The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 36


Cassius was growing more concerned.

He had searched for Aurora in all the places he could ponder. He had even made a visit to the stables. Darant had already heard the news and was thrilled for his friend. He offered to help in the search but Cassius assured him that he would be fine. Everywhere he went, the staff were cheering for him and bending over backwards to help.

Finally, deciding to use it to his advantage he started sending them in search of his love.  Cassius had each of them playing tag team. When they found another member of the staff they would enlist them to help also. It had been over two hours since anyone had seen her. He was trying to keep his cool, but he was getting more and more concerned. Questions pounded his mind with every step.

Where was she? Why would she run off and not tell anyone where she was going? Was she hurt? Had Tommit hurt her before he had arrived? He wished Evver was here. She might have an idea where she could be. In mid-step it hit him. Evver. He hadn’t looked in her room yet. Cassius started running, sprinting in the direction of his little sister’s room. Ignoring the questioning looks and calls he arrived and flung the door open.

It was dark inside, since there were no windows to let the noonday light filter inside.

“Aurora?” His plea was rewarded with silence. Not willing to give up, he entered the darkened room. “Aurora, are you here?” Just when he was ready to turn and leave, he heard the soft sounds of breathing. It was quiet, but distinct. She had fallen asleep on him yest— was it really yesterday? So much had happened since then. While she slept, he had memorized her face, the long lines of her cheeks, the sweet sound of her breathing in and out was like heavenly choir singing just for him.

Using his hands to feel around the room, he found her feet first.

Relief flooded his every cell. He pulled her into his arms and in the process jolted her awake.

“What?” her words were jumbled and she seemed confused.

“Aurora, what are you doing here?”


The sound of Cassius’ voice reminded me of all of my fallen tears. The warmth of his strong arms threatens to pull me back over the cliff of insanity. I have to stop this My feelings for the new king were impossible.

“Let go of me” I push his arms away from me. Needing to put space between us, I tried to untangle myself from him. I hit the cold, marble floor violently.

“What’s wrong?” The pain in his voice weakens my determination for a moment. I right myself so that I am at least standing on my own two feet. Feeling like a punished child, so I decide to act like one.

“I want to go home” I marched out of my no longer safe haven and headed who knows where. All I knew was that I had to leave. Not missing a step, Cassius was right behind me. We walked in silence. Only when we hit a dead end, of yet another unfamiliar corridor, he spoke.

“Where are we going?” his voice was soft, guarded.

“Home,” was all I could manage. He stopped me from retreating any further and he pulled me to him until our bodies become one. He is held me so tightly. I could feel the irregular rhythm vibrating from his chest. Heated breath escaped his trembling lips. It sends the nerves along my neck into overdrive. Warmth flooded my body.

The warmth was quickly followed by pain.

Only this morning I had thought that spending my life with Tommit was a fate worse than death. Now, I knew it would have been easier. Loving Cassius and living my life without him, wherever it was, here or home, would be a daily torture. I could feel his lips touching my forehead. His lips moved down the contours of my face leaving a path of a smoldering fire. I tried to protest my body and mind, as they were in two separate places. My resolve was faltering, trying to fight back his lips found mine.

The way they moved together it was like Novocain had been injected into the aching fissures in my heart. He pulled away he allowed me to catch my breath. His lips traveled down my throat the flames spread with his touch. I could feel his lips traveling down my collarbone. A tortured moan escaped my lips. If I didn’t stop this now then I would always regret it. I moved my hands so they were firmly on his chest and with all the determination I could find, I pushed him away.

“Please. stop.” There was zero resolve in my quivering voice.

“Why.” His eyes burned with desire. I felt my face flush by the way his gaze made my heart feel.

“This can’t happen. You’re the KING I don’t even belong here.” I could see the exact moment my words touched his heart. His gaze hardened and he reached out his hands gripping my shoulders.

No, my future is with you.” My heart swayed.

A noise came from the hallway. We both turned to see who was approaching. Rounding the corner were several of the castle guards. They were being led by someone I didn’t recognize. They stopped when they saw us. The stranger approached us. He bowed to Cassius before speaking.

“Sire, King Calan needs you in the throne room, immediately.”

Cassius looked back at me. His heart was torn; I could see it from the worry lines starting to surround his gentle lips and the fire still blazing from his hypnotic eyes.

“Go. We can talk later.” A promise I wondered if I could keep.

“I will see that the lady is returned to her room safely.” He finished his words with a gentle bow.

“And you are?” Cassius wasn’t about to let me go off with a complete stranger.

“Apologies, your majesty, my name is Areit. I am the chief guard for King Calan.” I was surprised he was a chief of anything. He couldn’t be more than a couple of years older than me. He wore his hair shorter than most of the men in Paradan. It was the color of wheat and had amber highlights. As if he had spent some time in the sun recently. While at first his eyes appeared to be brown, there were hints of gold wrapped thru out them. As if someone had woven it in. He stood less than a foot from Cassius; they were the same height as far as I could see. Rippling muscles threatened to burst from beneath his deep purple tunic. Black pants with black boots finished his clothing off. A large silver sword was strapped to his waist. Silver snap buttons held his shirt together. Charming dimples appeared when he smiled.

“Fine. But I expect you to keep track of my love.” Cassius words flooded my features leaving me feeling flushed.

“I don’t need a babysitter.” Annoyed at his implication, Areit suppressed a laugh.

Cassius leaned down and pressed his lips to my forehead, “I will return quickly.” I wanted to yell and to stomp my feet in protest. The other guards followed Cassius.

“I can find my way.” Just as I turned to leave when his hand stopped me.

“My apologies my lady, but I have been given a task by the king and I must obey.” I really wanted to growl at him but thought better of it.

“Fine” I marched toward my room. When I was ready to open the door to my room his hand stopped me yet again.

“I believe you have been moved. Allow me to show you to your new room.” His smirk infuriated me. I had never met someone so annoying. There was a mischievous twinkle in his eye. He laughed quietly.  “Princess Aura thought you would be more comfortable in another room.”

I turned to look to see if his gaze matched his softened tone.

There was suddenly a warm kindness radiating from his features softening my heart from my earlier negative feelings.

 It was very kind of her, thank you.” Areit smiled then began to lead me down the hall. I was certain I had seen every nook and cranny that the expansive castle had to offer. I was once again wrong. Areit led me down a bright corridor. There was a large sitting room on the right side of the dead end. On the left side there was a large set of double doors that were closed. He walked to the heavy looking door. Giving me a soft smile, he spoke.

“I hope you approve.” With a fluid motion, one of the doors was open.