Untamed by Steven Jeral Harris - HTML preview

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This chapter requires the song, “Your God is dead” by Really Slow Motion. This is the last round guys. Blast this shit in your headphones or better yet, on your stereo system; ALL THE WAY UP! This song is the main theme song to the entire franchise. Play now!


The Hellhound watches Mane take in his final breath; at least that’s what he believes. He smiles triumphantly.

“Let’s see you get up from that one,” Hellhound says to Mane's “lifeless” body with bitterness.

If that heartless remark wasn’t bad enough, he then spits at his body. A mixture of blood and saliva sprays from the creature’s swollen lips. All of a sudden, Hellhound freezes when he hear sirens echoing at a far range.

“That’s my cue,” Hellhound whispers to himself in a weak voice. “Now, where was I?”

He turns and starts to limp away, dragging the sludge hammer across the dirty floor as he walk. BOOM! Mane's paw slams hard onto the floor, scattering dust into the air. Hellhound flinches by the sound. He then slowly looks over his shoulder and watches Mane rise off the ground. Hellhound is amazed and bewildered by his newly discovered strength.

Love enters Mane's spirit, giving him the strength to go on further than what he anticipated. He rises from the floor by using his left paw.

“How…?” Hellhound asks with confusion. “How are you able to stand?”

He holds his injured paw off the floor, close to his body. He may be at his weakest, but he is more motivated than ever before.

“It may be your purpose to kill her,” he says and then takes a moment to catch his breath. “But it was……… my destiny to protect her. My destiny will destroy your purpose.”

Hellhound eyes become shrouded with hurt and rage. Then another emotion clouds his devilish eyes; fear. The lion's words seem to have done damage to the creature’s stubborn ego.

“Destiny?! Impossible!” Hellhound shouts. “You are a nobody! I AM DIVINE!”

He raises the hammer high into the air with furious rage. Mane pushes himself backward just in time to watch the hammer shatter the floor in front of him. He keeps moving away from Hellhound’s wrath.

"Your move!” Hellhound says with fury.

The weak lion looks around desperately. Then he sees a series of cords hanging from the ceiling, but they're in a corner. Mane then begins to form a clever plan to defeat his opponent, like a game of chess. This is no longer about brute force, but instead this fight can only be won by brains. Mane inhales deeply, building up his momentum, and uses his good paw to push himself backward to gain speed.

Mane knows that he won’t survive another blow from that hammer, especially if it’s a headshot. He must act quickly or he will die here. He looks into Hellhound’s eyes as he maneuvers closer to a corner. Again, Mane pushes himself backward as fast as he can. He looks behind himself and sees the series of wires hanging from the ceiling. It’s do or die time!

"Your move,” Hellhound says to him.

At last, Mane is stuck in a corner with no place to run.

"Your move Mane! Is that all you’ve got?” he asks while dragging the sledgehammer across the dirty tiles. “I waited my whole life for this moment. Nothing is going to stop me from killing her. So, if you want to try and stop me, fucking do it! COME ON!!" he yells as he limps closer and closer.

The Hellhound stops right in front of him with hatred burning in his eyes, yet Mane continues to hold his ground boldly.

"It looks like I win,” Hellhound says with a chuckle. “Any last words?”

He raises the hammer high into the air. This time Hellhound swings downward with all of his might. He can’t seem to bring the hammer down. That’s because it’s stuck in the wires.

“CHECKMATE!” Mane yells.

He darts straight up. He reaches his good paw back and swings at full-power. The paw hits Hellhound across the face with a deadly force. Now, Hellhound's eyes are facing backwards. The sound of his neck snapping bounces off the thick, dark, windows. Mane stands wobbly on his feet as Hellhound lets go of the hammer and falls down to the floor.

Mane leans gently on his paw and lets out one hell of a thunderous roar.

The sound of squad cars can be heard approaching the building. Mane sluggishly turns around and limps away from Hellhound’s lifeless body just before the cops come in with their guns drawn. They scan the building for any perpetrators.

“Got someone,” one of the officers says when he discovers the body of Professor Nelson on the floor with a hammer lying next to him…