Untamed by Steven Jeral Harris - HTML preview

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An entire month goes by quickly. A lot has changed since then. The gossip about Cornelius and Professor Grant's argument finally stopped, and Kendrick is now in another English class. However, a noteworthy incident did happen in Professor Forester’s class. Some anonymous person solved all of his Rubik’s Cubes, even the most challenging ones, and placed them on his desk with a note on the chalkboard that read “You can teach us now” in large bold letters. Forester demanded to know who did it but no one was bold enough to step forward. Whoever the person was, I’m glad they took the initiative because now the students are actually learning from him and not the textbooks.

Professor Grant and I started a reading club in between classes, which drew the attention of other classmates. I started hanging out with Professor Cruz after her class as well. I think I might just be her favorite student now. Jason and I have became even closer friends, and I think he may like me as much as I do him. Life is beginning to feel...normal. In English, we conclude our lessons on J. L. Lucas with a quiz, which I’m utmost confident about. The entire class, for the exception of me and a few others, drags their feet to turn in their test with confidence drained from their once bright faces. I wait until everyone leaves the room before I approach Professor Grant’s desk, bursting with confidence. I could only wish I was the same way in math.

I place my test on his desk with a confident smirk.

"I certainly hope you did well," he says in a sarcastic way.

"Hey, guess what? I'm almost done with your story,” I inform him. “Sorry, it’s taking so long. I’ve been busy.”

"It’s fine? How do you like it so far?"

"It’s very good. You should get it published.”

He laughs a little.

"Finding a decent publisher is a lot of work these days, and most of my time is absorbed by teaching you gremlins," he tells me.

He then looks down at my shoulder. The temperature is fair today, so I decided to wear a short-sleeved shirt.

"Hold one second. What happened to your arm?”

I look at my shoulder and then back at him.

"It’s a very long and unusual story.”

“Can I take a look at that?”

“Sure,” I inform him.

I pull my sleeve back and shift my shoulder towards him. Then something strange happens. He moves his eyes from the mark and into my eyes, and then it takes me a moment to read his expression. Strangely, for reasons I’m unaware of, utter shock has clouded his face.

“Iva…how did you get that scar?” he asks.

“I don't know. It just appeared one day.”

“It just appeared by itself?”

“Yes. Weird, isn’t it?”

He fiddles with his pen for a moment before asking another question. He then starts to snap his finger in his ear as if he’s trying to pull a specific thought from his mind.

“Did this involve a box of some kind?” he asks nervously.

“It's funny you say that. Yes, it did.”

I’m starting to get a strange vibe. Maybe it's because of his behavior.

“A scarlet box?” he continues to question me.

“Yes. How do you know this?”

He completely drops his pen.

“It’s happening. It’s really happening,” he says with shock on his face. “It’s all real.”

“Wait…what are you talking about?”

“That box is not just any ordinary box Iva. I mean, this changes everything,” he tells me. “And I think you found it,” he says with an odd combination of astonishment, fear, and confusion. “I always knew there was something about you. I knew it all along.”

Someone comes into the class and stands at his side. It’s my biology teacher, Professor Nelson.

"Hey Bill, here's your stapler back," Professor Nelson says while holding out a stapler to him.

Professor Nelson looks over at me and transfers back to Professor Grant.

"Bill?" Nelson leans forward and calls for his attention again.

Suddenly, Professor Grant breaks away from his trance.

"No problem James, anytime," he says while taking his stapler with a twitchy hand.

He touches Grant’s shoulder.

“You okay?” he asks Grant.

“Of course,” he replies to Professor Nelson with a fake smile.

“We still going to that meeting?”

“Yes. I’m right behind you James,” Grant replies.

He takes a second to observe Professor Grant, then me, before exiting the room.

“What are your plans tomorrow, Iva? I would like to talk more about this, if you don’t mind. I think the best thing to do is show you.”

“Show me what?”

“Let's just say...I have a friend. And I want you to meet him.”

“What friend?” I ask with confusion.

“Iva, it's hard to explain. I think it's best if you just meet him in person, because if I tell you, you won’t believe me. Can you meet me here at 7, tomorrow morning?”

"Okay, I'll see you at 7," I confirm with uncertainty.

“Please, don’t forget,” he responds in a begging tone.

“I won’t,” I reply.

I proceed out the door and down the hallway and make my way to the school’s parking lot, where my mom would be arriving soon to pick me up. Seriously, what was that all about? I slip into a daydream. All I can think about is Professor Grant and the alarm in his eyes. Many thoughts shoot across my mind. Most of those thoughts are questions.

Why was he so shocked when I showed him the scar? And how did he know about the box I found at that antique shop? Even Professor Nelson felt a weird vibe when he came into the room. At least I wasn't the only one who noticed.

"Iva!" Someone shouts my name.

I break out of the daydream and realize my mom is waiting for me in the van. I get into the passenger’s seat and buckle in.

"How was school?" she asks with a bright grin.

"It was good," I smile halfheartedly. “Hey, I have to get dropped off early tomorrow for something.”


She gazes at me for a moment and must have noticed a flaw in my smile.

"Are you okay? It looks like something is bothering you.”

"No, I’m fine," I answer quickly while looking out the window.

Have you ever told someone you’re fine and completely lie? I just did. Our drive home is very quiet. My mom keeps asking me if something is wrong, but I continue to say no. Before I go to sleep that strange vibe I felt earlier turns into something ugly. And then, out of the blue, I have a sense that something terrible is about to happen…