Thinks and Things by Crystal Johnson - HTML preview

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The Invention


Everything that ever existed, once started out as just a thought. For this world to last and keep evolving, people need to keep thinking. The problem is, original thoughts are running out quickly.

One of the last original thoughts was of a flying machine. For a thought to become a thing, one needs to truly believe in it.

Failing is part of succeeding. Without failure, there wouldn't be any light. Light bulbs, that is. When attempting the impossible, you will fail numerous times. But then your machine flies. Your phone call is answered. Your light bulb lights. Your television broadcasts news from around the globe. Your remote control turns the volume up. You beat the computer at solitaire. You're online.

Meet Thinks and things. He's partially responsible for thermostats, x-ray machines, and notebook paper with perforated edges. Also, add to that list, super balls, fruit scented markers, and roll top desks. He's old, bulky, seven feet tall, and elusive. That's all the Fixer knows about him. The Fixer has been sent to track him done and fix some of the thinks he turned into things. Thinks and things takes thoughts (or what he calls “thinks”) from people and turns them into things. But not with a wave of a wand. Turning thoughts into things can be instant or it can be a slow process, taking several to hundreds of years. Thinks and things helps out a little here and there, gets the ball rolling, so to speak.

Once upon a time, a 13-year-old male stepped into an arcade. The type of arcade that's meant only for those ages eighteen and up. He inserted a coin into one of the machines. The boy cranked the handle, watched a lady dance a jig and teasingly, start to take off her top. The faster he cranked, the faster the pictures flipped and the faster she would take off her clothes. He cranked and cranked but the top stayed on. Right before the last several dozen pictures were about to be flipped, the manager of the arcade came back from the restroom. He found the boy and escorted him out to the sidewalk. He kept the boy's coin and the paper girl kept her shirt on.

During one of his many travels, Thinks and things happened to be in close proximity to the young boy that same night. As the boy was in the midst of falling asleep, he thought it would be really boss if there was a machine that could show you pictures of naked girls instantly. No more cranking and turning of a handle just to see one girl naked. Instead, it would take just one click of a button to see a different naked girl. Click the button again and see a different naked girl. Yeah, it could happen, the boy thought just the moment before he fell asleep.

And that is how the Internet was invented. Let it be emphasized, original thoughts are running out. To keep the world running at its fast pace, Thinks and things scours the globe, finding people who truly believe in something and makes it real.

 However, a number of people truly believe in unoriginal things but that will only keep the world going for a short while. Those tend to be thoughts of children and in some cases, mental patients.

 Small children are truly free thinkers. Granted, children are often baby-sat by the godfathered by mass media. However, thinking begins far long before babies can even focus their eyes on their mothers.

 Our story will begin within a story, a very much loved children's tale about cannibalism, Hansel and Gretel.