Troy Zander and the Sign Of The Unseen by L.A.Immanuel - HTML preview

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Rutgers was in his office, sitting with his head covered by his hands at his desk. He was frustrated and daunted. He slowly lifted his head, spread his arms and put them on the transparent floating desk.

He sniffled and stroked his trim black beard. He knew he had to take a decision quickly and it had to the best decision he had ever made in his life. The last of humanity’s hope lay in his hands but he didn’t know whom to turn to for advice. With most of the Senate wiped out, he solely had to take the advice of the fifty odd Intelligence officers onboard but he was unsure of that too. Even in all that, it was he as the captain of the Orion Swift who had to make the final call, even if it was based solely on his gut feeling. He took a deep breath and tried to relax. He made his desk project the Orion Swift in front of him. As he got deeper into his thoughts, his fingers turned the Orion Swift around.

Rutgers slowly took stock of the situation. He knew that the Volski were a more advanced and powerful race than the Albeins, Keplers and Elveden put together. In such situations, he also knew that it was text book to surrender as it was the only strategy available to save most of the innocent entrusted to the one in charge but Rutgers wasn’t willing to surrender. He wanted to do something courageous and something great but knew it was impossible to win. Whatever much of a fight, he could manage to put in, the Volski will prevail, since they were in space and the enemy had more formidable weaponry and technology. Rutgers started panicking and dabbed his huge forehead with the back of his hand. He clutched his fists and got up from his chair.

If we are to have a fighting chance, we should organize and attack…but even this idea would seem madness to everyone on the ship, I know it’s next to impossible to escape from the Volski, and moreover, still hope to have enough time to plan an organized attack against them,  thought Rutgers, furiously pacing around the room.

Then he started looking at the data, they had procured of the Volski, everything they could scratch from the chases across the galaxies, the video transmission and the damage made to the ship from their weapons. All that data had been processed by the AI present onboard and the results were being projected from the desk. As Rutgers carefully read every data point, there was one that deeply interested him and almost brought back the feeling and the will to fight back.

At that moment, the AI suddenly announced that a group was waiting to meet Rutgers outside his office.

“Who is it?” asked Rutgers.

“Four Intelligence officers of Chief Rank and Senator Ira, Senator Huria and Senator Uzin are here to meet you, sir,” replied the AI promptly.

“Let them in,” said Rutgers, as he walked back to his chair behind the floating desk.

Four men and three women walked in, out of which four were dressed in full black suits with the shining Albein emblems and the Senators were in black and white suits.

“Rutgers,” said Huria, an old man, with a grey beard and white hair, clasping both his hands together.

“Senator,” said Rutgers, giving a brief nod.

“We’ve heard that the enemy has made contact,” said Senator Ira, a middle woman, with long brown hair neatly tied into a bun behind her head.

“Yes, ma’am, that is right,” said Rutgers, in a voice that sounded as he were holding his breath and speaking.

“We’ve briefed the Senators on the video call that you had with the enemy head,” said a middle aged bald headed Intelligence officer by the name of Jagger.

Rutgers just looked at the seven people awkwardly. Senator Uzin, a young red headed man, noticed Rugger’s behavior and asked, “Captain, what do you make of the whole thing?”

Rutgers looked at him and said, “I’ll do what the Senate wants me to do.”

“Captain!” said Huria, letting out a gasp. “We’re all that’s left of the Senate.”

“Honestly senator, surrendering or fighting back would mean certain death for everyone aboard the Orion Swift.” said Rutgers.

“Surrender is the only logical option,” insisted Jagger.

“The Volski are inter-galactic conquerors,” said Rutgers. “There’s no telling for sure what they would do to us even if we surrender.”

“But it seems like the better option than fighting back, doesn’t it captain?” said Ira, adjusting her hair bun.

“There’s a third option,” said Rutgers, his hands on his hips.

“What is it, captain?” asked Uzin, looking sharply at him.

“We escape to another part of the galaxy, where we can organize and plan an attack on the Volski.”

said Rutgers.

“Escape the Volski?” scoffed Uzin.

“It’s quite difficult but I think I can make it happen,” said Rutgers.

“But they will come right after us, won’t they?” asked Ira.

“Yes, we’ve been jumping through wormholes to different galaxies to escape them, but they’ve always found almost immediately,” said Rutgers.

“How much immediately, captain?” asked Huria, squinting his eyes and leaning forward towards Rutgers.

“Within twenty to thirty minutes of our Albein time, Senator,” replied Rutgers.

“So they have a way to figure out where we went even if we use wormholes?” asked Huria.

“Yes, they do, sir,” said Rutgers.

“It sounds outlandish whatever you are suggesting, captain,” said Ira, after a couple of moments of thinking.

“But ma’am, this way there is at least a fighting chance for us and for our future,” said Rutgers.

“I’m not sure, Mr. Rutgers, about this plan,” said Ira. “Surrender seems more favorable for us.”

Rutgers blood boiled. He wished he could make these people believe in something bigger, but clearly they were being stubborn. Unintentionally or intentionally, he didn’t know but he certainly hoped not that they did this on intention.

You useless idiots,  thought Rutgers.

“And just for argument’s sake, let’s just we agree to your plan. What is that you’re proposing,” asked Uzin, in a tone that irritated Rutgers.

Rutgers tried his best not to glare at him and said, “Time dilation.”

“What?” Uzin scoffed again.

“We usually seal the wormhole on one side once we enter it, to prevent the others from entering it,” said Rutgers. “But the interesting point is this, while I went through the data we had, I found out that the Volski always opened the same wormhole that we had created at the exact location in space every time to follow us. In other words, I would say they know how to detect recent wormholes and open them. This is technology beyond us, I admit but this is something we can use to our advantage.”

“How, sir?” asked Huria, who seemed like the only one interested in what Rutgers was telling them.

“Next time we escape through a wormhole, we’ll leave it open and time dilate the wormhole, that is essentially accelerate one end of the wormhole with respect to the other-“

“So if they choose to come through our wormhole, it would essentially be years after we had gone through it and it would give us enough time to plan an attack when they come through!” said Huria, clicking his tongue in a tone of happiness as if he had figured out a hard problem in physics at school.

“Yes sir!” said Rutgers, enthusiastically.

“That’s a good plan!” said Huria, returning the enthusiasm.

“Albeit it’s filled with untested assumptions?” asked Ira grimly.

“What makes you think that the Volski will take an open wormhole and what makes you think they won’t detect the cheap trick you have in store for them?” asked Uzin harshly.

“The Volski seem to be an arrogant race, that is what gives me the gut feeling that they will take this trap,” said Rutgers confidently.

“Don’t you talk to me about gut feeling! And you’re assuming that the Volski are arrogant from the single video call you had with their leader? I wouldn’t call that arrogance, I would call that brilliance!” said Uzin.

“It surprises me you claim to not know arrogance,” said Rutgers smoothly.

“You!” blasted Uzin. “Idiots like you will kill us all!”

“Now, now, Mr. Uzin,” said Huria, extending his arms to hold Uzin. “The captain is only proposing a way out and it seems pretty good to me.”

“Huria!” said Ira. “Don’t you entertain this! Even if we successfully buy a few months or years by Rutgers’ plan, how do you think we’re going fight them off then?”

“My dear Ira!” said Huria. “You’ve got to have a little faith-”

“Huria!” cut in Ira. “This is madness! And I’m not going to be a part of this!”

Rutgers breathed out heavily. He had failed to convince them all but there was some hope for him to pull off this plan, so he said, “Let’s put this to a vote!”

“Are you stark raving mad?” asked Uzin, looking at him with burning anger.

In turn, Rutgers looked at him and said, “Everybody on this ship deserve to determine their own fate and know best not put it in the hands of a mad angry man.”

Uzin just glared at him in return, while Huria said, “Rutgers is right in putting this to a vote. We have two plans, let the people decide.”

Rutgers nodded his head at Huria, who returned with a smile. At this point, Jagger entered this conversation.

“Sir,” he said. “It would be most unwise to put this decision into the hands of the people, who would be blinded by some misplaced notion of courage in such a situation.”

“Dear sir,” said Huria. “Courage is never misplaced in the light of adversity.”

Jagger breathed out heavily and didn’t try to hide that Huria’s statements were frustrating him.

“This is a most peculiar situation,” said Ira, “Which I am very unclear as how to handle.”

“If I can get your approval, I can start the voting process across the Orion Swift and arrive at a decision at the earliest,” proposed Rutgers.

Huria looked at Ira, who avoided him and then at Uzin, who stared as if he were filled with hatred.

“We don’t have much time, I’m afraid,” said Huria. “With Jedias slipping into a coma, it’s up to us three to make a decision.”

Ira kept staring at the floor and said, “I am unsure but let’s put this to a vote.”

“Thank you, Ira,” said Huria. “What about you, young sir?”

“No,” said Uzin, clenching his teeth.

“Well, I vote yes,” said Huria, much to Uzin’s displeasure. “That makes the majority of the remaining Senate, so captain, please go ahead and get the results as earliest as possible.”

“Yes, senator,” aid Rutgers and saluted him.

“Let’s go,” said Huria and turned to leave, followed by the rest. Uzin gave one hate-filled stare at Rutgers before he left his office.

Rutgers just returned the stare and went back to his desk, to make arrangements for the vote.

Soon, ship-wide announcements went booming off the speakers.

“Attention! Residents of the Orion Swift! We’re facing a critical situation at hand, in light of recent events. We are being actively pursued by a superior alien race, who call themselves the Volski. They have asked us to surrender, which has lead the Albein leadership to consider two options, one being surrender as the Volski demand and the other being, escaping from the enemy momentarily in order to give us a fighting chance, even though we are outgunned and outmatched in almost every way by the Volski. However the ultimate decision, decision has been put forward to every resident above the age of twelve years, as a vote. Log in from your respective DeskComs, to cast your vote within the next one hour. Depending on your vote, appropriate action will be carried out. Thank you for your cooperation.”

“Did you listen to that?” asked Troy, as the five were moving towards Rutgers office.

“They are asking us to vote on whether to surrender or fight back!” said Kru.

“This is good news and bad news,” said Holloway, by whose side Sniffles was walking, swinging his free arm as if they were all out for a jolly walk.

“It is,” said Troy. “We’ve got to clear this up with Rutgers.”

Soon, they were in his office.

“Kids!” said Rutgers, with a smile.

“Uncle!” said Kru. “What’s that they have planned?”

Rutgers explained the whole story to them.

“Bua!” said Sniffles, clutching his fists, when Rutgers was finished.

“You thought of this?” asked Kru, unable to believe his ears.

Rutgers looked at him and nodded yes.

“Great!” Kru muttered, cocking his eyebrows.

“The point is, we also thought of the same, and to hear that you have also arrived at the same conclusion is a great relief,” said Emilie.

“Is it?” asked Rutgers, surprised.

“Yes sir,” said Troy.

“Well,” said Rutgers. “It seems we’re all on the right track then.”

“Where are we going, then?” asked Holloway.

“Now, that’s left to the people to decide,” said Rutgers, shrugging.

“Just in case, they choose the plane we have, what then?” asked Holloway.

“Then in that case, we need to decide,” said Rutgers, sitting in his chair.

“We thought earth would be a good option,” said Kru, slowly.

“Earth?” said Rutgers, looking a bit hesitant.

“Yes,” replied Kru.

“I-I don’t know,” stammered Rutgers.

“You went to earth, uncle, seven years ago and it’s basing on your report that I’m suggesting it. Lush vegetation and a suitable environment for humans, that’s what you said,” said Kru.

“Yes, son,” said Rutgers, scratching his head. “Earth is again habitable after the Omega meteorite incident, but you forgot what I had told about the present dominant species, Kru.”

“But, uncle, earth is the only place we know to be safe. Though there are a million other unexplored worlds out there, we simply don’t have any time to check ‘em out when we are being actively pursued.”

“You got to know that the earth mission was a disaster, I lost three-fourths of my crew, did you know that? And all we had done was just place our feet on the planet!”

“There is no need for us to go down to earth,” said Kru. “Let’s just orbit the earth.”

“Hmmm…” said Rutgers, “Let’s see, earth would be the best option, only the Rippers bother me, anyways let’s see what people want.”

“Does Sniffles get to vote too?” asked Holloway, a bit hare-brained.

“I’m afraid not,” said Rutgers, his lips moving apart to reveal a little smile, “and you all can cast your vote here from my DeskCom.”

Except for Sniffles, everyone else cast their vote from Rutgers’ big DeskCom.

“Alright then!” said Rutgers, after they had finished, “That’s five votes for the escape and strike plan, we should get to know about how many more support us in the next hour or so.”

Troy nodded at Rutgers and said, “We’ll be waiting.”

“Sure!” said Rutgers.

Saying so, the five turned to leave, when Rutgers stopped and said, “Meet me when the results are announced back here in my office, no matter what the result is. Alright?”

“YES!” chorused the four happily, excited at the promise of adventure.

“Bua!” joined in Sniffles, happily and showed them all his milk teeth.