The Wind Drifters - Complete Set by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Six


Oh my head hurt! It didn’t help that it felt like I was caught in the midst of an earthquake either.

I opened my eyes painfully only to see starlit darkness all around. Blurry objects were passing by at great speed. Just as dimly I realized that we were riding hard through the night, which meant we had escaped the city.

One escape had been achieved, but I hadn’t escaped him. Despite my pounding headache and induced fogginess of mind I became painfully aware of two things back to back.

One was the presence of the man’s arm clamped across my front, which my breasts lay fully upon. The second thing was how tight my rear was pressed up against the man behind me. I could feel every bit of his arousal for me!

Suddenly I didn’t care that I’d escape the city or of even being gang raped to death. All that I knew was the certainty of what would happen with this man if I didn’t manage to escape.

I crashed my head back against the man and had the satisfaction of feeling it smash into the man’s jaw. The man grunted and his hold on me slackened.

I lunged forward and managed to fall off the horse. As it was I was nearly trampled under by the second horse.

Reaching my feet I started to run out into the dark. I was tackled hard from behind and driven to the ground.

Roughly flipped over I found my hands imprisoned to either side of my head. Screaming I said, “Let me go! I let you free! Surely you know what it’s like to be a slave without any choice of your own by now? How can you deny me the same freedom as you now have in return?”

No answer to my question came and staring up into the hard face above mine was to see that my words had seemed to fall on deaf ears. The man’s face reflected nothing but passion. The passion to have me.

There would be no escape this night. Starting to cry I stopped struggling to be free and whispering brokenly in Cherokee I said, “I’m a virgin. Please I……

My voice trailed off as I watched some emotion hard to define sweep across his face. Maybe just a little did his hands let off on the pressure he was exerting. I wasn’t sure, I was just grasping at straws.

“Oh God if this is Your will then so be it, but give me a sign or something!”

I couldn’t bring myself to look into the man’s eyes anymore. His one hand left my wrist to begin hiking my tunic up, which when I showed no sign of resistance my other wrist was freed, but in the next moment my tunic was pulled up and over me and I was left to lay bare in the grass.

I pressed the side of my face to the ground and bit my lip hard. I wanted to fight, but something said not to. I closed my eyes wishing for the whole ordeal to be over with already. It wasn’t to be though.

To my everlasting shock instead of being brutally savaged he instead did pleasurable things that I had not ever been informed of. I hated him for it, but my body responded to everything that he did and when he completed his taking of me after what felt like hours of torment I experienced no pain at all.


The stars were bright overhead. I looked at them and wondered which might be the sun of Earth. Everything I had been put through came up to press hard against me. The loss of my mother most of all.

Tears streaked down my cheek and my view of the stars became blurry. The hand that laid claim to my bare chest lifted to gently wipe at the tears on my face.

I’d thought he was asleep. Cursing myself I realized that my emotional outburst had probably awakened him.

The man seemed limitless in his passion to have me over and over again and biting my lip I accepted him once more into my body. I didn’t put up a fight. In truth what was there to fight against as he made what he did to me feel good. The positiveness of our physical union though only made me feel guilty in some way.

His physical possession of me was short-lived and once again I heard him drift off to sleep. Even in his sleep though he didn’t let go of me. There was something akin to cherishment in the way that he held onto me.

The enormity of what had transpired this night between me and this man wasn’t lost to me. I was full of this man’s seed and even now I could be pregnant. It wasn’t something I wanted to think about, but like it or not I could even now be becoming linked to this man in more ways than just by his manhood.

God hadn’t intervened and indeed their seemingly had been no reason for intervention as strangely I felt no danger from the man who held me. Despite his passion at times my captor hadn’t been all that rough and far more considerate than I could’ve hoped for given the circumstances.

I closed my eyes and willed myself to get some sleep. The night was cool and although I was bare to it I was far from cold with him pressed up against me from behind.