Troy Zander and the Sign Of The Unseen by L.A.Immanuel - HTML preview

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The Cruiser streamed across the pristine blue skies towards the Orion Swift. The weather was pleasant and beautiful. The earth looked again fresh and fertile and full of life. All the wounds that the humans had brought upon their home planet seemed healed and the scars faded but the scars inside Troy’s head gave way to wounds once again, upon hearing Max’s statement.

“What do you mean?” asked Troy, as dizziness got hold of him.

“I’ll explain later,” said Max, in a voice devoid of any emotion. “Open the message once you get back to your room.”

“I want to know now,” said Troy, holding onto Kru’s seat, as the others looked at him curiously.

“Are you alright, Troy?” asked Emilie, who was standing on his right.

“I’m fine,” gulped Troy.

“I’m sorry, Troy,” said Max. “I didn’t mean to startle you, but-”

“BUT WHAT?” shouted Troy, as he lost his temper.

“Don’t shout!” said Max calmly. “It’s just a pre-recorded video that your father made, regarding the Chi’kara.”

“Troy!” said Emilie and rushed towards him.

Why didn’t you tell me before?” asked Troy, teary-eyed.

“Your father programmed this message to be available only when the time was right. I wasn’t aware of its existence till now,” said Max.

Troy just let out a deep breath in response and tried to compose himself.

“I’m sorry,” said Troy, blinking fast to get rid of his tears.

“It’s tsokay, Troy,” comforted Emilie, as she stroked his back.

“Are you alright?” asked Eva, looking inquisitively at him.

Troy nodded in reply as he couldn’t find his voice any more.

“We’re there!” announced Holloway.

“This is Cruiser thirty-four requesting entry,” said Kru, onto his transmitter.

“Permission granted,” replied the officer from the Orion Swift.

“Cuff her,” coughed Troy, as he exited the Command centre.

Kru looked innocently at Eva, who looked tyrannizing to him.

“That’s alright,” assured Eva, extending her hands to Emilie.

“The cuffs are in the armory, we’ll cuff you when we get out,” gulped Kru and turned back.

Holloway steered the Cruiser inside the Orion Swift and landed it on the space marked with the number 34 in large fonts.

The six came out to be greeted by a team of droids and security personnel.

“Do you have any captives?” asked Major Ann, on seeing Troy emerge out of the Cruiser.

“Yes,” Troy answered curtly.

“Oh! Good!” said Major Ann, who seemed surprised.

“Keep her safe,” said Troy. “She’s on our side.”

“You can leave that worry to us, young man,” said Ann, annoyed listening to Troy lecture her.

“Just keep her safe,” repeated Troy and went past her.

“Where is he going?” asked Eva, coming out of the Cruiser, her legs and hands cuffed by a black manacle.

“He’s upset,” said Emilie. “Don’t worry! He’ll back to you for learning more about the Chi’kara.”

“You have quite a gift, young Elveden,” said Eva, generously smiling at her.

“We’ll take it from here,” said Ann, holding Eva’s hand.

“Alright,” replied Emilie, letting go of Eva.

Meanwhile, Troy had made it to the elevators, his mind racing against itself. In a fit of hurry, he kept punching the hologram display beside the elevators.

Soon, elevator number four opened up at which Troy barged in, without any delay. He chose his destination. The elevator door opened in another three seconds and he rushed out of it and made it to his cabin.

“Troy?” called Max, cautiously.

“Shut up!” replied Troy angrily.

“Tsokay!” said Max in reply.

Troy broke into his cabin and collapsed onto his bed.

“Tsokay!” breathed Troy hotly. “Show me the video!”

Max immediately hacked onto the cabin’s AI system and projected the video from the cabin’s in built hologram projectors.

The video showed a young Dylan Zander, who was grinning at the camera.

“Hello son!” he said in a light tone. “If you’re watching this video then it means the time has come, the time for you to understand your true potential.”

Troy just stared at his father. He was angry and confused and he had a lot of questions, he wanted to be answered, but his dad wasn’t here anymore and all he had was a pre-recorded video before him.

This made him very angry. Very angry indeed.

“You have no right to do this to me,” said Troy, stressing each word with anger.

“I know you would be so mad at me for doing this,” Dylan said, his tone changing to that of a more serious tone. “But this was the only way to keep you from destroying yourself.”

“Destroy myself?” asked Troy, getting confused by what his dad had just said.

“Let’s put it this way, you have a certain ability, son. An ability that, I am quite sure that no one else in the universe possesses, because it’s the first of its kind. An unknown force, a mysterious power and an undefined strength about which there is too little knowledge.”

“What’re you getting at, dad?” muttered Troy to himself.

“I made this video in case of the worst possible outcome, son and if you’re watching this video, it means that even worse things are to happen.”

Troy clenched his teeth and tried hard not to cry.

You left me to myself…leaving mom and me alone…there’s nothing worse than that…

“Olscuro,” said Dylan.

Troy’s train of thoughts came to an abrupt stop.


“Olscuro, he is the Lord of a very powerful people known as the Volski. Olscuro seeks what you have, that unknown force, that mysterious power you possess.”

Troy was transfixed looking at the video, forgetting even to breathe.

“Don’t ask me how come you came by to possess that power, son. I’m afraid I’ll never be able to tell you. It kills me, every time I think of telling you the truth because I’m afraid I may lose you, should you choose never to forgive me for what I have done to you.”

Troy didn’t know how to react. He just waited for his father to complete whatever he was talking about.

“I’m sorry for not talking exactly in a very comprehensive way, son. I’m just too nervous, I guess. It is of utmost importance that you protect yourself from falling into the hands of the Volski. Escape from them at any cost, because Olscuro must never get to you and if he does, it’ll be the end of all humanity and the beginning of the never ending reign of the Volski over the cosmos.”

I still don’t understand what you’re referring to, dad…I’ve always been a normal kid…

“The thing that you possess is known as the Chi’kara. All I could gather, in all my missions, is that the Chi’kara is the perfection of the body and mind. I know it doesn’t make any sense but…I wish I could tell you more…but I’m not sure you’ll understand the gravity of what I am saying, son…it makes me feel frustrated, please, please don’t let them get to you…”

The video went blank after that. Troy was as blank as a sheet of paper as well. He had no idea as to what his dad was trying to tell him.

“There’s one more, Troy,” said Max.

“Tsokay!” said Troy softly.

Another video started playing and it showed his father in a tight white space armor suit inside a space vessel. It looked as he was in a great hurry to get the video captured and there was his sister too.

“Christy!” gasped Troy.

The video showed the date signature, dated 15/Qui/A.X 9447, which corresponded to the date when Troy had last seen them.

The last mission….the one from which they never returned…

“Troy!” said Dylan, trying to look cheerful. “This is the most important video I ever made. I just made this video to tell you that I love you and your mother very much.”

“I love you more, little brother!” said Christy, as cheerful as possible, interrupting Dylan’s little speech. Troy looked at his then eighteen year old tear-stained face of his sister. His eyes burned and his mouth went dry.


“Take care of your mother for me. You know what to do now, Troy. I love -” said Dylan.

The video went abruptly blank after that.

“NO! NO! DAD! NO!” cried Troy, falling on his knees. “DON’T GO! PLEASE! I BEG YOU, DAD!


He sobbed till he could no more and collapsed against the side of his bed, tired and in deep sorrow.

About an hour later, he got up. He was still angry but he looked more composed now.

“Are you fine now, Troy?” asked Max.

“I’m tsokay,” replied Troy.

“I’m sorry, Troy,” said Max.

Troy got up, wiped his face with his hands and said, “I got to know more about this Chi’kara, Max.”

“I have nothing on that subject, I’m afraid,” said Max.

“Eva,” said Troy, as he walked towards the door.

“Are you sure you want to ask her?” asked Max.

“She’s fine, Max,” said Troy, closing his eyes. “Emilie read her mind, whatever she’s told us is true.”

“It’s always wiser to exercise a little caution,” counseled Max.

“Hmmm…” said Troy, “Get me Kru.”

“Tsokay,” replied Max and Kru on the line.

“I want to meet Eva,” said Troy, as soon Kru came on the line.

“Hey Troy! How are you? Everyone’s been so worried about you!” spoke Kru without a break.

“What? You wanna meet Eva?”

“Yes,” answered Troy.

“Why-” asked Kru back.

“No time to explain,” cut in Troy, his voice brimming with impatience.

“Alright!” said Kru, after a moment. “I’ll get you cleared with Rutgers, so that Ann doesn’t create a problem.”

“Thanks, Kru.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Soon, Troy was on at the Security headquarters, being escorted to the cell where Eva was being held captive.

“Eva,” said Troy, upon seeing her.

“Troy,” said Eva, walking around in her cell, covered by transparent laser bars.

“Did they question you or anything?” asked Troy.

“Not yet,” answered Eva.

“They won’t,” said Troy. “I’m walking out of here with you.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” said Eva, smiling at him.

“I’m not promising you anything,” said Troy. “I’m just telling you what’s gonna happen in a while.”

“You know that this little drama is being played only so that your Security guys and your government guys don’t get freaked out!”

“Don’t worry about that,” said Troy. “Olscuro’s killed most of our government and as we’re speaking, my other team members are convincing the Security Head of your innocence and the pact we made.”

“Then all this fuss was just for one lady?”

“As you can see, we’re kids,” said Troy, shrugging his shoulders. “No one likes kids doing anything.”

“That’s sort of true,” agreed Eva. “Now what is that you’ve come to ask me about?”

“You know what I’m going to ask. What’s the Chi’kara? And how come Emilie and I possess it?”

asked Troy.

“Only you have the Chi’kara, Troy,” answered Eva.

“Then Emilie doesn’t?” asked Troy, baffled thinking of what Emilie possessed then.

“No, she doesn’t. She is special in another way that is important to Olscuro. What you possess is beyond everything.”

“Yes,” said Troy impatiently. “So what is it?”

“I don’t know,” answered Eva simply.

“What?” said Troy, “This doesn’t make any sense! How can you say that I possess the Chi’kara if you don’t know what it is!”

“I promise you that I know absolutely nothing definite about the Chi’kara.”

“This isn’t time to play games, Eva.”

“I agree, Troy,” said Eva. “But if I do know about the Chi’kara, then everything that you’ve built over in your life would be irrevocably demolished.”

“What do you mean?”

“All that you’ve known and regarded as the truth in your life is a lie, Troy.”

“Just tell me what I need to know,” said Troy, getting irritated at the way Eva was speaking with him, in such a clichéd fashion.

“All you need to know now is that, in order to know about the Chi’kara, you need to harness it first.”

“Hasn’t anyone done it before?” asked Troy, jittering at the idea what Eva was giving him.

“No,” replied Eva.

“Tsokay,” said Troy cautiously. “How do I harness it then?”

“It’s up to you,” replied Eva coolly.

“This is just great,” said Troy sarcastically. “You tell me I possess some sort of unknown power and you tell me that you don’t know how to use it?

“See, Troy, I am as new as to the Chi’kara as you are,” said Eva.

“This is the worst day of my life,” grumbled Troy to himself, punching his fists.

“Troy?” called Eva.

“Hmmm?” asked Troy, who was still pissed at her.

“The Chi’kara is strongly tied to your emotions.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that the Chi’kara comes out whenever you are emotionally charged.”

“Tsokay,” said Troy. “So?”

“I just observed that now.”


“Those golden flecks are glowing brightly right now.”

“Oh!” said Troy, stopping for a moment to think.

“You’re angry, right?” asked Eva, with a chuckle.

“Sort of,” replied Troy curtly.

“It’s completely in your hands, Troy, to bring out the Chi’kara.”

Troy just nodded his head in response.

“I think I should get out now,” said Eva.

“Just give a moment for the guys here to calm down, Eva.”


“Is there anything else I need to know?” asked Troy, biting his nails.

“One baby step at a time, Troy,” replied Eva, with a look that reminded him of how his mother looks at him every time, with affection.

Stupid Mermaids….

“Do you know me, Eva?” asked Troy curiously.

He knew it sounded nuts but he felt a sudden urge to ask her that.

Eva was shocked by Troy’s question. Troy could see it in her eyes.

“Do you know me?” repeated Troy.

Eva just looked guiltily back at him.

“Answer me!” said Troy, realizing that she was in fact hiding something from him.

Eva didn’t reply but instead hung her head as in shame.

“I can’t work with you, if I can’t trust you,” said Troy. “And in order to trust you, I need to know that I can trust you and for that to happen, you shouldn’t be keeping any secrets from me.”

Eva continued to be mum.

“Answer me!” said Troy, almost angrily.

Eva didn’t answer and as Troy stomped the floor in anger, the duo suddenly had company.

“Troy!” said the well-known deep voice.

“Rutgers,” said Troy, looking at him.

“Are you alright?” asked Rutgers, looking at Troy’s flushed face.

“I am,” replied Troy. “This is our ally, Eva.”

“She’s one of them, right?” asked Rutgers, looking with eyes full of curiosity at her.

“Yes,” replied Troy.

“Kru briefed me outside on what happened,” said Rutgers. “So do you trust her?”

Eva slowly lifted her head to look at Troy, who seemed reluctant to answer that question.

“Troy?” said Rutgers.

“I said she’s an ally,” said Troy at last, after a couple of moments. “We can trust her.”

“Good,” said Rutgers. “Then there’s no need for this cell.”

“Right,” Troy said and muttered on his transmitter to Kru asking him to disable the laser bars.

“I am sorry, Eva, about this treatment,” said Rutgers, extending his hands towards Eva inside the cell.

“We have to be extra cautious about whom to trust now, after what Olscuro had done to us.”

“I understand,” replied Eva, stepping out of the cell.

“I am Rutgers, captain of the Orion Swift,” said Rutgers, extending his hand for a wristshake towards Eva.

In return, Eva smashed her cuffs on her hands, abruptly scaring Troy and Rutgers and extended her cold hand towards the shivering hand of Rutgers.

“I’m sorry!” Eva apologized quickly, on realizing what she had done, “Force of habit.”

Rutgers laughed it off and grasped her by her just a little beyond the wrists and wristshook heartily with her.

“So, I guess it’s time for a strategy meeting!” said Rutgers, who looked quite relieved.

“Yes, there are some things that you need to know, captain,” said Eva.

“Is that so?” asked Rutgers, his face showing a change of expression.

Eva nodded her head and looked at Troy, who instinctively looked away.

“We have to locate and destroy the other Volskian ship, before they get to us,” said Eva.

“Tsokay,” said Rutgers. “I’ll arrange for the meeting in ten.”

“That should be great,” said Eva, giving an assuring smile at him.

“Troy, get her to the Conference arena,” said Rutgers and left the duo to themselves.

“You have a lot to answer me!” said Troy and stomped out of the room as well.

Outside in the small passageway, he met the other four coming towards him.

“Is she alright?” asked Holloway, who was at the head of the group.

“Yea!” Troy said softly, so softly that he himself couldn’t hear what he spoke.

“Are you alright?” asked Holloway, casting a doubtful look at him.

“I am fine,” said Troy and brushed past her.

He passed Kru, who looked clueless at him and Emilie, who stopped him by her stare. The two looked at each other for about a second, after which Emilie said, “Don’t run to your room again, like a baby and I mean it!”

“Bua bua!” said Sniffles in addition, who was hugging Emilie’s legs as usual.

Troy smiled at both of them and nodded his agreement.

“Good boy!” said Emilie, smiling at him before she went on her way.

Troy’s smile faded away as soon as Emilie’s eyes left his and he let out a deep breath and continued on his way out. Troy wanted answers to the apparently innumerable number of questions that were building inside of his head, threatening to explode at any moment.

He clutched his fists and relaxed them and repeated that over and over again.

“That’s not going to help you, Troy!” said Max.

“What do you want me to do then, Max?” asked Troy, feeling eased to have Max as a companion.

“I don’t know!” said Max, “Ask her again?”

“I don’t want to!” said Troy, overcome with a wave of disappointment at Max’s suggestion.

“Then what do you propose we do?” asked Max.

“I don’t know!” replied Troy, clutching his head.

“Are you alright, Mr. Zander?” asked a young female Security official, who was passing him by at the reception.

“I am fine, thanks,” replied Troy, taking his hands off his head.

After a while, as he reached the elevators, Troy started lamenting again.

“Ah! I don’t know what to-”

“TROY!” interrupted Max.

“What?” asked Troy, annoyed that Max had interrupted him, while he was going to lament.

“We’ve got trouble!”

“Is that Volskian ship back?”

“Even worse!”

“What could be even worse than that-” Troy said, after which he suddenly realized, “Rippers!