The Vortex by Chrys Romeo - HTML preview

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The Awakening


The ship went right into the spinning vortex, diving in the center of light.

The interior of the shuttle was filled with floating particles of colors and the edges of everything disappeared. The contour of the ship melted away.

Rony found himself on a planet, but it was dusty, empty and dark. He was holding the boxes of plants. He put them on the ground, looking around. “Is this the past or the future?” he wondered.

The planet looked a lot like Asterius, but it was deserted. He felt as if he had passed through the vortex and arrived on the other side of the Alpha cluster. The spinning spiral was up in the dark sky, somewhere distant. He wondered if Zenna was up there in the light.

He beeped the chip behind his ear, but Vera was silent. The chip was not functioning anymore. She couldn't hear him and his thoughts felt isolated and stranded in a world where he was alone.

He started planting the small sprouts on the dusty surface. There was a storm roaring beyond the empty rocks and hills. When Rony finished spreading the plants in long rows of soil, he saw the shadow of a ship sliding on the ground. Looking up, he noticed the shuttle, beaming its light above his head. The door opened and a cone of light lifted him in the air, until he was inside the ship.

“Hey there”, Zenna smiled from the control board.

He realized she was piloting the ship. There were many new things on the pilot desk he didn't recognize.

“What's this new technology of transport?” he asked. “I was beamed up here so fast!”

“It's a long story. I just improved the traveling equipment, it was so boring the way it was designed. Come on, sit down over here. We're going back.”

“How did you learn to fly this shuttle?”

“It just happened because I wanted to. Remember the power we had in the Alpha State? We can keep on having it if we access the energy field of our living force. We can do anything if we really want to. For example, you can reach into any moment of time in any place you want and improve it according to your vision.

Right now, I have a clear image of what you're thinking of. So we're going back to Asterius to find your agent sweetheart.”

“How do you know about her? And she's not my sweetheart.”

“Don't be shy to admit it, pilot. I know everything. My father is the Alpha cluster.“

Zenna smiled, very sure of herself and changed the direction of the ship towards the distant neon sun in Asterius solar system. Rony thought she was joking, but he noticed many things were different on the ship. His thoughts drifted to Vera.

He had longed for her for what felt like an immemorial time.

“Why are you taking me to meet the agent?”

“It's my mission. You two belong with each other, there's a higher order in the universe that means it that way.”

“Are we going back to Asterius?”

“We're going forward. You'll see Asterius has changed a lot since we left. I was actually there, changing things myself, while you were planting those greenies on the new planet. I think you'll like how things are now. By the way, I'm the new chief of the control tower.”

“Are you indeed?... Congratulations.”

He was ready to accept anything she was saying. He believed it was possible.

She laughed.

“Don't worry, I was only joking. There's no more tower and no chief.”

“So you're not the leader of the planet?”

“I see myself more like a protector and a guide, not an actual leader. In fact, Asterius doesn't need a leader anymore. It doesn't have and doesn't require a control center either: the previous tower building on the blue moon has become an amusement park for children. We don't have a government or any form of political organization. The only power that matters is the creative energy of imagination and positive wishes that elevate life further. Everyone does more than what they've always been doing, because they've awakened to their true potential. There's no more arguing, fear, authority rules, restrictions, misunderstandings or wrong deeds.

People have reached a higher attitude of cooperation and benevolence, a wiser approach to everything. It's a graceful planet now, without conflicts. The main principles are positive interaction, good will, love and respect for any form of life, creation and happiness because people see the infinite essence of life now instead of previous limitations. It's much easier to find harmony in this new way of living.

There's no more fighting over resources because everyone has access to the energy of the universe, which is limitless. Nobody needs to worry anymore about sustaining life. You can feed your energy by the light particles in the air. It sounds like an unbelievable ideal dream, but it's just another level of life that wouldn't be understood by infexible views. You must go through Alpha vortex to see the possibilities and make them happen. It can only be this way because people have evolved beyond expectations. We are free of atom limitations now.”

“And how did this happen so fast?”

“It wasn't fast. It took us one hundred years to wake everyone up to the truth.”

“A century? But you're still fifteen years old!”

“Age is an illusion to you. I am ageless and my particles arrange to appear whatever I want. I took this form so you can recognize me. I am, in fact, much more than a teenage girl.”

He stared at her radiant eyes. An immense force and energy seemed to hide within the smiling girl that was casually flying the ship. Her skin was shining intensely, as if there was sunlight beneath it, hardly concealed and waiting to spread around any second.

“Did you get this power while you were inside the vortex? How did you succeed?”

“The energy of light simply flowed to me like an intense concentrated sun that rose from within. I had instant access to knowledge, wisdom and power to change everything. It was like opening my eyes to see the entire universe, in its infinite unfolding multi-dimensional view. I felt I became the flow of life itself, infinite, eternal... I realized I had this power in me, I just wasn't aware how to reach it.

Anyone can be like this, if they surpass their illusion of limited existence and understand they are connected to the endless source of the vast universe. There's so much we can do... there's so much we already achieved in one century, and so much left ahead of us: the endless spiral, going on to become the best that life can be: happiness and absolute light.”

“So was I really absent from Asterius for an entire century?”

“If you want to see it like that, yes.”

“And everyone there has remained the same as you are?”

“People never remain the same. They are in continuous motion, they progress endlessly. But they can look in whatever way they want now, because modifying the atoms is no longer difficult on Asterius. The Alpha cluster has made everything flexible to new arrangements by the simple power of positive wishes. It's like a timeless zone: chronologically it doesn't exist anymore, only the energy of life is important – Asterius planet is on the infinite spiral of ascension. Improving life is what matters to us now. I think you'll find that everything is changed for the better, with the new way of handling things. It's a new approach that made the planet like a paradise. Happiness is a side effect of positive creative energy.”

He touched the chip behind his ear. It was silent.

She noticed his gesture.

“You won't need that anymore: the tower is not transmitting anything. We don't send messages through technology now. We communicate by direct thoughts.”

The shuttle landed in the middle of a golden spiral of sparkling light particles that were floating in the air, in imponderable serenity. It was a large marble hexagon platform with fountains of shiny water in the corners and high pillars with roses going around them. In the distance, the purple ocean with galaxies was shuffling its waves peacefully under the neon sun.

Rony stepped out of the ship, and the shuttle instantly disappeared in the sky, in a flash of light. He was certain someone was waiting for him at the edge of the hexagon platform. He looked around and he saw her. She was peacefully staring at the pink horizon, apparently absent minded, lost in thoughts. Her white dress revealing her neck and bare arms in sunlight reminded him of a vision from long ago. As he advanced towards her he realized that he had seen that view before, only it had been disrupted by a storm. The present serenity seemed eternal and irreversible. He felt instantly connected to her mind and fascinated by the depth of her soul, as if he could feel it only by being near her.

“Are you really here?” he heard her voice ask in his mind, even though she hadn't spoken.

“Yes Vera, I'm here. I've come back” he answered silently.

Above the ocean and beyond the horizon many flying vehicles were going in multiple directions. The spiral of light was rising to the sky, up to the little blue moon.

“I've been waiting for you. I knew you'd come”, she said again, interfering directly in his thoughts, as he got closer behind her.

She still didn't turn. Sunlight was playfully coloring strands of her hair in bright hues of purple and brown, reflecting lights from the ocean. He touched her slowly, running his fingers through her hair, going along her delicate ears and the thin line of her face. It felt like velvet. Her magnetic presence was a waving energy that reached his soul, drawing him nearer. He wrapped his arms around her, breathing the warm touch of her skin, and she leaned her head back on his shoulder.

“Have you been traveling for a hundred years?” she asked.

“I don't care how long it took me to get here to you: we're together now.”

He took her hand and turned her around to see her eyes.

He had missed looking into those deep mysterious eyes so much. She glanced at him directly, smiling as if she knew the effect she had on him and the irreversible truth that nothing could have stood between them anymore. There was a cosmic depth in her stare, galaxies spinning mysteriously, ready to make him drown in the mesmerizing mix of colors, as he kept his arms around her, not willing to move. The intensity of the feeling of having her in his embrace was overwhelming. His heart started racing faster. It was like a galaxy collision again, only the sensation was smooth, sliding into the magnetic attraction without fear or possibility of going back to leave. It felt right, as if they belonged with each other since the genesis of the universe itself. The exchange of energy was intensely amplifying, announcing something incredibly powerful that would soon overwhelm them both.

“Tell me”, he said leaning closer until he almost reached her ear, speaking secretly.

“What's your question, pilot?” she asked amused, letting his arms hold her tight, as they were already inseparably bonded by invisible energy flowing around in concentric circles.

“Did we evolve, Vera? Is this the past or the future?”

She placed and arm around his neck, making him lean closer to her until she could whisper softly in his ear, with the same determination he recognized so well:

“It's both: this is the past of our future and the future of our past... We're on the spiral of ascension and the process of evolution is infinite ahead of us.”

“Is this moment going to last?”

Her reply was delayed. She didn't say anymore because they were thinking the same thing, looking in each other's eyes with deep longing. They couldn't resist one more second being so close without kissing, so giving into the desire was a sudden reciprocal decision, a synchronized motion of feverish approach.

While their lips met in warm anticipation, her thoughts reached his mind like an echo through the heating wave:

“Some things are eternal... and this is one of them.”

He responded from the swirl of sensations that was scattering the words away: “I love it when you talk... but right now I just need you to kiss me.”

“As you wish...”

They let everything else disappear and went drowning in the dizziness of giving and receiving each other's endless love, locked in the magical wonder of the kiss. It was awakening immense powers inside them, stirring the beginnings of the universe and eternity running through them at the same time, the infinite glow burning in higher intensity, brightening everything around.

Losing their thoughts in the blissful embrace surpassed the mesmerizing power of the Alpha lights that erased boundaries, edges and contours, the intensity of happiness went beyond the blinding brightness of liberating energy of a galaxy collision. The fascination of the swirling spiral going up became an overwhelming rotation of dazzling atoms dancing around their embrace, as they were swept away, lifted in the air and changed into a bright sphere of light glowing from within, gaining speed, spreading energy and expanding, spinning round and round with a force that was the beginning of a new vortex, enhancing the mystery of the universe and amplifying the endless power of life.

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