Untamed by Steven Jeral Harris - HTML preview

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I leave the hospital just past noon the following day. It feels odd to get up and walk around like a normal person. I’m sure it’s going to take some time for reality to soak in.

Shortly, we are rolling into the driveway of our latest home. I'm so happy to be home. I can’t take another night on that narrow and stiff hospital bed. As we arrive, a familiar black car stops in front of our house. Uncle Frank gets out of the car and approaches me with wide arms. All of a sudden, I find myself in the tightest hug I’ve ever received in my life…


In no time, we enter the house and settle into the living room to discuss my recent turnaround. The surprised expression on Uncle Frank’s face never went away since he witnessed me walking by myself.

"Unbelievable," he says to me with confusion and shock. “But how…?”

“I’m just as confused as you are,” I reply. “I was having a normal day, and then the next minute I fell out and woke up in the hospital. I know it doesn’t make any sense but it did happen that way.”

“Her health improved a lot over the years, but this is way too sudden,” my mom says with insecurity. “I’m not sure what to make of it. It must be some reasonable explanation for all this.”

“When something like this happens, don’t ever question it,” Uncle Frank attempts to calm her uncertainty.

“I know that. It’s just…” my mom tries to explain.

“Julie, listen, this is Iva’s time. Don’t look at this as a bad thing,” he tells her modestly.

A voice calls out to him from his radio.

“Come in Frank,” the voice says.

“Damn it. I can never get a break,” he says to himself.

He positions the radio at his mouth.

“It's Lancaster,” he replies.

“We need you pronto. And no, it can’t wait.”

“Copy that,” he says into the device and places it back on his hip.

“Sorry, Julie.”

“No, it’s fine. Be safe.”

“Always,” he says before standing and walking over towards the door in a hasty fashion.

He grabs the doorknob and looks at me.

“See you later kiddo,” he says to me.

“See you later,” I reply.

He closes the door behind himself as he exits the house. I then shift to my mom’s face. Her expression is unreadable.

“Are you okay?” I ask her.

I see her mind snap back into reality.

“I’m okay. I’m just a little tired that’s all,” she tells me.

I know she’s lying. I’d probably be worried too if I were in her shoes. The fact that my illnesses just vanished for no reason is beyond me. She stands to her feet, delivering a warm kiss directly between my eyes, and then wishes me a good night.

“Sleep tight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight mom.”


I watch about another twenty minutes of television before going into my room. I'm starting to feel the consequences of being up all night long when I was at the hospital. I kick off my shoes and fall back onto my bed. While I stare at my model planes hanging above me, a memory resurfaces in my mind.

The flashback involves me bringing a red box into my room and cleaning it off. I sit up in bed and gaze at my desk. There it is, unmoved, resting on top of the desk where I left it. Another flashback resurfaces. I remember trying to find its opening.

Suddenly, a domino effect takes place within my brain. I remember opening it and finding a strange light floating inside. I also remember the light blinding me. I stand and walk over to the box very slowly; afraid that something spontaneous might happen again.

I lower my walking speed and carefully ease closer to it. I stop for a second and hesitate. I inch closer and closer. With quickness, I tap the box and leap back. Nothing unusual happens. This gives me enough courage to walk closer to it. With twitchy fingers, I lift the empty box into the air and examine it once more. I specifically remember it being warm, but now it’s cool.

Also, the small light has somehow disappeared. I ponder about the box and try to keep my thoughts in the realm of sanity. As soon as I begin to think about the box giving me powers, I quit thinking about it immediately. I’m not losing my mind over an inanimate object. I relocate the box within my closet on a high shelf; out of sight and out of mind. I give it one last curious thought before shutting the door.

Is it possible that I imagined the whole thing? I turn away from the closet and double-take at my reflection on the closet door. Something strange comes to my attention. There’s something on my right arm. I lift the sleeve of my shirt, revealing a scar that I’ve never seen before.

I ease closer to the mirror. It resembles something close to a branding scar. The scar is in the shape of a diamond. Then a light bulb clicks on somewhere in my head. It’s not a diamond. The scar is in the shape of a leaf.

The leaf looks identical to those I saw on the red box. The thoughts about my disappearing illnesses can take a rain-check. This is far more mindboggling. I back away from my reflection and become a prisoner of my own thoughts. I have so many questions that can’t be answered. Although I’m pretty sure there’s someone out there who understands me or can relate to what I’m experiencing. However, I dare not mention this to anyone.

I wouldn’t even know how to approach anyone about this. After a lingering amount of time looking in the mirror, debating my sanity, I go to bed with unanswered questions at the front part of my brain.

I need some rest. My mind needs time to recuperate from all of the madness that's been taking place. After today, something tells me this is only the beginning…

I feel like something is brewing