Troy Zander and the Sign Of The Unseen by L.A.Immanuel - HTML preview

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“My Lord!” said a young black haired Volski male, in H’uara, the language of the Volski. He was pale skinned with an upturned nose, canine teethed, with vertical pupils and golden brown eyes like the rest of the Volski were and was dressed in a dark grey body suit with the glowing Volski emblem showing Olscuro standing majestically with his wings covering his entire body except for the head, which was facing upwards a bright light source.

“Yes, Nori,” spoke the cold, hollow voice from the depths of the darkness in the room. The room was dark and devoid of lights of any kind, Nori could only make out the rough outlines of the furniture that lay between him and his Lord.

“They are ready, my Lord,” said Nori, bowing down at the sound of his master’s voice, at the room’s entrance.

Out of the darkness, emerged Olscuro, his hands behind his back.

“You seem disturbed, Nori,” stated Olscuro, looking at him through his opaque silvery teardrop lens.

“No, my Lord,” said Nori, his voice quivering.

Olscuro drew close to Nori and it seemed as if he had drifted over the floor rather than walking and placed a hand on Nori’s shoulder.

“You have to understand two simple things, young Volskian,” breathed Olscuro, “One, never to deny what I say.”

Olscuro then slowly held Nori’s left arm as Nori panicked and cried, “No, my Lord, please don’t, please forgive me in all your mercy.”

“Mercy isn’t in my blood,” said Olscuro and broke Nori’s arm like breaking a twig.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” cried Nori in agony and fell to the ground.

“And secondly, that though your tongue can shamelessly lie, your eyes betray you,” said Olscuro, as he set the broken bone, increasing Nori’s agony.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” cried Nori, even louder as tears flowed endlessly from his golden brown eyes.

“Pain is a wonderful teacher, harsh but teaches in such a way we never forget,” said Olscuro, as he walked away from Nori leaving him to his suffering.

As Olscuro went past his fellow Volski outside the dark room, everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing and kneeled on one knee, heads bowed low and didn’t straighten up till he had disappeared from their view. Olscuro walked majestically, looking straight ahead. He went through the grandly designed Volski ship, going past the intricately designed interiors based on the Volski culture.

The entire ship seemed more like a museum with Volskian art, which was beyond beautiful. Volskian animals like the Renee, six limbed sentient large black wolf-like creatures and the Fenoi, formless magical creatures, decorated many parts of the ship. Though the Fenoi were considered formless by the Volski, these intelligent life forms were depicted like small beautiful sparkling white furry tufted eared squirrel-like creatures in Volskian art.

Olscuro entered the large yellow lighted Command Bridge, where seventeen Volskian officials were waiting for him, beside the other Volskian officers at work there. They all kneeled down before him and didn’t rise until they heard Olscuro’s hollow voice commanding them to straighten up.

“Rise!” said Olscuro, walking around the Bridge and looked closely at each of the seventeen Volskians in shining black suits, standing in the Bridge.

“The humans have defied my command, the command of the most powerful person in the whole universe, Olscuro J’ahason,” breathed Olscuro loudly. “Of all the worlds and peoples I had destroyed before, no one has stood up to me like the humans have. They have dared to stand up to me and I’ll personally destroy every last one of them and have my foot upon their dead heads.”

The Volskians trembled at the wrath with which their Lord spoke and no one dared to even breathe with Olscuro so near. Olscuro turned around and faced all of the Volskians in the Bridge.

“The pathetic human scum might escape to a distant part anywhere in the universe but we must not let them escape. Scan every solar system where the scum might land.”

“Yes, my Lord!” chorused the seventeen Volskian officers together.

“And then send in the Wingers to take them out,” said Olscuro.

“Yes, my Lord!” chorused the seventeen Volskians once.

“First, we’ll test their strength against our wingers, though I believe it’ll be more than enough,” said Olscuro, laughing sinisterly.

Then relishing every word, he continued, “To bring them down, to bring HIM down.”

The Volskian officers didn’t dare move a muscle as Olscuro finished his talk.

“Does anybody have anything to say?” asked Olscuro, challenging his officers to stand up to him.

Silence reigned as Olscuro growled at the lack of good game. “Come on, you fat smart Volskian cream! Speak your minds!”

Everyone stood like a wax statue, their stature and lips all glued together.

“My Lord!” said an old male Volskian official in the lineup.

Olscuro let out a low growl of satisfaction and turned towards that man, “Aden! Do tell me!”

“My Lord, I would like to ensure their destruction with our full force rather than rely on our Wingers team alone,” said Aden, his face bowed down before Olscuro.

“Are you questioning my move, Aden?” asked Olscuro menacingly.

“No, my Lord, I’m not,” said Aden, his voice steady and calm. “I am only doing as my Lord had commanded me, to speak our minds.”

Olscuro let out a sound that sounded as if he had snorted.

“I have appointed the Wingers for a special mission and once they finish that, I’ll destroy what’s left of the humans.”

“I didn’t know that, my Lord,” said Aden.

“You never know anything, Aden,” said Olscuro and to face another Volskian official, who was to his left.

“Gingale!” called Olscuro, to which a Volskian female in the officers line up responded by stepping out of it.

“Yes, my Lord,” said Gingale, a middle aged, black haired, lean woman in a smooth gray armor, kneeling before Olscuro.

“I wish to speak with you privately,” said Olscuro and left the Bridge. Gingale looked frustrated and distraught, as the Volskians helped her stand.

“It’ll be alright!” comforted another female Volskian officer, by the name of Odi.

“It’s just that-” choked Gingale, her hands furiously wiping her rapidly flowing tears.

“It’s tsokay! Go before, you anger His Lordship!” compelled Odi, helping her stand up.

“Alright!” whispered Gingale, as she got up and went in the direction in which Olscuro had earlier gone.

At last, she got up with him, near a giant porthole that looked into the vastness of space and the pink nebula which took most of the view.

“My Lord,” said Gingale, kneeling down and her head bowed down.

“How are you, my dear sister?” asked Olscuro, his cold voice hinting a bit of warmth.

“I am doing good, my Lord, by your favor,” replied Gingale, her head bowed low.

“You have come a long way from the time when I had saved you as a girl from the ditches,” said Olscuro, as he circled her, like a predator circling its prey.

Gingale just breathed out heavily in return.

“The bond we shared had crumbled over all these many years so much that you along with that filthy mate of yours tried rebelling against me!” said Olscuro, as he placed his cold hands on her head, stroking her hair.

Gingale trembled as she felt his cold hands swipe over her head.

“Don’t be scared, little sister, I won’t kill you like I killed Ezil,” said Olscuro, continuing to stroke her hair as Gingale broke into a steady stream of tears. “You, I have spared, only because I still have work for you, dear sister.”

As he spoke each word menacingly, his grip on Gingale’s hair tightened and by the time he was finished, he held her hair in a tuft painfully.

“Aaaaah!” cried Gingale, resisting her impulse to resist Olscuro. She clenched her fists in pain and kept them steady by her sides.

“Good!” Olscuro breathed into Gingale’s ear, as he saw Gingale not resisting him and he tightened his hold over her hair, doubling her pain. “I’ll call for you again very soon, sister.”

Once he had said that, he relaxed his hold over Gingale’s head and left the place, leaving Gingale behind to be mauled alone by her fears.