The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 21


Trix and Tiden were led toward the center of the city.

Galen was listening to their story as they passed questioning eyes. Galen was seventeen years old. He was considered an adult in the giant world. All giant’s had a tendency to be compassionate to those around them. They could also be fiercely violent if they were pushed. His eyes clouded over, hearing what had befallen his young friends.

Galen couldn’t believe that kind of brutality existed so close to Fara. Hearing about how Tiden had lost his parents had pained him deeply. His resolve to help the travelers deepened. He knew the King would know what to do.

They passed many with curious looks— it was expected. Most everyone in the kingdom knew each other and to see two outsiders was incredibly rare. Each raised eyebrow, each widened eye asked the same question. “What’s going on? Are you ok?”

Galen’s smile was all he needed to assuage those fears. Relief flashed in the onlookers eyes when they saw his sincere smile.


When they arrived at the castle Tiden and Trix looked at each other in surprise. Fara’s castle was nearly identical to Paradan’s. This unnerved them. Would the king be the same tyrant that held their throne?  With great trepidation they followed the looming Giant. Galen seemed to be truthfully willing and able to help them. Concern filled his features as they told him the story of life with King Tommit in charge. But was it an act? They were unsure but willing to take the risk.


Kerit informed the King there were visitors wishing to have an audience with him. Galen was with them so he agreed. Tiden with Trix perched on his shoulder followed behind their new friend.  He stood protectively in front of both of them.

“Your highness,” he bowed deeply.

“Galen, it is good to see you.” The loud voice slipped past Galen’s huge form. “I hear you have some visitors who seek my audience.”

“Yes, your majesty. I would like you to meet Tiden and Trix both from Paradan.” At the mention of Paradan there were several gasps in the room. Tiden wasn’t sure where it originated. Galen stepped to the side, allowing them to have their first glance at the king.

He was much younger than they expected. The king seemed to be in his late twenties. He had dark walnut hair and striking blue eyes. There was something familiar about him. Tiden was relieved to see the kindness in his eyes and concern when he looked at them. There was none of the rage, no fury they had been expecting.

“Thank you, your majesty. King Calas, we have come because we are in need of assistance from you and your country.” Tiden words caused uplifted eyes and looks of surprise.

“My young friend, I am willing to hear your story but I am King Calan. My father King Calas passed away just short of a rime ago.” Tiden’s eyes widened. This explained the youth of the king. “I can assure you I do not share my father’s paranoia when it comes to your land. I believe it is far better to have our lands be allies instead of enemies.” Tiden wondered how he would feel after he learned about King Tommit. He was certain the possibility of war would weigh heavy on his mind. There was a fine line they were going to have to walk.

“King Calan, my friend Trix and I have come in search of help for our kingdom.” Tiden paused, wondering how much information he should share.

“What assistance does Paradan need? Has King Windom sent you?” Now it was their turn to look confused.

“Sire, King Windom has been dead about four kelmes now. His replacement is what has brought us here. King Tommit appeared and promised peace. There has been nothing close to peace since King Tommit seized the throne. All of the giants over the age of nine have been killed. Anyone who has stood against him has either been killed or enslaved. We are desperate.” A look of terror had swept over King Calan’s face. Any noise in the room had quieted.  Galen was in tears. His enormous tear drops were quickly building a puddle in the middle of the room.

“I find it hard to imagine the barbarity a person would have to have within them to treat the people he was entrusted with like this. My heart is truly saddened. But why do you come here now? Why did you not come earlier? I know my father was harsh but I also know he would have done all in his power to help.” King Calan was wringing his hands in frustration and fury.

“We are entering a far more scary possibility. King Tommit has been searching for Ecracaia’s wishing well. If he finds it then we are in all danger. He is scheduled to wed in less than two weeks. There has been word that he has found one of the Para’s already and this was before we left. I can only imagine what has happened since we started our journey here.”


King Calan was standing up and pacing now. It was one thing to hear about the atrocities his neighboring kingdom was suffering, but realizing that King Tommit was searching for the wishing well. If the well was found, then his kingdom was in danger, too. The thought terrified him. He wished that his father was still here. He would have known what to do.

“Tiden, I promise that I will do all in my power to help Paradan. You have to understand, your news of Tommit’s search affects my kingdom as well. I must call a meeting with my council. I hope you would join us.” He turned to a troll that stood less than ten feet from them.

“Raket, I want you to sound the horn. I want others gathered here before the sun rises.” The large troll nodded and turned and ran toward the door. “Galen if you can gain control of your emotions please. I am sure our guests are hungry and tired from their journey here. Why don’t you take them to the kitchen and then find them a room. If there is anything else they need, please fulfill their needs and then bring them to my office in the morning.”


 Tiden was touched by the generosity of King Calan. It was the right decision coming here for help. Cassius would be thrilled when they returned with the Fara army in tow.

“Of course, sire.” Galen reached out and motioned for them to follow him. Tiden froze in his tracks.

“Thank you.” His words were fervent and full of gratitude.

They followed him to the kitchen and were surprised at the bounty of food. Tiden ate until he was stuffed. He bellowed in pain from his stomach being stretched beyond its capacity. 


It thrilled Trix to watch him gorge on food.

It had been such a worry to her, seeing him going to bed hungry at night. Listening to him whimper during his sleep,  had been more pain than she thought manageable. She had come to love him like a brother.

Trix was so proud watching him speak to King Calan.

Part of her wanted to speak out and have her voice heard but she also wanted to allow him his voice. Tiden was growing into his skin every day. She ate some berries and some vegetables. It was surprising to see just how much her stomach had shrunk, in the past few days.

Tiden was alive and talking to everyone in the room. He had found his stride and she was thrilled to see it. Trix was so caught up in watching Tiden that she didn’t notice a young fairy watching her.

“Do you want one?”

Trix looked down and saw a young fairy child. He looked up at her with large caramel colored eyes. His skin was the color of rich hot chocolate. A halo of ebony curls encircled his tiny head. In his hand he held what looked like a purple peach. Trix had never seen anything like it. She reached out to take the foreign fruit.

“Thank you,” he waited for her to take a bite.

She took a tentative bite unsure as to what flavor to expect. It was delicious, sweet, juicy, soft and tangy at the same time. Trix had never eaten anything like it. She smiled and a quiet giggle escaped her lips. “I love it. What’s your name?” he smiled shyly.


“My name is Trix,” she smiled warmly at the timid boy. He reminded her of what her little brother would have been if he would have lived. She guessed that he was near the age of five or six.

“Hi. Can I take you to your room?” his voice was quiet and Trix had to strain to hear him.

“Yes, please.” Lilet reached his hand and offered it to Trix. Looking toward Tiden she could see he was in the middle of arm wrestling another giant. His laughter shook the table. She was certain he would be alright for a few minutes on his own. Lilet guided her through the maze of hallways. It wasn’t long before his gossamer wings fluttered to a complete stop. Trix followed him and set down behind him.  He reached from around his neck and pulled out a purple ribbon with a silver key at the end.

Opening the door, he stepped aside and then motioned for her to enter.

Trix’s wings fluttered taking off and sending her into the unknown room.

The room was unlike anything she had ever seen. Trix was sure Lilet had brought her to the wrong room. There was no way that this room was meant for her. Luxury was the first thing she thought when she entered the room. Shimmering silver drapes framed the huge picture window. The bed had an upholstered headboard. It stepped up slowly until it made a peak at the center and then mirrored it on the way down. The way it had been cut out, made it appear to be a crown welcoming you to the bed. It was upholstered in rich gray velvet. Trix longed to reach out and touch it. Next was the plush comforter; it was made of silk and embroidered from top to bottom. It was framed with the same gray velvet. Piles of pillows in different shades of silver and purples were piled to the top of the headboard.

Delicately carved wooden furniture, all around the room, were stained a dark ebony color. A quiet voice broke Trix’s gaze.

“Do you like it?” Turning back to Lilet I could see the anticipation dancing in his eyes.

“It’s amazing. But I’m sure this is meant for someone else.” She waved her hands around the luxury before her.

“Someone else? I don’t understand.” His tiny brow furrowed in confusion.

“Yes, for— someone important.” They were simple words but his eyes bulged at her inference.

“Important? Why ? You are important, Trix.” Tears started flowing breaking a wall she never thought would be broken. The wall around her heart was now just a pile of dust left from the pain she had encased her heart. His kind words had been the final wrecking ball to her hardened heart.