The Space Dreamers by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 18



It was the next day on Neila.

Tona already departed and left the planet for a long, desired vacation. He planned to spend the next month on the exotic beaches on the planet Islandeon.

Back at the Palace, King Luna, Queen Sona, and the Space Dreamers stood next to a large brand new shiny limo spaceship parked in the driveway of the Palace. This was Tona's gift to King Luna and resembled a late 1950s Roll Royce Silver Cloud limousine.

The huge trunk of the limo was opened, and Albie stood by a cart full of numerous suitcases. 

"Do you need all those clothes?" King Luna asked Queen Sona while he glanced at all the suitcases. 

King Luna, Queen Sona, and the Space Dreamers watched while Albie grabbed suitcases off the cart and staggered over with knees buckled to the trunk. He dropped them into the trunk with a thud, which shook the limo. 

"Of course! A Queen needs a different outfit for all the various functions we'll have to attend," she replied, then smiled at King Luna.

King Luna chuckled then looked at the Space Dreamers. "I can't thank you enough for what you did for our planet," he told them. 

"It's us who should thank you for giving us a space knight's adventure and for saving earth," Timmy replied. 

King Luna looked at an exhausted Albie. 

"We're ready sir," Albie replied while he dropped the last suitcase into the trunk then closed the hood. 

King Luna looked up at the sky. He smiled when he saw the Surfers while they sky surfed with their instruments in hand and Bingo had that drum hanging from around his neck.

They landed on the grass near the limo.

"Good, you made it," King Luna said.

"Of course. We would never disappoint our King," Lon said while they got off their sky boards, which hovered above the grass.

The Surfers then walked over with their instruments.

Albie walked over and opened the back door. Queen Sona, King Luna, and the Space Dreamers got inside the back. 

The Surfers got inside the back with their instruments.

Albie closed the back door and walked over to the driver's door and got inside behind the controls. 

The limo started up with a whirl, then the engines whined louder, and it lifted off the driveway.

Timmy's eyes widened and looked concerned. "Ah, King Luna, will you help explain to our parents why we left earth without their permissions?" he asked after he suddenly realized he forgot about them.

Frankie and Monica's eyes widened with concern and nodded in agreement with Timmy's question.

"Of course. I'll take care of you," King Luna replied while Albie flew the limo spaceship up into the sky.

A little while later, King Luna's limo ascended away from Neila and raced off into outer space with all the Space Dreamers and Surfers glued to windows. They all loved the view of outer space. And this time, Monica was not afraid.

Meanwhile, on the planet Islandeon, Tona relaxed on the beach and enjoyed his vacation. Then a female, green skin with long flowing white hair, around his age, sat down on the chair next to him.  She looked over at him and smiled as she liked what she saw.

"Hello, my name is Tilla," she said then gave him a sweet, warm smile.

Tona was smitten right away, as he has not spent time with a woman since his wife died of a dreadful disease.

"Hello, Tilla. My name is Tona," he said.

They spent the rest of their day together.

Back inside the Silver Cloud limo spaceship, it flew by the planet Deserta.

The Surfers, Timmy, Frankie, and Monica had their eyes glued out their windows and loved the view.

Timmy glanced over at Monica and smiled that she finally got the chance to see outer space.  He had another urge to kiss her but refrained.

A little while later, Albie turned the Silver Cloud limo spaceship into that black hole.

Inside the capsule, psychedelic colors filled up the windows and the capsule spun while it raced inside the black hole. The Surfers, Timmy, Frankie, and Monica loved the show of colors from the windows. 

King Luna sat with his left arm around Queen Sona.

The Silver Cloud limo spaceship started spinning.

The limo spaceship raced out of the black hole.

"Yahoooo!" cried out all the Surfers in unison.

"That was way too cool!" Monica cried out.

A few minutes passed, and the Silver Cloud limo spaceship flew over the rings of Saturn.

"It's Saturn! There's Saturn!" Monica cried out in awe at the sight of that colorful planet.

Timmy and Frankie just smiled, and they loved seeing it for the second time.

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica continued to stare out the windows to view outer space.

The Surfers stared out in awe with the sight of Saturn as they only saw pictures of it in school.

A little while later, the Silver Cloud limo spaceship zoomed past Mars.

Monica was speechless at the sight of that planet that humans still plan to visit. It dawned on her. "You know something; we're the first humans to get this close to Mars," she said.

Timmy and Frankie looked at each other.

"Well, this is the second time," Timmy replied then looked at Monica.

Monica thought for a few seconds. "Oh yeah, I had my eyes closed the first time," she replied and looked a little ashamed.

Timmy pondered for a few seconds. He smiled then he slowly reached over and held Monica's left hand. To his surprise, she did not pull away. He smiled, loving the feeling of her hand in his hand.

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica continued to stare out the windows with Frankie and the Surfers.

King Luna and Queen Sona closed their eyes to rest for the rest of this journey.

A little while later, the Silver Cloud limo spaceship flew past the Moon.

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica stared at the Moon.

Timmy still held Monica's hand.

"The Moon is so beautiful when you see it up close," she said while she looked at Timmy.

Timmy hesitated for a few seconds then he got brave. "Beautiful like you," he replied in a hurry before he chickened out then leaned over and planted a kiss on Monica's lips.

She accepted his kiss and wondered why it took him so long.

The Surfers, Frankie, Sona, and King Luna looked at Timmy and Monica kissing.

"It's about time," both Frankie and King Luna said in unison.

"Got that right," added Bingo.

Queen Sona chuckled.

The Silver Cloud limo spaceship zoomed toward earth.

Timmy looked at Monica. "Luna, fly around earth so Monica can get a good view," he said.

"My pleasure again," Luna said then pressed a button on the armrest of his seat. A hologram of Albie at the controls appeared. "Albie, fly around earth to show our guests their home," he said at the hologram. "Yes, sir," Albie's hologram replied.

Sona got up from her seat and rushed over to a nearby window. She wanted to get a good glimpse of earth.

The limo banked to the right and started an orbit around earth.

From the windows, they saw Europe. 

They saw the Middle East. 

They saw India, Russia, China, and Asia.

They saw Australia. 

They see the middle of the Pacific.

They saw the Hawaiian Islands. 

They saw the West Coast of America. 

They saw the entire United States and ended back at Florida.

The limo spaceship turned left and started to descend while it flew over the east coast of America.

"Thank you," Monica said to Timmy and kissed him on his cheek.

Back on earth, all the tracking stations around the planet started picking up the Neila spaceship on their radars. They scurried around in a panic.

Then that hit the news media like wildfire, and it was across the Internet and TVs all around the world. "Alien Spaceship In Earth Orbit" was the typical headlines that flashed across the Internet.

It was morning, and it looked quiet at the White House in Washington, D.C. 

The sound of the whine of the engine of Luna's Silver Cloud limo spaceship was heard while it slowly landed in the lawn. 

Two Air Force F-35 Lighting II fighter jets zoomed over the White House lawn a thousand hundred feet in the air.

Inside one of the F-35 jets, the pilot, nicknamed, Warrior, looked down at the White House lawn at the spaceship while they circled back.

"I can't believe how fast that spaceship was," Warrior said into this microphone.

"I know. As soon as we saw it on the radar, it landed on the White House lawn," the other F-35 pilot nicknamed, Grim Reaper, replied.

Three Army Black Hawk helicopters raced down from the sky and landed in the White House lawn close to King Luna's limo spaceship.

Twenty-four Army soldiers with machine guns jumped out of the Black Hawks and ran over to Luna's spaceship. 

They circled his limo and aimed their rifles at the spaceship. But their knees and guns shook with a little fear, as they did now know what to expect. 

The back door of the limo opened.

Some of the soldiers fainted dropping rifles at the sight of the aliens.

From the White House, the President cautiously peeked his head out a window curtain.

King Tona and Queen Sona stepped out of the limo with Queen Sona holding a Holophone on a water board. 

The Surfers stepped out of the limo behind them with their instruments. They started playing the Neila national anthem with their instruments. 

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica stepped out of the limo.

The Surfers all saw the soldiers with their rifles and hit sour notes while they stopped playing. 

"I'm King Luna from the Planet Neila. We come in peace and want to be friends with the lovely earthlings. Where is your President?" he asked the soldiers. 

They immediately pointed their rifles in the direction of the White House.

Albie got out of the limo and stood by his door.

Four minutes later, President Taylor, who spoke with a southern accent, walked up with eight Secret Service Agents surrounding him. 

"You speak English, great! I'm President Taylor," he said while he extended his hand.

King Luna extended his hand and slapped the President's hand, making their standard seal sound, which caused the Secret Service Agents to remove their guns, just in case. 

"I'm King Luna, and this is my beautiful Queen Sona," he said. 

Queen Sona gave President Taylor a curtsy then handed him the Holophone on the water board. "New technology from Neila," she said. This water board was the prototype King Luna had made a couple of days ago.

President Taylor took them and admired the Holophone and water board. Then the President saw Timmy, Frankie, and Monica. "You must be those missing kids from Florida?" he said.

"Yes, Mister President," Timmy replied.

"Ah, so the news media had it wrong again. You didn't pull off a hoax. You went to outer space," said President Taylor.

"Yes President Taylor," King Luna said then looked at the Space Dreamers. "Those young earthlings came to my planet and saved me from not being King. They also saved your planet from being attacked by the crazy general of our Army. They're heroes. So make sure their parents know that" he added with a proud smile.

President Taylor looked at the three kids. "I see. Let's go inside and talk about this," President Taylor told King Luna. 

President Taylor, King Luna, Queen Sona, Timmy, Frankie, and Monica walked to the White House with six of the Secret Service Agents following.

The Surfers trailed behind them with their instruments in hand.

Two of the remaining Secret Service Agents stood guard by King Luna's limo where Albie waited by his door of the limo.

Later on that day in a conference room of the White House, President Taylor and King Luna sat at a fancy desk.

Queen Sona with Timmy, Frankie and Monica and the Surfers stood behind them. 

Numerous news media reporters were at the other end of the room snapping pictures and providing live TV coverage of this historical event.

At the table, President Taylor signed an "Outer Space Trade Agreement" paper then he slid it over to King Luna who looked at it. He picked it up. He sniffed it. He tasted it with his tongue. He laid it on the table. He snorted and spat out green slime onto the "King Luna of Neila" signature line. 

President Taylor looked at the paper and got a "Why not" look. He took the paper, snorted, then spat for his signature.

The Surfers and Sona clapped and cheered with their standard seal sound. 

President Taylor found this strange yet exciting. So he tried to create the same sound. 

Back in Florida, Scooter, Leslie, Ernst, Elaine, Ricky, and Rose all watched this historical event on their TVs. But they were still a little mad that their kids took off into outer space without asking permission.  But an earlier phone call from President Taylor requested they go easy on the young heroes.

Later that day, it was a quiet back in Palmetto, Florida. 

The sound of jet engines was heard in the sky.

Those two F-35 Lightning II fighter jets raced over Atlantis Street in Palmetto one thousand feet above the ground.

The whine of an engine was heard while Luna's Silver Cloud limo spaceship descended out of the sky toward Palmetto.

All the neighbors ran out of their homes to find that numerous deputy sheriff police cars blocked off both ends of Atlantis Street.

Scooter, Leslie, Ernst, Elaine, Ricky, and Rose all rushed out of the Watson home.

They looked up at the sky with all the other neighbors and saw King Luna's limo spaceship make a slow descended to Atlantis Street.

The two F-35 jets circled over the area at two thousand feet while King Luna's spaceship touched down in the middle of the street in front of the Watson home.

The street was quiet with anticipation of everybody seeing aliens for the first time.

The back door opened.

All eyes widened up and down the street.

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica stepped out of the limo spaceship.

The neighborhood erupted into a roar of clapping.

Eight TV news helicopters appeared and hovered one thousand feet above the air providing live coverage for the residents of Florida.

Down at the blocked ends of the street, other news reporters from around Florida also provided live TV coverage of this event.

One of those hovering helicopters was one of NASA Huey's.

Inside the Huey, pilots Rodney and Jake looked through the cockpit windows at King Luna's spaceship parked in the middle of Atlantis Street. 

"I guess we goofed when we thought a meteorite crashed landed a little while back," said Rodney.

 "Yep, we called that one wrong," Jake replied.  

They continued to hover the Huey and watch the event down below.

Back down on Atlantis Street, King Luna and Queen Sona stepped out of the spaceship holding hands. Albie got out from behind the controls and stood by the limo.

The street was quiet, and the only sound you could hear was the hovering helicopters.

"Greeting earthlings, I'm King Luna, and this is Queen Sona," he called out.

Everybody started clapping.

The Surfers stepped off the spaceship, and the claps got louder. The Surfers took advantage of this moment and bowed at the earthlings.

Scooter, Leslie, Ernst, Elaine, Ricky, and Rose walked over to the spaceship.

"Hi, King Luna. I'm Scooter, and this is my wife Leslie," said Scooter.

"I'm Ernst, and this is my wife Elaine," said Ernst.

"I'm Ricky, and this is my wife Rose," said Ricky.

King Luna smiled at the parents of the Space Dreamers. "Those four friends over there are Lon, Lorge, Saul, and Bingo," he said, and the Surfers waved when their names were called out.

"Welcome to our home," Scooter said then motioned for them to go inside.

"Don't punish your kids, they saved your planet from being attacked," King Luna said while they walked through the front yard and headed to Scooter's home.

They all headed inside the Watson home.

After a thirty-minute meeting inside the Watson home, everybody stood outside and watched while Timmy, Frankie, and Monica walked King Luna, Queen Sona, and the Surfers back to the limo spaceship.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now," King Luna said to the Space Dreamers and fought back a tear, as he was going to miss his earth friends.

They all shook hands then King Luna gave Timmy, Frankie, and Monica a hug.

Queen Sona looked at Monica and Timmy. "I know she'll make a good wife one day," she told Timmy.

Timmy and Monica blushed, as they were not thinking that far in advance since they only had their first kiss.

King Luna's eyes widened when he remembered something. "Wait here," he said then rushed back over to the rear of his Silver Cloud limo.

He waved his hand over the trunk, and it opened.  He reached inside and removed three Holophones then closed the trunk.

He walked back to Timmy, Frankie, and Monica with the Holophones in hand.

"I heard you wanted one of these. This way, you can talk to each other and can remain in contact," King Luna told the Space Dreamers then handed them each their own Holophone.

"Thanks!" Timmy replied with a huge smile.

"Thank you so much!" added Frankie also with a huge smile.

"Thank you, King Luna," Monica said with a huge smile.

"Good-bye for now, and we will meet again," King Luna said.

Queen Sona gave Timmy, Frankie, and Monica a hug and a light kiss on their cheeks.

The Surfers all shook hands with Timmy, Frankie, and Monica.

The three Space Dreamers looked so sad while they watched King Luna, Queen Sona, and the Surfers walk back and get into the limo.

The rear door closed and the engines of the spaceship started up with a whine.

Everybody up and down Atlantis Street watched while King Luna's Sliver Cloud limo spaceship slowly lifted off the street. The landing struts retracted into the spaceship.

The limo spaceship slowly ascended into the sky.

The limo spaceship zoomed away into the sky and was gone in a matter of seconds.

All the hovering helicopters flew away.

The sheriff's deputies opened up the roadblocks at both ends of Atlantis Street while the news media started packing up their stuff into their news vans.

Scooter looked at Timmy. "Just because you saved earth from being attacked, doesn't mean you'll still be grounded," he scolded Timmy.

"Yeah Frankie, you're still grounded for leaving home without permission," Ernst scolded Frankie.

"The same goes to you, young lady. You're grounded for two weeks," Ricky scolded Monica.

Timmy and Monica glanced at each other. She discreetly blew him a kiss while Ricky and Rose escorted her off down the street.

Scooter and Leslie walked Timmy off to their front door while Ernst an Elaine escorted Frankie off down the street.

Thirty minutes later, Atlantis Street was back to its usual quiet and peaceful routine.

The next day arrived, and Kirk was released from the mental ward of one of the local hospitals. It was deemed that he told the truth about the kid's disappearance.