Untamed by Steven Jeral Harris - HTML preview

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Glenworth police department rests on the outskirts of the town. Detective Lancaster and his partner are making their way back to the station.

“I’m telling you Jones, the Blaires has something to do with this,” Frank says with total confidence.

“We need a motive. An argument in a classroom won’t cut it. We’ll need hard evidence to convict. We need something solid that would stick.”

Not long after, they arrive back at the station. Frank pulls his car onto the rocky gravel and kills the engine. They enter the police department, where a female officer is waiting to speak with Frank at the main desk.

“Hey Frank, you have a visitor. He’s waiting in the interrogation room for you,” she informs him.

Frank’s face twist with confusion because he didn’t expect to meet anyone today. Jones and Frank both go into a large room with beige walls and one table in its center. A man is sitting in a chair, patiently waiting with his fingers crossed on the table top.

“Hi, Detective,” the man says without turning.

Frank and Jones immediately recognize the voice. Frank walks around the table to see if the face matches the voice. Indeed, the person is no other than Cornelius Blaire. Cornelius looks at his diamond watch and observes the time.

“I’ve been waiting here for about twenty minutes now. My time is very, very, valuable.”

“What the hell do you want?” Frank asks distastefully. “You come to turn yourself in? That’s good, because it’ll save me paperwork.”

“I came because I want answers. I’m sure you want some as well. I’ll give you one and then you give me one. Do we have a deal?”

Jones and Frank eye one another, and then they shift back at Cornelius.

“I’m listening,” Frank replies. “What answers do you have?”

“The one you’ve been dying to find out. And it’s no, I did not do it. I did not kill Grant. Now, here’s my question, how are you going to figure this one out? Whoever did this, you have to admit, it was pretty well thought out,” he says with a smirk.

“A man’s body was brutally murdered, people are distraught, and you find this amusing?”

Cornelius ponders deeply about Frank’s question.

“All I’m saying is…I didn’t like the bastard anyways. He finally got what he deserved. Hating someone isn't a crime. Good luck booking me on that.”

Jones and Frank refuse to believe their ears. The carelessness in his remark is appalling.

“Listen you sick, sadistic, prick, I know you did it or at least had something to do with it. Don’t play this innocent game with me. I will turn you in and make sure you don’t see the light of day again,” Frank informs him in a harsh tone.

Cornelius looks around the room and back at the two of them and laughs.

“But I already turned myself in,” he tells Frank with a dumbfounded expression. “I’m being very cooperative.”

Frank explodes into a hateful rage and slams his palms onto the table.

“Damn it. Don’t play games with me. I’m talking about life in prison you cocksucker!”

“Oh, prison. You are sadly mistaken. That will never happen,” Cornelius replies confidently. “Innocent people like me don’t belong in prison.”

“I won’t let you leave this station.”

“Oh my God,” Cornelius says blankly. “Are you trying to keep me against my will without a charge? You better hope this isn’t being recorded,” he says and then glances at the camera in the corner. “You seem worked-up, maybe you should take a day off,” Cornelius plays the victim all too well.

“Don’t give me that victim-card shit you scumbag.”

“You have no reason to keep me here. You have nothing on me Frank. I just came to clarify some things and to make sure you’re doing okay. That’s what friends are for.”

“Don’t fucking do that.”

“Do what?” he plays stupid.

“I’m not your friend you piece of shit. I will find a connection, maybe not today but I will,” Frank reassures him in a firm tone. “You and your family are a disease in my town. And I know you had something to do with this.”

“I can’t wait to hear your plan,” Cornelius says sarcastically.

“In a week I’ll have a warrant.”

“Bravo, and then what? I’ll bail myself out and become a free man. Just curious, how will you win the case? What’s that stuff called again? Evidence, that’s it, you’ll need evidence.”

Frank bites down on his tongue because he knows how Cornelius is purposefully trying to play with his emotions. The last thing he wants is Cornelius having any sort of leverage over him in court.

“Are we done here Detective?” he asks with a smile. “You have no case. I own this town. I pay more taxes here in a year than you would your entire, pathetic, life. I own this department. This is my town now. I technically own your sorry ass.”

Frank looks at Jones, gesturing for his assistance. Frank doesn’t have to say a word to his partner. Jones has known him for so long that he can almost read his mind. At this very moment, he knows Frank has an urgent sense to shoot something.

“Take your gun?” Jones asks Frank.

“Please do,” Frank replies.

Jones pull Frank’s gun from his side and steps away.

“Are we done?” Cornelius asks again.

Frank forces himself away from the table and backs into the corner, so he won’t be tempted to harm Cornelius.

“Get the hell out,” Frank orders him. “Don’t show up here again or you’re going to jail.”

Cornelius stands up with his chin high in the air, bursting with pure arrogance.

“I appreciate our little chat. Now, get back to work, I’m not paying you to just stand around.”

Cornelius chuckles as he exits the room…

I can’t stand the Blaires