The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 14


We walked back into Tommit’s bedroom. I found it odd that he chose this balcony to make the announcement.  There were at least ten others he could have chosen.  The room was twice the size of my new room. The windows were draped in golden satin fabric which puddled on the ground. There were lavish couches placed in two of the corners of the room. In the center of the bedroom sat the bed.

It was the largest bed I had ever seen.

It looked like two king size beds had been put together and then a massive headboard in the shape of a large crown sat at the top. It was gold in color and was polished, until it shone.  Part of me wondered if it was the real thing? The crest of Paradan was engraved in the middle of the headboard. Long golden satin drapes hung from the ceiling adding to the cozy feel of the bed. Dozens of red and gold pillows topped the bed in satins, velvets, and minks covered them. The comforter was blood red and had the same golden rope my dress and hair was adorned with, at this very moment.

It was beautiful and I longed to touch it and feel if it was in fact, as soft, as it looked.

There were hand carved dressers and night stands which had incredible detail. I was amazed at the quiet elegance the whole room had. For a moment I could forget how the room belonged to the monster— who would soon be my husband. Whoever had put this room together had done it with great care. I wondered if this room had belonged to the previous Kings.

Tommit had noticed my fascination with the stunning bed. “You like?” He smiled at me seductively.

“It’s marvelous.” I admitted reluctantly.

“No worries, my beauty. It won’t be long before we will share it as man and wife.” I flushed at his suggestive coo. A flash of anger and disgust hit me. I wanted to tell him, he was the last person on the planet I would want to share a bed with. I bit my tongue so hard that I tasted blood, just so I could betray my true feelings.

Stepping toward me, his left hand fingered my ruby necklace.

“So beautiful.” I had the feeling he wasn’t talking about my necklace as his eyes flamed with lust. My heart quivered in fear. His fingers played with the middle stone. My breath caught was in my chest. Tommit’s fingers traveled down to my collarbone and then to my throat. I closed my eyes not wanting to be present in this moment.

This was my fate, my way of protecting those I loved, Evver and Cassius.

I felt Tommit’s lips touched my bare throat. My heart was telling me to run as far and fast as I could from the monster in front of me. My head, however, told me this was the choice I had made. Choosing Evver and Cassius, over my happiness, this was the price I had to pay to secure their safety.

“Excuse me” The voice was loud and forceful. I didn’t have to look, as I knew the voice by heart.  We both turned toward the open doorway to see Evver standing there. Her brow was furrowed in determination. Hands were on her hips in irritation.

What is it child” Tommit barked in annoyance. I was sure it would have sent anyone else cowering into a corner— but not Evver. Instead she stood stronger and taller than I thought possible of the tiny fairy.

“Your highness Aurora is due for her gown fitting.” My lungs were screaming but my throat had closed off my air supply. “Sorry sire, but if she missing the fitting, then her wedding gown won’t be ready in time for the big day.” Her words filtered in.

“Fine.” Tommit took one last glance in my direction before heading back out to the balcony to see if there were more cheers to be had. Evver rushed in and grabbed my hand pulling me through the open door. I still wasn’t sure what had just happened. Evver had saved me at least for today from the inevitable. She had faced a lion treating it like a spoiled kitten instead. My body was still in shock so Evver had the ability to drag me easily thru the hallways. Instead of her taking me to my new room she took me to her old room.

The storage closet.

She pushed me quickly inside and shut the door behind her. This room was oddly comforting to me. After all it was the place I had first met Evver.

Did he hurt you?” Her voice was strained and hard. A loud hysterical laugh escaped my lips without my permission. I struggled to get control of my erratic emotions, biting my lip to stop any other outbursts I would be sorry that escaped. I paused for a moment before speaking hoping my voice would be calm and controlled. I tried to remember I was speaking to a child. It was true that most of the time she seemed more like an adult than a child; Evver had survived more than most had in their entire life.

“He didn’t hurt me Evver. I’m fine. I promise.” Her body relaxed a little. She still looked at me with suspicion. “Please come here.” I opened my arms to her inviting her in. She reluctantly settled in. I knew she was still upset but I could never blame her for feeling like that.

She sat silently for a while.