The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 23


I lay quietly staring at the ceiling.

Sleep was evading me. My day continued to run thru my mind— it was on a continuous loop. It started with Cassius kissing me his lips draining all of my resolve. Then meeting and talking to Darant. That moment, would have been on my bucket list if I ever thought there was even a slight possibility. Next was the crazy hike to the wishing tree. It was beautiful on its own but when you added what it meant to so many it was overwhelming.

I reflected on the feeling of Cassius’ arms as they encircled my waist, then he pulled me closer until our hearts beat as one.  I could hear him whispering promises of the future I wished for and dreamed of. It was excruciating. Feeling hope for even a split second was a second too much. This memory would taunt me for lifetimes to come, of this I was certain. If I had remained in the real world things would have been so much less complicated. I wondered if Evver and Cassius’s life would have been better without my intrusion.

If I had never found the wishing well, never fell into Paradan would they have lived happily ever after?

Sleep was mixed with hours of tossing and turning. When Evver dragged me out of bed, just before the sun had even made its appearance it was met with a groan of displeasure.  Her laughter was like magic.

“Aurora, there is something here for you.” My eyes were forced to focus on the large object hanging from her petite hand. It was a very large basket that looked as if it had been braided together with dark slender tree limbs. I was amazed at how stunning it was. The contents were covered by a dark piece of fabric. My heart sunk.

“Another present from Tommit?” Dread filled my voice. I was disgusted every time his name slipped past my lips. Her grin grew.

“No. It’s from Cas.” My heart leapt—a gift from Cassius? I had been so horrible to him yesterday. Why would he be sending me anything? Her eyes encouraged me forward. Kneeling up on my bed, I crawled toward the awaiting gift. My hand was trembling as I reached up to reveal the contents of the basket. Inside, there were a set, of riding boots. They were dark chocolate and laced up the front of my shins and ended at my knees.  A huge improvement from the teetering heels I had been forced to wear since coming to Paradan. Tan riding pants with a matching corset. A dark ruby, ruffled tunic to go underneath. A caramel cashmere cloak with a hood finished it off. It was the softest thing I had ever felt against my skin. There was a hand written note awaiting me.


Thought you might

be more comfortable in this. I promise

to be on my best behavior today.


A large lump formed in my throat I fought the desire to cry.

“Well, you better hurry. I still need to work some of those snarls out of the flostrich nest on top of your head.” My hands immediately went up to my head. I couldn’t even rake my fingers thru the knots. My hair growth had slowed down but it continued to thicken. Every morning I expected to have hair to rival that of Rapunzels. Quickly I dressed and was finally able to be comfortable in my skin, first time since arriving here. I had never been a girly girl. I was always more comfortable in either sweats or jeans; it had been torture, these past weeks dressed ready for a midnight waltz.

Evver worked quickly and efficiently on making my hair presentable. My nerves were jittery my heart raced thinking of seeing Cassius today. There was also fear in my heart. A deep fear I would slip deeper into my growing feelings for the stable boy.

Would today be the day I fell too deep

Following Evver down the hallway I expected to find our way to the kitchen but I was once again surprised. We headed down a hallway I had only seen once— yesterday. We were headed back to the barn. I wondered if Evver realized I hadn’t had breakfast yet.

It wasn’t like her to forget something like that.

We made it thru the door headed to the outside world. I followed her through the open door. Cassius, was waiting on the other side. He smiled faintly and bowed toward us.

“Good morning, my lady. I trust you slept well.” He was speaking to me like I was a stranger. I resisted the urge to look around and see if we were being watched.

“Yes, thank you.” I turned and looked at Evver she looked slightly confused, but recovered quickly.

“I will await your return.” She turned to Cassius and without a single word turned and made her way back to the castle. A step behind Cassius was a beautiful ebony stallion.  There was no saddle. I was nervous.

He held out his hand offering it to me.

“I will help you up.” I looked into his eyes and he could see my fear. His eyes flickered briefly then he repeated himself. “I will help you.”

Looking into his eyes they were warm and I trusted them with my life even with his new coldness. I took a deep breath and took his hand. With a swift fluid movement Cassius had lifted me onto the giant beast. Instantly he was seated behind me. His arms tightened around my waist. I was trembling although I wasn’t sure if it was because of his close proximity or the fact the immense animal below us had started to move forward.

My breath was caught in my chest and I worried my lungs would explode due to lack of oxygen.

We raced off.

I wasn’t sure where we were heading. The scenery passed quickly Cassius didn’t betray our  destination. After a few minutes on the massive steed I grew comfortable with the steady lope of the animal beneath me. Part of me was worried we were heading back to the wishing tree. I knew there was no way I could handle the pain again. Cassius must have felt my muscles tighten as if he knew my every thought.

“I have somewhere new I want to show you.” My muscles relaxed their rigid grip on my mounting insanity. We continued another half an hour. Nervous anticipation danced through my mind —where were we going? Would it have the same effect on me that the wishing tree had?  Heavy trees enveloped us like an umbrella leading us gently into an awaiting path.

“Slow, boy. Good job.” He spoke quietly and calmly to the large animal who took us deeper into the forest. I wanted to ask if we were close, but I could hear the voice in my head whining “are we there yet?” I decided against it.

The darkness of the forest was overwhelming.

My heart quivered being in a strange place in the sudden darkness.

“Almost there.” His voice whispered huskily in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine that didn’t stop until it reached my toes. My whole body came alive with the way his lips brushed the back of my ear. I gripped onto my legs willing myself to stay on the hefty horse. I wanted to float up into the stars the way my heart flew with his tender touch had my mind spinning.

Far in the distance I could see a light starting to shine.

We exited the murky trees and there was a large opening where a house sat surrounded by the colossal trees. It was right out of an enchanted fairy tale. I expected to see the seven dwarves come bumbling out at any minute. There were three parts of the house each one looked like an upended acorn. Thatched roofs covered each of them. The front of the home was covered in different sized rocks; you could see how someone had put in many hours into the building of the home. Next to the home was an immense water wheel. Yet there wasn’t an ounce of water anywhere near the home. It was confusing to me.

Strangely I felt at home near the understated dwelling.

Cassius pulled the horse to a stop, “Whoa boy.” The horse stopped quickly and gently. It was as if we had only been walking forward and suddenly came to a stop. Cassius hopped down and offered me his hand. I reached out and he had slipped me down onto the rocky earth and held on to me for longer than was good for either of us. I took a quick step to the side.

“Thank you.” I blushed and tried to cover by looking at the ground.

“Rirc, stay here. We will be close by.” His gaze fell upon my empty hand. I could tell he thought about taking it in his, but decided against it. With a light smile he led the way toward the awaiting home. Following close behind him, I tried to take in all of the details knowing I would want to remember this place if only in my dreams. Cassius led me around to the back door. Without taking a second to think about it, he twisted the tarnished steel doorknob and stepped inside.

I wasn’t even sure where we were, but I trusted Cassius so I followed behind him.