The Wind Drifters - Complete Set by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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A note from the Author

A little bit about what went into influencing the story.

-   I think too often in the Christian world there is this stigma attached to people who are sinners as being untouchable and people to be avoided at all costs. That’s just wrong according to my understanding of the Gospel Message. We’re all sinners saved by Grace and as the Bible says God is no respecter of persons. Whatever you’ve done in the past can be forgiven, except for one thing only. That one thing is if you commit blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. You can curse God and Jesus both and it can be forgiven, but not so against the Holy Spirit. My advice, don’t do it! In terms of this book, Logan, got his second chance at a renewed walk with God through the intervention of a godly woman. That happens a lot in life and women by far go to unnoticed in the vital role they play in shaping the men around them by the way they manage their own spiritual relationship with God. My mother was definitely an inspiration for me to be a godly man. Faith can move mountains so whether you’re male or female let your light show shine and be willing to rise to the task of doing the Lord’s work in the lives of those He has placed around you. We all have our own mission fields to which we are uniquely suited for, with none being grander than the other, because we’re all working towards the common goal assigned to us by Jesus to share the Gospel Message with others until He returns and ladies and gentlemen I think that day is getting very close indeed. Let’s be ready and able to show our Lord and Master how we have been accountable for the time and gifts that have been given to us.

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