The Space Dreamers by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 6



Frankie and Monica ran through the woods and headed back to Kirk's place.

They ran through his back gate and made a beeline to Kirk's building.

Frankie pounded on the screened front door.

A few seconds passed, and Kirk appeared at the door drinking a can of Coke. "What now?"

"We need to use Lil Darlin," Frankie blurted out all out of breath.

"Lil Darlin? Why?"

"Because we want to bring the engine from the aliens damaged spaceship and install it on the Cousteau capsule," Monica blurted out still a little out of breath.

Kirk thought about their request for a few seconds. "Sure, you can use Lil Darlin," he said then chuckled thinking these kids were having a great time playing make-believe.

Frankie and Monica ran over to Lil Darlin. 

Frankie got behind the controls and started it up. 

Monica sat behind him.

Frankie drove Lil-Darlin off.

Kirk watched from his screen door while Frankie and Monica drove Lil Darlin and its wagon over to his back gate. "I could write a movie about these kids," he said with a chuckle then sipped his Coke while he watched Frankie and Monica.

Ten minutes later, Frankie and Monica arrived back at Neila 1 with Lil Darlin and the wagon. He turned off the engine and dismounted.

"Let's get this engine disconnected and removed," Luna told everybody.

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica nodded in agreement but did not have a single clue on how to remove a rocket engine from a spaceship. Let alone from an alien spaceship.

Luna stepped inside Neila.

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica followed.

Inside Neila 1, Luna spent the last two hours disconnecting the wireless controller box for his engine and the OSPS.  His toolbox was stored under his console was by his side.

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica would carry the items and placed them in the wagon of Lil Darlin.

"That's all from the inside my ship," Luna told the Space Dreamers then he picked up his toolbox and headed to the door.

The Space Dreamers all followed Luna out the door of Neila 1.

Once Luna got outside, he went over to the rear section of Neila 1.

He opened up his toolbox and grabbed some weird looking Neila wrenches.

He proceeded to disconnect his flyable engine with his wrenches.  

The Space Dreamers watched with intense interest, as they never saw the humans remove a rocket engine.

Thirty minutes had passed.

Back at Kirk's building, he looked out his screened front door. He started to get concerned. "Where are those kids?" he asked himself.

He opened up his screened door and stepped outside.

He walked off through his property and headed toward his back gate.

Kirk saw the tire tracks in the dirt of Lil Darlin once he walked out his back gate.

He followed the tire tracks and headed off into the woods.

Back at Neila 1, Luna stood and glanced at the rocket engine. "Okay gang, she's ready to take out," Luna said while he placed the wrenches back in the toolbox. Luna grabbed the nozzle and pulled hard on the engine. 

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica rushed over, and each grabbed a piece of the nozzle. They also pulled hard on the nozzle.

The engine started to move and then was freed from the spaceship. 

The Space Dreamers staggered while they helped Luna carry the rocket engine over to the wagon of Lil Darlin.

They set it down ever so carefully inside Lil Darlin's wagon.

"Let me double-check the inside of my ship," Luna said then he headed back over to Neila 1 and went inside.

"I forgot about Kirk. How do we tell him?" Timmy asked Frankie and Monica.

The Space Dreamers all looked at each other and realized they reached another hurdle to jump over.

"Tell me what?" Kirk asked while he walked up behind the Space Dreamers.

Timmy, Frankie and Monica's mouths dropped opened the second they saw Kirk walking over to them.

"Ah, we, ah," Timmy stuttered as he was clueless with what to say to Kirk.

Kirk's eyes widened the second he saw the rocket engine in Lil Darlin's wagon. "What is that?" he asked as this was an engine he that was not familiar with his experience.

"Ah, it's, ah," Timmy stuttered again.

"It's a rocket engine from that alien's spaceship, Monica blurted out and pointed to Neila 1.

Kirk walked over and checked out the rocket engine in the wagon. "This is weird-looking," he said while he checked out the engine.

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica looked speechless on what to say to Kirk.

"I secured the inside of Neila one," Luna said while he stepped out of the ship then turned around and closed the door. He waved his hand over the middle right side of the door, and the sound of it automatically locking was heard. Luna turned around and saw Kirk standing by the Lil Darlin's wagon. 

Kirk had his mouth opened and was speechless at the sight of Luna. It dawned on him. "You kids are outstanding. Taking one of your friends and using makeup to make him look like an alien. You're like Hollywood good," he said then chuckled while he walked over to Neila 1. "Did you guys use plywood to make this pretend spaceship?"

"He's a real alien, Kirk," said Timmy.

Kirk looked at Timmy and saw he was serious. "Naw, that's green makeup on that kid's face and hands," he said while he walked over to Luna.

Kirk licked the fingertips of his right hand then wiped them on Luna's left cheek. He expected to see green make up on the tips of his finger. None appeared. "Huh," Kirk said while he licked his fingertips of his right hand again.  He wiped them on Luna's left cheek. 

Kirk looked at this fingers, and no green makeup appeared. He then grabbed a handful of Luna's hair and tugged. He expected a wig.

"Ahhhh!" Luna screamed out in his high pitch, Neila squeal.

Kirk released his handful of Luna's hair. He stepped back, unsure of what he had in front of him.

"He's an alien," said Monica.

"From the planet Neila," Frankie added.

Kirk looked at the kid's serious faces. 

He glanced at the rear end of Neila 1 sticking out of the muck. 

He walked over and touched some of the metal of the spaceship. He tapped on it again, and it did not sound like metal he knew.  

He looked back at Luna. His eyes crossed, and he passed out and dropped to the dirt.

Timmy, Frankie, Monica, and Luna rushed over to Kirk.

Back on Neila, Meena had Sona locked up in a secret location on the Army base. 

In her locked secret room, Sona stared out a window with bars that were just installed so she wouldn't escape. She glanced up at the starry filled night and other planets. Tears ran down her cheeks while she silently prayed for Luna.

Over at his Palace, King Tona sat in a plush chair in the huge den at his Palace. He was in deep thought while he wondered where Luna could be located. 

He pressed a button on his Holophone on the table next to his chair. A hologram of Meena emitted from it. "Meena, have you sighted Luna yet?"

"I've sent out numerous squads. And his girlfriend doesn't know where he's located, and she's upset," Meena lied.

"Keep on searching for my son," King Tona said while he fought back his tears.

"Yes, sir," Meena's hologram saluted.

He pressed another button on the Holophone, and Meena's hologram disappeared. He pressed another button on the Holophone and four holograms of some nearby planet Leaders emitted from it. They were all human-looking aliens, but one had blue skin, one had purple skin, one had light red skin, and one had orange skin. 

"Gentlemen! I'm looking for my son Luna. Have you seen him hanging around your planets? Maybe sky surfing with some of your youngins?" King Tona inquired. 

All the Leaders shook their heads, indicating they have not seen Luna.

"King Tona, do you want us to send him home if we do?" the orange-colored Leader's hologram asked. 

"Yes, send his sky surfing butt home immediately!" King Tona responded and started to look a little pissed. 

All the Leaders holograms shook their heads in agreement. Their holograms disappeared, leaving King Tona with an upset stomach while he worried about Luna.

Back over in Meena's office, he sat at his desk and tapped his fingers while he pondered about the events he just created. He wondered what had to be changed to achieve his goal.

"Boe!" he yelled out. 

A few seconds passed and Boe, Burpy and Dopey ran into his office. 

"You rang, sir?" Boe asked the second they made a sliding stop at Meena's desk, snapped to attention and saluted.

"The initial ceremony is tomorrow, so don't forget your assignment," Meena ordered. 

Boe saluted indicating he understood. Meena laughed an evil laugh. 

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey followed and laughed an evil goofy laugh. 

Meena gave them a mean glare. "Shut-up and leave my office!" he yelled at them, throwing out a little spit.

They stopped laughing, got frightened, turned around, and ran out to the door.

Way off in outer space, a colossal spaceship resembling a cruise ship went past some strange colored planets. 

In a cabin inside that spaceship, Sona's mother wore a sparkling evening gown while she sat on a bed. She started to press a button on a Holophone, then saw her husband, Fona who had a huge white handlebar mustache and wore a tuxedo jumpsuit. He saw Sona Senior and knew what she was doing.

"Let her be dear. When she becomes Queen, she cannot have her mother checking up on her all the time," Fona lightly scolded Sona. 

She thought about what he said and realized he was right and stopped her call. 

"Come, we need to hurry, or we'll miss the Tooma Jonnes show," he told Sona while he offered her his hand. "I hope he sings his "What's New Alien Cat" song."

She took his hand, got off the bed, and they walked to the door arm in arm.

Back on earth at Neila 1, Kirk became conscious and finished listening to Luna's story.

"I can't believe it. An alien. An actual alien!  And another alien wants to take over earth," Kirk said while he looked at the rocket engine in Lil Darlin's wagon. "And you think you can use the Cousteau capsule?" he asked Luna.

"I'm pretty sure. We studied that capsule in my ancient rockets history class," Luna replied.

"Ancient rockets history class. I see," Kirk replied then chuckled. He got up and walked over to Lil Darlin. He got on behind the controls. "Let's go. We have a spaceship to build for Prince Luna," he said then started up Lil Darlin.

Luna picked up his toolbox.

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica all walked behind Lil Darlin's wagon while Kirk drove off back to his place. Luna rushed after his friends.

Back on Neila, it was another huge social event in the Neilaville grand auditorium. It was the initial ceremony for Luna becoming King and the start of King Tona's retirement.

The auditorium was packed with Neilas while they anxiously waited with King Tona on stage. Meena sat in a chair to his left with an empty chair to his right. 

King Tona looked sad while he stared at the empty chair. He looked to the side of the stage and hoped Luna would suddenly appear. He did not, and Meena had a huge smirk as with that empty chair. 

Governing Council member 1 entered the stage.

Governing Council member 2 entered the stage and carried a shiny crown on a fluffy red pillow. It was King Tona's crown that he had to surrender so they could have it cleaned and polished.

They walked over and stood by King Tona, who still stared at the side of the stage. 

Councilmember 1 saw Luna was missing. "If Luna doesn't arrive in two seconds, the default clause goes into effect," Councilmember 1 informed King Tona who nodded that he understood. He did not like it, but he knew that rules were rules.

They waited two seconds; then Council member 1 addressed the audience.

"Since Prince Luna failed to attend the initial ceremony, King Tona is officially retired and Neila law forty-three dash thirteen is now in effect. The King's crown will be presented to Meena, first cousin to the King. This means Meena must keep the crown in his possession until the final ceremony. Then he'll officially be King Meena of Neila and may pick a Queen of his choosing," Councilmember 1 said to the audience.

Councilmember 2 walked the fluffy pillow over to King Tona.

An unhappy King Tona reluctantly removed the crown off the pillow and walked over to Meena. He handed the crown to Meena's waiting hands and happy face. 

The two Council members left the stage. 

Meena held up the crown incredibly proud of his evil achievement. 

The Neilas in the audience gave Meena a mediocre clap, as they never thought highly of him. 

Meena noticed and looked at the audience. He saw four ugly female Neilas in the front row. They give him little waves and blew him kisses while winking in hopes of being his Queen. He did not like those potential Queens. 

Boe rushed over to Meena from the side of the stage, bent down, and faked a whisper into Meena's ear. He rushed off the stage. 

Meena turned to King Tona. "King Tona, may I speak to you in private?" 

King Tona looked curious while they both walked to the back of the stage. 

"Sir. My intelligence guys intercepted some radio transmissions from earth. They learned that the earthlings are claiming they shot down a Neila spaceship that Prince Luna," Meena informed King Tona who looked shocked over the news.

"What! Is my son alive?" King Tona responded, and his stomach immediately got upset.

"The earthling transmissions stated they are holding Prince Luna as a prisoner," Meena lied through his teeth. 

"Earth? Why would he go to earth?" 

"Well sir, a private told me he overheard Luna boasting of flying to earth to establish relations as you wanted. He took a fighter spaceship," Meena responded, hoping King Tona believed him.  

"I didn't mean for him to go right now! And a fighter spaceship sends the wrong message," King Tona said. Then he pondered how to get Luna out of this mess. "I better handle this myself. I'll fly to earth and talk with the head earthling. They seem like reasonable aliens. After they realize this was a huge misunderstanding, they'll free Luna," King Tona told Meena. 

"Are you sure they won't shoot you down?" Meena asked. 

"I'll use my limo. It looks harmless," King Tona replied then rushed off the stage. Meena had a smirk as he still schemed.

The Neilas in the audience looked shocked as they heard their conservation.  They all rushed out of the auditorium.

On a sidewalk at the main street of Neilaville, called Neilaville Parkway, numerous Neilas walked down a sidewalk and stopped at a stand that emitted a hologram newspaper with "Prince Luna Shot Down By earthlings. Held Prisoner! King Tona will Rescue Him" headlines. 

They all couldn't believe their eyes. 

"Poor little Luna! Why did he go to earth?" one female Neila asked. 

"You never know with that kid," a male Neila replied.

"King Tona will save the day. He always does!" a male Neila commented with confidence. 

All the surrounding Neilas nodded their heads in agreement.