Untamed by Steven Jeral Harris - HTML preview

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It’s too bad they lost,” I say as we walk up the stairs.

“Yeah, well, it was a great game,” Eric replies with mild enthusiasm.

“There’s always next time,” Jason adds.

“I still think Dennis was safe on that play,” I speak with frustration.

“They robbed us of that win,” Jason utters as we reach the top. “But we had them running scared at the end.”

“That’s true,” Eric agrees.

Eric stops at a door and turns to us.

“I’m calling it. All that flying last night finally got to me. I’m tired as a bitch.”

“Alright, catch you later bro,” Jason says as Eric goes into his room and closes the door.

"Hey, want to see something cool?" Jason asks me with his signature smirk.

"Sure,” I answer without thinking twice.

He guides me inside of his room. We enter a room that is decorated with tons of stuff. The dresser is covered with various sports trophies, small cars are lining the edge of his computer desk, and the ceiling is swarming with hanging airplanes.

"Wow. You really moved yourself in.”

"I pretty much live here, that’s why. I told my parents, why waste money on dorms while I can be here for free? Kenya is like our second mother.”

Boxes are stacked high along the walls. I cross the room and lean closely to the small automobiles.

"Cool. So you’re a collector too, huh?" I ask him while admiring his car set.

"Yup. Sorry about the mess.”

“It’s fine,” I reply wholeheartedly.

I continue walking and see these green army men on his dresser, each of them are facing forward in a perfect order.

“Wow, you are such a hoarder,” I say and giggle at him.

He smiles painfully at me, rubbing the back of his neck, and replies…

“You can tell, huh? It’s a hard thing to deal with sometimes. I can’t help it.”

I look at him and lower my laughter.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’m like that myself, from time to time. Everyone has their flaws. I just expected you to be the organized one.”

His bright smile resurrects. I look up at the airplanes hanging in midair over his bed. One of them looks awfully similar to one I had as a little girl.

"Oh, I had that airplane, the red one.”

He walks beside me, looking up at the small plane.

"Do you still have it?" he asks.

"My mom sold it at a yard sale.”

He looks over into my eyes.

"What? You’re joking right?"

I turn to him and notice his shocked expression.

"Why, is it worth something?"

"Iva, that’s a classic model. They don’t make those anymore. You could’ve sold it for nine-hundred bucks in fair condition.”

I look back at the plane and shrug my shoulders.

“Oh well, nothing I can do now.”

"I suppose not,” he agrees halfheartedly. “Oh yeah, check this out.”

Out of the blue, he becomes highly excited. I watch him kneel at his bedside and slide a box from underneath his bed. I assume he ran out of space in his room and began to put stuff under their; typical hoarder behavior. He stands and places it on the desk near the vehicles. He opens the box, revealing a small display case containing a baseball. He carefully lifts the case from the box and presents it to me. The ball has an unreadable signature on the front.

"It’s signed by The Babe himself,” he says with a cheerful smile. “My grandfather gave this to me before he died.”

"The Babe?" I ask.

He nearly collapses to the floor but catches his balance.

"You’re joking right?” his eyes broaden.

I smile awkwardly and shrug my shoulders.

"I’ve never heard of him,” I reply.

“You’re killing me Smalls,” he says with disappointment. "You never heard of Babe Ruth? He’s a legendary baseball player. Please tell me you’re kidding.”

The shock is growing on his face. I slap my palm against my chest and chuckle.

“Oh, yes, I heard of Babe Ruth before.”

“You scared me for a second there,” he chuckles at me while placing the display case down on his nightstand.

“I actually managed to intimidate you? That’s an accomplishment. I’ve never intimidated a tiger before.”

He smiles at me and steps closer. Now, I’m looking up into his mesmerizing baby-blue eyes.

“Do you like having power over me?” he replies.

As I stare up in his eyes, my legs start to weaken like I just ran a mile non-stop. He then brushes my cheek with the back of his hand. A surge of energy races through my body. I’m not sure what to call this energy but it has me frozen like a statue.

I can’t reply. I’m too busy being pulled into a trance by his eyes. We both freeze as we gaze at one another. He moves closer to me but this time it’s only his face. And I follow his move, ready to meet him halfway. I can’t believe this is about to happen.

Our eyes close as our lips prepare for the long awaited kiss. Suddenly, we hear someone knocking on the door. We snap back into the real world. I knock over some action-figures from his dresser as I straighten my posture. Jason clears his throat and answers…

"Come in.”

Eric walks in and stops when he sees the two of us standing close together. He looks at Jason, then at me, and then at Jason again. He then raises a curious eyebrow.

“What the hell is goin on in here?” he asks.

"What do you want?" Jason says with annoyance.

Eric slowly backs away, pulling the door with him.

"I didn’t see anything,” he says and closes the door slowly.

Jason shakes the irritation from his head.

“He’s so annoying,” he whispers to me.

Our eyes cross paths again and freeze for a moment, but then we both break into a chuckle. It feels way too awkward to kiss now. I wasn’t expecting it nor was I even prepared.

"Well, catch you later,” I say to him.

He giggles.

“Hey, that’s my line,” he replies.

I walk away from him and wave one last time before exiting the room…