Urban Mythic by C. Gockel & Other Authors - HTML preview

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Chapter Four

The trouble, Skye was starting to realise, was that it was all very well deciding to be more lion than mouse and up sticks to the big city, but the theory was an awful lot easier than the practice. Emma had stayed true to her word, not only helping her get a job in Nemesis, the same nightclub as herself, but also putting her up in the house she already shared with two other girls, Joy and Chrissie. Skye had felt welcome from the outset, even though the room she was sleeping in was more cupboard than actual bedroom, and the three of them were fun to be around. But, almost three weeks into her big move, and she still felt like a fish out of water. A floundering, flailing fish out of water.

Working at the club was fun, if bewildering. It was a vast space encompassing a range of different ‘rooms’, which pumped out diverse music, allowing patrons to enjoy whatever they were in the mood for. There were at least a hundred employees, many of them a similar age to herself, who worked as everything from waitresses to dancers. As the newest recruit, Skye had been designated the Chill-out Room, a small space filled with ambient music where weary clubbers could relax. Considering that the majority of Nemesis’s customers went there to dance energetically or to see and be seen, few ended up in her area. Skye was secretly grateful for that;she enjoyed finally having some work to do but she found the crowds that frequented the nightclub vaguely terrifying. And that was to say nothing of the club’s owner, a gruff, large bear of a man who barked out orders and stared hard at anyone who didn’t immediately jump to his bidding. In her one and only meeting with him, she’d found herself completely tongue-tied and red cheeked. It was just as well Emma had already vouched for her.

Still, she got one day off a week, which she spent searching for other jobs more suited to her qualifications. Nothing had turned up as yet but she remained optimistic. Despite the late nights, she managed to rise early and use her time fruitfully. Emma, however, was somewhat baffled by her efforts.

‘Skye, you need to live in the moment,’ she kept insisting. ‘The wages at Nemesis are fantastic, the lifestyle is beyond brilliant and you get to meet all manner of people.’

Emma’s eyes had gleamed at that last comment and Skye was fully aware what kind of people she’d been referring to. Just the previous evening her friend had been flirting incorrigibly with a group of men who’d travelled in from the States on business and had come to the club to wind down and experience some of London’s nightlife. She’d finally tottered home at about ten o’clock in the morning, bleary-eyed, and headed straight for the warmth and comfort of her bed.

Skye envied Emma’s relaxed manner and open, easygoing nature, which allowed her to make new friends at the drop of a hat. Whenever a customer spoke to Skye, she was professional and polite but she couldn’t strike up conversations like Emma. Socialising was an art form, Skye decided, and most definitely one at which she did not excel. If she was going to get anywhere in life, however, she was going to have to work harder at it.

With that thought in mind, she decided she would begin by winning over her colleagues. Life at Nemesis meant antisocial hours, but that didn’t mean it was an antisocial environment. Skye might not find it particularly easy to force her way into conversations in the spacious staffroom during her breaks, but she knew she could get to know other people besides Emma, Joy and Chrissie. And the best way to do that was by baking. After all, she figured, everyone loved cupcakes, and they were definitely something she knew how to make. That was the reason why she was foregoing her usual afternoon trawl for job opportunities and concentrating on swirling the intricate Nemesis logo in icing on top of a range of chocolate, red velvet and lemon cakes.

The radio was humming softly in the background and, while she moved from one delicate cake to another, she imagined the response in her head.

‘Wow, these cupcakes are amazing!’ the tall, Amazonian and slightly scary-looking Brazilian dancer Marina would say. ‘Who made them?’

‘Oh, just me,’ Skye pictured herself replying airily. ‘I had some free time this afternoon.’

‘Darling, we simply must be best friends straight away.’And Marina would extend a graceful arm out towards her while planting several air kisses above Skye’s cheeks.

A sleepy voice interrupted her reverie. ‘What on earth are you doing, Skye?’

Half turning, she spotted Joy and grinned, holding a single cupcake aloft and waving it in her direction. ‘I’m creating a conversation starter.’


‘Yeah, do you want some?’

Joy arched an eyebrow in her direction. ‘You realise that if I eat it, I’ll be too busy cramming it into my mouth to talk?’

Skye hesitated for a beat before recovering. ‘But when you’ve finished it, then you’ll be happy to chat to the master baker who provided it.’

‘Hmmm…’ Her flatmate’s response was non-committal.

‘Everyone loves cupcakes,’ said Skye firmly.

Joy shrugged, reached into the fridge and pulled out a carton of orange juice. ‘Sure.’

Dismissing her lack of enthusiasm, Skye turned back to her sugary art work. ‘I just need a way to get to know other people, that’s all. You guys are great. I barely know you and you’ve been so welcoming and made it so easy. But I find it harder at work. There are more people and I clam up and then…’ Her voice trailed off.

‘Hon, you’ve just got to talk to them. Have a chat, shoot the breeze, chew the fat, you know?’

‘Talk the talk and walk the walk, you mean?’

Joy grinned without a trace of self-consciousness. ‘Too many idioms in a row?’

Skye smiled back. ‘Yeah, maybe.’

‘Hey, we’re not all masters of the English language like you.’

‘If I was truly a master of the English language then I’d be able to speak it without automatically blushing,’ Skye muttered to herself.

‘You just need more practice, Skye,’ said Joy gently. ‘Leave those cakes alone for a moment and come and sit down.’

‘I need to finish these off,’ she protested.

‘They’ll wait.’ Joy took her by the elbow and pulled her onto one of the wooden kitchen chairs. ‘Now, imagine I’m one of the bartenders. We’re in the staffroom and it’s just the two of us. What will you say?’

‘Er, hi?’

‘It’s not supposed to be a question, Skye. Try again.’

‘Okay, yes, you’re right.’She took a deep breath. ‘Hello.’


A moment of silence passed, while Skye shifted awkwardly in her seat.

‘You’re going to need to say something else at some point,’ Joy nudged.

Skye chewed on her bottom lip. ‘Um, do you come here often?’

Joy’s shoulders started to shake and her face contorted in a spasm. The kitchen door opened and Emma appeared, still in her pyjamas despite the late hour. She began to lift a hand in sleepy greeting then stared down at Joy in some alarm. ‘Are you okay?’

A tiny snort escaped from Joy. She clamped both her hands over her mouth but it was clear nothing was going to prevent the explosion. A single tear rolled down her cheek before she finally erupted into gales of laughter. Emma looked completely nonplussed.

‘What’s going on?’ she asked Skye, who was watching Joy with a look of resigned amusement.

‘We’re having an imaginary conversation,’ she explained. ‘Joy is a bartender in the staffroom at work and I’m me.’

Emma looked even more confused.

‘Small talk practice,’ wheezed Joy through her giggles.

A look of dawning comprehension spread across Emma’s face and she grinned. ‘Brilliant! Who can I be?’ She didn’t wait for an answer but instead snapped her fingers. ‘I know, I’ll be Helios.’

‘The owner?’ Skye squeaked. ‘Why would he be in the staffroom?’

Emma shrugged. ‘Maybe he’s checking up on his newest recruit.’She deepened her voice. ‘So, how are you finding things at our little club then?’

Skye sighed and gave in. ‘They’re fine. Things are fine.’

‘Fine?’ Emma boomed. ‘Is that all you can say?’

Pushing her chair back, Skye stood up and walked back to the kitchen counter to pick up a cupcake, which she held out. ‘Cake?’ she asked.

Joy burst into another round of giggles.

Skye shook her head. ‘This is no help.’

‘I’m sorry,’ Joy gasped. ‘I’ll be serious. Instead of the staffroom, imagine I’m a customer. Someone important.’

‘And devastatingly handsome to boot,’ added Emma.

‘In fact, you’ve taken one look at me and you know I’m Mr Right. How are you going to approach me?’

‘Mr Right?At Nemesis?’ Skye tugged at her ponytail. ‘I suppose I could ask you if you wanted a drink.’

‘Go on then.’

‘Would you like a drink?’

‘No, not like that!’Emma licked her lips slowly and blinked. ‘Hello,’ she cooed. ‘I’m Skye and today I’ll be your waitress. Is there anything you desire?’

Skye’s cheeks flushed. ‘I’d never say that.’

‘Just try.’

‘Hello. I’m Skye and today I’ll be your waitress. Is there anything you’d like?’

‘Is there anything you desire,’ prompted Emma.

Skye sighed. ‘Is there anything you desire?’

Joy smiled like a predator. ‘Only you.’

Skye rolled her eyes. ‘This is ridiculous.’She turned back to finish her icing.

‘Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it, hon.’

‘It’s just not me.’

‘Promise us you’ll try it just once tonight. See what happens.’

Emma nodded. ‘What’s the worst thing that could happen if you do?’

‘The ground will open up and swallow me whole.’


‘Fine. I promise, okay?Anything to get you two to leave me alone.’

‘Perfect. And it’ll be extra quiet in the Chill-out Room tonight anyway, so it’ll be easier.’

Skye wasn’t convinced that anything would make it easier but she was slightly perplexed. ‘Why will it be quiet?’

‘Haven’t you heard?Orpheus are playing tonight.’

‘The place is going to be rammed,’ grinned Joy. ‘It’s so exciting. I’m going to try and weasel my way into helping backstage. Maybe I’ll even get to meet Oz in person.’


Skye received a light punch on the arm. ‘The lead singer, of course!’

‘Of Orpheus?’

Emma shook her head. ‘You’ve never heard of them, have you?’

Skye just looked at her blankly.

‘Despite your master’s degree, your education has been severely lacking. I’ll get my iPhone while you finish off those cakes.’She grinned. ‘We’ve got some serious work to do.’