Under a Starless Sky by Ion Light - HTML preview

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Chapter 21


There were days when Kali came to work and didn’t bother with Shen at all. There were days when she strapped him to the table just to examine him with tech. She performed an anal probe and measured bacterial counts. She collected samples of every body cell type and every bacteria. 

“If you want to know how healthy a specimen, start with their poop,” Kali explained.

Inevitably, Kali would take a sperm sample. The reward interval was sufficiently random that Shen had erection every time she entered the room due to anticipation.

Apparently she couldn’t collect it without getting ‘worked up’ and on occasion she would masturbate while getting him off. The moment she got off, she was all business, and very few words, if she spoke at all.

About 47 days into the captivity, and four hours into a dark cycle, the sound of the door opening triggered the lights. The habitats that held all the creatures remained  ‘darkened,’ so as not to wake the inhabitants. Even the side of his habitat where his friends slept was darkened. He could see them asleep even in the dark because the wall gave a view into the habitat with a ‘night vision’ feel of green light, emphasizing heat signatures. All the cages were this way, so he assumed, day or night, their keepers could watch activity. The fact that this information was available to him suggested they wanted him to know they were being watched. He assumed his cell was opened to the greater light from the room because Kali intended to experiment on him.

The hairless giantess entered. She carried with her a tray of food. It was a giant tray, with one normal, human size plate of food with a bottle of wine, on a miniature tray. She sat the tray down, and then delicately moved the smaller tray into the exchange lock. She returned to the door, closed it, illuminated the moon portal, and swung the door full open to reveal the active portal. She stepped through, emerging into the lower area. She came up to Shen’s level. She was twelve foot tall. Unlike her companion, she maintained her same skin tone, white- flawless, like oiled baby skin, tiny blond hairs sparked on her arms and legs. Four arms, but her normal skin tone. She wore silvery, see through nighty that hinted at rainbows if your eyes chose not to penetrate- or drew your eyes back if they did penetrate. Rainbow sparked over her feminine attributes begging eyes to penetrate. It was rather hypnotic. She had wings that were folded. Her skin exuded a sheen that suggested massage oil had been applied, generously.

“Hello,” she said. She opened the exchange box and brought the tray with food and wine. She sat it on the bed. She held bottle and two wine glasses, each in their own hand. She opened the wine bottle with the remaining hand, poured, and then set the bottle down after she re-corked it. “Your friends call you Shen. I am Xana.”

From his position on the floor, in the corner, his most comfortable line of sight brought his eyes to her thigh gap. Rainbow sparks and desire tempted him to linger. There was no hiding his reaction with his hospital gown. His reaction was natural, and also manipulative- his mind was playing out an angle to use her to potentially create discord between assumed lovers. Kirk strategy- use a woman’s love or interest to get the crew’s needs met. She smiled, and held out a glass of wine.

“Promise; it’s not poison,” she said.

Shen didn’t answer.

“I also promise I won’t force myself on you like my wife. I will negotiate in good faith. You must speak to me to negotiate. Drinking with me is a sign of trust,” Xana said.

“I don’t trust you,” Shen said.

“And why should you,” Xana said. “Your emotional and psychological responses to me and my kind is reasonable. Fear. Isn’t it interesting that fear can be so arousing?  Come, speak with me. I will trade knowledge for favors.”

Shen stood up. He wearily came forward to collect the glass she held out to him. She withdrew the glass, which in any other context might have been seen as a playful gesture. Going forward would only bring him into ideal grappling range. She smiled playfully and brought the glass back.

“I was going to guess good cop bad cop, but apparently the game is bad cop worse cop,” Shen said. “If I have to choose between the lesser of two evils, I am going to pick the worst one just so I can be done.”

“I really like you,” Xana said, sipping. “Ask me a question, anything. For free.”

She sat the intended glass of wine down and stepped back. He stepped forwards into her space and took the glass from her hand. He sipped this. She laughed.

“I don’t have to trick you to poison you, but if I were going to trick you, wouldn’t I have left the poison in my cup and pretended to drink it?” Xana asked.

“But it's so simple. All I have to do is divine from what I know of you: are you the sort of giantess who would put the poison into her own goblet or her enemy's? Now, a clever girl would put the poison into her own goblet, because she would know that only a great fool would reach for what was given. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool. You would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me,” Shen said. “I am confused,” Xana said, genuinely perplexed. “Are you toying with me?”

“Yes, sort of,” Shen said. “Princess Bride. Iocane powder. One of the more deadly poisons known to man.”

“There’s no such thing,” Xana said. “Is there?”

“You weren’t born or raised in Australia, were you?”

“Where?” Xana asked. “Is this the world you come from, or just a place you know?”

“Clearly you’re not Vizzini. You’re definitely not the Spaniard. I suppose I have to beat the giantess first,” Shen said.

“You’re a funny little man,” Xana said, coming closer and reaching past him for the drink he had ignored. “I might like getting beat. Teach me this game we’re playing.”

“You don’t know enough to play,” Shen said.

“Hence the phrase, teach me,” Xana said. She peered coyly over her glass.

“It would take a miracle,” Shen said.

 “Then perhaps I can teach you a game.”

“Now I am confused. Where are we?” Shen asked.

“Good question. Let’s negotiate. I will answer all your questions, but only if you agree to a condition,” Xana said.

“You have nothing I want,” Shen said.

“How about your freedom?”

Shen was speculatively quiet and untrusting. “If all you offer me is my freedom, I will decline. Freedom for me, my friends, and all these people. All the slaves.”

“No. Even if I gave you their freedom, they would not be able to function in the real world. They were bred in captivity. They long for captivity. They have good lives and would not tolerate being wild on the surface,” Xana said. “They would kill themselves to try to return to Haven.”


“The habitat we live in,” Xana said.

“Habitat?” Shen asked.

“If you think you are the only one kept, then you’re not as smart as I imagined you,” Xana said. She frowned. “I will give you more information, but know this- you are approaching a threshold where I will take payment from you, whether you negotiate terms or not.” She held an empty hand up. A holographic image of a space station, a long tube with wheels at both ends and in the center, the wheels connected to the tube by spokes. It was rotated so that one end was facing Shen. A large bubbled, transparent dome was at both ends of the cylinder. It grew in dimension and scope and came at him as if he was moving to it. Shen experienced vertigo but felt Xana grasp his arm, and heard her voice, ‘steady,’ and she ran him through the center of the dome. The inner surface of the cylinder was plains, fields, mountains, and lakes, turning around a column that ran the length of the cylinder. He was rapidly passed through it, but it was so long it felt like being in a tunnel, and had there been a light source on the other side of the far dome, he would have thought he was in the tunnel reported by people having NDE’s experiencers. Once outside, the artifact fell away. Virtual representation revealed the planet, sun, and station. The station was in a geosynchronous orbit, always at the full dark. The geomagnetic field around the planet was distorted by the sun’s solar wind. Both the magnetic field, and all the particles of the solar wind came to the station, as it was in the apex collection point- and was likely powered by both the magnetosphere and indirect solar energy. The image expanded and popped, with a fun display of fireworks that rained down on them, like snowflakes but solid enough they tickled. They painted them and the floor around them with snowflake geometric patterns. Some overlapped, as if describing magical combinations of alchemy. “An O’Niell Cylinder!” Shen said.

“Haven,” Xana said.

“Fuck me,” Shen said.

“Okay,” Xana said, coming closer.

“Wait, what?”

“I want to fuck you,” Xana said.

“Why?” Shen asked.

“Why not? You’re male, I am female. Judging by the tent, you’re clearly interested,” Xana said.

“Not fair,” Shen said. “The wine, the sight of you. You’re projecting hyperfemininity…”

“No, that’s you projecting. Your kind always assumes that your human attributes are exaggerated in giants,” Xana said. “We’re just people. Just because we’re bigger doesn’t mean we have greater appetites or lust…”

“By definition…”

“To scale, we’re perfectly, and appropriately the same,” Xana said. “This will cost you. We are the originators. We made smaller people in order to travel the great distances between the stars and maintain viable populations for terraforming.”

“Really?” Shen asked. “Not the story I heard.”

“Yeah, we can spend a lifetime chasing origin stories,” Xana said.

“If you’re so normal, explain the four arms, wings, ability to change size…”

“I am actually still the same size. I am temporarily, dimensionally refracted to optimize interaction,” Xana said. “I want to fuck you. I have a limited time to spend with you. I will have to go back to my wife. If she wakes and I am not there, she gets upset. She is a bit of a control freak.”

“Yeah,” Shen agreed.

“I want to fuck you. Specifically, I want you to impregnate me,” Xana said.

“Is that even possible?” Shen asked.

“Yes,” Xana said. “I am scientist. You can trust me.”

“Ghost busters,” Shen said.

“I do not understand this. You believe in spirits? I really thought you understood science,” Xana said, pouting.

“I understand some things, but not everything. Not your dimensional refraction ability or these added appendages,” Shen said.

“The bio-suit?” Xana asked. “It’s just biological clothing, like armor. This is easy tech. I could even make you bio-clothing. Making it is easy; adapting to it, that takes practice. You would be surprised how quickly the brain adapts to new sensory information, though. Some people can’t live without augmentation, they have been attached so long. Enough talk. Let’s fuck.”

“No; we have not come to terms,” Shen said.

“I will help you and your friends escape, but only after I am pregnant,” Xana said.

“I will come to you in the stealth of night, and you and I will fuck until I am pregnant. That’s the deal.”

“Your wife has taken enough samples, just help yourself,” Shen said.

“No,” Xana said. “Only direct physical contact will work. I need physical, mental, and emotional connections. It’s not enough to just slap gametes together. Anyone can do that. Joining energy for the intentional act of procreation changes things. This isn’t just fun fuck. This is not a rape fuck. This is purposeful. This is consensual. Our intent enhances results. Our combined energies changes results. There will be a merging of consciousness and the super-conscious mind that becomes us will select the gametes and the offspring will be the ideal for us. It is unconscious process, a sacred process, and the offspring is the culmination of our soul contract.”

“And you were worried I wasn’t scientifically orientated,” Shen said. “The words I am using are precise; they are psychological, not metaphysical,” Xana said. “I am okay if you operate from the metaphysical perspective of lighting chakras and engaging me with tantric energies, merging energies- as the bio-emo-psych attributes will be in alignment. Metaphor and abstract thoughts are as good as placebos.”

“You said it has to be consensual,” Shen said. “It can’t be consensual as long as I am not free to say no.”

“You are free to say no. I will not fuck you if you say no,” Xana said.

“I am being coerced,” Shen said. “That’s not consensual.”

“I am not responsible for what my wife does to you and your friends. You are not my property,” Xana said.

“But you could free us,” Shen said. “Free us, and I will fuck you.”

“I can send avatars to the surface, but I cannot engage you there. Only here. This deal is for here only,” Xana said.

“Will you keep your word?” Shen said. “Will you free us?”

“I promise. You impregnate me, I will see you and your friends safely back on the surface of the world,” Xana said. “I don’t like it. You will live longer, happier lives here.  But I will free you when the contract is completed.”

Shen drank the contents of his glass in one go. He sat it down on the tray.

“Okay,” Shen said.

Xana swept the items off the med-table. The bottle and glasses broke on the floor. She lifted Shen and laid him on the table. She mounted him, her feet grabbing rods on either side of the bed, grasping them as easily as if her feet were hands. There was no foreplay. She simply pulled up her nighty and his gown and slid him into her. She was either that wet or the sheen of oil was indeed oil, as she took him with no resistance. He was lubricated as soon as she sat on him; but he felt the transition between her bio suit and her personal equipment. Her grind was seriously strong, and pushing and pulling on the rod added to her force and weight. Two of her hands pined his hands above his head. Two hands held his head. She forced her tongue down his mouth, rolling it just enough that he could get air. They whistled a strange sound that was escalating in pitch that was panic, urgency, and pleasure all together. He felt her plunge the depth of his stomach and the strangeness of feeling pressure and movement on the inside simultaneous with the external pressure of her body and rhythmic sliding of breast against his chest resulted in him dissociating. Her breasts moved against him. The nighty felt oily, moving against him like a shower curtain blown by a breeze. She stopped kissing to stretch out, her tongue coming out in a slow, uncomfortable yet immensely satisfying, like blowing ones nose and pulling a solid strand that went from nose to brain completely out- like pulling a worm out- the pleasure was just getting it out. The end of her tongue licked and rolled, bringing stomach content with her. She swallowed and seemed satisfied. She rocked him harder, changing pitch and position, her legs moving as if she were riding a bike. Her breasts rolled on and off his face, and at one point he thought she might unintentionally smother him with breasts. His face slipped between the breasts and they buffed his ear, and he shivered through his whole body the way he might when listening to an ASMR video. She sat up straight, arching her back. Her wings went up and splayed out. The tips folded and came together at the forehead, the third eye and tickled him. Suddenly they were in a mindscape, fucking. Normal human size bodies banging and rocking an RV home. The home smelt old, dusty. It felt like a memory but it wasn’t is. Light circled them. Books flew opened and fanned through all the pages as if ghost were speed reading. Musical notations, mathematical notations, magical foreign scripts, stars and rainbow, spectral sparks, and geometric lines of atomic particles colliding rained over and around them as if they were in a storm.

Their minds and emotions became entrained. Their heart and breath came as one. They came together. The mechanical arm overhead cleaned the floor of broken debris and retracted. They finished together. She hovered over him.

“That was nice,” Xana said. “And you’re still hard. I am going to continue.”

Xana leaned back, grinding, massaging her clit with one hand and massaging her own breast with two other; one hand held Shen’s neck. She brought one hand from her breast and reached behind her to massage his balls. Her wing tips brushed him from face to chest and back. He found himself in another constructed memory. There were elements that were definitely his memory, and then things that weren’t- he assumed they were her memories colliding with his. He came again. Over the course of several hours, she took him to half a dozen new settings in his mind, and he lost count of how many times he came. One of the memory fragments he was her- Xana being assaulted by Kali. Another memory was Kali being more kind and affectionate after an assault. When she was finished, he was half asleep from exhaustion. He was aware that she cleaned him. She kissed him. And she went away. She whispered in his ear- “Continue to give my wife a hard time. I don’t want her to suspect anything.”




Kali was angry. “Stop fighting me. Have some fucking dignity.”

“Fighting you is my dignity,” Shen said.

“Cooperate, and I will allow you to wear clothes,” Kali said.

“Fuck you!” Shen said.

He was pulled out of the corner, manhandled into positioned, secured, and manipulated until Kali got what she came for. She seemed less satisfied than usual.

“Your counts have been declining over the last week,” Kali said. She looked at him. “Is the honeymoon period already over? Do I need to bring some strange in here to get the counts back up?”

“Fuck you,” Shen said.

Kali jumped on him, she fucked him while pounding on him. He didn’t enter her as easily as he went into Xana. The distinction between penetrating her suit’s orifice and hers was palpable. It pushed like going through sand paper and he thought she might break it off; it took four or five thrust before he was lubricated enough to tolerate the whole depth of her insides, and side hair scraped at him when she came to high. She pushed her tongue into his stomach, tongue fucking him until he passed out from tongue asphyxiation. When he came to, she was hovering over him, petting him. She was clearly satisfied, still surfing the afterglow. 

“Say fuck you again, and I will do that again,” Kali informed him, without apparent malice or anger.

“Fuck you.”

Kali jumped him again, fucking him and tongue fucking him but prolonging his consciousness experience so that he was aware that she was getting off to this, and then she snuffed him- making him orgasm at the same time he was passing out from asphyxiation. She was still on top of him when he came to.

“I do think you like this,” Kali said. “Say it again.”

 “Just like mother use to do it, only she fucked me in the closet under a tangle of clothes,” Shen said.

Kali laughed. “The smell of women clothing smothering you gets you off? I could bring you panties from all sorts of strange.”

“Fuck you,” Shen said.

Kali pounded him with four fists in the chest. She hit him in the head and might have killed him had Xana not pulled her off of him.

“Have you lost your fucking mind?” Xana said. “CI could pull your license and confiscate your property. You want that? You want to live the rest of your life in VR world?”

“I am in charge here!” Kali snapped.

“Then act like it,” Xana said. “I will not allow you to abuse the animals.”

“You want to sleep on the couch?” Kali demanded.

“You know I will. I’ll even move the fuck out. Just say the word, and I’ll take half of everything in the divorce. You’ll be begging for me back within a month cause no one else will put up with your bullshit,” Xana said. “Next marriage contract, I get to be the man, and you will be my bitch.”

“Fuck you,” Kali said.

“Wow,” Xana said. “Little Big Man is really getting to you. Don’t make him the thing that comes between us. Go cool off. Let me clean him up. Go.”

Kali hesitated, then nodded. She went away. Xana brought down mechanical arms and completed procedures that accelerated healing, mending all the broken bones.

“Bring it down a notch,” Xana said. “Comply with her directives.”

Kali returned. She had a gift of clothes.

“I lost my temper,” Kali said. “I have the right to euthanize you, not to brutalize you. Continue to defy me, and I will put you down and work from clones. I would rather have original source material.”

“Get dressed, please,” Xana said.

Shen got up and dressed. Even though he was healed, it took effort to remain on his feet. The shirt felt like a cotton blouse, with long loose sleeve, made even more feminine by the accompanying dress. Calling it a kilt made it a little easier to suffer.

“See, you just have to know how to talk to them,” Xana said.

“I love you,” Kali said.

They kissed. The kiss evolved and they took it down stairs. By the time they were back in the big room, they were undressing each other. They fucked on the floor to an audience of all the people in the containers. Except Shen, who retreated to his corner and sunk down. He heard his friends talking, which meant one of his jailors had switched the audio back on between cells; probably to help comfort him.

 “I thought he didn’t like me because I was too tall,” Jerica said. “Apparently I am not tall enough.”

“Go easy on him,” Erico said.

“Why, because he’s wearing a dress?” Orton asked. “Clearly, he likes it rough,” Uffe said.

“At least we know he doesn’t have blue balls,” Erico said.

“They may be black and blue,” Jerica said.

Shen’s face got seriously angry. They became silent because Arne motioned them to be. “You can hear us?”

“Yeah,” Shen said. 

“Sorry,” Orton said.

Shen didn’t respond.

“This has got to end,” Arne said. “She nearly killed you.”

“Shen,” Jerica said. “Fucking the blue one by day, and her wife by night, this is not going to end well.”

“I know,” Shen said. “I need you to tell Loxy something.”




Shen and friends were brought out of the cages and brought into an open carry case, each wearing new clothes. The men were all wearing kilts, with formal shirt and jackets. Orton was the least happy. From their group, Jerica was the last to arrive. She was wearing a ballroom dress. Her hair was stylized and tied into a pony tail, adorned with large floppy ribbons. She was angrier than Orton. All the men lost their grievances at the sight of her.

“You look amazing,” Arne said.

“I will fucking kick your ass,” Jerica said.

“Because we like this look?” Shen asked.

“You like girls dressed like inverted flowers?” Jerica asked.

“If I didn’t know you were already de-flowered, I would volunteer now,” Orton said.

She hit him with a fist, sleeping him at the same time.

Their cage was shaken.

“Hey! None of that! Anyone else fights and I will sleep the lot of you for transport,” Kali said.

Xana arrived, dressed for a picnic.

“Oh, what a lovely bunch you’ve gathered,” Xana said, clapping. “And we’re bringing the new ones?” She tapped on the glasses. She could have been winking at anyone, but Shen clearly thought it was for him. 

“People want to see them…” Kali was explaining her decisions- it wasn’t something that needed explaining. Shen suddenly wondered if she were autistic.

In the cage, Arne turned to a stranger. “Where are we going?”

“Carnival,” he said. “Some of us will get to fight. Some will perform; either dance, poetry, songs. Some will play or gamble. Some will be whored out. If you’re lucky, you will be allowed to free range through carnival town.”

“I am not liking the sounds of this,” Jerica said.

Traveling by giant meant being carried in the carry case. They were encouraged to sit and buckle. Some stood, holding onto rails. Shen tried to see out of the container. They took a train, with other giantesses. They were all the same, all female- most likely clones- of various ages. There cage was set into a luggage space, next to other cages. From one side of the box, they could see the occupants of the parallel box. From the opposite side, they saw giantesses standing or sitting. Seeing beyond the train car was impossible- it was either dark or blinding light, a glare off a window that suggested movement. Inside the carrying case, there were fifty souls- humans- or human derivatives. Shen was compelled to try and talk to one of the Elves, and approached their group. He asked if they were Vulcan. They didn’t understand his reference, but they did seem to exude a stoic, logical frame of mind.

“Do you mate every seven years?” Shen asked.

“We have a cycle, if that’s what you mean. Women come into heat, and we respond accordingly,” one of the males said.

“Prolong madness can drive a person insane,” one of the female elves said. “That’s one of the problems being around so many humans. Their airborne hormones mess with our biological balance. It decreases our clarity. A female mating with a human can get stuck in heat and go insane. A male mating with a human, would likely fuck himself to death.”

“Hell, just being around giants is fairly arousing,” Shen said.

The Elves seemed sympathetic. “Only pure human stock are affected by the breath of giants. Their hormones do not affect us.”

“But humans do,” Shen said.

“Unfortunately,” he said.

The female elf had her hands behind her back. “We have watched you, little big man. You would be less affected by their spell if you could avoid their touch. They can burn you out. You risk losing your mind.”

“Tell me how to avoid their touch,” Shen said.

“Cooperate with their agenda,” she said.

They arrived. Carnival was essentially a table top country where giantess could display and interact their peers or other pets. ‘Carnival’ was the largest table in the room, but there may have been hundreds of tables- or countries to visit. For the giantesses, this was a mall of table tops and kiosks- a toy collectors dream with real people for their action figures. Mostly, it was just ways of displaying property; some of the giantess genuinely saw this as a way of investing in the health of their ‘pets.’ There were panels that judged quality. Cat walks for naked pets. Catwalks for fashion-shows for pets. Competitions for pets. There were trades. There were sells. Shen locked on to a hospital table where slaves served as medical people. There was evidence for ‘Central Intelligence’ collaboration in repairing or healing people, and may have served as a medical school. There was bidding and gambling on people. There were giantesses walking the game table in bio-armor, identified by being at minimum double the size of the average human. Shen was aware of a giantess wearing a biological male bio suit, engaging females in a lewd way. Most of the ‘tabletop’ giantesses ranged from 12 to 15 feet tall. Shen noticed one that was at least 20 feet tall- and was perhaps a ‘foreman.’ There were bazaars for humans on the table, for the giantesses on the table, and for the giantesses walking the party. There were a variety of ‘playing’ tables, suggesting tiers and levels of games that went beyond just the ‘pets.’ Orbs hovered over the table, some stable, other orbiting people. 

Kali’s habitat sat on the outer perimeter of the ‘Carnival’ table, a wall that concealed what was on the other side. The carrier slid in, locked, and doors were opened. Passengers began to disembark.

“We’re just going to march to our death like cattle?” Orton complained.

“Why would they go through all the trouble of dressing us up only to kill us?” Jerica asked.

“Because they’re fucking crazy,” Orton said.

“I am not crazy,” Shen said.

They looked at his friend. He said it so dead pan and wasn’t even looking to see if they got it. Arne was the first to laugh.

“You’re fucking nuts,” Jerica said.

“What about his nuts?” Erico said.

 “They’re huge,” Arne said.

“A bit swollen from atypical abuse,” Shen agreed. He didn’t want to discuss it further and so headed out.

Arne pulled him back. “I will lead.”

Their group were last to disembark. Shen was the last off the carrier, as they seemed determined to protect him. As they descended to level, a flock of orbs rushed Shen and his party, flashing lights, and then scurried away. A human at a gate demanded to see their palms before passing them through. For everyone that did, they got crystal glued to their hands. Orton protested. The gatekeeper said. “No difference to