The Will of the Three by Wayne Ellis - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


Later, the girls entered Varlia in the beautiful city of Neth. The city was majestic, with high-rise buildings, and chariots flying everywhere among them. On the street you could see the hustle and bustle of Varlians, walking down the streets with their high-collared suits.

"This place is huge!" said Sari.

"Yes, probably because it's also in a realm of its own," replied Penni.

"How do you mean? Aren't we in the Realm of Collectivity?" asked Sari.

"We are, but it's an extension of that. In Gurudom we call this realm 'Hum sa'."

"Of course, between the eyes on the subtle body. Also called the Realm of Sweet Speech," said Sari.

"Now, talking about that, where is our sweet talker, I wonder?" asked Penni.

A chariot suddenly appeared out of the traffic above, and a man grinned at them. People in the crowded streets were forced to dive for safety.

"Jump in, before an officer on the beat tries to book me for reckless flying," said the man. "My name is Remm Altonino."

Remm was the Keeper of the Realm of Collectivity. He was of solid build with brown hair, and was thirty-nine years of age. He wore dark army-style overalls, with large black boots.

"Nice chariot," said Penni, staring at the streamlined panels on the craft. It looked more like a spaceship. "I'm Penni and this is Sari."

"Buckle-up. This chariot doesn't always sit horizontal," Remm said.

"How do you mean?" asked Sari, quickly activating the restraint beams.

Remm accelerated the chariot with incredible speed and headed straight toward a tall building. Just as the girls thought they were going to collide with it, Remm pulled back the aircraft-style steering column, and the chariot shot straight up! The chariot was now going straight up like a rocket.

"I thought this was a spaceship," said Penni, looking up at the top of the building, which was racing toward them, fast. Remm brought the chariot over and landed on top of the high-rise.

"This chariot has illegal mods," said Sari.

"Well, someone had to clean up the pockets of negativity that were left after the transformation," said Remm.

"You're a cop?" asked Sari.

"Yes," said Remm, "although I wasn't always one. I was a secret agent during the war."

The girls looked at the rings on his left and right index fingers. The planets on his rings represented the ringed, gas giant in this system called Zovis.

"And a Keeper, too," said Penni. “I think I remember seeing you in Tyrone years ago."

"Did you? That must have been during the war. I wouldn't have thought you were old enough."

"Well, no, I just happened to have popped in," said Penni, with a mischievous smile.

"That didn't have something to do with a certain Oracle, did it?" queried Remm.


"She was ordained with it at that time," said Sari, “at thirteen.”

"It was the beginning of a lot of changes for Udicia, I know," said Remm. "We were all given greater responsibility from then. Not only for us Gurus, promoted into the new order, but for every Udician."

Remm paused, looking out at the aerial view of the city from the top of the high-rise.

"Varlia has become such a powerful world leader, and it’s great how all the nations are now working well together.

“The Udician Alliance is no longer divided. The Sylonian and Nelven governments were always opposing the rest of the Alliance with Tyrone. We knew as Gurus that Sylonia and Nelve were on either side of the Juncture, pushing out those big national balloons of 'ego' so that no vibrational flows could get through. Gylith parked himself in the tiny gap, and then we were separated from universal truth.

“Varlians didn't perform their role well, either, at that time. Their leadership was poor, and they should have taken charge of world affairs. It was their job at the Realm of Collectivity. But instead, they became greedy, speech became slander, finances became dirty, and they lost sight of the true value of business and politics. Again, Gylith parked his Lord in the middle of all this, and we got a leader that sounded like he was the answer to our prayers.

       “Thank God for the Guardians. Otherwise, we'd never have broken out of our trance. Fancy another ride in my chariot before you go?” Remm asked.

“Yes,” said Sari. “Where to?”

“Well, just to make doubly sure I've done my job, and cleared this realm well enough, we can utilise that Oracle of yours.”

“Oh,” said Penni. “How's that?”

“By finishing off some clearing.”

They all climbed into the chariot, and Remm quickly took off, gaining considerable speed. If he were driving this high in a civilian chariot, he would have been quickly pulled over by his fellow officers. As it was, his fellow officers were probably not impressed, and a crackle over his radio confirmed this.

“Sergeant, what the hell are you doing?” It was the Chief, who was probably informed by another officer. Remm snapped the radio off.

“Why are you flying so high, anyway?” asked Penni.

“I told you: we're doing some clearing,” said Remm. “Hold that Oracle up.”

Remm went even faster and put the chariot into a slight turn.

“You’re going to do some big circles around the city and clear it out, just like we clear our own centres,” said Sari.

“Yep, we can't afford to have any more negativity in this realm,” said Remm. “I hope to do the next few years of police work in one day.”

Penni looked at Remm. “You’re thinking like a Guardian.”

“You might be right,” smiled Remm. “I couldn't do this before, because the rings don't quite give me enough power.”

“We've got company,” said Sari.

Three Police chariots were in pursuit.

Remm was about to go faster, but Penni motioned for him not to. She turned around and directed the Oracle at their pursuers.

“Are you going to shoot them?” asked Remm.

“They'll be fine,” said Penni, “unless they're Shadows. I'm giving them a little vibrational persuasion.”

“Now you’re thinking like a Guardian,” said Remm.

Vibrations shot out of Penni's Oracle in a clockwise motion and struck the trio behind them. They immediately slowed down and turned around.

“See, now they know what we are doing and will back you up later on,” said Penni. “You’re welcome.”

Remm grinned. “You’re going to be a hard opponent for the first Shadow you run into. I can see through the ring that you've put a lot into your experience and training so far. You're the Central Way, and will be a very important part of your trio. In a way, it will be up to you to keep things together.”

 “So I've been informed by the Oracle,” said Penni. “It's all unfamiliar territory once we pass through the Juncture. Not just because of the new world we'll be placed in, or the Shadows we cross, but because of the responsibility of our role in this great Universe.”

“I know how you feel, but not at your scale,” replied Remm.

Remm did a few more circles around the city and finally landed the chariot in a park. It was right across from the city centre.

“Well, I feel that we have finally put me out of a job!” said Remm, half-sad and half-glad. “Look at this place. It's vibrant!”

The girls looked at the city and smiled. It did seem very peaceful.

“We haven't just transformed Udicia for ourselves,” said Remm. “We've transformed Udicia for the rest of the Universe. With all our national realms cleared and attentive Keepers at their posts, you will be empowered to emit beautiful loving vibrations for those who desire it out there and positive destructive vibrations for those who don't.”

“Thanks, Uncle Remm. You've been an inspiration,” said Sari. “We hope to talk to you again.”

“Going already?”

A huge Mandala appeared behind the girls.

“We have that sense when we have to leave,” said Penni. “So long.”

The girls gave Remm a quick hug and walked into the Mandala.