The Venson Mada by C.C. Hazel - HTML preview

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Derash keep


They made surprisingly good time. They reached Derash keep just before midnight. They had crossed to the other end but kept within the keep territory. The outskirts of Derash keep would be safe enough. Their bellies were taken care of but their feet were aching. Mada had been contemplating flying them all to Tarrent keep but that was simply too risky. If anything, anything at all, were to go wrong she would send them plummeting to their graves. She would not be able to save them all or even just one. That one was most likely to be herself. She was not willing to gamble their lives. It would be easier to keep herself airborne than another being. A mere being, as Sar would put it. A mystic could at least assist you in rescuing them in some way, right? If only she had paid more attention when Sar had tried to teach her. There was no point in berating herself about it now. She should concentrate on the present and think of something that would help them now. But what could she do.

“Let us rest a while here, besides it would be safer if we stayed within the keep for the night. And also I am exhausted.”

“Bless you Mavrik,’ Avené said, ‘finally!”

“Well, putting his arm around Avené’ shoulders, not right here I was thinking maybe over by that pool”

Avené and the others groaned.

“I was thinking we could soak our feet for a bit?”

They all, except Mavrik, ran to the pool and began removing their shoes.

“I thought you might like the idea.” Mavrik said, laughing.

No water had ever felt so cool and so wonderful to their feet. The girls were up to their knees in the water. The boys sat by the edges of the pool with their legs, only up to their ankles, in the water.

Manny was aching to jump in and splash with the girls but he so badly wanted to fit in with his brothers who until now he had never spent an entire day with. He wanted to be “grown up” and “manly” too. In fact he had never spent so much time with any of them except a-a-Alorya who was his constant companion.

As the girls played in the nightlight light Lon was stuck, as always, by how beautiful Mada was. She was coloured green. A beautiful luminous living green. A green that was mutable. She had removed her head scarf and had let loose her silver tresses which also had a green tint. She made an effort not to change when people other than family were around. So she tried mostly to keep company with the family only. Which frustrated her suitors. This kaleidoscopic complexion caused a-Alorya no end of worry. She was sure that the keep people would think her daughter was a mystic. She was able to halt the changes when other people were around (due chiefly to the assistance of Sar). Why, a-Alorya had thought time and again, was she not golden or brown like her siblings? She had to be coloured like her and her mother-mother, but a-Alorya had never seen her mother change shades like that. She had never changed shades like that herself. Mada could manage all the shades in the spectrum between green and blue. Just then a lively rich olive green.

Lon was not the only one admiring the olive beauty. Unbeknownst to them one warlord Cas-hé and his men were watching them. One minute they were looking at an unremarkable group of farmers and children then the next moment one of them lit up. From the ends of her fair to the tips of her toes she was aglow. She seemed to be a celestial being. They had never seen anyone shimmer and change colour like that. Trivan, one of the Lord Cas-hé’s men, had seen a couple of green women. The only other green beings he had seen were mystics, including a water sprite. But this, this he had never seen and he told the rest of the men as much. They debated on what kind of mystic she was for that she was a mystic was certain.

Cas-hé quite besotted by the shimmering girl decided to go to them and introduce himself. What were those children doing at the outskirts of Derash keep they had wondered. The two young men with them were tall and well-built but young men nonetheless. He, Cas-hé, decided to go see them alone so as not to frighten them. The last thing he wanted to do was scare them away before he got to know more about the girl. Before he reached them she had been shimmering but came to a sudden and complete stop when he addressed them.

“Good night!” He called from a couple of feet.

All frolicking stopped and six pairs of wary eyes were upon him. The nightlight was bright enough to see reasonably clearly when you were close

enough to something. And being closer to them they saw that they were farmers. His expensive military garb was not lost on them.

“Good night to you.” Avené answered in a cautious tone.

Now at the edge of the pool, he bowed to her. At which she and a-a-Alorya giggled. He was a very handsome man.

A little embarrassed Lon and Mavrik cleared their throats and quickly said good night to the stranger. Who Lon and Mavrik noticed could barely keep his eyes of Mada. Mada and the twins also said their good nights.

“I am Warlord Cas-hé from Ramily keep.”

The “warlord” part greatly worried Lon, Mavrik and Mada but they politely introduced themselves. The children were now out of the water inspecting the red munmo that had come with him. Even Manny who had secretly vowed to give up all activities and interests of youth could not resist this new curiosity.

“Well we are from the non warring Tamrip keep.” Mavrik answered putting great emphasis on the non-warring part. Which made Cas-hé laugh.

“Fear not, I have no intention of declaring war on you. I just came to say good night to you and introduce myself,’ and added as an afterthought, ‘And my men.”

“Your men?” Mavrik asked, looking around and seeing no one, hoping that none of the worry he felt sounded in his voice. This was just what they needed, trouble on their first night out. Besides himself and Lon the others would be completely useless in a fight, or so he thought.

“Yes my men. You have nothing to worry about, truly. We mean you no harm. I only came over to offer whatever assistance we can.”

He sounded sincere enough Mavrik thought. But one never knew what was “truly” going on in another’s mind. To Lon he sounded very suspect and could not be trusted. And did he have to stare at Mada like that?

“Anything you need,’ He offered, ‘Anything.” He added pointedly to Mada.

“Thank you. Well it has been a pleasure to meet you. I did not think people like you existed…”

“People like me?” He cut in, his brow furrowed. Did she mean warriors. As they came from a non-warring keep. And he was golden coloured like the twins and Mavrik. People like him?

“Yes. People like you. People who are willing to help complete strangers. Thank you very much for offering but it has been a long day and for the life of me I cannot think of a single thing that we need right now,’ she could think of several, ‘But thank you again for offering.”

It was a thank you and a dismissal. Handsome though he was, very handsome indeed, Mada had never had the patience or desire to blush or gush. Much to Lon’s relief.

Cas-hé was a little disappointed but not deterred. He was accustomed to women falling all over him or at least getting a definite response, almost always positive, no matter how well concealed the response. She was spirited. This one was not going to be easily got. But he was going to get her, he always did.

“Well. Okay. Then sleep well. I will see you in the morning.”

“Sweet sleep.” They all said in unison. He bowed ever so slightly and moved away. Conversation resumed when they were sure he was out of earshot.

“Do you think he saw me changing?”

It was obvious he had. No one answered her. They had behaved as they would have done when someone from their keep had seen anything they should not. They had somehow gotten away with it all those times. But they doubted that Cas-hé could be so easily tricked into believing it had been a figment of his imagination.

In fact here in the open and with the nightlight so bright several people must have seen her. Cas-hé had said he and his men had seen them. How many men? He, Cas-hé, had acted naturally as if he had not seen anything but he definitely must have. For they only realised his presence when he was just a couple feet spans from them. Who else had seen them? The outskirts of Derash keep had seemed deserted.

“If he did he did not show any sign that he had and I am positive he saw you. Warlord Cas-hé is dangerous and we should steer clear of him and his men. And Mada…”

“Yes Lon?”

“Please do not change anymore. I am sure that changing is an unnatural state for you but it’s too much of a risk here.”

“I will not change anymore in the open.”

She felt bad that she had brought the unwanted attention of Lord Cas-hé and his men and who knows who else upon them. She had to be more careful. The last thing she wanted was to have them burnt at the stake because of her. She was now sitting by the edge of the pool with the nightlight light reflecting on her face. Her thoughts must have shown on her face because Lon promptly put his arm around her to comfort her.

“It was not your fault Mada. I would have cautioned you but I was also sure this area was deserted. There are no fires. It is a warm night and the nightlight is so bright tonight.”

Mada laid her head on Lon’s shoulder. He was a good kind and loving brother, always there to comfort and take care of her.

“Why did we not see them?” Lon thought out loud.

“They must be covered by bushes and or are in tents maybe. Being soldiers they must be very good at camouflaging themselves,’ Mavrik answered, ‘I’m sure they are on higher ground than us. Still we should have seen some sigh of their presence right?”

“Meaning they are watching us right now.” Mada said miserably.

“Yes and I think we should get some rest.”

“Sleep at a time like this?” Manny and a-a-Alorya, the young adventurers asked.

“Yes,’ Mada answered them, ‘We cannot do anything about anything right now. It is the middle of the night and from here on out it is uncharted territory for us. So it is best we stay put until the daylight rises. We cannot fight them and we cannot outrun them. Our best bet is to stay put. Now someone help me with the tent.”

The tent was set up and it was decided that Mada and the children would sleep in the tent. Mavrik and Lon stayed out and took turns with sentry duty. What they would actually do should Cas-hé and his men attack was anyone’s guess. Not much was the likely one. They were farmers and other than that Lon was a hunter and Mavrik was a scholar.

Mada lay in her bedding looking at the tent ceiling. She had to decide what to do. But what. She could feel out Lord Cas-hé and his men. This was one of Sar’s lessons she had paid attention to. She simply had to locate them and get a feel for their moods and cautiously enter their minds. But Sar had likened entering someone’s mind without their permission to rape. Abuse. Using superior power to force someone into something they did not agree to. And would probably not agree to given the choice. Sar had also said a mind was a base and vulgar thing and she would do well to stay out of them. She knew this from personal experience. So she had never forced her way into anyone’s mind. Besides who would ever willingly let their mind be penetrated by another? If it was ever to be done Mada reckoned it would have to be by force. By just listening to their thoughts from the outside she could shield herself. But if she entered or tried to enter their minds and there was a mystic amongst them the mystic would sense her. As much as she would like to be with another mystic Sar had told her to trust no one. She had defended mystics to the others. Anyway mystic or not all beings could be driven by self-service. Mada began deep even breathing to help relax herself. Clearing her mind and performing the mental exercises necessary to create a barrier to her mind. Remaining thus for some time. Then she began to feel out lord Cas-hé and his men. She began to pick through the thoughts of her siblings which she ignored and passed. She went further and many thoughts and feelings streamed in from many directions, there were probably several minds, sentient and non-sentient around her. Filtering these she was soon with Cas-hé’s men. She found their location, in relation to herself, was north and indeed on higher ground as Mavrik had suspected.

There was something or someone else there. She was sure she felt a presence. It was gone just as quickly as she had found it. She was not sure if there had been anything at all it had happened so fast. She fanned out going away from the soldiers but there was nothing. Could it have been another mystic? Maybe just her nervous mind playing tricks on her. She went back to the soldiers thoughts. There was someone there using their power. No on closer investigation it turned out to be a thing. A power source, a sort of shield perhaps. She could still sense the people within it. She better tread very carefully. What magic was the warlord practicing, Mada wondered. He was dangerous as Lon had said. Cas-hé and his men were north of her. Did she dare look outside? No. She could not risk them knowing she knew where they were. Especially since it seemed they did not want to be found. For she had looked around, all around, before she had gotten in the tent and had seen nothing. But there were definitely there.

From the warriors Mada picked up a lot thoughts. Most of which she would rather not explore. She tried to concentrate so she could isolate Cas-hé’s thoughts. Before she had homed in on him she caught a flash of herself shimmering and a host of other green women. All but one was an Arshean being. The one was a water sprite. The water sprite was blue-green. More blue than green though. She had never met one. Sar had shown her one through their minds. So they had seen her. They knew she was a mystic. From the thought Mada could sense bewilderment. They did not know what kind of a mystic. This truly was worse than she had thought. If only Sar were here. She would know what to do. To seek Sar out?. She did have her own life with the other dryads. Was it fair to bring her into this without knowing exactly what she was up against. It could turn out to be nothing. She decided not to call on Sar just yet. Mada sought out Cas-hé once more. She found him. He was a couple of feet from the rest of the men but still within the strange barrier. He too was thinking of her. He was imagining her naked and lying with him… She did not wish to wait around for his mind to turn to other things. So she retreated. Without entering his mind and looking for the information she wanted there was nothing she could do. Great power Sar had said.

Now back in her own mind she tried to figure out what to do. She still did not know if Cas-hé was a threat. They had and used power to cloak themselves. But what was she to do if they did make an aggressive move. To pick up in the night? They would be heard for sure. Her lifting them out of Derash keep would be their best hope if that was what she decided to do. Or would she be exposing herself and her family to unnecessarily. To lift them out of Derash keep, very close to the ground of course, would require a large amount of energy. Some mystic was sure to sense that energy. To risk confrontation with a possibly hostile mystic or to stay and face Cas-hé and his men. Which right now was the greater evil?

After mulling this question over and over again in her mind she finally decided on staying put. There were bound to be other people about tomorrow when the daylight rose. Hopefully none who had seen her display. Having other people around might stop Cas-hé from doing anything and give them a chance to flee. Also she would have to explain to her anti-mystic siblings why they should not be frightened of waking up where ever she will have to land before the daylight rose. Or worse, they would want to know how and who brought them there.

She was a rather lousy mystic. Had power. Could not use power. Cas-hé and his men were not mystics yet they had harnessed and directed power. Their journey could be so much easier if she would, could just use her power. First order of business in the morning, get some kind of transportation without exposing herself. Then she curled up and fell asleep.

Everyone was up before the daylight. Mavrik had cautioned them all to behave naturally and not hurried so as not to alarm the warlord’s men. Who were also up and about themselves and clearly visible.

“So how are we going to leave Derash keep without “alarming” them Mavrik?” Mada asked.

Lon and Mavrik glanced at each other. Her feelings of helplessness had made her a little testy.

“When people are up and about we will simply walk away. I hardly think they would try to make us sta…”

“They might follow us.” Mada cut in.

Follow us. This alarmed Manny and the girls.

“Follow us! For what? Tamrip keep has never been at war and we have no

fends, nothing that is of use to them.” a-a-Alorya stated.

“Mada was just being dramatic. As you said why would they bother with us?” Mavrik said lightly and evenly to calm the children.

“But then that man did look at Mada rather closely. In fact he was staring.” a-a-Alorya said to everyone’s surprise.

There was a stunned silence for a while.

“Oh a-a-Alorya really. Why would he go to all that trouble for me. And he did say he did not want to cause trouble. What an imagination you have.” Mada said trying to laugh casually but failing dismally.

She had thought that the children were busy with the munmo and not paying any attention to Cas-hé or their brief conversation with him. The twins at twelve year spans were growing up. She would have to keep a closer eye on them.

“I doubt they would just attack for no reason. You three gather some fire wood. We should have our morning meal and be on our way. Hurry hurry!” Lon said to change the subject and to get things moving. The sooner they were out of Derash keep and away from warlord Cas-hé the better.

“They are clearly visible now yet we could not see them at all last night.” Mavrik stood with his hands on his hips surveying the terrain as if the land held the answer to his question.

“I reckon it is some kind of sorcery,’ ‘Lon said, ‘Do you suppose warlord Cas-hé or one of his men is a mystic?”

Mada was a little startled at this. She had not thought anyone else was thinking the same thing as her.

“That would explain a lot and o...”

“Brothers of mine you two really do have a wild imagination!”

“Think about it Mada. The night light was full and bright. Look,’ he pointed, ‘where they are. We should have been able to see them last night.” Mavrik said still ‘looking around’ for an answer.

“Maybe you are right. Yes. Maybe. Would that not make them all the more dangerous?” Mada agreed miserably.

“You know. This whole mystic thing is rather abstruse.”

“How so Lon?” Mada queried.

Mada did not want to show too much interest in mystics when they were spoken about. She had resolved long ago not to be drawn into discussions about mystics. But who would not want to defend themselves if they were being portrayed as an abomination incessantly.

“I mean… where do they come from. Why are they here on this…”

“Why! Do you think you have more right than ‘them’ to be here? They come into the world the exact same way as most beings or things. Their having abilities and powers you do not understand is hardly reason to…” Mada shouted

beginning to shimmer. Although she had asked herself those very questions a million times.

“Calm down Mada. I did not mean it that way. You are always ready to defend them. And you are shimmering. In broad daylight!” Lon said.

“Sorry. I… It is not fair that is all.”

“You cannot afford to be all wild and abounded…”

“That is it!” Mada squealed with delight as a thought struck her.

“What!” Mavrik and Lon said looking around.

“Wild karakees.”

“Wild karakees?” They both said.

“Yes for transportation. Lon you could track them and…”


“…we could use the..” Mada carried on without even hearing her name.



“Even if we caught some it would take a long time to break them. Time we cannot afford…” Lon was saying.

She was laughing and jumping up and down. Why had she not thought of it before. She could control one easily and get them to their mother-mother faster.

“Oh Lon, Mavrik! More faith brothers.”

Her brothers looked at her as if she had lost her mind. Karakees are large grey octapeds and were notoriously hard to catch and tame. But were very good once they were trained. They were not sentient beings.

Instead of taking ages taming and training it she could reach its mind. She could do it, she had to do it.

“Lon let us go. Mavrik mind the children we will be back in a little while.”


“Please trust me Lon. Please.”

She looked at him with a beguiling look in her big dark aquamarine eyes which was always infallible on Lon. He thought it was a crazy bad idea. She was already skipping way. What had come over her? Some kind of sorcery? From that Cas-hé perhaps.

“Mada for the…” Mavrik was saying walking towards her to hold her.

“It is okay Mavrik I will go with her.” Lon said knowing how difficult Mada could be and feeling, as always, quite indulgent when it came to her.

“Oh and please try to find out about getting a cart or wagon or something from the people you know here Mavrik.” Mada said skipping away.

Mavrik was left smiling to himself as he thought of his friends here in Derash keep. He had already decided on not dropping in on them. But suddenly

it did not seem such a bad idea. And it beat standing around the outskirts worrying about warlord Cas-hé and his men.

The children finished gathering the fire wood and had returned to their little camp.

“Where are they going?”

“Do not worry Avené they will be back very shortly.”

Avené was not the only one curious about their departure.

“You say she stopped changing colour when you got to where they were?”

“Yes Trivan, but what is she. I thought about it all night.”

“I bet you did.” Trivan said with a knowing smile.

“Yeah well,’ clearing his throat, ‘where are they off to do you think?”

“Not far. Not without the rest. Where would a “farmer” mystic be going?”

“I do not know but I intend to find out.”

Trivan was quiet trying to decide whether to voice his thoughts or not. He decided to proceed.

“We ought to have left already. Over warlord Khan is waiting for us to retur…”

“I have thought of that. And I have decided that you men go ahead without me…”


Putting his hand up to silence Trivan.

“I know Over-warlord Khan will not be pleased but I have to get…”

“Say no more Cas-hé. Just be careful though. She is a mystic and you do not know what kind, how powerful or her intentions.” Trivan said gravely.

“I doubt she is dangerous. I mean she is so…”

“Do not let her pretty face affect your judgment. Many a man has been lost to the sirens song.”

“Do not worry she has no feathers…” Cas-hé joked trying to lighten Trivan’s mood.

“This is not a joke Cas-hé, be careful.”

Cas-hé decided to follow them and speak to Mada while she was alone. Not completely alone but close enough alone.