The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


Drayben followed behind Tommit.

They were headed into Tommit’s cave. It was a room in the far corner of his suite. There were no windows in the room and the walls had large rugs hung around the room to muffle the sounds that came out of it. They waited until they were clear from the others and then shut the door. Tommit had candles burning in lanterns constantly and they both sat down on two overstuffed chairs.

“Now what is so important that you would interfere with my time with Aurora?” Tommit asked leaning forward hands entwined.

“We found the second Para.”

Tommit’s eyes grew with glee. They were getting closer. It wouldn’t be long before they found the wishing well. Sitting back in his chair he was pleased with all of the work Drayben had been putting in on their little joint venture.  He was someone who was beneficial to keeping around. Drayben was ready to do all of the dirty work for him. He didn’t need to get his own hands dirty and he was able to reap all of the rewards.

“Marvelous. Has there been any progress on the location of the well?”

“Cronan thinks they are getting closer. They have nearly covered the entire kingdom. Ironically they only have the troll forest left to search.” Drayben leaned forward waiting for Tommit’s reaction to the news.

“Send whatever help they need. I want that well found Take some of the prisoners, if you think it will go faster. It must be found before my wedding. Drayben, I want to seal my power and secure the throne before— I marry Aurora.”

“You would still marry her if we found the well?” Drayben asked surprised.

“Surprising enough, I have grown fond of her. I find myself enjoying my time with her. Who knows, it might be nice to have someone to share my time with off of the throne.” Tommit raised his eyebrows and he and Drayben chuckled darkly.

“Yes, she did clean up very rather nicely now, didn’t she.”

“I look forward to having all of this behind us so that I can have a little fun. I grow weary of those who would try to unseat me. Do they still not understand who I am? For a moment I would relish the idea of telling them just how their beloved Windom died, such a stupid, stupid man.” Tommit spat. “You will never see me make the same mistakes as he did. To think that he thought I was his friend.” Tommit darkened. “As if I would ever befriend such a pitiful, pitiful fool But I should thank him. if he been more proactive, smarter or even careful than I would not be in my throne today now would I?”

“My king, you would never be so foolish. He didn’t deserve to be king. The kingdom is in much more capable hands with you on the throne. Windom squandered his time with the crown. He never saw the bigger picture, like you do. Soon we will be strong enough to overtake Fara and destroy King Calas.” The thought brought a sneer to his face.

“I know. Then with the combined forces of Paradan and Fara vengeance will finally be mine. Rartan will never see it coming. Drayben, I can almost taste the sweetness of my impending victory. I’m not going to rest until I have Solin’s blood drenched in my hands.” Tommit’s body was trembling with pent up fury. “No one treats me like that and lives. I am still surprised they haven’t figured out who Windom’s successor is. I live to see the day when they realize the king who brought down their kingdom is none other than the man Solin stopped from marrying his daughter. Solin destroyed her and now I am going to destroy him.”


I took Evver’s hand and led her to the empty window seat. Her emerald eyes searched mine for answers. I smiled at her trying to reassure her.

“Who was that?” Her curious eyes probed mine.

“A friend.I think.” It was still hard to tell who was friend and who was foe.

“Please be careful Aurora. There are many around us that pretend to be on our side, when in fact, it is far from the truth. But trust me. they are more snake then swallow.” I had never heard it put that way. Something clicked inside my mind.

“Like Lote?”  She looked surprised I had noticed. I laughed gently, offending her in the process. “I’m sorry Evver, but when are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

“What do you mean?” she asked her eyes wide and innocent.

“Are you kidding me? Every time Lote comes ten feet near me, you act like she’s the devil.” She raised her eyebrows at me.

“The devil?”

Ugh Sometimes coming from another world was so inconvenient.

“Where I’m from the devil is as scary as they come. Whenever you see, her you look terrified.” Evver looked thoughtful for a moment. Turning her head to look out over the kingdom, she looked torn. I knew more than likely she thought she was protecting me. It occurred to me I was the worst kind of hypocrite. Here I was keeping things from her to protect her, and yet I was unwilling to let her do the same.

I knew it was wrong but I couldn’t help it.

“Aurora I’m not sure if I should tell you. I found out only by accident. Part of me still wonders if what I saw was real.” Looking at the little girl I had grown to love so much I could see the fear holding her back. I was familiar with it. How could I protect her if I didn’t know what it was she needed protecting from?

“It will be fine. Whatever it is, we can deal with it together.”

“Remember when I went out the other night to meet Cassius? I should have listened to you. On my way back I was trying to make sure no one saw me. I didn’t want any questions about where I had been. So I doused my candle and made my way back to your room in the dark. Half way back I heard something familiar. It is a sound that will always know— fairy wings. A fairy was flying in the castle I was worried they had caught someone new. I hid worried what would happen if the guards found me. I was so afraid that I hid under a side table.”  She turned back to the window. I didn’t want to pressure her but I was dying for the rest of the story.

“The light grew brighter and I was so frightened. I couldn’t believe it Here once again I was going to be caught all because I thought I knew better than someone I loved. It wasn’t the guards or even the Destroyers. It was Lote She was flying.”

I couldn’t hide my shock.

I had always thought her wings were different from the others. They hadn’t clipped her wings. What did that mean? I knew my feelings of distrust weren’t far off for the aging fairy. I hated how Evver had to be the one to discover her treachery. This had to be even more of a shock to her than myself. Lote had been a trusted confidant to her and the rest of the castle staff. They had trusted her with all they had their thoughts, their feelings and most of all their hearts. She had comforted them when they cried and laughed with them as well. The pain had to be overwhelming.

“Are you sure, Evver?”

She turned back to me; tears filled her large saucer eyes.

“Aurora don’t you think I wish it was a dream? I have gone over and over it in my mind. Why wouldn’t they clip her wings? What did Lote trade for the chance to continue to fly?” She buried her head in her tiny trembling hands.

I often thought of that day in the south wing.

There was the strange way she looked at me and then the fear her glance inspired deep inside my heart. I knew what she had traded. It was me. My whole body tensed. I tried not to show it to Evver. But it was all starting to make sense the way her fairy wings seemed different from all of the other fairy wings. How they always seemed ready to take off and fly. Now I knew. It was because they were.

I felt sick.

My brain was busy thinking of all the times we had talked in front of her—to her. Terror raced through me, had we ever talked about Cassius in front of her? I couldn’t remember. My heart was racing and I was starting to shake. No matter how hard I tried to fight it my body was winning the battle.  I dropped my head into my lap trying to soothe my breathing. I was certain I was going to throw up.  Not even the thought of spending time with Cassius tomorrow was enough to take the dread out of my soul. I felt her miniature fingers played gently with my hair. She started humming a lovely tune.

It was familiar in some way.

I wasn’t quite sure but it reminded me of one of the lullabies my grandma used to sing to me when I was very little. I couldn’t remember the words but I still remembered the tune. It was so soothing. I would have thought it was impossible but I fell asleep.


In my dream I was still in Paradan but I was wearing my normal Oregon clothes.

I had on dark denim jeans and a green Ducks hooded sweatshirt. My high heels were exchanged for my comfortable Nike tennis shoes. My hair was pulled back in a plain pony tail. I felt comfortable in my skin for the first time since landing in Paradan. I was walking along the cobblestone streets in the town square. Life went on as if Tommit had never touched the beautiful land.

Fairies flew from vendor to vendor gathering the food and supplies they needed.

Giants were playing double dragon hopscotch with several trolls and humans. It seemed unfair to me, seeing how long the legs of a giant are. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves.  Walking along I was surprised to feel so at home here. I felt like I have been out just for a morning walk instead of walking in a fairy tale land.  I walked with purpose as if I was headed somewhere special.  My mind was blank but my feet were on a mission.

A beautiful fairy waved in my direction. “Good morning Aurora.”

“Good morning Nevit.” I replied with a smile. That was strange.

“Heading home?”

“I think so.” Not sure about anything now.

“Would you let Ember know I will be by later today? I will be bringing some Macan eggs with me. I know they are her favorites,” she said with a smile.

“Of course I will. Have a lovely day.” She nodded and then flew off in the opposite direction. I would never get over the beauty of seeing a fairy fly. They were so graceful, and elegant. My heart warmed thinking of Evver and my family waiting for me.

Part of my mind was completely confused.

It was as if I was living another life in Paradan and apparently I liked this life. I felt happy and free from any stress or pain. I wondered if Cassius was part of this life. I quickened my pace hoping to find the answers that were eluding me. As I climbed the small incline leading me to the castle door, my feet seemed to suddenly be filled with sand. Every step I tried to take was slowed down to nothing.

The image in front of me started to change.

It was back to the wishing well on the hill in the real world and my feet were working once again.  I looked down into the well and it had been filled with cement.

I screamed.