The Soma Tantra by Obsidian Eagle - HTML preview

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I am Upaya Panther-Mask, Prince of The Daityas, and I come to proclaim thy salvation!”

At that a bedlam broke loose among those prisoners as they rattled their cages in tandem tantrum. Upaya waited for this racket to subside before continuing:

“Many of you remember me as a self-serving double-crosser but know that

Amrita pumps through my veins and that Guru Shukra – my sire – has been murdered by our mutual nemeses, the Devatas.”

There was a grumbling now more subdued than before. He had piqued their

interest and they awaited his follow-up, which went:

“Brothers and sisters let us put bygone differences behind and move forward

together. Serve me faithfully and I shalt lead thee unto triumph. For King Indra himself wilt suffer cruel death at mine hands. If I canst count on thee then hail my name aloud!”

Oopaayaa, Oopaayaa, Oopaayaa!!!”

Thus did the prince raise a second army, thrice as large as his first.

~ ≈ ~

Later on, the Daitya chief was led by Priestess Kaitabh down to one of the grittiest sections in Talatala. She pointed out a tar pit that seemed unremarkable after which she pulled on a rusty bar underfoot. The pool became drained of dark fluid thereby revealing another Raksha’s oversized head, spit through eyes and mouth with thick chisels.

Nonetheless its ears twitched and tongue pulsated.

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“He was found by Namuchi’s scouts,” Kaitabh told Upaya. “Rahu has probably been in this place longer than the others. He is the only other Ashura besides us to have tasted Amrita on his palette.”

“Interesting. What kind of condition is he really in?”

“If set free his eyeballs will surely regenerate. However he is predisposed to uncontrollable rabidity and should be kept under strict surveillance. What would you have us do, noble prince?”

“Find something to contain him in and then release him from these shafts.

I would have you transport that container along with us when we exit Patala.”

“Consider it done.”

Upaya knew that Rahu might come in handy during upcoming encounters;

especially against Surya.

~ ≈ ~

Agni – Herald of Lord Indra’s court – accompanied a tall Yogini into the Maharajah’s throne room where Surya, Guru Brihaspati and Kama were also gathered. The ancient fire god introduced her:

“My lords I present Yaksha, captain of Kali-Ma’s honor guard.”

“Welcome daughter of Devi,” Indra saluted. “How may we assist you?”

“King Indra I bring dire tidings from Patala. Yama has been overthrown by

Ananta-Naga and the Ashuras have regrouped under Upaya. Indeed he has sent me here to declare war on his behalf.”

The Devatas gasped in unison. Lord Indra rose from his throne and pressed on:

“And what of the Yoginis? Does Kali not intend to aid our cause?”

“No,” she verbalized and then vanished to thin air.

Those gods became astir with concern. Surya was vociferous above all:

“I told you to let me kill him! Now I’m through taking orders from this council and shall henceforth take matters into my own hands.”

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“Surya you are the youngest and strongest left among us,” asseverated Agni. “For these same reasons we need you to stand at our side more than ever.”

“The only way to end this quickly is by challenging Upaya in person,” Surya

argued. “Furthermore I possess something that belongs to him.”

“Do tell,” Indra solicited.

Instead the sun god showed them what he meant when he reached into himself

and produced Garuda’s Feather from within. This begat nods of admiration about him.

Such was his determination to square accounts that Surya departed for Patala, alone.

~ ≈ ~

Locked inside a large holding cell framed by an immovable iron grate, Soma,

Commander Viswava and his Ghandharvas awaited trial. Being official members of Amaravati’s royal court they were duly accorded a formal hearing before public jurors.

Never in heaven’s extended history had any Devata been put to death by his peers.

Chandra ran the risk of becoming an exceptional case in that regard and his aides were no better off than he. A morbid silence pervaded their atmosphere until they beheld Kama coming toward them on fleet feet. Desire personified brought them up to speed on current affairs:

“Rejoice ye reprobates, thy trial hast been postponed. Upaya and his cohorts have been freed from wretched Patala by King Ananta and the Nagas!”

All heads perked inquisitively at this revelation. During their successive uproar the voice of Viswava carried more than anyone else’s:

“Lord Kama please tell us what has become of our wives the Apsaras?”

“Let your mind rest at ease commander. They survived as most of you have and

are being held in custody at another facility.”

Following several related questions from other bird-men, Soma Chandra (who

had remained silent up till then) snapped his fingers in annoyance. The Ghandharvas acquiesced and heard him speak thusly:

“You see all is not lost and Dharma abides by us yet. Now tell me cousin Kama, how difficult do you think it will be to release us once Upaya attacks? As our alliance with those Ashuras persists, we must stand close together with them for better or worse.”

“Leave it to me,” Kama inspirited, leaving their midst with a wink. The hour of reckoning was nearly at hand and everybody could tangibly feel it.

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- Interstice -

Beyond the farthest edges of Prakriti (creation) lay Lord Vishnu’s abode: Vaikuntha. Gossamer swans and other exotic fowl swam or

flew there. The boughs of trees in full blossom wafted petals onto the

immaculate lawn of this veritable Eden. Here Brahma’s consort

Sarasvati – goddess of music and artistry, was putting on an outdoor

recital at which Parvati and Lakshmi (Shiva and Vishnu’s wives,

respectively) sat front row center. But apart from Brahma,

their husbands were nowhere in sight. Knowing that their female

counterparts would be enraptured by Sarasvati’s performance

Mahadeva and Mahavishnu strayed into Vaikuntha’s abstract weald.

They arrived at a circle of stones whence Vishnu cleared the

underbrush to reveal an exact replica of Shiva’s dice board.

“You see, all our pieces have entered the stage of fruition,”

Mahadeva explained. “Would you care to place a wager?”

“At this critical phase it is only prudent that I do.”

“Certainly, though I am curious to find out how you will approach

the dilemmas presented by these particular circumstances. Things

aren’t quite the same in this Kalpa .”

Mahavishnu rapidly analyzed every nuance of that game’s

progress before announcing:

“Despite grim appearances I shall stake reputation on my

nephews the Devatas. They are bound to win even if it means that

I myself must enter Antarloka.”

“So you think to contend with a scion of my loins?


“Says one brimming with overconfidence to a second who is

unaffected by the three Gunas and wholly capable of manipulating

Maya’s veil.”

“Very well then I accept your wager even if it reinforces belief in

our difference when we are in fact nothing short of identical.”

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“Games within games. Mirrors unto infinite regress. The heedless

aren’t deserving of self-evident truths. Yet you and I must also

transcend each other’s subjectivity.”

With that, Lord Vishnu picked up a pair of ebony dice and tossed

them onto the board.

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Act Three – Tremendous Upheavals

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[ 9 ] Surya Sets

A Rudra scout named Eshana genuflected in Skhanda’s presence and delivered his report:

“My lord, an inscrutable source of brightness draws nigh. We Rudras have

attempted to becloud it without any success.”

Skhanda studied the horizon and nodded pensively. He instructed Eshana:

“Tell your kindred to withdraw and let whatever may come forth. I believe

myself acquainted to this light’s fount.”

The scout carried out that warlord’s request and within a few minutes Surya could be seen riding his steed up steep hillside. Before long he came across his kinsman whereupon they locked stares and discoursed:

“Karttikeya! Us Devatas decimated by demons under Chandra’s employ and yet

you repose here while consorting with Pisachas, Ganas and Rudras.”

“Steady yourself cousin. Karttikeya is no longer my name since I am Skhanda –

son of Shiva Mahadeva and head over all the hosts of Antarloka.”

“So you’ve finally learnt about your real heritage? But if what you say is true accompany me to Patala and command your legion against the Ashuras, newly allied with King Ananta’s Nagas.”

“I won’t lift a finger to aid those who have concealed my actual identity from me.

Besides, I specifically told you early on that you were flirting with disaster. Even now you go on a fool’s errand. For the sun has no place in the land of shadow.”

“Irrelevant. Fear is not in my makeup and your negligence leaves one duty-bound without recourse. The underworld shall tremble beneath me and I’ll personally see to it that we Devatas remain in power like always.”

“Surya you are brave to a fault. I have it from the highest authority that the Ashuras will prevail no matter what. Why embark on a misadventure in which you may well lose your life due to a misplaced sense of obligation?”

“Why? Because of pride and principle! Do you plan to bar my way?”

“On the contrary, I wish you luck in your endeavor. Take care brilliant cousin.”

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Blessed by Skhanda, Surya circumvented the Bhuta-Gana’s brigade and descended into the depths of Patala. True to his previous words, the subterrane shook when he entered, as if ‘twere objecting the ingress of such resplendence.

~ ≈ ~

Vitala, the second dungeon, was an abysmal glacier where jarring blizzards blew perpetually through the mountains. At present Upaya found himself on its highest plateau accompanied by his Daitya troops as well as Ishtar and her Yogic sorority.

The Nagas and Danavas were already descending the mountainside ahead of them while Kaitabh and her Rakshas comprised their rearguard, still ascending from behind.

Because he donned a reptilian leather cape that buffered him from wind and frost Upaya couldn’t help noticing a drastic increase in temperature. Snowdrifts melted as hail evaporated on the heat blur of an increasingly scintillating glow. Without further warning an ice shelf broke off loudly at that company’s fore when the tundra below was rocked by multiple impacts coinciding with coruscations.

Vidyunmalin pushed his way through the crowd to update his younger brother:

“Upaya, Surya comes forth wielding unmatched power like usual. Many giants

and serpents lie interred in his wake.”

A lot sooner than I expected the prince thought to himself. Keeping his wits he urged those about him:

“Listen, wait for me to grab his attention and then continue moving onward. I am the one that he wants.”

Almost on cue the sun god galloped to their level and confronted that Daitya:

“There you are – Upaya – I congratulate you on your expedient escape.

Nevertheless I have come to settle our old score face to face. Prepare to perish!”

Surya fired out a fusillade of exploding arrows, causing everyone to scatter and the prince himself to recoil. Upaya raced down the opposite incline, backtracking away from his assailant. Infuriated by this flagrant display of cowardice the sun gave chase while haranguing:

“Let it be known that dispossessed of his precious sword, Upaya Panther-Mask is nothing but a knave. Hence shall I – Surya – dispatch him to the grave!”

So that solar Devata went after his furtive quarry, hellbent on obtaining victory in this decisive showdown. He still held Garuda’s Feather inside himself.

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~ ≈ ~

Priestess Kaitabh and those around her balked when they saw and heard a series of volcanic salvos pelting a glacial mass further up along the mountainous slope.

Inevitably, this led to an avalanche, which rumbled threateningly as it came toward them.

Every Raksha instinctually lifted off the ground to avoid said threat. Namuchi’s unit also bore aloft a steel crate, mounted on sturdy poles. Kaitabh then told them:

“It appears to be Upaya on whom Surya is gaining. They aren’t very far now.

Ready yourselves to unlatch the cage on my mark.”

Deft like any cat the Ashura prince skimmed that snowslide and wrapped his cape under himself, stomping through it onto advancing crest. Invigorated by Amrita he bounced over Surya who was more incensed than ever. That angry god unleashed a flurry of fiery astras – fabled weapons that scorched Vitala’s inner dome. Unable to dodge such concentrated combustions Upaya plummeted into moguls, which thankfully put out the flames eating at his garb. He reached out through the Nous to Kaitabh; Release Rahu immediately!

Accordingly the Raksha’s high priestess signaled Namuchi’s team who complied

with prior orders by throwing Rahu’s portable prison wide open. Though lacking a body that crazed demon’s head had become swollen because sacred nectar flowed through it.

His mutilated face was ghastly to behold and Surya knew fear for the first time in his life.

Rahu flew straight at his ancient condemner, pouncing on the sun with gaping fangs.

Surya heroically resisted, preventing this monster’s maw from clamping down on him.

As these two wrestled to the snowy surface Upaya’s immortal eyes perceived an

unmistakable shape inside Surya. Taking heart the Daitya bounded forward and buried his clawed fists into that Devata’s midsection.

Surya griped stoically: “Upaya – you coward!”

Upaya snickered cruelly: “Surya – you fool!”

Having said that, the conquering Ashura cleft his enemy in halves from within

when he extracted Garuda’s Feather, disregarding recalcitrant solar rays. All others shielded their vision as a refulgent emanation waxed throughout Vitala. Momentarily everyone could see the figure of Upaya Panther-Mask reunited with his fated blade, which continued shining like a sliver of sunlight. Next to him Rahu licked his lips with satisfaction, recognizing a friend in this Daitya.

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[ 10 ] A Duel Between Renegades

Short on breath, Bhrngin the dwarf approached Skhanda and his Bhuta-Ganas. That Devata sat meditating in single-headed guise but shot up a glance at Bhrngin who tattled:

“Hear me Lord of Hosts, for thine Rudras have engaged a clutch of Yoginis that

appear to be an advance party broken off from a main group, which I also espied yonder.

It is nothing less than an endless sea of malignant spirits pouring out of Patala’s mouth and they are led by none other than Upaya Panther-Mask.”

“A prince of the Daityas, how appropriate. Today comes the foul dawn I foresaw.

My every atom pulses with knowledge of this Avatar’s purpose as I was engendered to maintain stability even when our universe enfolds and an inverted pantheon runs amuck.

Go Bhrngin – sound thy horn and take these troops afield but let me deal with Upaya.”

Those orders were carried out while that boy warrior calmly got onto his feet and uprooted his lance from the earth into which it was planted.

~ ≈ ~

On Naraka’s rolling plains the confrontation between Ishtar’s corps and howling Rudras had escalated considerably. Despite their mastery of aerial combat those women were ill-prepared to handle perplexing mirages woven by expert specters. Ishtar lashed at Eshana in hotheaded frustration, unable to tell him apart from his shadow or if he possessed one to begin with. She missed three consecutive strikes whereas Eshana’s butterfly blades grazed her arms and legs twice. Smarting from that she reciprocated with a shove through the flat face of her heavy war sickle. This provided enough space for her to intone Kali’s mantra and sweep said sickle sideward, producing a surge that tore a rift in the ground as it traveled to the offending Rudra. Reacting instinctually Eshana became an inky smoke cloud, which the aggressive energy scattered harmlessly. He recollected himself and chastised her:

“All the potency of Amrita won’t avail the unwise against we sons of Bhairava.

Daughter of Kali you should lay down your arms and pay homage to Skhanda.”

“Patronizing brigand, this battle has just commenced. If you choose to stay blind to the righteousness of our cause then your life is forfeit via such lack of virtue!”

As if they had heard her words the Bhuta-Ganas and Upaya’s joint forces arrived synchronously and charged at each other across those prairies after running down opposing declinations. That valley rang with a chaotic din unheard of anywhere else.

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~ ≈ ~

Betwixt the strident ring of countless armaments clashing Skhanda moved forward equally deliberate and dauntless. He seemed taller with each step he took and his voice carried above the noise, calling Upaya out to fight:

“Upaya Panther-Mask hark my appeal – come hither and meet me amid strife!

Know that I am Skhanda, son of Shiva and General over ALL Antarloka’s militants.”

A dozen stalwart Daityas responded hostilely to that entreaty, thinking to defend their sovereign’s honor. Yet they were put down summarily when they tried this youth.

Cruising along on Rahu’s flying head Upaya encountered that scene and dismounted.

“Skhanda, if you are truly Shiva’s son then I gladly accept your bold challenge.

Here stands a slayer of Devatas eager to test your claim. Let us stay our armies then.”

Agreeing, the war god raised an open palm indicating for his subordinates to

desist their violent actions. Matching this non-verbal bid the pantherine Ashura yowled frenetically until his allies and underlings froze in place. Everyone’s eyes transfixed on this transpiring contest. Those contenders circled one another for several moments before Upaya lost patience and thrust his sword against Skhanda’s unbreakable spear in a succession of fluid swipes. Standing his ground firmly the Devata twirled to wind up a single blow, which pitched Upaya into an overcast sky. But instead of drifting like usual that Ashura used his blade to impel himself downward rather quickly. Amazed, Skhanda didn’t have an opportunity to guard himself when Upaya’s helm rammed his face!

Staggering back three whole steps the boy’s tongue lapped at blood dripping from his forehead. His eyes then reddened into rubies, contrasting dramatically with blue skin.

Ten more arms and five more heads grew out of his body. Skhanda’s scream was A-U-M

– resonating at its highest possible octave – the hallowed Spanda. Flakes of slate lifted off when the ground split into discrete tectonic plates. Rising from a crouching position the feral prince braced his entire being to take on that god’s imminent counteraction.

Blinking would have been fatal because when the transformed Devata came at him

Upaya could swear to be fighting six Skhandas. That Daitya skirted death continually as the spearhead inched past his extremities from various different angles second by second.

Embodying the epitome of a sprightly cat Upaya’s acrobatic evasions were

wondrous to witness. Throughout the three realms his reflexes were truly unrivaled.

Graceful dekes notwithstanding it was only a matter of time before Skhanda landed a hit.

A direct jab to his sternum through breastplate armor found flesh and gouged the prince.

Ever hardy, he grabbed that sharpened point and held it steady with one hand even while Skhanda’s twelve arms fought to pull it away. Distracted momentarily the Devata failed to preempt a slice of that Ashura’s wing-blade, which lopped off his sixth head.

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Releasing Skhanda’s javelin Upaya unclipped his metal vest and threw it aside.

Miraculously his chest had healed over probably prior to the cranium dropping.

Now Mahadeva’s progeny drank from his own hemorrhaging neck with five

mouths, scooping up the severed head and seamlessly replacing it. A few droplets fell there too, giving rise to some new Rudras. Upon half a dozen brows Skhanda’s third eyes lit like stars and glared offensively at their target. However as those Ajna Chakras homed in, Upaya used Garuda’s Feather to billow out a solar ejection of equal intensity.

Both currents contacted in the middle, neither overcoming its contrary. From their luminescent fusion arose something else; a spiraling column of primal fire that changed hues and seemed to reach up infinitely high through cyclonic brume and far down beyond Patala. It was as if they had accidentally uncovered a rupture in reality’s fabric.

Everyone (including both duelers) shrank away, awestruck. Slowly but surely that flaming Lingam looked to be expanding and boring a bigger hole into Naraka’s landscape. Concerned, Skhanda regained his composure and decided to negotiate:

“Ennobled Prince of The Daityas – we must have a truce for Antarloka’s sake.

Frankly my father predicted your coming and this has all been a mere test. I am also aware that you seek to dethrone Lord Indra and eradicate those around him but I never participated in their campaign to subvert Soma. If thou art desirous of kingship then I shalt appoint thee King of Ashuras when ye exact revenge and treat thee like a brother.”

“Skhanda – pardon my doubts. Your divine genealogy is clearly evident to me.

Being a faithful servant of Shiva I will defer to his ultimate authority and also serve you whether or not I am crowned. Such ambitions are trivial when compared to Moksha, which only sage Shankara can grant to those of us contaminated by savage Karma.

Nevertheless I shan’t extend mercy to any Devata who hast previously wronged me.”

So those foes formed an armistice and vacated the site of that conflagrant Lingam since it continued wearing away at Antarloka in spite of their optimistic hopes.

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[ 11 ] Fall of the Devatas

Upon palace terrace above Mount Meru, Indra, Agni and Brihaspati stood side by side.

These three elder Devatas looked out over Amaravati’s rooftops, which glittered like a mosaic of gemstones wherever their immortal eyes went to rest. From afar they could hear the sound of an encroaching demonic horde whose numbers were unprecedented.

Eons had passed without the immortal city’s gilded streets and her citizens coming under such duress. Conscious of the stakes King Indra lectured his ministers:

“Lo, our worst fears have materialized and we must ward them off or die trying.

Agni, impart my decree to Amaravati’s people. They should evacuate through the hidden labyrinth. Anyone who stays ought to know that they need to fight alongside with us.

Brihaspati will remain here and operate the magical defense grid while I go head to head with these impetuous Ashuras. Agni meet me halfway and we shall expunge them mid this sacred place once and for all.”

Both nodded but before they could act a new sound arose outside the city walls.

That distinctive conch-blown note was recognized by Guru Brihaspati, who piped up:

Panchajanya sounds! Behold ye gods – it is Lord Kalkin – whose Avatar has been prophesied by various Puranas. He comes forth brandishing a saber and riding aback his white horse Devadatta with a band of mystical heroes close behind him.

Panchajanya’s tenor signifies an end to the iron age of Kali Yuga. We cannot be beaten if Kalkin joins us. Thus we can proceed in confidence that the day is truly ours.”

Proving that Brahmin’s words Lord Kalkin rode out from Vrindavan forest

followed closely by Balarama, Parashurama, Visvaksena, both Ashvins, all five Pandavas, Manu and his ten Kshatriya sons: Vena, Dhrishnu, Narishyan, Nabhaga, Ikshvaku, Karusha, Saryati, Prishadhru and Nabhagarishta. Several distinguished males of Lord Brahma’s line came along too: Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaka, Kratu, Vasishtha, Daksha, Bhrigu and Nārada. They made their way to city limits where demons were already bashing at its pearl gates and engaged them. Neither asking for nor giving quarter to the unwary fiends, those mighty men slaughtered many Danavas and Daityas. Encouraged by these signs Indra restated:

“This does bode well. Still, do as I have said and adhere to our original plan.

Upaya has slain Surya and surmounted the depths of hell to come here. We mustn’t underestimate him again. I will go now and put an end to his spree myself.”

Hence the thunder god departed, mounting Airavata while powering Vajra bolts.

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~ ≈ ~

The supreme personality of Godhead enshrined in Lord Kalkin proved absolutely

unassailable to those enlisted under Upaya’s banner. Skhanda had said that he would observe from the sidelines and get involved only if his participation became

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