Thinks and Things by Crystal Johnson - HTML preview

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Return to the Living Carousel


Thinks and things and the Fixer set off for Brainerd with the boy seated between them. Thinks and things earlier suggested traveling by a non-conventional method but the Fixer thought it would be best to take his truck.

They walked through the woods for what seemed to be forever or five minutes. Depending on how long you think time actually passes. Time and clocks. Purely, a human invention.

First, a small cabin came into view. One light was in its kitchen window. Next to a cabin was a carousel, waiting for Arlan.

Then the operator came out of the cabin with a flashlight and started up the carousel. The carousel spun around and around, all the animals standing proud, hoping to be the boy's choice.

A stomping and crushing of leaves and twigs was heard behind them. The Fixer and Thinks and things stood guard, as this was a disclosed location and no humans, besides from the kindly, old operator, were to know about it.

 First, they saw a dark figure. Then, they heard a roar. The lion had returned. He walks gallantly to the carousel and fills the vacant spot between a pair of pink and turquoise horses.

The operator opened the gate of the carousel for Arlan. The boy made his choice. The boy stepped forward and the carousel stopped. The boy climbed onto the lion's back. The boy patted the lion's head, the lion purred back.

The music starting to play, the lion roared again and the boy gripped the pole.

 Thinks and things and the Fixer watched. “I've been thinking about what you said, earlier,” the Fixer told Thinks and things. “About the gate and the weight of the world on your shoulders-I think I know how to fix that. I've never done anything like it before”

 Thinks and things raises an eye.

 “But if you would let me try, I think I can do it,” assured the Fixer.

 The operator shouted joyfully to the boy, “Reach for the ring! If you get a brass one, you get another ride!”

 Arlan leaned over towards to the ring box but then pointed towards the sky, “Look over there! I can see the Big Dipper!”

 The Fixer waved to the boy and the boy waved back. The lion bowed to the Fixer. A very dandy lion indeed, thought the Fixer.

The Fixer walked into a beautiful garden, full of trees with blooming white flowers weighing down their branches. He smelled a million different fragrant blossoms all at once and they smelled wonderful. He saw miles and miles of dandelion fields beyond the trees.

The Fixer continued to admire the scenery before he got to work. He wouldn't be needing very many tools for this particular job. The Fixer opened his tool box. A screw, a wrench. He removed a rusted bolt from the gate and replaced it with a new one.

The Fixer tested the gate, it swung just fine now. It was fixed. He closed the gate, but not before taking one last look. It's not often that one gets to step inside and see the mind of the man in the moon, Thinks and things.