The Wind Drifters - Complete Set by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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A note from the Author

A little bit about what went into influencing the story.

-   As a boy I discovered the western fiction of Louis L’Amour. I don’t often re-read a book, but many of his books in my collection have seen the covers peeled back a number of times through the years and yes I own all eighty or so of them. His work helped to inspire me as a boy to become the man I am today.

- The times of the Wild American West of years gone by reflects a time of fierce individuality and adventure. A person had the ability to shape their own future and in the struggle to do so both the good and the bad of humanity met their end in various ways, often brutally. Those days of freedom are all but over, but in the exploration of deep space a new frontier as it were has been opened up, at least in my imagination, and thus in this series I am combining the best of the past and its possible reemergence in the future, when desperate times will call forth for the actions of the tough men and women that defined the wild days of yesteryear, when Americans truly were free.

-   As a Christian author my own bias, as it were, does creep into my writing. Many Christians and non-Christians will no doubt wonder at my explanation of the Genesis account. Allow me to clarify a few things as the views I have put forward in this book are not widely held ones today, although they were more predominantly held in the past by church leaders. What I have addressed in Chapter 7 is known as Gap Theory. Look it up and the Biblical arguments for and against it. To clarify it’s not an admission that Evolution is possible as a theory. Far from it actually. It simply is taking the Bible literally as it was originally written in the Hebrew. I used to be a Young Earth Creationist, but now after presented with the facts and my own prayer and study I’ve come to the conclusion that the world is far older than just 6,000 years or so. The main thing however is that God created Earth and has been managing it ever since and one day He’s going to make a new one.

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