Untamed by Steven Jeral Harris - HTML preview

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The six of us are resting on top of the peak and conversing on the thin grass. Although it’s fall, the temperature is fair and the sky is a vivid blue. The topic of choice is pretty much anything we can think of. Daniel keeps to himself most of the time, but at least he’s actually hanging out with us. We talk and talk for hours.

Now, evening is creeping upon us, and the sky is showing signs of it by the faint pink discoloration on the clouds. And again, the conversation switches entirely as Eric asks an open question…

“Hey guys, what did you wanted to be after you left college? I wanted to be a stunt double and actor,” Eric admits.

“Stunt double? I always pictured you being a crash-dummy,” Jason tells Eric.

Eric retaliates by throwing a twig at Jason.

“What about you? Let’s hear it,” Eric asks Jason.

“A musician of course,” he replies.

“Hair stylist,” Maria joins the conversation.

“Make-up or tattoo artist,” Jessica adds.

“An engineer, I suppose,” Daniel says.

“I probably would’ve been a writer or editor, like my mom,” I add.

“I’m sad to say that it doesn’t matter anymore,” Maria says.

That comment places us in a state of refinement. Now our minds have switched to a bleak mood. The possibility that the world may end soon is terrifying. It’s more terrifying knowing that you’re the only one that can prevent its destruction. The saying “Having the weight of the world on your shoulders” is more literal to me than anyone else.

“I can’t believe I fell for their mind games,” Jessica finally comes clean. “Who am I to talk down to you guys? I'm freaking bipolar.”

“Don’t beat yourself up sis. I’m always desperate for attention,” Eric admits.

“I'm compulsive hoarder,” Jason admits.

“I’m paranoid all the time and try to hide it,” Maria says.

“No one’s perfect,” Daniel confesses.

“Denial was my biggest problem,” I conclude.

“Man, has reality hit you yet,” Eric declares. “I mean, this is really happening. War will break out soon.”

“Tell me about it. I’ve never fought in my life,” I confess.

“What? Iva, you should’ve died a long time ago. Your one of the greatest fighters I’ve ever known,” Jessica tells me. “You’ve been through a lot.”

“You think so?” I ask.

“I know so,” Jessica states confidently.

“Only if we stay together then we will be unstoppable,” Jason adds.

“Exactly..,” Maria speaks with confidence. “We’re family, and family sticks together no matter what comes our way.”

A short pause comes over our discussion. Then out of nowhere, for no apparent reason, Daniel decides to stand and walk off. At first, I thought he was going to do his usual thing and disappear down the hill. He just stands up and walks closer to the cliff only to gape at something. As he stands there, a gust of warm wind sweeps through The Peak. A moment later, Maria stands and joins him, then Eric, then Jessica, then Jason, and finally me.

That’s when it catches my eye also. It’s so glorious and mesmerizing to look at, especially from where we are standing. This gorgeous thing, that has us completely hypnotized, is nothing more but the sunset. Together, we gaze at something that’s unreachable, yet so splendid and captivating in beauty. In this moment, I feel connected to all of them.

Not just by the beauty of the view but by the love we have for one another. We dare not speak and ruin the moment. Sometimes you just have to enjoy things silently. But Eric doesn’t think that way of course.

“So, we're like superheroes?” Eric announces.

It’s hard to tell if that was a statement or question but Daniel is the first to reply.

“No. People don’t need superheroes. We can’t save people who don’t want to be saved in the first place. But…..maybe we can change them. Maybe we can change their way of thinking. And if we can change them, then they will save themselves.”

Everyone thinks about Daniel's comment and a good feeling hits us all in the pit of our stomachs.

“I like that,” Maria agrees.

Another breeze comes through and lingers for longer than expected. Together, we all close our eyes and take in the air; savoring this moment as one…