The Wind Drifters - Complete Set by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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A note from the Author

A little bit about what went into influencing the story.

-   In Fire Wind I started the premise behind this new series (adventure and more adventure after that), which opens the imaginative realms up for the subsequent books of the series. It wasn’t my intention, but it just came to be that Book 1 was rather noticeably absent of any romance plotline. I actually had one, but it got pitched and God inspired a whole new storyline, which totally reads over from Book 1 into Book 2 of the series. These will be the only two books of the series to be focused from Taran’s perspective. Book 3 will be from his brother Logan’s perspective. Book 4 will be from the perspective of their niece, Tara. Book 5 is yet undecided. All the books will have a certain overlap of previous characters and I’ve limited the series to five books at the present, but who knows maybe there will be more.

-   As a Christian I think many of us (at least me), who have read the Bible repetitively can fall into not fully relating to the stories on the pages. What do I mean? Most Bible readers know about how the children of Israel were in bondage in Egypt for 400 hundred years. It’s easy to just keep reading on, but truly let’s try to comprehend what 400 years of slavery would be like. That’s over twice the history of America! It’s twice the length of the Pax Romana (Two hundred years of peace during the Roman Empire). In short it’s a very long time and I hope my book has helped you to reevaluate just how awful human slavery can be, has been and currently is. Perhaps one of the worst stats of our modern era other than the number of abortions there have been world wide is that there are more slaves now in this present day then there have ever been at any point in recorded history. There are people all over this world who have no control over the use of their bodies or what will become of them. Please pray for them if you have a moment.

-   The beastmen aren’t imaginary figures. In my book, The Kingdom, I exposed how the Bible references men who had the head of lions. In ancient Egypt we have the false gods Anubis (jackal headed man) and Horace (falcon headed man). Some may think such combinations are fanciful and impossible to achieve, but I believe otherwise and one day those of us who believe in Jesus may find ourselves in a war for freedom against such forces just as the children of Israel had to. “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matthew 24:37

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