Untamed by Steven Jeral Harris - HTML preview

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The proceeding day is beyond annoying. It doesn’t matter where I go on campus, students are raving about Cornelius and Professor Grant’s argument. It has only been one day and the rumors have spread like a wildfire around school. I’m tired of hearing people talk about it. My ears need a break from all of the exaggerations and lies. What makes matters worse is some students have turned the rumor into something else entirely.

Some are starting to say that a fist fight took place in class. I've rolled my eyes at least a thousand times so far today. Even in Philosophy class, I can’t focus on Professor Cruz’s lecture. All I can think about is that argument and how much hatred they shared between each other.


My final class, and most anticipated, is Biology. I’m one of the first to enter class and Jason is one of the last. I can’t wait to chat with him about the argument.

"What’s up?" he asks as he sits down next to me.

“Nothing special.”

Professor Nelson shuts the door and obtains center stage. As Professor Nelson gives his lecture on plant stems, I lower my head away from his eyes.

"Hey, I want to ask you something," I whisper to Jason.

"Something like what?" he replies and brings his ear closer to me.

"Did you hear about yesterday?"

His face drops and I notice his expression switch into anger.

"Who hasn’t?" he replies.

"I was there when it happened. They look like they wanted to kill each other," I attempt to shake the image of their bloodthirsty eyes from my head. "But I asked Professor Grant about him and Kendrick. And he said nothing was wrong.”

He exhales slowly.

"No one really likes the Blaire family, but we respect them. They invest money into the school, so the faculty kisses their ass. It gets on my nerves. They believe they can treat people like shit and get away with it.”

"And what’s up with Daniel? Cornelius looked at him the same way. Daniel even stood up like he was ready to fight.”

He hesitates to respond. Suddenly, the anger lifts from his face and is replaced with uncertainty.

"Listen Iva, we all have our differences towards people. They're….things in this town…things you shouldn't stick your nose in," he says straightforwardly. “I’m not trying to be rude.”

"You can tell me anything. I won't say a word to anyone.”

"Iva..,” he stares into my eyes with seriousness. "Just drop it.”

That’s not the answer I was hoping for but there's nothing I can do about it. He’s dead-set about remaining quiet about the subject.

"Okay," I reply halfheartedly.


The whole class we remain silent. Soon, everyone is pouring out of the room and blending into the college commute. As I step into the hallway, Jason gathers my attention by tapping me on my right shoulder.

“Hey, Iva, I’m sorry about what I said. I didn’t mean to sound so harsh,” he apologizes honestly.

“It’s fine. I just wanted to know why they hate each other so much. That’s all.”

“I wish I can tell you, it’s just…it’s a long story.”

“Then shorten it.”

“Like now?”

“Yes now. Where are you heading?” I ask him.

“Getting in my car and going home,” he replies with a snicker.

“Okay, then I will walk with you,” I reply.

“Do I have any say in this?” he asks.


He rolls his eyes and breaks a charming smile. Together, we exit through a pair of double-doors and stroll down the campus walkway while we talk about the Blaires.

“The Blaires likes no one,” he explains. “Grant and Cornelius went to school together. It started there.”

“Okay, that's understandable. But how does Daniel fit in to all of this?”

He doesn’t respond. I think he’s trying to avoid my question.

“We all went to high school together. Daniel and Kendrick has been going at it since grade school.”

We approach a group of kids hanging around three vehicles. The first vehicle is a black Charger, the second is a burgundy SUV, and the third is a black SUV. Daniel is sitting in the Charger with the driver’s door wide open. The brunette boy, whose name is Eric, and his female lookalike are standing next to the burgundy SUV. You can tell they are brother and sister. The Goth-girl, Daniel's sister, is sitting on the hood of the Charger.

They appear to be having a conversation before I arrive with Jason.

“Hey, guys,” Jason greets them.

“What’s up, you ready to go?” Eric asks.

“Yeah, I was just talking to my friend Iva,” Jason informs.

“That’s her. The one that was about to get stomped out,” Eric blurts out rudely.

The brunette girl punches him in the shoulder and says “shut-up”. Her face is covered with this rage that literally came out of nowhere, but her mood changes instantly when she looks at me. Now, she’s completely subtle like an angel.

“Eric, we do not speak to people that way,” she corrects him politely. “I’m Jessica and this is Eric,” she informs me in a friendly voice. “My brother’s behavior can get out of hand sometimes. I apologize.”

“It’s fine,” I reply.

A girl walking by bumps Jessica on the shoulder. The girl walking by is too busy looking down at her phone to notice anything; including bumping into someone. Jessica’s eyebrows slant at a downward angle when the girl bumps into her and keeps walking. Now she's mad all over again.

“Say excuse me you fucking cunt!” Next time, I’ll shove that phone so far up your ass, you’ll need to use your tonsils to text.”

“Yeah!” her brother instigates. “Don’t start nothin, it won’t be nothin,” Eric adds.

“Jessica chill. And don't encourage her Eric,” the dark-skinned girl says; Daniel’s sister.

Jessica’s angry expression fades away almost instantly and her cheerful smile is resurrected.

“I'm peachy as pie,” Jessica replies to Maria in a pleasant voice.

“I’m Maria,” the dark-skinned girl tells me.

“So, are you a farmer or something?” Eric asks me.

“No. I think you have me mixed up with someone else,” I reply with a dumbfounded tone.

“Didn’t you say she lived on a farm?” Eric asks Jason.

“No, I said she moved from the country,” Jason shoots back at Eric.

“So, why are you dressed up like a farmer?” Eric continues.

I look down at myself and realize that he must be referring to my denim overalls.

“I have never lived on a farm, like ever.”

Eric clears his throat.

“I don’t like her Jason. It’s something about those overalls brah, word to big bird,” Eric states.

Maria rolls her eyes and conceals her face with her palm. Eric is an unusual person. Although he is clearly a Caucasian male, he speaks as if he was raised in an urban area. In other words, he talks like he's from “The streets”.

“Can you please stop acting like you’re mentally challenged?” Jason asks Eric.

“Don’t pay him any attention. He’s annoying,” Maria states.

“I got money tho,” Eric states. “Word to my timbs boy!”

A car creeps up slowly and stops near us. It’s my Uncle Frank and an older fellow. I would guess that’s his partner.

“Oh shit its five-o. Someone, hide the weed,” Eric announces.

“Excuse me Mr. Dodson, can you please repeat that?” Uncle Frank asks Eric.

“Damn. I’m just fucking with you Lancasta,” Eric responds while giggling.

Uncle Frank shakes the exasperation from his mind and then shifts his attention onto me.

“Hey, Kiddo,” he greets me.

“Uncle Frank, what are you doing here?”

“Uncle?” Eric mumbles underneath his breath.

“What are you guy’s up to?” Uncle Frank asks.

“Nothing,” they reply.

“Actually, we were about to flip some bricks. Thanks for asking tho,” Eric says but is cut off abruptly.

“Mr. Dodson, I'm not in the mood today,” Uncle Frank snaps back at Eric.

“Okay, that was the last joke. I'm serious,” Eric confesses. “For real tho, stay safe Lancasta. I know how real it gets in these streets.”

“Glenworth is not the hood Eric,” his sister notifies him.

“I keep telling him that,” Maria confirms.

“I saw someone barbecuing Ramon noodles on their front lawn the other day. If that ain’t hood, I don’t know what is.”

“I specifically remember you doing that,” Jason replies.

Eric shrugs his shoulders and replies…

“I can’t help it. That’s how the hood raised me.”

The whole atmosphere becomes dead silent. Then Jason, Maria, and Jessica suck their teeth at how idiotic he sounds. My uncle ignores Eric and then looks over at Daniel.

“What’s going on Daniel? Are you okay?” Uncle Frank asks him.

“Yup,” Daniel replies with his never fading sternness.

“Hey kiddo, can I speak to you?”

As I approach his car, he welcomes me over with a mouth-full of teeth. He’s smiling way too hard for some reason.

“Whose idea was this?” I ask him.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he plays stupid.

I have a staring contest with him until he finally gives in.

“Your mom’s,” he surrenders.

“When she mentioned “Credible resources” I knew it had to be only one person.”

“I'm your uncle. I need to know if my niece has a boyfriend. It's my job to sniff around from time to time. How is everything?” he interrogates.

“It’s fine. And he’s not my boyfriend. He is just a friend. Stop spying on me, geez.”

“Just making sure my niece is secure. Hey, guess what? I have a gift for you,” he says to me before presenting a small can of some kind.

I retrieve it from him.

“What is this?” I ask him.

“Anytime you’re being harassed, and feel like you’re in danger, spray this in the person’s face.”

“Uncle Frank, you brought me mace?”

“No I brought you pepper spray, there’s a difference. Listen, the biggest creeps hang around schools. Some guys just don’t take no for an answer. Keep it on you at all times.”

“Uncle Frank…”

“What did I say?” he cuts me off before I’m able to finish my sentence.

“Okay, I’ll keep it on me. I’m pretty sure I’ll never use it.”

I then slide the can of pepper spray into my right pocket.

“All jokes aside, stay safe. People are turning up missing. Keep your phone on at all times. And if a psycho is trying to kill you, remember these three things: Don’t scream unless they already have their hands on you; screaming gets you killed faster; number two, stall him by letting them talk; use that time to look for a weapon or to widen the distance; if you’re lucky, someone might just show up while you stall them; and, most importantly, don’t look back when you take off running. When you’re frightened, your reflexes aren’t the same. You are in prey mode. Your best option is to keep your eyes forward so you don’t trip over something…”

“Oh my goodness. This is way overboard. What did my mom tell you?”

“She said you were dating somebody online.”


“She’s such a dork. I was joking.”

“Yeah, she said you was joking but I don’t toy around like that,” my uncle replies humorlessly.

“Seriously. I’m fine. Nobody is out to kill me. You're worse than my mom, I swear.”

“Anyways, I see you around. Call me if you need anything.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later.”

He then shifts to Eric again.

“And for you...,” Uncle Frank says while pointing at Eric.

Eric looks left and right with a confused look on his face. He then points at himself.

“Me?” Eric asks my uncle with a dumbfounded expression.

“Yes. Behave yourself.”

“Always Landcasta,” Eric replies with a fake smile.

“Have a productive day everyone.”

“Bye,” we all reply.

He then cruises away, slowly. Eric waves at him as he slowly exits the school parking lot. As soon as his patrol car disappears, Eric stops waving and his smile drops instantly.

“Now I’m definitely going to tear some shit up,” Eric announces. “Behave? Bitch, that's not even in my vocab.”

“Officer Frank is your uncle, for real?” Jason asks me.

“Yes,” I reply.

“Cool,” Jason says.

“Hell nah brah. She 5-0. See, I knew there’s a reason I didn’t trust her. She feds yo. Snitches get stitches around here young blood. Better ask around. I use to run this whole block.”

“You used to help your sister sell Girl Scout cookies to the neighborhood. That doesn't qualify as gangsta,” Maria replies.

“Them shitz was straight fire tho!” Eric replies. “Stop hating on me brah.”

“Bro, you’re really embarrassing,” Jason states.

“Aight, I'll chill out,” Eric replies.

“Are y'all done?” Daniel asks. “Come on. Let’s go.”

The others behind him pile into their vehicles. The twins, Eric and Jessica, get into the burgundy SUV, and Maria gets into the Charger with Daniel. They ignite their engines. The engine on the old Charger erupts to life, releasing some heavy gray smoke from its exhaust pipe.

“Jason, you comin or not?” Eric shouts at Jason from the burgundy SUV. “You can’t come, farm-lady. No geeks are allowed. Plus, your uncle is po-po. You're never going to be fly like us, ever.”

I shrug my shoulders with an awkward look on my face; not certain how to take his statement.

“Okay, sorry to hear that about myself….I guess,” I reply awkwardly.

Jason rolls his eyes at Eric's rude comments.

“Alright, see you next class,” Jason says to me.

“See you later,” I reply.

Daniel is the first one to reverse back and leave. Jason brings the black SUV to life and pulls out of the parking space. Meanwhile, in the burgundy SUV, Eric lowers his window on the passenger’s side.

“See you later, farm-lady,” he says.

Maria and Jessica is right, he is annoying.

“I told you I’ve never lived on a farm....”

“Liar, liar, overalls on fire,” he replies.

He then starts laughing at me.

“Who wears overalls anymore? What is this the 1800's? Do yourself a favor and get rid of them. Peace out, farm-lady,” he says and throws up a weird gang sign.

I watch as they all exit the school lot and emerge into traffic...