The Wind Drifters - Complete Set by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine

Faith and Passion

Two days later

Together we lay on our bellies in the grass staring out at the horse herd that stretched out across the prairie before us. With a smile I watched a young colt race about on the grass around its mother.

Looking to the side I saw Far Horizon looking as if it was something else beyond the horses before us that he saw.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked with interest.

He blinked before rolling onto his back with a sigh. His hand moved, “I wish I could talk.”

“I do too.” I whispered.

He glanced at me before looking skyward. I sat up a little to better see his hand sign, “I am worried of how my people will receive me. I am a chief or at least I was. I was betrayed by one who wanted the leadership of the tribe. It was known to the strange beards of the city that I planned to start a war to rid the land of them. They got to my rival and promised him things if he would arrange for me to be caught. That was two years ago.”

“What happened to him?”

“They doublecrossed him. He was the first one they put in a death match with me. At heart he was a coward, but even as a coward it would have been better for him to lead the people than die at my hand. My people are leaderless and now that I return they have one that cannot talk!”

“You talk just fine.”

“It is not the same!” He insisted vehemently.

I shrugged, “Is it your voice that makes you the man you are or is it something else?”

He looked to me speculatively and then away.

Glancing down to my hands I said, “You know I could help you.”


“I can pray to my God that you receive your ability to speak again.”

He stared at me as if I was crazy. I went on, “My God can do anything. What can yours do?”

“I have none.”

“Well then how about taking a step of faith and believing in mine?”

He looked profoundly puzzled before finally saying, “First I would need to know He exists in order to have faith in something I can’t see.”

Nodding I stood up. Looking down at him I said, “Wait here and watch.”

He was silent, but he made no move to stop me as I stood up and walked down the slope toward the herd of horses stretched out over the prairie before us.

Looking up I whispered, “You know what I need to convince him You’re real. Please help me! I’m scared and I’m not really anybody to be asking, but I know what Your messenger said was the truth and so I’m asking for a miracle.”

My lips fell silent then as I continued to walk toward the horses. The heads of the horses were all directed toward me and sure enough there he was.

Big and as powerful as I had remembered he raced out toward me with a thundering grace unmatched by any other. Holding my hand out I kept walking as I tried not to let the beat of my heart overwhelm me.

The stallion came barreling on toward me and I despaired of the miracle I’d been hoping for, but then it happened. Just as he reached me and it looked like I’d be run over he came to an abrupt stop that sent dirt clods flying all around as prairie sod was ripped up.

With sudden boldness I stepped out over the prairie as I gently coaxed him to let me near. Massively ridged muscles that I’d seen all too well in motion before remained at ease as I reached up and felt the snuffling breath of a horse surely first among all horses.

My hands felt along his muzzle and he dipped his head to me. I stared into his eye as I rubbed at his chest and patted his massive front shoulder.

“I need your help. I do not ask you to give up your freedom lightly. I myself have had to make such a choice. It was the right thing to do and even now it is so for you. Come.”

I turned and began walking back to the knoll and the man that stood there. I kept one hand on the stallion’s shoulder that even now walked in step with me.

As I drew near to Far Horizon the expression on his face was one of awed amazement. He glanced from me to the horse and back repeatedly as if his eyes could not believe what he saw.

Reaching the base of the knoll I said, “Go to your new master, even as he is my master.”

The stallion surged up the slope toward Far Horizon who stood still in the face of the charge. The stallion when reaching Far Horizon dipped one knee down in an action that echoed of some past relationship with humans and I watched as Far Horizon stepped forward and swung aboard the massive stallion.

The stallion wheeled around and my breath caught at the sight of a man and horse who in a way already seemed bonded of spirit. Charging down then toward me I saw Far Horizon dip over the side with his hand outreached.

I reached up and felt myself caught and swung through the air to land astraddle of the broad back behind Far Horizon. Far Horizon directed the stallion seemingly with nothing but his knees as with one hand he held onto the stallion’s overflowing mane.

My arms clasped tightly around Far Horizon and I felt the comforting weight of his hand settle over my crossed arms. There was no way to describe the ride upon this stallion other than to say it was, unequaled.

Horses peeled from all corners to trail out behind us in a consorted charge as they willingly followed the lead stallion of the pack to wherever his rider should lead him. The sight of the many colors of the other horses and the beauty of their spread out movement was dazzling.

Never had I felt a part of anything so special in life than what I was right now. Pressing my cheek to the muscled contours of Far Horizon’s back I closed my eyes in the bliss of the moment. I was so glad that I had chosen this option.

True, I didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, but I wasn’t overly concerned about it. God’s presence was in my life this day and He’d be my chaperone through tomorrow as well.


We rode into one of the camps of Far Horizon’s people the next day and first off I saw one of the three men who had sold me to the people of the city. He wore a look of astonishment as did all the people of the camp.

They stared in wonder at both the stallion and at the man that I held onto. In most of their eyes I was but secondary in interest, which was fine by me.

I felt a pricking from within as if the Spirit of God was reminding me that there was nothing secondary about me. That was true. I held my head up a little more proudly.

Far Horizon slid off the high back of the stallion and turning he lifted me down. His eyes studied mine and I smiled letting him know I was there for him.

Yesterday he had confided in me how nervous he was about having to face his people without the use of his voice. People pressed around, but Far Horizon did not let go of my hand and I stood with him as questions rained down from seemingly everywhere.

Finally an older man quieted the mob of eager faces. Turning to Far Horizon he asked, “How is it you have returned to us and on such a stallion with such a woman?”

I felt my face flush as the old man gestured to me in a way that said I was quite the catch. I forgot my embarrassment though as I took in the carefully hidden angst to be seen in Far Horizon’s face at having to answer the old man and reveal his weakness.

In truth there was very little weak about the man. Over the past several days I had come to see more and more of the layered and truly complex individual that he was. Among the surprises of finding myself increasingly drawn to this man was also the realization that I respected him.

Far Horizon’s hand started to leave mine and I knew it was so that he could have the free use of it to sign by. Instinctively I held his hand back and stepping forward I spoke in Cherokee, “Your leader has indeed returned to you, but the price of freedom can be high. Far Horizon was treated as less than the man he is by men without honor. They cut out his tongue, as a sign of their hatred for not only Far Horizon, but for all of you. Even having the gift of speech taken from him, when many men would have gladly sought death, Far Horizon instead clung to life. The only reason I am alive today after being sold by men of this people, to the men of the settlement, is because your leader not only endeavored to escape when he had the opportunity to, but he also brought me along as well. I am here now, only by the grace of my God and you would do well to heed the words of Far Horizon for I tell you that I know of no other man, who can compare to him.”

I looked around at the gathered men piercingly and none of them uttered a word to the contrary. The sight of the stallion aggressively pawing at the ground behind me was evidence enough of what a man Far Horizon was in their eyes to have such a horse that stood in obedience to him.

“Who are you to speak so boldly being but a woman in the presence of warriors?” The old man before me groused out cantankerously.

Before I could speak to my defense I saw the passionate movement of Far Horizon’s hand off to the side and the force of his hand moving more than conveyed how forceful his words would’ve been, “She is my wife and in greater possession of honor than you Falling Leaf! The Creator moves through her for I’ve seen it with my own eyes and I tell you now if she wished you dead then you would be for I do not doubt that the Creator would do so, if she but asked!”

I started to step away a little to give room to Far Horizon, who with just the passion of his hands had cowed the whole crowd. A passion that had risen in defense of me.

Far Horizon’s hand slid around my waist to my opposing hip and he effectively anchored me back beside him. Obediently I stayed and with interest watched again as he signed savagely in opposition to the old man before us, “It was Hawk Man that betrayed me, but it was you who whispered the betrayal into his mind! I know for I have had a long time to think on the matter. Your time is over as you have led my people into disorder and chaos of mind! Cast him from the people now!”

Warriors around the old man laid a hold of him and drug him roughly away. Far Horizon looked around at the faces of those that still bore shock at the sight of their leader of the past two years being disposed of so concisely. Far Horizon began to sign and all eyes were glued instantly to the shifting of his hands.

“The time of our subservience to these invaders of our world is at an end! No longer will we sell our own to them! No longer will we trade with them or give them food in peace! From now on there will be war! We are the people of these lands! It is our right to possession that they have challenged in which we have squandered away through poor leadership and a lust for their inventions! We do not need their devices and from this day forward we are at war with them as they have nothing to offer us accept the pain and misery that they have imposed upon us!”

I watched Far Horizon with pride as I witnessed the tired and defeated glaze depart from the eyes of the people he commanded the emotions of with but the movement of his hands.

“It will not be easy. Indeed we will not win on our own. We have been godless for far too long, but I have seen that truly a God does exist! The same Creator of old we once served, but have long since ceased paying homage to. I believe this is why we a strong people have been brought into subjection by those who are both fewer in number than us and who have far less honor. We must change our lack of faith or else we will not win! If we change then whether we win in battle or not it will not matter as we will once again be a free people who are not bound by the ills of unbelief, but rather a people walking in the ways of the Creator who formed us!”

Cries of adulation rang out continually from all those present and yet the silence of Far Horizon’s moving hands continued to dominate the atmosphere.

“Send riders to all the camps. Tell them my words and if they wish to be free then let them come here. However if they wish to remain without honor, as our people have been since our grandfathers failed to drive out the invasion of those who view us as something less, then so be it! We do not need them as I only want honest warriors of faith with me in this war to come. We are not a defeated people as truly we have not yet begun to fight until now!”

People were jumping up and down and things got wild for a while. I lost sight of Far Horizon and idly drifting back from the frenzy I turned and began to walk among the tents of the camp.

My walk wasn’t aimless though. I prayed over all that was to come. I prayed for the people to find their way back to the Creator. I prayed for success in war against the otherworldly inhabitants of the settlement.

In a way I was now one of these people. Far Horizon had surprised me as confirming me as his wife before everyone. I wasn’t a slave anymore.

I smiled softly. Truly I hadn’t been a slave for very long although at the time it had seemed to be an eternity.

Glancing up I saw Far Horizon and an older woman coming toward me. His face wore a relieved expression and teasingly I asked, “Were you are afraid I ran off or something?”

He shrugged and I saw it for the answer it was.

Tilting my head to the side I regarded him speculatively, “Why would that bother you Far Horizon? You are famous among your people. You could have any woman you wanted.”

He shook his head abruptly and signed, “There is only one of you. I want no other in life.”

I felt myself blushing at his words and I glanced down at a lack for what to say. I heard him clear his throat and glancing up I saw a very vulnerable look pass across his eyes as he signed, “You do want to stay among the people? With me?”

“Yes Far Horizon.” I said softly.

I had the pleasure of watching him exhale his pent-up breath even as I reveled in the fact that if I had wanted it Far Horizon had just given me the indication that I could’ve left if I had so chosen to. Leave for what though?

Passion, respect, commitment, excitement for sure, were all to be found here in spades. No, I had nowhere I wanted to be more than where I was right now.

Far Horizon was staring at me hard as if he was reading my every thought. Maybe he was and that was fine as he was free to do so, as I didn’t plan on ever holding anything back from my husband. I let the full awareness of all my thoughts shine out of my eyes at him.

Dazed looking Far Horizon shook his head and with a start he took in the forgotten woman who’d been standing off to the side of him, who was smiling broadly as she looked between the two of us. Far Horizon gestured to me and the woman stepped forward quickly with what looked to be a measuring string. She made several quick measurements and then she quickly left without ever saying a word.

“Am I getting a new dress?” I asked eagerly.

He nodded. His eyes however weren’t on mine. The woman’s last measurement had been around my bust and that was where his eyes remained.

Feeling daring I leaned forward and softly inquired teasingly, “Far Horizon?”

His eyes sprang up to mine blinking rapidly and I asked, “How long does it take to make a dress?”

He didn’t seem to comprehend the question and not being able to help myself I laughed. Taking his hands I stepped closer and to his surprise I leaned up on my toes to kiss him passionately. It was the first time I had initiated a kiss other than to respond to his.

Drawing back I asked, “How was that?”

He nodded enthusiastically and then I saw sharp regret pass across his face.

“What?” I asked in concern to the look.

He looked at my lips and I guessed in that moment that he felt keenly the lack of being able to kiss me as fully as I had just kissed him. Pressing closer to him I whispered, “I don’t care about that Far Horizon!”

Seizing his face I brought it down closer to mine and I kissed him forcefully letting him know I wasn’t put off by the feel of his butchered tongue, which I pressed my own against with abandon. He seized me in an embrace that promised to never let go and for a while I forgot the world beneath my feet even existed.

Dazed I gasped for air, only to feel it leaving me as I was picked up and slung over a broad shoulder. Smiling from some strange mixture of euphoria mixed with anticipated passion I kissed the small of his back. How things could truly change overnight, when God was in control.


I lay with my cheek pressed against his arm beneath my head as I stared lazily into the flames of the fire at the center of the tent. Idly I let my gaze wander to the beautifully dyed leather dress laid out on the other side of the fire.

It hadn’t taken the women of the camp long to put together perhaps what was the finest piece of workmanship that I’d ever seen. It was a good thing too as my old tunic was little more than a pile of torn rags now.

Smiling again I affirmed to myself how nice it was to have a man who was so passionate for me as Far Horizon was. It was fun too. I pressed a kiss against the bicep muscle my head lay on and Far Horizon’s fingers came off my hip to play with a strand of my curly hair.

I sensed he was disturbed about something. Turning I gazed into his eyes and asked, “What’s the matter?”

He sighed loudly and I grinned broadly as I said, “You have no secrets from me.”

He smiled, but then quickly sobered. He rolled to his back and began to sign, “They have stick weapons that shoot energy like lightning bolts. My people have no such weapons. That was why my grandfathers before me allowed the strangers to build their city as they felt we would lose any battle that was fought against them. The same is now true as it was before. I do not wish to lead my people to their death.”

“And who says you are? You’ve got a weapon they don’t know about.”

“What’s that?”

Grinning I slid on top of him and said, “Me!”

He smiled, but his heart wasn’t in it. I decided to give him a moral boost, “Do you know what sulfur is?”

He shook his head no.

“Well I do and I saw a ton of it over by that bluff on the edge of the camp. Mix that with some nitrate and some other ingredients and you’ve got the genuine makings of an answer to their energy weapons. They’ll never know what hit them.”

His eyes continued to echo his question of the general cluelessness he had for what I spoke of, but I could see that he wanted to believe that I truly did have an answer that would fix his problem and yet the worry of a leader responsible for his people kept his brow furrowed with tension.

“You’ll see my love. Don’t worry about it anymore.”

Trustingly the look of worry left his face to be replaced with the desire for me that was really never that far away.