The Witch Apprentice by Danielle Perez - HTML preview

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Finally the much-anticipated day of ceremonial magic practices came. I had kept myself away from The Fortaleza since Duprina never attended classes. But Sashui, enthusiastic and very dear friend, had often visited me to keep me informed of the lessons they were dictating during my absence and also told me that at the beginning of the coming week the group classes would start, reason why I could join these classes regularly without Duprina’s presence. However, Severa had become an ally very loyal and protective; so I decided to use time at home by acquiring all the knowledge necessary to become a good witch.

That afternoon, armed with the list of materials that so much work, sweat and lies, had cost me, I went to our classroom at the end of the house, went down the stairs, jumping stairs two by two. Severa had already arrived and on the table had placed a copper cauldron very potbelly, which was sitting on a metal frame that contained some slats of wood and kindling. A collection of bottles, of different sizes and colors containing sparkling, watery and transparent substances, were piled around the table. She wore her black robe and the classic shaped-cone hat that all respectable sorceresses use. She pointed out a chair where a similar robe lay and with signs gave me indications to put it on. The fabric was very black and very bright, as the color of a moonless night, seemed to have proper motion as the soft waters of a calm sea.

My excitement by dressing for the first time my magical outfit was indescribable. My magic book "The Keys of the Kingdom" was also on the table. At the moment I dressed the tunic and the hat, the Book unleashed the tab in the form of belt that had tied its pages and, in a go fast, as if a gale was moving them, landed on page 73.

Both approached, very intrigued to the Book that showed us a very strange spell. Severa began to read it by placing her index finger on the first word and, as she was reciting out aloud the incantation, slipped her finger for each line.

-It seems that after all we will have to change plans. The Book is sending us a message. This spell is about protection. Surely your suspicions about Duprina are true. How did you get with the boyfriend of a black witch?

- But I didn't! -I screamed with agitated voice.

At that time, the crystal ball that was placed in one of the cedar cabinets began to jingle. We left the Book inspection and approached to the ball, which showed us through the thin crystals a wooded landscape that, in a matter of seconds, started to become dark almost instantly with amorphous and horrific clouds. Then the clink was rising in intensity, so that the ball jumped the furniture crashing against the ground, fortunately without breaking, and rolling stood behind one of the leather chairs that abounded in the living room.

Suddenly, a stormy lightning burst outside and made the door to be opened wide by the strong blizzard that began to form. A strong wind down the stairs and pulled out of the cabinet the tarot cards that Severa kept in a pine box wrapped in red silk cloth, spreading them all over the floor. All were upside down, with the exception of two: "The devil" and "Death".

I looked at them with terror and let out a cry:

-I am not a graduated witch but even I realized that this was not good.

Severa looked at the scene with astonishment.

-I have never seen supernatural manifestations so compelling and unique, at least not at the same time. You must be very careful. We have to find out which spell was the one used by Duprina. Are you sure she is responsible for these manifestations? Are you sure that she is the culprit? Is it possible that you have other enemies?

-Don't think so! I saw her with my own eyes at the cemetery. I am sure that she was doing a spell against me. She is a very vindictive girl; I could see it in her eyes. I know that she will do everything possible to harm me and move me away from Leonardo and Eisenbaum.

-From what I see, she wants more than that! She wants to make you disappear from the face of the Earth! Let's go! Let's work on this protection spell! But be warned that this is only temporary; we need to find out what is the spell that she is using in order to prepare the spell that corresponds.

Immediately I took the materials brought to see if any of them could be used for the new spell that we were going to make. Severa immediately put her attention to the small frog that remained stationary in the small container, attached to the lid with its four legs.

- And what is doing a frog here?

-It is part of the materials you requested. Don’t you remember?

-I do not order a full frog and much less a live one. I only asked for the legs. You should go to the magic shop and get all the materials there. They sell all the things a witch may need, and even, thanks to advances in chemistry, there are synthetic elements that function as well as the organic. In these modern times we don't have to go around the world killing innocent beings.

 How was I going to know that there was a magic shop? And if there was one, what kind of currency I should use to pay? During my stay in Eisenbaum I had never seen anyone conduct a commercial transaction. Severa got me out of doubt immediately informing me that the mean used was barter and that the very rich ones paid with gold. When I was about to protest denigrating of such a system and to praise the benefits of the paper currency of the capitalism, then, I remembered Leonardo’s wise words enacted upon my arrival, advising me on the respect for traditions and the inhabitants of the village. So the unhealthy criticism was left frozen in my throat without the opportunity to be expressed, lost in these inconveniences of the feudal system. At the time I thought in Beatrice and how she would feel to be a guest in this medieval world, what would my sister do without their "Silver" or money to spend? Would she adapt to this barter system? Certainly, for her, it would be the end of the world. However, Mariana would be happy, surrounded by the extensive fauna that she loves so much; she would surely find many opportunities to realize her dream as a partner of Saint Francisco. So much more when in these lands, animals are endowed with speech and enjoy a free trade and two-way communication with humans. Probably she would spend hours touring the countryside conversing with any specimen of the animal kingdom.

I looked at the frog which at the same time looked at me, with supplicant eyes. The immense length of its four legs was deployed. I have to admit that part of me felt relieved not having to remove him his legs, I had not slept much thinking about the sad sacrifice of the frog for the sake of witchcraft. Without further ado, I took the helpless creature and climbing the stairs I shed it in the orange patio; but after that I had my regrets, considering the storm which had unleashed on the outskirts and portentous rays and sparks that gave light to the night face; but at the end I was happy thinking that the frog would not be obstructed for these small inconveniences; taking into account that had saved his life and still retained all of his limbs.

Back at the loft, Severa had already ignited the cauldron and started the preparations for the master protection spell class. She began pouring water, universal amalgam that reduces to brew all the elements that are placed in it; Then some dried herbs threadbare (later I knew it was "peppermint") and from a blue bottle she added a few drops of castor oil; from a stalk of Aloe tore off four crystals and also threw them to the stew along with a thin branch of cinnamon. Then, the turn came for a juicy orange that cut in four halves were also thrown into the brew when the steams began to distill an herbal aroma. Severa, beating and beating the mixture with fervor used a huge wooden spoon, with a force that I had seen her only when she kneaded her chunky oatmeal bread.

The concoction was turning thick, watery and the yellow coloring became gray, it was at that moment when I began to worry about how I would swallow that potion, taking into account its unpleasant appearance its taste should be really horrible. The concern became anguish when after the infusion, Severa took, with the wooden ladle, a substantial portion of the concoction and poured it with difficulty into a bowl; and I say with difficulty because the potion was so thick that it remained attached to the spoon refusing to let go.

-Drink it! -She said.

I looked at the blackish mass attached to the walls of the container.

-I do not think I could!

-You have to do it -replied Severa angrily.

-Don't want to! Do not make me drink it, please!

 I looked at the bowl once more. The potion was a black and rubbery substance which lay at the bottom and released small bubbles like an erupting volcano.

-If you want to be protected, take it! -She cried.

I grabbed the bowl with rage and took it to my lips sipping a good part of the potion. For a moment, I thought that I would stifle; the thick concoction was left in my mouth and whatever efforts I made to swallow it didn't move one iota from my oral cavity. With wrinkled face and hand over my lips, I walked around the room in search of water to drink. I got a glass. Severa wanted to prevent me from this maneuver but I got rid of her arm and took a crop of the precious liquid. Much to my regret, I must confess that this was a very bad idea since the water in contact with the brew inside my mouth, acquired a taste even more bitter that it had initially, a ruin taste, that came down to my inmost being, made me shed tears from my eyes and silenced me completely. After a few minutes which turned out to be eternal, I could finally talk and breathe.

- But what a horrible thing! What is it that you gave me?

-Do not behave as a little baby! You were present and saw all the ingredients that I used. Potions and concoctions are an art in the witchcraft world, so if you want to be a witch you’d better get accustomed to their flavors and leave out those baby tantrums.

- But it did taste really horrible! Have you ever tried it? -I said passing the forearm by my lips in an effort to let go of the unpleasant taste -It is my opinion that some grams of sugar would make it very well to this kind of potions; moreover, they would gain much popularity and prestige. What's wrong with the vanilla, the ice cream or chocolate flavors? Or is it that in magic, everything has to be bitter, watery and black?

I paused, and then continued:

-Why? I considered witchcraft will do very well adopting some precepts of the known art of kitchen, with its harmonious, healthy and colorful ingredients that would make the magical preparations taste different. If all potions taste so bad like this that I just took, then, from this moment on, I would call myself the forerunner of the "culinary sorcery", and in this new science that I will found, with the help of God, I will use sweetened fruits, such as strawberries, peaches or pears; and I assure you that sugar will be the compulsory and indispensable ingredient of all my preparations; tons and tons of sugar; tons and tons of this sandy white delicacy which is sugar, and to disguise the odors, tons and tons of scents or edible flowers. None of my enchanted ones will have to go through the painful trance of having to swallow such as gruesome paste and they will be happy to savor my potions with the same ardor and perseverance with which one sucks a creamy ice cream with chocolate syrup. Don’t you think?

Severa looked at me with that intensive look she I used to have when I met her at the time of the dictatorship: wrinkled brow, dark look and that morbid grimace on her lips. Ah! Because Severa, although had slightly modulated the reaches of her dictatorship; on special occasions in which she wanted to test the validity of her arguments, she forgot the newly coming democracy, and returned to the degrading of her old regime. So it was from the altar of her Republic that she broke into screams:

- But what amount of follies you said, Camila! Do you think it is very nice what you just said? Witchcraft has centuries of existence and its potions, spells and witches have subsisted without your intervention; but if you are so worried about the flavors, scents and ingredients, then, become a cooker instead of a sorceress! -This was the only answer I got when she got out of the basement giving a slammed door.

I was alone in the room, observing how the seed of my avant-garde culinary project was wandering in the realm of ideas without ever reaching the kingdom of realities. Once more, it was exposed the lack of sense of humor of the inhabitants of Eisenbaum.

The next morning I woke up early, hoping that Severa’s bad mood explosion had largely diminished. I also had the firm intention to go to The Fortaleza and locate Batam-Al-Bur and convince him to help me entering Duprina’s room. I had to find the gray bag used in the cemetery and, knowing the content deciphering the spell that she had thrown upon me. But to my surprise, hovering over my magic book, that always perched on the bedside table in the shade of a kerosene lamp, because as I have already mentioned, that wonder of Thomas Alva Edison which is electric light shone by its absence in those dark places, were the book guardians, Petrarco, Cirila and Drefno: those beings from the magic world that accompanied me in my odyssey in Saint Andre, when the ring curse was hanging over my head.

-What a joy! -I said sitting on a bank located near the bed and greeting them with enthusiasm.

-It was a long time since I had not seen you.

The hadith Cirila laughed with a hoarse and structured giggle, flying all over the room. The elf and gnome sat down beside me.

-It is a joy and a pleasure for us to also seeing you! -Added the elf Drefno- we only appear when the book has something to do and now it has something to do. While the book is at rest, we have the freedom to walk around the world to our liking. I am very happy that you have decided to travel the paths of magic. After your unpleasant experience in Saint Andre I thought you would be apart from spells and incantations.

-Nonsense! -added Petrarco who had always been very scathing with his language and reviews- we all know that she was not pursuing magic but a "magician".

By very gnome he was his words seemed very inappropriate and out of place, but at the moment I was going to express my annoyance with a loud voice, it was the elf who hit him lightly on the head as a sign of rebuke.

-Don't be disrespectful with the lady!

Petrarco laughed and grumbling replied:

-Gnomes do not tell lies. It is against the rules.

-Rules? What rules?

-The rules of Gnomes.

-There is not such a thing! -replied Drefno.

-Yes, there is!

-No, there is not!

-Yes, there is!


Cirila, as always, generous soul and mediator, as little Mariana in the warfare between Beatrice and I, ran to stand between them until the matter was out of control.

-As you can see –She said to me- the characters have not changed at all. Everything stays the same!

After a long time of conversation and seeing it was going to be six and a half, I excuse myself telling them that it was time for breakfast and I should leave, but not before extending an invitation to them to accompany me and take advantage of the occasion to introduce them to Severa; but they refused saying that they would remain with the book and that certainly they do it in any other occasion.

Then I walked into the dining room where everyone had already gathered. Democracy prevailed again in the Republic of Severa; I took my place and immediately the woman gave me a good serving of bread with scrambled eggs, bacon and milk. After a trivial conversation in which the Victors told me that they had girlfriends and hoped to introduce me to them at a small meeting that would take place that night, I apologized announcing that I would be at The Fortaleza to reach Batam and ask for his assistance in this matter of the spell. All of them agreed warning me to take care and sending their greetings to Batam.

When I went to the street the freshness morning greeted me with blushing, I took a breath of air and I began the long walk. The main street was one block from there. While I was walking, I entertained seeing the small houses standing on either side with their windows adorned with beautiful chiffon curtains and the cedar doors open leaving exposed plenty of familiar scenes. So open, the windows were the eyes of the houses that followed my walking, slow and leisurely, along the paved path. Arriving at the corner my view was extended to see the main road in more detail. Little attention I was being paying until then. It was a houses amalgam, very well built, flora, fauna and people of every gender and color, walking up down and coexisting in perfect harmony with the environment. Opposite to the library, a group of elegant horses was stationed frolicking near a water fountain made of dark wood stakes. Just as I passed in front of them, I heard a loud voice saying:

-Look! That is the pretentious girl walking over there!!

Curiosity made me turn my head and realized that the pretentious girl that was walking over there was me, to my surprise. And the words had been spoken by “Well”, that unfriendly mare that transported me to town.

-Wow! –I responded to the compliment- Could it be that you do not know to forget? How are you walking the paths of life with that attitude so bellicose? That does not seem a thing of horses!

-But how silly you are! You can't differentiate a mare from a horse. For your information, I am a Mare...

Meanwhile, “Bad” who was also in the group frolicking in the same drinking and deploying the same bad attitude, began to tell his colleagues what had happened during the trip from Borloux to Eisenbaum: enumerating every detail about my behavior so exaggerated and embellished them with so much derogatory adjectives, that, of course, in seconds the whole regiment was against me.

-What you do to one of us, you it for all -said a mestizo colt that threatened to pounce on me and was neighing as if someone were embedding his horseshoes in the legs.

Very carefully I put myself on the sidewalk, away from the pack of horses that threatened my physical integrity. I enrolled my defense; I was not going to let a group of equine bums to intimidate me that way.

-I did nothing! The only thing I wanted in Borloux was to get a type of transport more decent than the back of an animal.

But my answer, far from calming the tempers, had the opposite effect: exalted even more their vigor.

-What a sassy girl! She says that we are not decent enough for her. Who believes she is, Queen Mary-Antoinette? -Said “Bad” in turn avoiding my eyes- if she continues with her attacks, she may end up like her: despised and headless.

-That is not what I meant! I had never mounted a horse; it was natural that I wanted to continue the journey in a vehicle.

Then the group formed a bustle of protests and neighing.

- But what ignorance! In Eisenbaum we do not have transportation that pollutes our spaces. In addition to sassy, she is ignorant.

-But I didn't know it at the time! -I replied to the edge of impotence.

Horses! Mares! Colts! Foals! All against me engaged in a series of accusations that the equine kingdom as a whole was putting on my shoulders and they would have continued that way if not by the timely appearance of Leonardo in the mess. It seemed that my beloved Leonardo was in the library since very early hours in search of some books for The Fortaleza’s trainees, and in this laudable work he was when, alerted by the noise of the street, approached the window and watched the singular scene with my person as main protagonist.

I have to say that with the presence of the magician, the equestrian manifestation against me diminished notably the intensity of the dispute. Hypocritical horses! Disagreeable animals! Evil and intolerant mares! That in view of the authority they became as meek as lambs and as sweet as pigeons.

Leonardo’s presence made me forget the ugly incident with the horses. His indigo eyes subtracted from me all the hardship and left me lying in a tranquility lap.

-Are you still fighting with the horses? Why every time I find you in the company of them you are in the middle of a brawl? -Asked in fun - they are loyal and noble beings, you should be more patient.

Ah! <I thought for myself >with you they surely behave the same as churches pigeons, but, with me, unleashed their forked tongues and behave like evil stepmothers. I defended:

-Of course not! They began the fight first!

The horses turned back exposing their long fanning tails; clearly meaning the end of the discussion; so I terminated the encounter as well to talk with the magician, which was much more fun than fighting with a bunch of horses.

-I am on my way to The Fortaleza to meet Batam-Al-Bur. I knew he was invited by Americus to spend his vacation in Eisenbaum. It was a nice gesture on his part. Nobody deserves more a vacation than Batam. He had commented how good he is enjoying the stay here.

The magician nodded with a movement of his head showing he was very pleased by the comment. While conversing with me, he placed the books inside a leather bag and tightened it to the saddle of one of the horses and said:

-I already finished my tasks in town and am going back to The Fortaleza too. We can walk together if you wish and talk –while he was saying this loosed the horse reins and began the ride with the horse behind us following our steps.

I walked right to his side waiting that my heart beatings sounded lower than my words. He continued chatting how much he enjoyed walking by the town streets and regretted the little time he dedicated to his hobby.

-¿How are you getting along with your classes?

I pondered my answer. I knew Duprina was no longer his girlfriend; did not know neither the causes of the breaking-up nor the feelings of Leonardo towards her. However, I did not want to let Leonardo know my real opinion on her. There are occasions in which the power of a cleavage is stronger than the power of reason. I would have liked to answered him <Duprina is a ruin, harpy, ungainly, prehistoric sorceress who has taught me nothing about magic since the time I arrived here> But with these words the only thing I would get was to set an evidence of a rivalry that I preferred to keep in private.

-It’s all right! –I answered- I have learnt a lot and Severa has helped me also. The group classes will begin next week and am anxious to attend. By the way, have you heard from Americus? Since my arrival I had wanted the opportunity to meet him; and it is a pity I did not have the chance because I want his advice on a very important matter.

We left town behind and began the walking on the acute path which leaded to The Fortaleza. It was a long but not very pronounced slope that as we walked let us see the vastness of the immense sea circling the region. Marine winds arrived to my face with their indelible scents that sprinkled sea drops on it. The noise of the waves came far as sirens whispers. The path was broad, and once in a while a cart driven by villagers surprised us. When this happened, Leonardo stopped to pay his respects and disrupted our affable conversation. During those moments, I kept silent and my telltale face lit up with the sudden fascination that produced the magician in me: his manners, the soft tone of his voice, the gallantry of his forms, and the fineness of his robe (which Beatrice would have nothing to refute). But one feature that highlights in Leonardo was, without a doubt, his eyes; I would never get tired of repeating it, those two indigo constellations sipped the whole blood from the veins of everyone who dared to look at them.

At that point I started to remember the stolen kiss at Saint Andre; and I marveled then on my boldness. Not having mediated the circumstance of that death sentence hanging like the Damocles sword over my head that kiss would have never left my lips, and the magician and I had not discovered their glare gloss.

After saying goodbye to the last of the peasants, we continued the march.

-Advice? If I can help you, I am available -said Leonardo’s voice kindly.

I thought with horror that no way I could unravel before his eyes the accomplice secret I shared with Severa and Batam-Al-Bur. Those had been very strict in their opinions, naming me with denigrating adjectives such as "foolish" and "insane"; but, in the eyes of the wizard, I should preserve both my reputation and my behavior, so I decided not to report the failures of my character.

-It is nothing. What I want to ask -I answered- is about something we talked at the lobby of the Grand Prince Hotel, in Saint Andre, the day you left without saying goodbye; without even giving me the opportunity to thank you. Beatrice and Mariana had wanted to say goodbye also. Why did you leave that way?

The question came out without my thinking. The questions of the heart rarely dare to go along the soft screen of consciousness; instead they take a shortcut through the subconscious to the mouth translated into words, without having passed, previously, by the mind analysis.

The wizard looked at me surprised, and then he said:

-I did not mean to offend you. I had to take care of a matter of the utmost importance that required my presence; I told you on that occasion that I did not know why Zoroastro was behind you. He never does the work of his demons, but that time he was personally going after you. I wanted to know why.

- And did you find out why?

-No! I am still searching. Zoroastro will never give up. You must be very careful. One of the reasons why you have been accepted as an apprentice if because you should learn how to defend yourself. But, you're right. I worked with very little gentleness -he said laughing- and knowing your great generosity and sense of human weaknesses, I suppose that at this point I should now be forgiven.

Once more the words packed in my mind and, as if they had a life of its own, tight and rebels threatened to come out of my mouth, with the vehemence of a girlfriend. Ah! But my pride is stronger than my impulsiveness and quickly imposed control on the situation, throwing my words into the corner of the unsaid things; so I could respond without showing effusivity:

-Of course you are forgiven! I just hope that I do not have to repeat the same scene again. And when you know something of Zoroastro, please let me know. The last thing I want is to live with the demons of the Valley of Shadows.

Much to my regret, we were almost reaching the gates of The Fortaleza and the guards who were guarding the gate began to open to let us pass. We walked one stretch more until we arrived at the building. Leonardo then informed me that he should go to the stables to deliver the horse.

-Please wait for me to deliver the books and take you to where Batam is located.

I nodded with a slight move. While he unleashed the leather pouch where the books were; he began taking one by one out and stacked them on my forearm. Looking at the books, I remembered the loving verses sent by my secret lover and wanted to clarify my doubts about the identity of the writer, so I ventured to ask:

 -Are any of these books on verses or poetry?

He looked at me strangely; nothing betrayed irony or awareness of the completeness in my question.

-Poetry? Not at all! They are magic texts for learners.

- But you have a doctorate in Art History! I thought you would be involved in romantic literature.

-I really don't have time for that! Magic absorbed all my time. Perhaps someday when I retire I will be able to dedicate my time to literature, as you say. However, for now, with the threat of a confrontation between wizards, both Americus and I are focused on these issues so they do not pass to a major concern.

I was a little disappointed, really; Leonardo had indicated me, in short and concise words, that he was not the author of the beautiful verses I was receiving at regular intervals. In the depths of my thoughts I have been thinking that the magician was the creator of such sensitive verses and that he was my secret admirer. To keep my thoughts out of disenchantment, I asked:

-Magicians clash?

-Yes! That is the reason why you've hardly seen Americus. He has been coming and going from The Ciudadela to The Fortaleza and vice versa. There is a group of black magicians who have been causing a stir in some settlements. There are certain rules to be followed by a magician. Magic is a very serious matter. Power always carries a great burden of responsibility that must and should be controlled. The black mages want to topple the established order of things; want to centralize everything through a central Government that would be headed, of course, by one of them. I am sure that Zoroastro is behind all this.

-I am surprised. I thought the magical world did not see those conflicts that are seen in the world of men.

-You are wrong! "How is up, it is down" says an old Hermetic axiom; or in other words "How it is there, it is here". The dark world has been inserting black magic books and distributing them in the world of men, who use them regardless of their power. A power thus unleashed leads to destruction. Black mages have been infiltrating people on the most prestigious positions of Governments of the most powerful nations. We have been doing the same to offset the damage a little. My job is to track the evil books and take them out of circulation. In the cellars of The Fortaleza there is an arsenal of books from all time. We do not destroy them because we have to study them thoroughly in order to know how to deal with evil. Knowledge is power.

Leonardo continued talking about black mages and I shudder to know the painful details of the actions that these beings are capable of. After a while, the wizard was absent with the horse to lead it to the stable and returned a few minutes later; then we went to deliver the books at the library and after that, he accompanied me to Batam’s room. A good time we were knocking at the door but the Genie