpack. They settled on the ground and started pulling out the food to eat.

They looked up and saw Simona, followed by another Unicus.

“This must be your brother, Varek. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Varek.” Katie said, now standing up and bowing slightly to the prince.

Prince Varek gave Katie the once over, and then continued walking past her. “It’s getting late; we must get to Amos before nightfall.” He said over his shoulder. Katie was a little offended by the Prince’s behavior, but did as she was told. She climbed onto Simona’s back and Chait climbed onto Varek, as he was told. Instead of running as they had been, the two Unicus’ opened their wings wide and then jumped into the sky.

Katie’s heart began to beat faster, when Simona told her to hold on tight. They then soared higher into the sky. She looked down and saw the country side. The land looks as green as a clover, thought Katie. She couldn’t help but laugh at the thought that she was living her dream. However, she never dreamed of flying with a Unicus; she never thought that would be possible.

She did always dream of going on an adventure; doing something exciting for once, and not relying on others to plan it out for her. She looked back at Prince Varek, who was flying gracefully, like he had been doing it all his life. Chait clung to his back with all his might.

“Is flying really necessary?” Chait growled keeping his eyes tightly closed.

Katie laughed again. “It’s probably the fastest way to get around; otherwise I imagine we would be walking for a long time!” Chait didn’t respond. Instead, he kept his concentration on holding onto the Prince’s back.

Katie’s thoughts drifted to her husband, James. What happened when she never returned from work?

Simona looked back at Katie. “We have a long journey ahead of us and being worried is only going to make it longer.” Katie forced a smile

“I still don’t understand why the fairies chose me out of everyone else in the world. Wait, could you read my thoughts just now?” Katie asked Princess Simona.

“No, but I know that face; I have made it so many times in the past.”

Simona lowered herself to the ground, and Katie climbed off. She looked down at Katie and smiled. Katie looked at her new surroundings. They were standing in the most beautiful forest that Katie could ever imagine.

The trees were so clean and perfect; it was as if they came right out of a painting. They rose up from the ground as if trying to touch the sun. The ground was covered in very green grass, not a blade of it was discolored. A beautiful creek of crystal clear water flowed in front of them. Shinny pebbles that looked almost like blue crystals and pearls lined the bottom of the creek. Little purple flowers were arranged perfectly around the forest floor. Katie bent down to smell one and the scent of lavender filled her senses.

She looked up at the Princess, “where are we?” The Princess smiled as only a unicorn can do. “We are in the land of Amos, the realm of the butterfly fairies. Your questions will soon be answered.”

Chait jumped off the Prince’s back and into Katie’s arms. Katie began to stroke his back as she waited for something to happen. She didn’t know what she was really waiting for, but she knew it must be something amazing.

Suddenly, a butterfly flew towards them, followed by a rainbow of colors. The butterfly flew franticly around Katie. Katie was too amazed to be afraid. The butterfly began to grow and change into a beautiful woman. The butterfly’s wings grew and they remained on the back of this stunning woman. She smiled at Katie. Her dark hair flowed over her shoulders and down to her waist. Her eyes were the color of the sea and a red crown of flowers, placed on her head, matched her red dress. The dress glistened in the sunlight.

“I would like to introduce Adrianna, the Queen of the butterfly fairies, and second keeper of the key.” The Princess bowed to the Queen. Katie held the necklace tight in her hand.

“Then this key belongs to you?”

“It does, but I would like you to hold on to it for a while. It will do you some good. Queen Zendra would not expect a human from the realm of men, to hold the key. However, you can only stay here until you have completed your training; the key is not safe here, she knows it is in Amos. She will do anything in her power to retrieve the second key. If she has both of them, all will be lost.” She gave Katie a reassuring smile.

“Why choose me, of all the people in the world and yours, why me? I’m no one special.” Katie said in discouragement.

“Oh, but you are. You don’t realize how special you really are. Your heart is pure; the most pure of hearts that I have seen in a long time and I have been around a very long time. Dear Katie, all of Atheness needs your help. You, Simona and Varek, were chosen by the key. No one else can do it for you; it is your own task, appointed to you three.”

Katie looked down at the water in the creek she stood next to. “What if we fail, what if we can’t do it?”

“I’m going to be honest with you Katie, I’m not going to tell you that it’s not going to be hard and that someone else can do it for you. If the other key is not restored in seven days then all of Atheness will be ruled by Queen Zendra, and I will perish, as well. The keepers of the key are linked to it as it is to us. If our key is in evil hands, we will no longer be as we once were. If Simona’s key remains in Zendra’s grasp, Simona and Varek will remain Unicus’s, forever. Do you understand, Katie?”

Katie looked up at Adrianna, “I understand.”

“You look very troubled. Follow me; my people have prepared a feast for you. After we eat, I’ll have my servants show you to your room for the night.”

They walked into the forest for a short while, when Adrianna stopped and as if by magic, opened a door. Katie looked behind the door, but nothing was there. Just the forest, as it was. Katie placed her hand next to the door where a wall should be, but she felt nothing. A normal person could walk right through this forest and never know about this secret door.

Adrianna smiled, “It has to be invisible, to protect our village. It is protected with magic. Come, let’s eat.” They walked through a long hallway that appeared to be made of crystal walls. The lights above them looked like hanging flowers with fireflies illuminating from the center of it. There wasn’t a whole lot to look at in the hallway, and as they walked, Katie started to wonder if this was really a castle at all. She always imagined a castle full of gold, and portraits of the royal family. This was a fairy castle after all, so maybe they just liked things to stay simple.

At the end of the hallway, there was a great entry of golden double doors. Two fairies stood guard. If it wasn’t for their wings and ears, Katie would have thought they were human. Their long hair was pulled back into tight ponytails. Light body armor was slightly visible from under their long tunic and pants. Leather boots came to their calves and buckled at the side. They each held a large decorative spear in their right hand. They both took a door and opened it for Adrianna and her guests.

The room they entered was bigger than a baseball field. Adrianna told them that many grand balls had taken place in this room. Katie smiled at the thought of a grand ball with fairies. In the middle of the large room was a very long table full of food. The food didn’t look familiar to Katie. Meat of some sort of animal was placed in the middle of the table on a silver dish. The smell emitting from the meat was quite appealing to Katie. Other dishes were placed delicately around the meat as if it were an art. It was an array of colorful dishes, all in silver plates and bowls.

Each seat was covered in a white cloth and tied with a bow. It reminded Katie of a wedding reception. A silver plate was placed in front of each chair with three forks, two spoons and a knife, displayed on each side of the plate. In front of each place was a crystal goblet.

Katie was seated near the end of the table next to Queen Adrianna. Chait was placed on the ground. A small setting was laid out just for him. Simona and Varek excused themselves since it was not possible to sit at a table to eat. After the Prince and Princess left, the servants began to take the plates and serve those who sat at the table. At the table sat the elders of Amos. On the other side of Queen Adriana sat her most trusted advisor and guard. She told Katie his name was Chadwick. A plate was then placed before Katie. The silver plate was filled with the strange meat, fruits, what looked like leaves, and a pudding- type substance that was as green as the leaves on the trees outside. Everyone watched Katie, until she took her first bite. To her surprise, all the fruit was so delicious, it melted in her mouth. She tried the strange meat next. It tasted almost like ham, but was juicy and tender, like chicken. When the parties of fairies were satisfied that Katie was enjoying her meal, they all began to start on their own, as well.

There wasn’t any talk at the table about Katie’s quest. They talked about the upcoming war, other fairies, and others asked Katie about her realm, and about James. Katie felt very proud of the world she lived in when she talked about it.

After the meal, the guards took Katie and Chait to a beautiful room with crystal windows that viewed the forest. Her bed was filled with feathers and cotton and was lined with silk. “This will be your room for the next few nights. I hope you find it acceptable. There is a robe hanging on the door. You may use it to sleep in.” said one of the guards standing at the door way.

“Thank you, this will do very nicely.” The guards bowed and then left her and Chait alone in the room. Chait trotted around the room awhile and then settled in a little basket bed that sat next to Katie’s bed. Katie smiled at Chait and then changed into the night gown that hung on the door.

She placed her other clothes in her almost empty backpack. She walked to the window and sat down in a chair next to it. Looking out the window she saw Queen Adrianna talking to another fairy. She sat down next to the river and placed her hand in the water. Suddenly, the water she touched glowed and showed pictures of something Katie couldn’t make out from where she was sitting. Katie sat up, left her room, and walked outside toward Queen Adrianna. She felt like she was imposing, but she couldn’t help herself; she wanted to know what was going on, and get some answers.

Queen Adrianna stood up and faced Katie. “So, you were watching me?”

“Well, I didn’t mean any harm and I don’t even know why I came out here. I guess to see you. What did you see?”

“Child, I had to be sure you really were the one. I fear you have an even greater purpose then to just return Simona and Varek to the throne.”

“Then, am I the one? What did you see? Please tell me!” Katie almost yelled.

“You will know before you leave us. There are many tasks you must complete, but first you must learn to fight. This is a trade you may not use, but you will need to know before going on. Now, please get some rest; tomorrow is a very busy day for you.”

“Before I go, can you please explain the importance of the key? Where did it come from? Why is there two of them?” Katie asked while her hand tightly grasped the blue gem necklace.

Adrianna sat quietly for a moment before she began. “It began many, many decades ago.” She stopped and watched a purple flower fall from a tree and land softly on the still water. “There was once a portal that linked your world to mine. It was similar to the one you traveled through, when you came to Atheness. This is how humans live in Atheness, today. The first human to come through the portal was a man named Alroy Sceffingten. This man made an alliance with the butterfly fairies. He showed the portal to many more humans. They loved Atheness so much, that they settled here and made Alroy their king. At this same time, I was in the middle of the Pixie rebellion. This led to the battle that banished the Pixies from Rugonden. King Alroy and his followers helped in the battle. We were successful in the battle, however the Pixies showed many of the evil creatures of Atheness, where the portal was. They began terrorizing your realm. King Alroy came to me to discuss a plan that would close the portal. With much effort and time, we made the keys. One I would care for, and the other was to be passed down King Alroy’s bloodline. The one, who possesses both keys and places them together, can close the portal and undo any spells that have been done. The same can also be done if both keys are in the wrong hands. The portal can be opened and spells left untouched and be permanent, if the keeper so chooses.

King Alroy and his men removed as many creatures from your world as they could find. We closed the portal and returned to our kingdoms, always wearing the key around our necks. Do you now understand the importance of the keys, and the importance of retrieving the stolen one?”

“I do. So all the myths and legends of dragons, Big Foot and the Loch Ness monster were all true?” Katie asked excitedly.

“King Alroy couldn’t find all the missing creatures in your world. Some may have very well been left behind. The dragons however, there were many in your world in your medieval era. We successfully removed all of them before the portal was sealed.” Adrianna said, standing up.

“So, even though they were true, they will always be nothing but a myth, in my world?”

“Yes. It is better that this world remain a myth, as well. Now it is late and you must rest for your training tomorrow.” She nodded Katie over to the direction of the palace.

Katie walked back to the invisible door and it was obediently opened by one of the guards. As she continued to her room, she past a door that was slightly opened and a light was on. She slowed to a stop as she overheard her name in two fairies conversation. “How can this girl, Katie, be the one? She doesn’t look like any warrior I have ever seen,” said the first fairy

“I know; maybe Queen Adrianna was wrong when she sent her here.” The second fairy answered.

Katie heard enough, so she continued on her way. She entered her room and closed the door behind her. Chait was already fast asleep in his basket bed. She climbed into bed. Sleep didn’t come easy after that. She tossed and turned until finally, she fell soundly asleep.