The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


Tiden stoked the fire.

It was going to be another cold night. Thankfully tonight they would finally be sleeping next to a roaring fire.  They managed to make it out of the troll forest, otherwise called the Breko forest, a couple of hours ago. Traveling at night had been their risky plan to avoid the Destroyers and Cronan’s thugs.  Passing the border into Fara was a relief. Tiden decided they should get a few hours of sleep before trying to head into the capital. Tiden wasn’t worried about the welcome he and Trix would be getting from King Calas.

After Tommit what more could he do to them?

Trix was fast asleep.

She had flown most of the way. Tiden offered to carry her but she refused.

Trix was a strong fairy and she wanted to prove her strength to the larger than life Giant. He was concerned about her. She was running on fury. Tiden didn’t know her story but he could see the effects of her past. Tiden’s story was known by most. There were looks of pity and sadness whenever he joined a group of others. He was a warning to those in hiding to stay hidden and vigilant at every moment.

He looked down at Trix.

The fire was caused rainbows to dance on her skin.  It made him smile. Very few things made Tiden smile these days. He loved the way she was ready to charge into battle. There was no concern for her own well being. Tiden was an only child.  It was hard for him to get close to anyone after his parents had been killed. When tiny Trix had volunteered for the dangerous mission he couldn’t let her go all alone. He had already grown a great fondness for the miniature girl. She had a snarky attitude and instead of upsetting him it only made him laugh.

Trix would try to act annoyed, but then she would end up laughing as well.

Neither of them had any family left.

It was something which bonded them before they even spoke. It was painful for each of them to speak of their past so they agreed to focus on the future. Tiden wanted to sleep but he also didn’t want to leave Trix unguarded. She may be older than him but he still felt like he was responsible for her. Watching her sleep he couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if they failed. So much of Paradan had already been destroyed by King Tommit’s hand. If they botched this then there would be nothing left if Tommit had his way.

His eyes grew heavy and as much as he fought the weariness that was quickly overtaking him he was soon fast asleep.


Trix had been awake about an hour.

Tiden was still sleeping and she decided to let him sleep a little longer. She walked around and found some Raiy berries at a nearby brook. She gathered the berries for a small breakfast and then she refilled their canteens. It was easier for her to get by with a little food but Tiden needed hundreds of pounds of food a day to keep up his full strength. He had been getting by with less than ten pounds of food a day. They were carrying some and foraging for the rest. Trix watched him sleep. He reminded her of her baby brother but much larger. Erax was only a year old when the Destroyers found their family's hiding spot. Trix was out gathering food her father had been wounded and was healing at home. Her mother was taking care of him and Erax. They had no clue what was happening when the walls of their home were being torn down.

Destroyers had used their grappling hooks and brute strength to pull the walls of the wooden hut to the ground. When Trix returned less than an hour later there was no sign of her family and her home was left in shambles. With a broken heart she went into hiding deep, deep into the Echo forest. She had lived a life in exile for the past two years. During this time there had been almost no contact with anyone. Trix had grown hard steel walls around her once tender heart. Spending this forced time with Tiden was the first time she had been around anyone since her family had disappeared she could feel those walls rumbling. It was scarier to her than facing King Calas and his entire army on her own.

Tiden woke with a start.

“Trix?” His eyes fought to focus on the tiny fairy.

She flew over and landed in front of him. “Right here, big guy.” He sighed in relief. Tiden pulled himself up into a seated position. For someone so large he was surprisingly graceful.

“I found some breakfast. Nothing big.. It’s no flostrich egg omelet.” She placed the berries in front of him. They were wrapped in a large palm leaf. Next to it she placed his filled cold canteen.


Tiden looked down eyeing her, sheepishly. He had wanted to protect her and here she was taking care of him, while he slept. For the first time since they left the meeting with Cassius, he felt his age.

“Thanks Trix.” He started to eat and then realized she wasn’t following suit. “Aren’t you going to eat?”


“I already did while you were sleeping.” It was only a small fib. She had drunk deeply from the cool brook but didn’t want to take food from him. The berries were just starting to ripen. In a few weeks there will be an abundance of berries. Enough to keep Tiden full for weeks, but they weren’t going to be here for weeks. It was time they didn’t have and every second they wasted was time Paradan would never get back.

“Are you sure?” he asked his voice childlike and quiet.

Trix knew he was hungry. She could see it echoing in his brilliant blue eyes. It hurt her to know she couldn’t do more to take that look out of his eyes. Trix hoped the risks we were all taking would forever do away with the hunger residing in his baby blue eyes. He ate quickly and ravenously.

Trix could tell he was still hungry when he was finished. Tiden had learned the hard way when it came to water so he only drank half of his container leaving more for later. There was no telling what they were going to find when they entered the capital of Fara. Would there be friends willing to help them? Or would they be in worse trouble than before?


In less than two hours they had made it over the Arit Mountain.

It was the last hurdle before coming down into the valley of the capital of Fara. It was apparent no one had taken this trail in some time. The vines had overgrown blocking the path up. Thankfully, Tiden’s large feet made easy work of the thorn infested trail. Trix was tired but still insisted on flying most of the way. Only after Tiden offered for the fourth time to carry her and she declined did she catch a glimpse of pain in his eyes. She quickly decided she was too tired. His step quickened and his smile grew.


Tiden didn’t want to admit to Trix he was scared. They were clueless as to what awaited them at the end of the serpentine road. Would it be friend or foe?

Stepping off the trail, they were surprised at how similar Fara was to Paradan.

It looked as if they had been built by the same hands.

Cobblestone roads connected the busy shops. Trix expected stares and gasps of shock when then marched through the town square. The opposite happened. It was as if they belonged there. Fairies flew from one shop to the next. Giants of all ages walked the roads some hand in hand. Humans and trolls laughed together encircled in conversation. There were even some dwarves playing some sort of dice game with a group of humans. It brought a lump to both of their throats. It was Paradan before Tommit had taken over. Trix’s eyes watered as she tried to fight back the spilling of the salty tears. This was unlike anything they could have imagined.

Trix and Tiden looked at each other.

So many thoughts and emotions passed thru them in a single glance. Tiden walked toward another giant. He looked like he could have been Tiden’s brother. Only, he was twice Tiden’s size. It was scary approaching him. Would he reject them?

“Hi.” Tiden’s voice was quiet and fought to stay strong.

“Good morning,” was followed by an open smile. Tiden wasn’t expecting such a warm reply. He was frozen. Trix looked over at him and could see that she needed to take control of things.


“My name is Trix and this is my friend Tiden.” It felt good calling someone her friend. “Could you point us to where we would find King Calas?” The other giant’s eyes shaded with confusion for a moment.

“King Calas? Why do you ask?” Concern took over his features and the friendly smile was waning.

“We are from Paradan.” The Giant’s eyes widened. “We have come because we need help.” The Giant looked at them and then relaxed. Trix was happy he could see they weren’t a threat.

“I’m Galen pleased to meet you.” His larger than life smile, returned. “What can I do to help?”