The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


I woke up to what had to be a dream.

There was someone or something standing over me. I was guessing it was male, and he looked more scared of me than I was of him. The only way I could properly describe him was hideous He was covered in black hair or fur. I wasn’t sure. Something made my stomach heave—his face. A flattened pushed up nose reminded me of a wild boar. Each of his eyes were large and misshapen. They looked cold and dark staring down at me while he—snarled at me. Long pointed snaggled teeth jetted out of his oversized mouth. His ears were half the size of his head and came to large points at the top.

Burlap seemed to be the fabric of his choice with the exception of a metal vest. It looked like he had made it himself. It had been put together from random pieces of leftover scraps. I wondered if it was decorative or if he used it as armor? He seemed to be terrified. There was fear dancing in his eyes. What could he have to fear?

“Why are you here?”  He sneered, freakishly. Looking at me quizzically, my lips were frozen in place.  I wasn’t even sure where HERE was. Terror still seized my body.

“Fine. I will take you to King Tommit. He will find out what you have been up too.”

Did I hear him right? King?

He picked me up with only one hand it was as if I weighed nothing. He smelled like rotting meat. My dad stood at six feet five inches and he was taller than him. My head was spinning and I was on the verge of throwing up. My eyes were closed trying to fight the panic growing in my stomach.

The fear must have won out, because I was once again in the darkness.

I thanked the universe for small favors.


He dropped like a hot potato.

My already sore and damaged body groaned in protest. I tried biting my lower lip and not allowing a single sound to escape. Fear and confusion had etched their way into the furrows of my face. Looking around, I would have to guess I was in some sort of throne room. It was massive; you could have fit a football field in the room. White marble walls and floors shined like someone had just polished them. Heavy red curtains hung, on either side of the double windows, they were the length of each wall. There were lots of glaring angry stares directed in my way. Being alone with my tormentors would have been preferable to this.

What were they waiting for?

My heart was pounding. My skin trembled with terror.

Horns sounded.

Everyone turned to the origin of the sound. The guards marched toward us. They were surrounding someone. It was hard to see who it was, because of their uniform caps towered over them. Each of the guards were dressed in rich gold’s and reds. Crimson red pants which ended with shiny lace up black boots. Their shirts were the same red on their back and arms. The fronts of their shirts were gold and were accented by two rows of golden buttons.

Each one wore a hat reminding me of the guards at Buckingham Palace, except they were gold and metal. In each of their hands, they held were shiny, sharp steel spears.

They marched in perfect rhythm. Making their way to the over opulent throne. It appeared to be carved from a single piece of gold. Then, someone who had zero restraint bedazzled almost every inch of it.

It was ghastly and beautiful at the same time.

The guards parted and then at once turned around to face me. By the looks on their faces you would think I was the most dangerous creature they had ever come in contact with. After seeing the snarling beast that dragged me here, I wondered how that was even possible. With great trepidation three guards stepped left while the other three stepped right.

Sitting on the throne was the man they had been hiding.

He had wavy dirty blonde hair that hung to the nape of his neck. It had streaks of black underneath threatening to peek out. His eyes were the color of coal; they were starkly contrasted by his translucent milky white skin. I guessed he was somewhere in his late twenty’s, but it was hard to tell. He was dressed in all black, black slip on boots, black leggings, which all led to a black silk button up shirt. A dark blood red cape rested on his shoulders. Sitting on top of his head, was a golden crown. Whoever had bejeweled the throne had gotten their hot little hands on the crown, too. It was gaudy at best, but it was all overpowered by his smugness.

“Who, have you brought this time, Cronan?” His question was addressed to my captor.

“I caught it,” he raised his awful nose at me, “trying to sneak into Paradan.”

Sneak? Paradan?

I forced my mouth to stay shut. My mind was still half convinced I was dreaming. The King considered his words for a brief moment. Anger grew around his eyes, his fists clenched in fury. He jumped out of his seat in a rage.

“You’re from Fara King Calas sent you here to spy on me didn’t he?” He was standing shaking those furious fists at me. I was more lost than before if that was possible. Shaking my head no in reply, the tears finally started breaking free.

“And, just what are you wearing” I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing simple dark blue jeans and a purple shirt.

“I would think that King Calas would at least have a little something in that huge head of his to work with. Take her out of my sight and put her to work with the maids. You will have the rest of your miserable life to see my glory up close.” He laughed and others in the room joined in.

I tried pinching myself willing my eyes to open and for me to be at home in my bed.

When they opened I was surrounded by the over dressed guards. One of them picked me up. I started kicking and fighting back. They just laughed. Another one grabbed my legs with ease dragging me thru the opulent hallways.

Fear had overtaken my body in such a way my nerves felt as if they were on fire. Everywhere they touched me, felt like my skin was blistering. I wanted to go home. I wanted far, far away from this fairy tale nightmare.

I couldn’t believe how big this place was.

It reminded me of a long forgotten labyrinth. Trying to escape wasn’t going to be easy. Looking back in the direction we had come I couldn’t even remember our path. We went further into the recesses of the pit of the castle. After ten more minutes they stopped suddenly. My eyes searched for our ending.

The door in front of us looked just like all of the others.

What was so special about this one?

One of the guards knocked loudly. I could hear quiet sounds coming forward. The door slowly opened.


The childlike voice which responded was connected to a small girl. Her hair was fiery red and curled in ringlets all over her tiny head. It hung down to her waist. Her bright emerald green eyes sparkled. It seemed as if her porcelain body had been sprinkled with rainbow glitter. Her features were smaller than normal, but years of wisdom filled her face. She was wearing a long black gown. It reminded me of the plays I had seen of Romeo and Juliet. It had a sweetheart neckline with long open sleeves. A simple white apron topped her dress, but her dress wasn’t what I was staring at. My eyes were frozen on her..WINGS

They were on her back and still. As she was walking, I wondered why she wasn’t using them. They were beautifully translucent, gossamer and so delicate.

“Evver, we have a new member of the staff for you. Dress her and then get her to work.” She looked at me sadly.

“Yes, Rikon.”

The guards pushed me toward her. She reached out and took my shaking hands. Evver guided me thru the door and then quickly shut it. Walking me over to her bed it was a small cot. Her “room” was more of a storage closet. Uniforms and cleaning supplies were stacked to the ceiling. She sensed the fear that was still cursing thru my blood. Stepping back, she gave me a moment to take it all in. Even though she wasn’t using her wings, her movements were still extremely graceful.

 “Why don’t we get you cleaned up and changed?” Her voice was so gentle, so calming. Looking into her anxious eyes I could see she wouldn’t hurt me. So, I nodded in assent. In no time flat she had me dressed and my wounds bandaged and cleaned. She hummed a lovely melody while she worked. When I had been dropped into this massive castle, I never expected to find a moment of tranquility. Was it just a mirage? I wasn’t sure. There were so many questions in my heart and mind, but I was too afraid to ask any of them.

After looking me over she seemed pleased with the results.

“Why don’t we get something in your stomach before we start?” My stomach grumbled in reply. Smiling at me, she led the way. I tried to pay attention to our route, but I was beginning to think they were purposefully trying to confuse me with the different ways they were taking me. Walking into the kitchen, I was shocked. It was no bigger than my family room at home. The walls were worn and it appeared the kitchen went mostly ignored by the King and his guards.

On the far wall was a large fireplace.

It took up most of the wall, and there were pots boiling on the stove top and in another part of the oven, there was bread baking. Everything was being heated by firewood. I looked around to see candles around the room on the walls, tables, and in every corner. There was no power.

Where was I?

Evver, sliced me some bread and cheese and then added some fresh fruit. I made sure she ate before me. My teeth sunk deep into the warm, thick and delicious bread. I was too wrapped up in the food to focus on the sad glances my way. Most were human but a few were fairies like Evver. Just like her, they all walked None of them flew. I would later learn it was because King Tommit had their wings clipped. During my second piece of bread we had another visitor.

He was enormous

Both of his hands were filled with firewood. A gigantic smile played along the lines of his lips. Caught up with talking to the others he didn’t notice my prying eyes. He was laughing and joking as if he enjoyed his time here. For someone so large, he had a childlike demeanor. He reminded me of my friends’ four year old little brothers.

“Kazor we have a new friend.” The giant’s eyebrows rose. Slowly turning himself around his eyes met mine. They were kind and trusting. Nothing like I was expecting.

“Hello,” his voice shook the pans on the wall. I forced a smile.

“She doesn’t speak.” Evver offered, while the another fairy, walked up and patted the giant on the arm. He looked hurt. Kazor’s bottom lip started to rise into a pout. His eyes were shining like he was getting ready to cry.

“Why don’t we give her a little time? You remember your first night here don’t you?” He nodded sadly. Opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something more, but thinking against it. Hanging his head down, he turned and left the room. Tears dropped on  the table.

I felt gentle pressure on my hand. It was Evver.

“It’s okay. Don’t let his size fool you, Kazor is only a child. Between the age’s three or four we aren’t really sure. He loves new friends and he is finally settling in. Part of him has forgotten just how scary it is, but I remember.” Her normally sparkling eyes clouded over. I could tell she was remembering something which brought her great pain. I didn’t have many friends, none actually. It was easier to watch me be bullied from the sidelines. Anyone who had attempted to stop my torments was then added to the list of people whose lives needed destroyed.

I didn’t blame them.

It was easier for me to be alone. Yet looking at Evver now and seeing her pain made me want to be there for her. My empty hand covered hers. I tried to make the words escape my lips but failed miserably. I was certain my body was still in shock. She smiled at me, touched I had tried.

“It’s fine. It was another lifetime ago. Maybe sometime I will tell you the story. Right now it’s time to get to work. Stay near me and I will show you what to do.” I nodded and quickly followed her.


At the end of the day my whole body ached.

I was already sore from my tumble down the well. Now, after hours of scrubbing floors my hands and knees were bleeding. Once again Evver bandaged me. Then she let me take her cot while she slept on the floor. I had only known her a few hours and I already felt closer to her than anyone in my life. Whatever I did while I was here I had to help her, the others too. In the short time I spent with them I had been given a tiny glimpse in their hearts. It was clear they were all here against their wills. Just like me.

My dreams were terrifying and violent.

I awoke gasping for breath.

Expecting to wake up in the warmth of my own room my heart crashed when I opened my eyes to Evver. Her worried, misty eyes found mine. Dark circles formed around her normally clear eyes.

“Good morning. I hope you got some rest. We need to dress and eat. Then we need to get started for the day. I will explain more later,” I forced myself to comply. Looking at her eyes I could see she was worried about me. It was obvious she hadn’t slept well. Feeling bad about that, I climbed up quickly and vowed to do better today. By the end of the day, my body trembled with exhaustion.

I had worked hard in my life but never anything like this. Only able to eat a few bites of dinner before I fell asleep. My head was resting on the hard carved wooden table. I awoke hours later and found myself snuggled deep in a real bed. The mattress was made of feathers probably from a golden goose. It was the softest thing I had ever felt. Evver was gone and there was no one else in the room with me. There was light coming from down the hallway. Peeking around the corner I couldn’t help but be curious. Following the dim light, the more steps I took the brighter it grew. It led me back towards the kitchen. Sitting at the table was Evver, Reber, another fairy, and a boy I didn’t know.

My feet froze in my tracks.

Sitting on the end of the table was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes on. He was human and breathtaking. Dark walnut locks fell over his dazzling blue eyes. They danced in the candlelight. He looked upset. I wanted to reach out and smooth the furrows on his perfect brow. It was hard to see what he was wearing, by the position he was seated in. Sitting down he had his hands linked together, as if he was praying. I wanted a closer look.

Inching nearer, I wondered what had him so upset. My body was still weak from exhaustion and my ninja skills were seriously lacking. My legs gave out and I toppled over and fell in the doorway. They all jumped up to come to my rescue. Thankfully the only thing hurt was my pride. I flushed with embarrassment. I tried to pull myself up. A strong hand reached out to help me up—taking it in mine without realizing just who, it belonged to. The touch was electric. It sent charges into my dormant heart. Looking up his gaze was locked on mine.

He smiled at me.

His eyes crinkled around the edges. Warmth emitted from his features. Something in the back of my mind told me that this was an important moment for me.

“Are you alright?” His velvet voice rang in my ears. I nodded. “Come sit down,” his hand remained entwined in mine. His remaining arm wrapped around my frame to steady me. He led me to the table and chose the seat next to me. My hand felt a sting of pain when he released it. Concern tugged at his eyes.

“I heard we had a new addition. My name’s Cassius. I work here in the stables taking care of the Kings’ animals.” He could have told me he was from the moon and he played with Martians and it wouldn’t have made a difference. “What’s your name?”

Evver started to respond for me but my mouth had a mind of its own.

“Aurora.” His eyes widened at my voice while Evver smiled at hearing my first word since I arrived. I was still surprised that my brain had allowed a word to escape.

“Aurora,” his lips played with each letter of my name. It did strange and unexpected things to my rushing heart. “Welcome to the family.” My eyes widened. Confusion must have been covering my features. Family? Evver put her hand ever so gently on Cassius’s shoulder.

I felt a sudden and painful jab of jealously strike my stomach.

“I haven’t had time to tell her our stories yet.” My heart sunk at her use of the word “our”. It was ridiculous the way this boy was affecting me. Understanding rang in his face.

“Are you tired? Or could you hear a story or two?” I was wide awake after his touch.

“Yes, please.” That was better, two words this time. He smiled warmly at the sound of my voice.

“Evver, do you want to go first?” He asked,  being the gentleman I knew he was.

“No Cas, why don’t you go first?” She smiled lovingly at him. He returned the look of love. I was surprised at just how much it hurt.

“Sure. First, Aurora can you tell us where you are from? It might make things easier to explain.” I panicked. If I told them the truth, they would think I was crazy. Fear surged thru my pumping blood, imagining where crazy people were carted off to here. Deciding to keep it simple—I was a terrible liar. Even though I had just met Cassius, I was certain the deceit would ring in his ears.

“I was being chased. I was trying to hide from a group of thugs chasing after me.” Fear edged my voice thinking of it again. I tried to remain calm. “I fell down and woke up in Para.”

“Paradan,” Evver finished for me.

“Yes,” my eyes searched theirs for answers.

“How about a little history lesson first?” I nodded grateful for any information to fill in the many blanks. “Paradan used to be a wonderful, glorious and strong country. We were well respected by the outer lying kingdoms. King Windom was a great leader, a beloved king. He was kind, loving, and merciful to all. We all lived together; humans, fairies, giants, trolls, dwarves and even the dragons.” My eyes widened at the mention of all the mythical creatures. He laughed.

“King Windom died suddenly. He wasn’t married and there was no heir to claim the throne. Chaos ensued. King Tommit showed up and appeared to be honest at first. Most were thankful. He promised to put our kingdom back in order. He promised peace and prosperity for everyone and everything living in Paradan.” His eyes darkened at the memory. Cassius’ hands twisted into angry fists reliving the moment.

I wanted to reach out and comfort him.

“Suddenly there were rumors of unexplained fires. Houses were being burned. Entire rows were gone overnight. King Tommit always seemed incredibly distraught by the heinous events. He would graciously step in and find the occupants new homes. But they were always far, far away from where they had lived originally. Still they were grateful to have a roof over their heads and somewhere safe to live. It wasn’t until it was too late that people realized they were all being herded. Soon the neighborhoods were empty of everyone—except humans. People started an uprising. This is when the Kings’ Destroyers moved in.”

I had stopped breathing. I let the air out quietly. Evver had huge tear drops falling down her tiny cheeks. Sometime during the story, Reber had gotten up and left. Cassius’ eyes were black as midnight.

The darkness they had experienced echoed in his eyes.

“If you spoke out, or fought back, you were either killed or brought to the castle for slave labor. Fairy wings were clipped. The giant’s parents were killed, only their very young children survived. All of the trolls were relocated from their precious truffle farms. And the dwarves? Well they were made to do the giants job of harvesting the beanstalks, a dangerous job previously done by the giants. It has been a very dark and troubling time, ever since. I was raised by fairies and giants. I never knew my human family, so seeing them treated this way..” His voice disappeared for a moment.

A great deal of pain lingered in his brilliant blue eyes. They reminded me of home on a cloudless day. I wished there was a way I could take all of it away and make him forget it ever existed. I wasn’t sure why his pain had such an effect on me. Finding his voice, he continued.

“We all want to change things, but unless a true heir steps forward and is willing to fight to rejoin our country, then all will be lost. It’s good that Evver here got herself in trouble. At least now I can keep a closer eye on things at the Castle.”

She bowed deeply.

“Happy to be of service,” a silly smile replaced the tearful stare.

“I am sorry, but why does Evver being in trouble help things?” I thought of the girl who had quickly become my friend. Knowing she would never fly again broke part of my spirit.

“After Evver was caught and forced to become one of King Tommit’s slaves, I had to do something. I got hired on at the stables. Someone has to keep an eye out for her.” The words were bittersweet to my pained soul.

“I am glad. It’s scary here. I’m grateful you have someone looking over you.” Meaning every word I spoke,  to my new and only friend.

“Yes Cas, is the world’s best big brother.” She said, hugging his neck. I almost choked on my  tongue when I heard those words.

“Brother?” I asked dumbfounded.

“Yes, my parents were the fairies that helped raise Cas.”

“And I have been getting her out of trouble ever since.” She half-heartedly hit his arm. My emotions were on a killer roller coaster. My heart, brain, and stomach were battling each other.

“How are you, Aurora? Do you need to take a break?” His concern touched me. Taking a deep breath, I was trying to control my breathing but failing miserably.

“I’m fine. It’s just a lot to take in.”

“I could tell that you weren’t from here,” Evver piped quietly in. “The clothes you were wearing and the paint on your face and hands. Well. I didn’t recognize any of it.” Thinking of my attire it must have been so foreign to her. I looked down at my bright purple nails and saw how ravaged my manicure was after two days of scrubbing floors. Having sparkling nails didn’t seem so important anymore.

“I admit, things are very different here.” I paused, looking at the candle lit faces around the table. “But it’s nice to have some friendly faces to look too.”

“Aurora, you are not alone, not anymore.” Cassius’ words were like a gasoline to my already simmering fire. He reached over and put his hands on mine. The reaction was immediate and explosive. My entire body quivered, looking into his eyes I could see the electricity pass through him, as well.

The moment quickly passed when we heard a noise in the hallway.

They both jumped up and blew out the candles. Evver grabbed me and pulled me toward the large pantry. Her fingers found my lips, warning me to be silent. There were two sets of footsteps which passed our way. I’m not sure how long we stood there silently and in the dark. My mind and body were both warring with my ability to focus.

My body was still responding from Cassius’ touch, while my mind was trying to figure out what was happening. Why were they so afraid? Who had been in the hallway? Finally a light appeared in the darkness. It was Cassius.

“Better get back to your rooms. I’ll see you both soon.” He slipped out the open door.

Evver took my hand and led me into the pitch darkness. Finally, arriving at the room where I had woken up earlier. She seemed to be able to see and led me straight to my awaiting bed. We sat in silence for several minutes before she quietly spoke.

“Sorry about that, but we can never let them know my connection to Cas. He is allowed away from the castle. If they found out they would lock him up or worse..” The thought caught in her throat. It caused her great pain to try to voice it. Thinking about the possibility ripped layers off of my racing heart. How could someone I just met, have such an immediate  impact on me?

“I understand. I promise I will never tell anyone.” My words calmed her.

“Thank you, Aurora. The only time we ever get to see each other is during the middle of the night. I hate being away from my family.” The pain which was etched into her words was immense. I thought about being away from my family and strangely it didn’t really bother me so much. My parents were always caught up in their jobs. I was an only child so I was home most of the time all alone. I wondered what it would be like to grow up with a large family. What would it be like to always have someone around, to have noise and laughter ringing throughout the house? To always have someone to talk to?

“I’m so sorry, Evver. Have you thought about fighting back? It seems like no one is happy with the King?” Her eyes widened in terror. She started cowering in the corner of the room.

“NO” Her voice was quiet but it quivered with fear.

“Ok, ok. Please, calm down.” My hands tried to soothe her. My touch seemed to do the trick. Her breathing slowed and the fear lessened in her tiny features.

“Thanks. It’s nice to have a friend here. Everyone mainly sticks to themselves. I think the anxiety is getting to all of us. We have all seen and heard too many things that have changed us forever.” Her eyes got a faraway look for a moment. Pain was set deep into her childlike features. “Sorry, I am rambling. We both better get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.” She went to stand and I grabbed her hand.

“Why don’t you stay in here with me? This bed is big enough for both of us.” I couldn’t stand the thought of my new friend sleeping on the hard cot or worse the floor again. Tears touched her eyes, for the briefest of moments.

“Sure,” she said with a relieved smile.

I lay down and she lay down next to me. Her body twisted in a way where she wasn’t laying on her wings. Her breathing became smooth and gentle in moments. She was exhausted. I wondered how long it had been since she slept on a real bed. Cassius face and his words of the story he had told me took turns consuming my thoughts.

I wasn’t sure how, but eventually I fell asleep.

My dreams were of the boy with the blue eyes and of wishing wells.